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Peace Serum And Dauntless Cake ~ Divergent OneShot [ENG]

Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > Peace Serum And Dauntless Cake ~ Divergent OneShot [ENG]

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"She looks happier than most of the Amity, if that says something. I wonder is Zeke, or one of Tris' friends thought it would be fun to inject her with peace serum." This is my first Fanfiction. OneShot from Uriah's POV, beginning of chapter 27 in Divergent.

Okej, detta är min första fanfic/oneshot. Väldigt kort... Jag skrev den på engelska eftersom jag skulle ladda upp den på ff.net, och då kan fler läsa den. Början av kapitel 27 i Divergent, från Uriahs perspektiv

Titel: Peace Serum And Dauntless Cake
Språk: Engelska
Färdigskriven: Ja
Rating: G

.........................................Peace Serum And Dauntless Cake
.............................................................A Divergent OneShot

”Seriously, Uriah? You are eating Dauntless cake for breakfast?”, says Marlene as she stares at my plate with disbelief.
”Yep. It’s the best cake ever!”, I exclaim, with a huge grin plastered across my face. Lynn just rolls her eyes at me. She has always been a little cold to everyone, but I still think of her as one of my very best friends.
”I bet that I can eat this cake in less than 30 seconds”, I tell them and begin to shove piece after piece of the cake into my mouth with an invincible pace.
”Exactly 24 seconds!”, Marlene tells me when I’m done. ”You know, we all love dauntless cake, but I think that you are the biggest cake lover in the whole compound”, she adds, smiling.
I smile at her and answer that I think she is right, and that I want some more cake.

I stand up, plate in hand and walk across the cafeteria. I take a new piece of delicious cake and begin walking back to my table and sit down again. I see Tris coming into the cafeteria. She is one of my new friends, since I took her zip-lining after the first stage of initiation. Being a abnegation-born, or a ‘stiff’ as everyone call it, she is surprisingly brave.

Tris is happily walking to the table where I, Marlene, Lynn and her other friends are. She is wearing a shirt that shows of her tattoos and she has a big smile. She looks happier than most of the Amity, if that says something. I wonder if Zeke, or some of Tris’ friends thought it would be fun to inject her with peace serum. Peace serum is a typical Amity thing, that makes you ridiculously happy if you get injected with it. Zeke once told me that the Amity’s bread has peace serum in it. I wonder if what he said is true.

Suddenly, it looks like Tris’ peace serum wears off. Now she seems to be normal again. But wait... There is no place in the Dauntless compound where you can get peace serum. Not even the infirmary. What happened with Tris that made her act that happy the first minute, and normal a moment later?

I’m confused as i begin to eat my cake again.


Väldigt kort, jag vet! Finns också på fanfiction.net, mitt användarnamn där är SelflesslyBrave.

Kommentera gärna vad du tyckte


11 aug, 2013 22:38




Super! Really like the way you're typing

3 sep, 2013 17:09



(Mina Tankar efter kapitlet) typiskt... Det var ju jättebra!!! Men jag läser redan jättemånga ff, FAST ingen på engelska äh vem försöker jag lura...? Jag måste bevaka

30 dec, 2013 02:40



Awesome.... that was really good.

.https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F54ffmJa.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FXP6PXDm.gif.

30 dec, 2013 03:07

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