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Some People Care Too Much, I Think It's Called Love..~A George Weasley Love Story

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Titel: Some People Care Too Much, I Think It's Called Love..~A George Weasley Love Story
Språk: Engelska
Typ av text: Fanfiction
Färdigskriven: Nej
Rating: PG (?)
Beskrivning: Cordelia, the daughter of one of the most loyal death eaters has been home schooled her whole life, but she's tired of that now. The Dark Lord allows her to start at Hogwarts at one condition; If she'll help him kill Potter.


Name: Cordelia Dolohov

Nickname: Delia

Age: 16

Year: 6

House: Unknown

Blood status: Pure blood

Parents: Antonin Dolohov, mother unknown

BFF: Anastasia

Boyfriend: -

Enemies: -

Favorite color: Red


Hello! Well, I guess I'll start with the basic facts. My name's Cordelia, but I prefer being called Delia. I'm sixteen. I've been home schooled by my father Antonin Dolohov, who is a loyal death eater and follower of Lord Voldemort.
I just got turned into a death eater too, but I'm not so sure if that's what I really wanted. But it's too late for than now, and even if I would have said no they wouldn't have listened to me. I've never met my mother, but I don't really feel like I need to either. I've been just fine without her.
My best friend is Anastasia, but you better call her Ana, or she'll kill you. And I mean it. She broke my hand once when I called her Anastasia. If my father wouldn't have found us in time, I'd probably be dead by now. OK, I know she seems kind of.. Violent.. And she is. But other than that she's a really nice person! She isn't a death eater and she doesn't like them either, but she accepts me for who I am and I'm really grateful for that.
As I said, I've been home schooled my whole life, but I'm tired of that now. So, I finally convinced my father to let me start at Hogwarts. He doesn't really like the idea, and neither does The Dark Lord. But they let me start at Hogwarts at one condition; I'll have to help him kill Potter.
That seems like a pretty easy mission, so I accepted the deal.


Kapitel 1-3: Sida 1
Kapitel 4-5: Sida 2
Kapitel 6-9: Sida 3
Kapitel 10-12: Sida 4
Kapitel 13: Sida 5

10 jun, 2012 13:06

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-09- 2 kl. 16:28
Antal ändringar: 11




"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."

10 jun, 2012 13:21



Chapter 1: Diagon Alley

''Where are we going? And why do I even have to come with you?'' I said as Narcissa dragged me with her and Bellatrix trough an old dark alley.

''I just need you to come with me, please?'' Narcissa answered. I sighed and nodded. She was almost like a mother to me, not that I know how it is to have one, but you know what I mean.

''Cissy! You can't do this, he can't be trusted!'' Bellatrix whispered.

''The Dark Lord trust him, doesn't he?'' Narcissa said.

''Can't you just tell me where we are going? Who can't we trust?''

''Shut up!'' Bellatrix whispered angrily at me and I glared at her. Suddenly Narcissa stopped and turned around to us.

''Remember to be polite.'' She said and then she knocked on the door.

At first I started to think that they weren't home, whoever lived there. But then someone opened the door slowly. I tried to see who it was. Oh no. Not Wormtail, please, it can be anyone except Wormtail. Seriously? Ugh, I absolutely hate him. He let us in and led us to a room. We went inside and Snape looked glanced at us before he spoke.

''Run along, Wormtail.'' He said and shut the door. I jumped a little at the bang. Narcissa sat down in a armchair and sighed.

''I know I'm not to be here, the Dark Lord himself forbid me to speak of this..'' she said. I got a bit bored so I walked over to Bellatrix, who was looking at and picking up his stuff.

''If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you are not to speak.'' Snape said. I didn't quite listen to their conversation as I picked up a photography of what seems to be Snape when he was young and a little redheaded girl.

''Put it down, Cordelia. We mustn't touch what isn't ours.'' Snape said with a strict voice and I quickly put it down. I wonder who the girl in the picture is.. She's pretty.

''As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation Narcissa.'' He said.

''You? The Dark Lord told you?'' Bellatrix interrupted.

''Your sister doubts me. Over the years I've played my part well, so well I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time.'' He said and Bellatrix sighed with frustration before he continued. ''Dumbledore is a great wizard, only a fool would question it.''

''I don't doubt you Severus.'' Narcissa said and once again Bellatrix interrupted their conversation.

''You should be honored Cissy, as should Draco.'' She said to her and I saw how Narcissa looked a bit sad.

''..But he's just a boy.'' she said sadly.

