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The end of Alice: Madness Returns [EN]

Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > The end of Alice: Madness Returns [EN]

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Innan man läser:

Jag hoppas att jag inte hade mycket grammatiska fel för att jag kämpade faktiskt mycket med den. Men jag blev ändå nöjd med den och jag tror att jag lyckades bra för att bara vara tolv år. ^-^

Detta är då mest bara slutet, inte det riktiga då, men jag fantiserade lite om ett annat slut en dag då jag funderade lite om hur en tredje del kunde se ut.

Ja, jag vet att de planerade en tredje del som de tyvärr inte hade råd att göra, och lite av handlingen som skulle varit. Men detta är då hur en annan fortsättning kunnat se ut.


The end of Alice: Madness Returns (Fan fiction)

“What have I done”? Was the thoughts Alice had for the moment. Only five minutes ago, she pushed the murderer of her family and a rapist in front of a train.
Were her mind saved or more corrupt? She felt a feeling of relief, but at the same time, she had killed someone.
Could she really live with the fact that people would try to find her and put her in jail?

She didn’t really know what to do. But the thoughts of gilt were gone shortly after they arrived and she started to smile. Wonderland, and herself, were both saved.
As she went up from the underground, but when she came up to the sunlight, everything felt different. She was in London. But at the same time in Wonderland.
She could see mushrooms and trees everywhere on the streets and her old toys lying everywhere. It was some kind of a mix of the two worlds. Londerland.

Just as she were going, she could see an old house appearing in the street. On the door some letters made up the word “Liddell”. It was her old house.
In this new world, it was still there.
Alice curiosity was maybe the only thing that still was there after the time she used to live there with her family. She opened the door and stepped inside. The door was unlocked.
She walked through the old library that looked just good as new. The old family clock was in motion and except that, everything was very quiet. Her father’s old photographs were lying on the table and she saw the old oil lamp on the desk.

It felt like no one was home so quiet it was, not even the cat could be heard. She walked upstairs to explore her old family household. It was eleven years ago it all was all destroyed.
She opened the door with her name on it and just there on the bed she saw herself. The eight year old Alice was asleep with Dinah sleeping beside her and her rabbit doll in her arms.

She looked at herself in a couple of minutes, fascinated over how much that has changed over the years. How that innocent little girl could end up like the one she was today. The years at Rutledge destroyed her childhood, and if it weren’t for Bumby, she would never end up there.
“Filthy maggot”! She thought.

But after a while, she went to her parent’s room. Both Mr and Mrs Liddell were sleeping in their room, but when she came to Lizzie’s room, she was gone and the window open.
The reason she wasn’t escaping the fire, maybe was not because she wasn’t there. She maybe knew about Bumby’s plan, and instead of helping her family, she abandoned them!
She must have faked her own death and fled the scene. But where could she been hiding, if she were still alive these years?

No more clues could she find out before she could notice the smell of smoke and fire. She started to run downstairs towards the door before it was too late.
Soon the house was gone again as before it appeared.

She wished that she had more time, more time with them, her family.
But life moves on. At least she found out one thing. Lizzie was still alive, out there somewhere.

Shortly after she started to walk in Londerland, she met Cheshire cat again.
He looked at her with a grin, as usual.
“Ah, Alice! Now you are done with the seeking of truth, but your task isn’t complete. Make the blade ready, we must find your sister but be on your guard. Allies to Bumby will try to take you down”, he said.



Gillade ni den så skulle jag bli glad om man gav den en tumme. ^^


P.S Det blir ingen fortsättning.

Tryck här för att visa!Choppa


31 jan, 2014 18:52




Jag älskar den.
Jag vill ha mer.
Jag funderar på att skriva mer själv.


Du kan inte rösta på fler inlägg idag!
Du får en tumme i morgon istället. Eller så tar jag bort ett tummat inlägg. Måste bara hitta ett.

31 jan, 2014 19:01



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Jag älskar den.
Jag vill ha mer.
Jag funderar på att skriva mer själv.


Du kan inte rösta på fler inlägg idag!
Du får en tumme i morgon istället. Eller så tar jag bort ett tummat inlägg. Måste bara hitta ett.

Åh, tack! ^_^

Om du undrar vad jag tycker så skulle jag inte ha något emot om du skrev mer.

Jag tror ändå inte att jag har tid eller så mycket inspiration för att göra en fortsättning ändå så.

Tack! Men tummen är ändå inget måste så du behöver inte! ^^


31 jan, 2014 19:04




*Är i fangirl-mode*
(Tyvärr, lyckas jag inte skriva något svar med hur ultrabraawesomemegasuperswag fanficiton det här är!!)

Ord kan inte beskriva vad jag känner...

*Applåderar sakta medan jag moonwalk bort härifrån*

31 jan, 2014 19:05



Skrivet av Borttagen:
*Är i fangirl-mode*
(Tyvärr, lyckas jag inte skriva något svar med hur ultrabraawesomemegasuperswag fanficiton det här är!!)

Ord kan inte beskriva vad jag känner...

*Applåderar sakta medan jag moonwalk bort härifrån*


Kul att du gillade den!



Jag ber om att få tummar men jag kan ju inte ens själv ge tummar till er. :'(



31 jan, 2014 19:09



Gör inget ^^ https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mugglarportalen.se%2Fimages%2Fup.png

31 jan, 2014 19:12

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