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Hungerspelstest hur länge man överlever

Forum > Off Topic > Hungerspelstest hur länge man överlever

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Jag hittade det testet och om inte det finns en liknande tråd så postade jag den här.

Mitt resultat:

Tryck här för att visa!You made it far and killed 3 people but in the end it wasn't enough. Your camp was found by a tribute and the observed you then killed you in your sleep.

Boohoo, då vet man det... D:

Jag dog också som 12:a, antingen dör jag av gift eller av att jag blir hittad när jag gömmer mig.


10 jan, 2014 18:54



A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 46%

"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."

10 jan, 2014 19:15



A very good score: the above average.
You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching.
Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death.
Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield.
Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 67%

"Flitwick är en mycket liten man, med en mycket lång stav."

10 jan, 2014 19:32



Skrivet av Solkatten:
A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 46%

Jag fick samma text, fast med 45% chans


10 jan, 2014 19:35



Maybe that cute, 12-year old ally you had was a good idea at first, but after being under your wing for a long enough time, they have learned enough and decided you were no longer necessary. Darn kids! Whatever the reason you died, you must've been quite the player for lasting at least a week! Improve on your athletics, intelligence, or whatever it is you think might make you win. After all, it is mainly just chance.

Percent Chance Of Survival:

99% scored higher,
0% scored the same, and
1% scored lower

skrattar.. endast 1% scored lower hahahahahah


10 jan, 2014 19:43



Måste faktiskt testa någon gång. När någon som kan engelska är i närheten.


10 jan, 2014 22:23



A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 61%


10 jan, 2014 22:31



Skrivet av APELSiiN:
Maybe that cute, 12-year old ally you had was a good idea at first, but after being under your wing for a long enough time, they have learned enough and decided you were no longer necessary. Darn kids! Whatever the reason you died, you must've been quite the player for lasting at least a week! Improve on your athletics, intelligence, or whatever it is you think might make you win. After all, it is mainly just chance.

Percent Chance Of Survival:

99% scored higher,
0% scored the same, and
1% scored lower

skrattar.. endast 1% scored lower hahahahahah

Fick också det, fast 33%...

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2Fcf779d2e5eb24c12313156e11e9aa5ef%2Ftumblr_n2yne7A2Pk1so7uc5o1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2F901b27d01708278ea72110274a4fc846%2Ftumblr_n2u34uVYhT1tvsezzo1_500.gif

10 jan, 2014 23:50



A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 46%

11 jan, 2014 00:06



Skrivet av Vildvittra:
A very good score: the above average.
You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching.
Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death.
Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield.
Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 67%

Fick samma text men 68%

11 jan, 2014 00:14

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