''I can't change the Dark Lord's mind. But it might be possible for me to help Draco.'' Snape said and Narcissa stood up with hope.

''Severus..'' She said thankfully, but Bellatrix just glared at him and then she opened her mouth again.

''Swear to it.. Make the Unbreakable Vow.'' she whispered the last sentence with a mysterious voice. The Unbreakable Vow?.. I think I've heard of it. We both walked over to Snape and Narcissa.

''It's just empty words. He'll give it his best effort, when it maters most. He'll just slither back into his hole... Coward.'' Bellatrix said simply as she walked around him.
Ugh. This is so boring. I quietly walked over to the photography that I saw earlier, but it was gone. I looked at Snape and he had a knowing look at me. I quickly looked away.

''Take out your wand.'' He said coldly to Bellatrix. She did as he said, even though she looked quite shocked. Snape and Narcissa took a hold of each others hand and lower arm. Bellatrix points her wand at their hands and now something shiny is around their hands. I looked at it with admiration, it was so pretty..

''Will you, Severus Snape, watch over Draco Malfoy, as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?'' Bellatrix asked as she started to walk around them again.

''I will.''

''And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?''

''I will.''

''And, if Draco should fail, will you yourself carry out the deed the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?'' she said at last. He hesitated a little.

''I will.'' He finally said, and then Bellatrix pushed me and Narcissa out of the house.

Apparently she didn't want to be there any longer than what she had to. When we got outside she pushed me away from her.

''Can't you just stop pushing me around Bellatrix?! I know you don't like me, but you don't have to push me around all the time!'' I said angrily and looked at Narcissa. ''So, why did I have to come with you?'' I asked and she put a hand on my cheek.

''I need you to do something for me.'' she said.


''Come on then, hurry up or someone might see us.'' I said to Draco as we walked around in Diagon Alley, looking for Borgin and Burke's.

''I think it's this way.'' He said and pointed to our left. I nodded and followed him.

I poked him in the back a few times, telling him to hurry up. This will ruin my reputation at Hogwarts if someone sees me now, and that's not exactly what I want. I don't want anyone to know I'm a death eater, even though they'll me suspicious since they will now who my father is. Narcissa really owes me an favor now.

''Walk faster.'' I said and he did as I asked.

It feels like I'm being watched, or followed. Maybe someone really does follow us? I stopped and turned around. Nope. No one there. Or maybe they're watching us from a distant place? Ugh.. Why does this have to be so hard? When I keep walking after Draco I see the sign ''Borgin and Burke's''.

''Finally!'' I burst out, and Draco just laughs at me.


Omg. This is it. I stood with my luggage at platform 3/4 at King's Cross Station right now. I pick my bags up when the train comes, and I tried to find a empty compartment as fast as possible.
I put my stuff on the shelf and sat down on the seat. I wonder where I'll be sorted.. I hope Slytherin. Mostly because my father and the Dark Lord will get mad if I don't get placed there. And them being mad.. Well, I can tell you that it's not a nice sight.

10 jun, 2012 16:23



Skit bra!

"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."

10 jun, 2012 21:28




10 jun, 2012 21:44



Kommer det mer imorgon?

Tycker någon annan borde läsa den också!

"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."

10 jun, 2012 22:05



Här kommer nästa kapitel.
Haha, jo, jag brukar bara ha typ en eller två läsare ett tag i början, men vi får hoppas att det blir fler!

Chapter 2: Suspected


I almost fell asleep, but someone knocked on the compartment door three times before opening it, and then a blonde girl in my age looked in.

''Quibbler?'' she asked.

''Oh, uhm. No thank you.'' I said and she glanced at my left forearm.

''You know, everyone gets a second chance.'' she said with a sweet voice. She smiled and walked out of the compartment.

Wait, how did she know I'm a death eater? I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt! And if she knows, she might tell someone! I quickly stood up and opened the door.

''Hey, wait a second!'' I shouted, but she was gone.


''So what was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet? Who were all those people?'' Harry asked.

''Don't you see, it was a ceremony. A initiation. '' Harry continued.

''Stop it Harry, I know where you're going with this.'' Hermione said.

''It's happened, he's one of them.'' He said.

''One of what?'' Ron asked him.

''Harry is now thinking that Draco has become a death eater.'' Hermione explained to him, and Ron didn't really believe what Harry was saying.

''But who is the girl that was with him? I don't think I've seen her before.'' Ron asked.

''I don't know.'' Harry answered simply.

