Andromeda Black [ENG]
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Gillade verkligen kapitlet!
![]() Tyckte det var väldigt roligt när de snackade om att examinationen skulle bli inställd med tanke på hur det är i hp serien ![]() Hoppas verkligen att de får varandra! Längtar tills nästa kapitel!!! ![]() ![]() I'm dead Sirius! 7 okt, 2018 10:07 |
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Avis Fortunae Å tack så jättemycket för din kommentar! Som vanligt värmer den =) ♥
IamSirius Tack! Vad roligt att du tyckte just det var humoristiskt. Jag hade så klart det som händer i själva serien i huvudet. Tycker om ironi och att göra interna skämt med vi som vet hur det blev sen! =) Chapter 41 “How do you even score more than a 100 percent on a test, Andy!?” Roxanne exclaimed as they were headed for the Great hall to eat lunch. They had finally completed all their exams and the results were coming back now as their last week had gone by. It was now the last day before they were all going back home, never to come back again – and it felt terrifying. Andromeda who had been in thought, shook her head at her friend, “It’s not as big of a deal as you seem to think. You simply add a few of your own questions, answer them, and contradict everything on the test, give it depth.” Hailey groaned, “Both of you - shut up about exams will you!?” Roxanne whom had just opened her mouth closed it again and gave Hailey a dire look of annoyance. It had been weeks of hard work, and as a result Andromeda had barely seen Ted, and time was a fleeting thing. They would soon have to say goodbye - today. Her stomach turned at the thought of it and she felt the sudden loss of appetite. The other girls started to discuss the joy of school soon being over for ever, but Andromeda couldn’t shake the feeling of sorrow. She had always known it would come to this, always known there wasn’t a future possible, yet she found herself unable to possibly let him go. Her hands shook as she rubbed her eyes trying to rub away the tears before they erupted. Feeling very inclined to ask something that had been on her mind the past weeks and her sorrow finally spurred her into action. “I think I might have forgotten a quill in Flitwick’s classroom… I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Andromeda quickly said before leaving her friends astounded as they had no chance to react before she was gone. She quickened her step and almost broke into a run, feeling quite overwhelmed. At the turn of the corridor she accidently bumped into none other than Molly Prewett who looked a bit rosy-cheeked. They picked themselves up, before looking at each other hesitantly, they hadn’t really spoken a lot since Christmas. “Sorry about that. Didn’t see you.” Molly began wringing her hands and looking at her feet. Andromeda pulled a hand through her hair, “No, that’s fine. It was my fault… um. But actually - I wanted to speak with you.” If Molly had expected anything it wasn’t that, but she found her ways quickly enough and shook of the dumbfounded look, “Oh, about what?” Andromeda felt more unsure by the second, and for once her face didn’t betray her feelings, she looked every bit insecure. “Not here.” She murmured through the corner of her mouth as two other students passed them, Molly shot the students a look before she nodded, “Ah, um, let’s step into this classroom then.” Molly turned to the door that was behind her on the left side, but Andromeda stopped her, “I sort of need Arthur too.” It was an awkward pause as Molly stood stunned by the request. “You want to speak to him too?” “A weird request as it may be, but please help me.” Andromeda plead, and her friend nodded, “I suspect he hasn’t got far.” “Broomstick closet?” Andromeda broke the ice and they both laughed, “You know it!” Molly winked and they both walked along the corridor. It wasn’t long till they saw the red hair that belonged to none else than Arthur Weasley, he seemed delighted to see his girlfriend and astonished to see who was with him. Molly however gave him no time to ask before she pulled him with them into an empty nearby classroom. “What’s this? Problems with some students? Head duty?” Arthur looked extremely confused, and Andromeda felt her heart beat hard, as she started to question herself and her purpose. “Um. No. I need to sort of speak to your mum.” Andromeda did a rare thing as she blushed at her own request. Molly understood quickly, but Arthur looked like a big question mark. “My mother? But why?” Andromeda sighed, “Oh blast it. I need to ask her how she did it. How she lived with it.” Molly gave a happy squeal, “You’re going to do it then?” “I’m not sure.” Andromeda looked down at her feet, “Arthur do as she says!” Molly ordered but Arthur just scratched his head, “I’m still not informed why, what did she do?” “She made a choice.” Andromeda said her eyes becoming a little shinier with unshed tears, “You mean between my dad and her family?” Arthur asked baffled, looking at Andromeda who gave him a nod, “But, why would you… oh merlin.” Arthur gave her a look of sympathy, “I just need to know. So, I can get on with my life whatever I choose.” “I really would have never guessed, you play good theatre, Andromeda. But I can answer your query. Mum always says she misses her lot. But we were all worth it. Because in the end, love is always more important than anything else, and if they couldn’t accept her loving my father, they didn’t really love her for her. It was never really her choice, it was theirs.” Arthur gave Andromeda a pat on the shoulder, she offered him a thankful smile, “Thanks, I appreciate it.” Molly looked ecstatic and Arthur beamed, “Don’t mention it, we all need a little help from our friends every now and then.” Andromeda looked at the pair and felt a little at ease for a moment, “I owe you one.” “I’ll remember that!” Arthur winked, and Molly neared the other girl, “What will you do then?” “I don’t know.” Andromeda said, “Honestly, I… it’s not as simple as just leaving. Not for me it’s not.” “If you need a place to stay, both of you, you can stay with us. We’re looking for something our own. We’re looking at a place this coming week!” Molly gave her a comforting look, and a warm hand on her shoulder, “Thank you, Molly, really.” Andromeda offered a sad smile, Arthur twisted a little, “May I ask who he is? Or she – I’m not judging!” Andromeda smiled, “It’s a he, and it’s Ted. But you cannot tell anyone.” Arthur looked a wee bit bewildered before his eyes widened, “As in Tonks? As in Ted Tonks?” “Yes.” “Merlin’s pants. Well, there you go. Prejudice does blind you a lot.” Arthur said with a bob of his head. “Promise you won’t tell?” Andromeda asked nervously, Arthur patted her shoulder, “But of course not! After all what’s family for!” He winked, and she chuckled, “Indeed.” Andromeda had left Arthur and Molly as she had to get back to her friends before they started suspect something was off. But she couldn’t shake the feeling of sorrow, she was very grateful for Arthur’s words and Molly’s sympathy, it just wasn’t enough to convince her of what was right. As she sat, poking in her food with a fork, pretending to listen to her friends talk she felt lonelier than ever. But then she met his eyes from across the Hufflepuff table, he gave her a small smile and mouthed ‘kitchens?’ It was enough to make her feel better, however she had promised the girls a last ‘girl’s night.’ Andromeda felt torn for a second then mouthed, ‘After dinner?’, he gave a nod, and she smiled, but her heart was in a whirlwind of feelings. Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =) Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik ![]() ![]() 7 okt, 2018 19:56 |
Avis Fortunae
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Because in the end, love is always more important than anything else, and if they couldn’t accept her loving my father, they didn’t really love her for her. It was never really her choice, it was theirs.
Väl talat, Arthur Weasley! Det är så uppenbart vad hon borde göra, men hennes familjs hemska inställning gör att det ändå blir svårt, det är sista dagen och ... kan det bli mer spännande nu? Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! 7 okt, 2018 20:13 |
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Avis Fortunae är så glad att du citerade den delen, det var min favorit! Ja, Arthur är mer vältalig än han tror, och alla andra för den delen också
![]() Spänningen stiger, vad ska hända härnäst? =) Chapter 42 The day had gone by incredibly slow after lunch, Andromeda could barely contain herself from running down to the kitchens after the feast. But she couldn’t, because she needed a reason to leave her lot first, a good one since Hailey hadn’t stopped being curious about her disappearances, even though she just thought Andromeda was snogging her way down the line. They were headed up to their dorm after talking to, well, after Hailey, Abbey and Roxy had snogged a bit with their boyfriends to celebrate that Slytherin won the house-cup. Andromeda just stood there, awkwardly, waiting for them to finish. “I’ve got the drinks,” Roxanne said as she pulled out a couple of bottles of butterbeer, “I have chocolate!” Abigail revealed her stack of chocolate, “I forgot the snacks,” Hailey murmured as she flopped onto her bed, the other girls groaned, “That’s essential for a good last night!” Roxanne whined, but Andromeda saw her chance, “I can get some,” she smiled, and the others looked ready to kiss her, “Yes!” Roxanne mock-bowed to her friend, “I love you, Andy!” Hailey cheered, “Go fetch us some pumpkin pasties!” “And cauldron cakes!” Abigail added, “If they have some treacle tart, I wouldn’t say no!” Roxanne smiled, “I’ll hurry as much as I can!” Andromeda replied before jumping off her bed and hurrying up the stairs again. It had been a great excuse to hurry down the kitchens, and though she was a little late she hoped Ted wouldn’t have left. She needn’t worry though because