''Ugh. Seriously guys, don't you ever read the news? If you would, you'd know that the girl we saw was Cordelia Dolohov.'' Hermione said.

''Who?'' Harry and Ron said in chorus.

''Don't you recognize the surname? Her father is Antonin Dolohov, one of the absolutely most loyal death eaters in all time. He's even one of the original death eaters. I thought you knew about him Harry.'' she explained to them and they all went silent for a while before Hermione spoke again.

''And uh.. I think she's going to start at Hogwarts, I saw her at the King's Cross Station earlier.'' she said with a concerned look. Ron's eyes widened.

''What?!'' he screamed.


''There you are!'' I said as I finally found Draco, who was sitting with two others. I decided that I didn't want to sit alone for the whole ride, but I didn't have the nerve to sit with a complete stranger, so I went to Draco. But he ignored me.

''Hey! You stupid git, look at me!'' I said and threw my luggage on him.

''What was that for?!'' he was angry.

''Stop whining, you ignored me, so you deserved it.'' I said and sat down beside him. The two others, apparently Blaise and Pansy looked at me like if I was crazy. Draco has told me about them, that's why I know their names.

''What?'' I asked.

''You're funny.'' Blaise said and gave me a cute smile.

11 jun, 2012 19:02



Awesome! Mer, mer, mer!

"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."

11 jun, 2012 19:21



Du är jätteduktig, skriv mera C:

btw *ny läsare* ^w^


13 jun, 2012 13:57



Tack så mycket!

Chapter 3: He'll definitely kill me


''Let me go Blaise!'' I said when Blaise hugged me tightly, too tight.

''I'm only doing this as a revenge because you hit me.'' he said and hugged me even more tightly.

''Just let me go, okay?!''

''What's the magic word?'' he said and grinned down at me.

''Ugh... Please? Pretty, pretty, pretty pleasee?'' I said and he let me go. Then I hit him again.

''What was that for? Do you want another hug?''

''Ew, no!'' I said and he started chasing me, but then I accidentally ran into someone.

I looked up. Wooah... Is that a giant? No, it must be a half-giant. He looked at us with concern before asking me to go with him.


''Why do you think he took her to Dumbledore?''

''For the hundredth time Blaise, I don't know!'' Draco answered.

''You don't think something have happened to her? She's alright, isn't she?''

''No, I do not think that something have happened to her Blaise. That old fool wouldn't let anything happen to her even if he found out that she's a de-'' he didn't finish the last sentence.

''That she's a what?''

''Nothing, just nothing. I was out of my mind, I didn't know what I was saying. Forget it.''


''Stay here until Argus comes and gets you.'' Dumbledore told me when we were outside the Great Hall.

He glanced at my left forearm and gave me a concerned look before entering the hall. What? Seriously? First the blonde girl, and now him? You got to be kidding me! If The Dark Lord finds out that Dumbledore knows, then he'll torture me with the Crucio curse! I sighed with frustration and decided to deal with it later.

Now I've waited half an hour outside the Great Hall, what is he doing?

After ten more minutes, Argus came and told me to enter the hall. I opened the door and looked around in admiration. Everything was so pretty. I noticed that I almost walked in slow motion so I immediately walked faster.
There were four long tables in the middle of the room, one for Gryffindor, one for Ravenclaw, one for Slytherin and one for Hufflepuff. Soon I had walked across the whole room, and then McGonagall told me to sit on the little stool. I did as she said and sat down. Then the sorting hat was put on my head.

''Oh.. It's you, Miss Dolohov. I wondered when you'd start at Hogwarts. Your father finally let you come here after a lot of stubbornness, right? Well well.. Where should I put you..''

I looked at the four tables as I waited for the hat to place me. Everyone in the room looked at me with interest, I suppose that they know who I am. I spotted a red haired guy at the Gryffindor's table. Wait, isn't he one of the Weasley twins? I looked at the one sitting beside him. Yup, they're the twins. But aren't they too old to still go at Hogwarts? How confusing this is..

''GRYFFINDOR!'' the hat shouted and I fell off the stool because of the hat's shout.

I stayed on the floor in shock, until McGonagall helped me up and told me to go and sit with the Gryffindors. I stared at her, still shocked, and then slowly walked to the Gryffindor's table with shame.
How could I be placed in Gryffindor? I'd rather be in Hufflepuff than Gryffindor! Oh no. No, please no. Now the Dark Lord definitely won't let me stay at Hogwarts, maybe he'll even kill me?

19 jun, 2012 14:16

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