as she entered the portrait hole, she saw him standing there by the fire place, giving her a bright smile. Andromeda then did something very out of character, she jumped up in his arms and kissed him hard on the mouth. Ted albeit clearly taken by surprise, caught her legs around his waist and responded to her hungry kiss, “Hey you… what’s the matter?” He wondered as she clung to him, “I don’t want to leave you.” Andromeda whispered desperately in the nape of his neck, Ted held her to him, “Then don’t.” His voice was croaky as he tried to not cry, but he felt wet tears fall on his back, and he put her down, and kissed her tenderly on the forehead, “I don’t know what to do, Ted.” She was hoarse from crying, and Ted’s eyes shone as he looked into her dark chocolate eyes. “You don’t have to decide yet, Andy.” Ted said huskily, “Don’t decide yet.” The last was more of a plea, and she brought her hands up to her face to dry away the salty tears, she met his gorgeous hazel eyes, and saw the deep-rooted sadness in them, “As soon as I am back home, there’s no turning point. They never let me out of sight.” Her voice trembled, and Ted hung his head, resting his forehead against hers. “We’ll figure it out. You’re still going to become a healer, right? We’ll meet after, before, when they don’t know.” Andromeda sobbed, “It won’t go on forever, Ted. They will force me to lose the job as soon as the wedding takes place.” Ted brought her hands up to his mouth, as he kissed the insides of her wrists, salty tears landed on her hands as he cried; “It buys us a little more time, Dromeda, just a little more time!” Andromeda’s whole body was trembling, “What if I can’t do it?” Ted breathed a shaky breath, “Then I have time to say goodbye. I’m not ready yet.” Andromeda brought her lips up to his as she kissed him softly, then she moved his head down so she could kiss away his tears, “I love you, I really do, Ted!” a mere whisper against his lips, and he nodded, closing his eyes, “I love you too, more than you might ever know.” They were stood like that for what felt like a second, just clinging to each other, kissing the other, but Andromeda knew she had to get the things she came for and be gone. It hurt physically to leave him, to not know if they would be able to sneak away once out of the safety of the castle. The house-elves prepared a basket of snacks for her and when she was handed it, she stood up on her tip-toes and kissed Ted one last lingering time before leaving him alone in the kitchens. Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik! ![]() ![]() 8 okt, 2018 21:28 |
Avis Fortunae
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Åh, jag levde mig verkligen in i hur hon stod där ensam medan de andra tre gosade med sina pojkvänner ... Det är så synd att hon måste dölja allt för dem ... Tror ändå att de skulle förstå. Eller? Hon vill inte ta risken.
Kan det vara en väg? Att hon och Ted träffas i samband med hennes kommande arbete? Det är näst intill outhärdligt spännande nu. Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! 9 okt, 2018 08:02 |
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Avis Fortunae Tack så jättemycket för din kommentar som vanligt! Är jätteroligt att du tycker om den.
Såg nu dock att en stor bit text försvunnit här och även från mitt dokument så att det blev ett väldigt abrupt hopp mellan att de är i uppehållsrummet och att de står i sin sovsal...=/ Kompenserar med ett nytt kapitel ![]() Chapter 43 As Andromeda hurried along the corridors of the dungeons she felt how chilly and damp it was, and it complimented her current mood. She took a detour into the bathroom where she put down her basket of goods and quickly washed her face with cold water, trying to make her puffy red eyes look more normal. It didn’t vanish all traces but then again, it was their last night in the castle, everyone was bound to be a little emotional even her. Andromeda looked at her reflection and decided it couldn’t be helped more and therefore picked up the basket on the floor and left for their dormitory. Needless to say; the girls were both happy and a little irate when she came, they obviously thought that she had taken to much time. But then again none of them knew where the kitchens were nor how much time it took for the house-elves to prepare their treats. They put their blankets, covers and pillows all on the floor and gathered around, after of course changing into their nightwear. The treats, and drinks were all put in the middle, so everyone could reach them. “Did you hear what the guys was planning on doing?” Roxanne asked, and the others eyed her curiously, “No.” Hailey took it upon herself to answer for the whole group. Roxanne smiled smug, “They acquired firewhisky from Stuart’s uncle and…” Roxanne was interrupted by Hailey who let out a bored sigh, “That’s not a plan. They’re just going to waste themselves. I’d say that’s dumb considering that we have to pack our things and leave tomorrow morning.” Roxanne looked affronted and took a swig of her butterbeer instead, “Whatever.” She mumbled. Abigail munched on a cauldron cake as she waited nervously for the silence to break again, Andromeda feeling quite melancholy didn’t know what to say and Roxanne was clearly annoyed with Hailey. It took a few minutes before anyone spoke again, “Have you all decided what to do then?” Hailey asked, “I’m going to do the Healer thing.” Andromeda replied resting her head on her hand, looking slightly towards Abigail, handing over the question, “I have an apprentice at the ministry.” She replied in a low voice, still afraid that a fight would break out. At first Roxanne seemed decided on being silent, but then she rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, “I got the job at The Daily prophet as a sports journalist.” “That’s great, for both of you!” Andromeda said, “What about you Hailey?” “I got a job at the ministry, and also Smith and I have decided to get married.” Hailey smiled small and all girls, even Roxanne, cheered. “Who would have thought it?” Roxanne teased, and Hailey threw a pillow at her, “Yes, you settle down!?” Andromeda smirked and then they all laughed, breaking the ice thoroughly from before. “You’re all invited of course. We haven’t set a date yet though.” Hailey blushed a little and the other girls leaned in, “Did he give you a ring?” Abigail asked in a cheery tone, and Hailey shook her head, “He hasn’t yet, they are altering his grandmother’s ring.” “Oh vintage!” Roxanne cried in awe, “I hope it’s made by goblins, that’s fine jewellery.” “It’s the thought that counts.” Andromeda pressed giving Roxanne a disapproving look, which said person brushed off, “Spoken by the royalty.” Andromeda rolled her eyes, “Stop it.” Abigail sensing another quarrel coming up quickly interfered, “When will you pick out your dress-robes?” “I don’t know…” Hailey said then she squeaked, “Oh merlin I’m happy.” “We’re so happy for you,” Andromeda smiled, “How about you then, Andy, when’s you’re wedding?” Roxanne winked, but Andromeda felt her mouth go dry, it was something she’d rather not discuss at all let alone on their last night together at Hogwarts. “Hey! Get off her back with that, Roxy. You know she loathes to talk about it!” Hailey gave Roxanne a stern glance, and she dropped her smile, “Sorry, didn’t know it was so infected.” “It’s fine, really,” Andromeda murmured as she stretched out on the floor, “What a great last night, we’re quarrelling at every turn it seems.” She smiled to show it was meant in a humorous way, the others laughed, “Well, maybe I’m just in a bad mood about leaving you all.” Roxanne said in a brittle voice, “That’s true, seven years we’ve lived with each other.” Hailey sighed, “Damn. Feelings just hit.” “Thankfully we survived,” Andromeda smirked, “Ah yes, against all, we did.” Roxanne said in a dramatic voice. “Do you remember when we were first years and this seventh year Slytherin tried to use dark magic on us because we didn’t heed her?” Hailey began snickering, “Ah yes, Dolores Umbridge was a special creature indeed.” Roxanne nodded, “It was dead funny though, she thought we were an easy match, but she didn’t know we had Andy.” Hailey glanced at Andromeda who smirked, “Dolores did one very stupid thing, and that’s having too much pride and picking a fight with a Black.” “I will never forget that howler she got from her father where he called her out for insulting the great and noble house of Black.” Hailey laughed, “Didn’t Bellatrix kill her cat?” Abigail asked, and Andromeda snorted on her butterbeer, “It was an accident,” Andromeda tried to keep a straight face, “How does one kill a cat by accident?” Hailey scrunched her face in a weird grimace, “It had a weak heart and it drank some potion that was poisonous but yeah she then killed Bellatrix owl, totally not an accident, she wacked it in the head with a plate...” Andromeda said, “Stop laughing! It’s really quite tragic.” “Oh, Andy, you know it’s funny, not funny like haha, but funny in that its weird.” Roxanne tried, “Do you remember the time when Roxy suddenly became set on baking?” Andromeda began, and Roxanne shrieked, “No not this story again!” “Oh, right. You tried making treacle tart, forced us to eat it and then we were sick for three days.” Hailey laughed hard, and Andromeda laughed so hard she cackled, and then they laughed at that. “I forgot you do that cackle thing!” Roxanne roared with laughter, and Andromeda kept clutching her sides trying to stop to breathe. “You are the worst!” Andromeda cried as tears ran down she was laughing so hard. “At baking.” Abigail added and then the laughter started a new. “I remember when we tricked Abigail into thinking Trevor was behind the curtain and she declared her love for him and then Slughorn came out all red faced.” Roxanne said, and Abigail whined, “That wasn’t funny, to this day I swear he thinks I’m a freak!” “True.” Hailey nodded mock-serious. “Remember though when Andy was held hostage in the bathroom by Moaning Myrtle after having sung in the shower?” Roxanne asked, Andromeda groaned, “It was horrible. I haven’t sung in the shower since then. Actually, I’ve never used that bathroom ever again. McGonagall had to come save me.” “Didn’t she threaten to ruin the whole bathroom if you didn’t come back and sing for her?” Hailey asked, and Andromeda nodded, “Yeah, Dumbledore convinced her otherwise.” “I remember when we turned a spoon into a cat and then back and had Roxanne believe she had accidently turned Mrs Norris into a spoon.” Andromeda began, and Hailey roared with laughter again, “O merlin’s pants! When you handed the spoon over to Dumbledore explaining yourself!” Roxanne became red, “I talked for about ten minutes before the real Mrs Norris turned up, and then I got detention for a week for my ‘prank’.” “That was funny though!” Hailey argued, “Not as funny as when we convinced Andromeda you could become pregnant by bathing in the same lake as boys.” Roxanne said and they all fell laughing, even Andromeda. “We’ve had some great years here together.” Andromeda agreed, “But we have to pack our things.” “Urgh, I knew I shouldn’t have unpacked seven years ago!” Roxanne whined, and the others shook their heads at her as they stood up. Andromeda who for some reason were magnificent at household spells, packed her trunk in less than five minutes, even the socks folded themselves neatly. Roxanne watched in jealousy as she tried closing her overflowing trunk. Andromeda sat down watching her amused, “A little help?” Roxanne panted to Hailey and Abigail who both laughed before they both sat upon her trunk whilst Roxanne tried closing it. It was no use though for the trunk refused to close. “Andy?” Roxanne begged completely red in the face from the exercise, Andromeda chuckled, “Only because we need to get this done today.” Andromeda waved her wand skilfully and the contents of Roxanne’s trunk repacked itself neatly and with a flick she closed the trunk. The other girls groaned, “I hate you, Andy!” Roxanne face palmed, “Why do you have to be good at everything!” Andromeda gave a toothy smile, “I know you love me deep down, Roxy!” “Extremely deep down,” Roxanne muttered and then she snickered. “It’s long past midnight and we should really get some sleep.” Abigail suggested, and Roxanne rolled her eyes, “Boring.” “Abbey’s right though, unless we want to look like zombies on our last day.” Andromeda yawned, and Hailey who had been looking at her yawned too. “Yeah, I’m dead tired.” Hailey agreed. “Come on, its our last night!” Roxanne begged but the other girls had already tidied up and hopped into bed, “Alright we stay up if you wake Andy up tomorrow.” Hailey challenged Roxanne, “Oh Merlin no! I want to live to see the rest of my life!” Roxanne shuddered, and Andromeda threw a pillow at her, “Fuck off, Roxy!” “Loves you too Andy!” Roxanne said as she pulled the drapes shut. “Goodnight!” Abigail yawned, “Sleep tight.” Roxanne replied, “And don’t forget about the bedbugs at night!” Hailey enlightened, and a chorus of groans were heard, “You are worse than a garden gnome!” Andromeda bellowed, “I take great pride in that Andy!” Hailey replied, “Shut up and go to sleep.” Andromeda growled, “As you wish Mrs. Rosier.” Hailey teased, “That’s it,” Andromeda jumped out of bed, grabbed her wand and opened Hailey’s drapes, “Silencio!” She pointed her wand at Hailey who cried out but no sound came out, “Petrificus Totalus.” Hailey’s body became stiff and rigid, Andromeda smiled down at her friend, “Sleep tight.” Hailey mimed something that looked very much like, “Bitch.” But then Andromeda closed her drapes again and went back to her own bed, “Thank you, Andy.” Roxanne cheered from her bed, Andromeda didn’t answer because as soon as she hit her pillow she fell into a fitful sleep. Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =) Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik ![]() ![]() ![]() 9 okt, 2018 09:53 |
Pride Potter
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Ny läsare! Eller inte jätteny, men jag har läst klart den nu. När du hade börjat skriva den var jag snabbt inne, men då gillade jag inte att läsa på engelska... men nu är jag här inne, och har läst hela. Och det är så spännande!
![]() ![]() ![]() 9 okt, 2018 10:18 |
Avis Fortunae
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Ja, visst är det spännande! Och nu stannar det upp lite igen, med glada minnen. Du är så bra på att beskriva hur vänner skojar och retas med varandra.
Dolores Umbridge var tydligen lika hemsk på den tiden som i femte boken! Tyckte nästan synd om Hailey på slutet, men "Mrs. Rosier" ... nej, hu! Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! 9 okt, 2018 11:44 |
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Bra kapitel ännu en gång!
![]() Gillade hur de pratade om sina gamla minnen, och att du fick in Umbridge också ![]() Längtar tills nästa kapitel!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm dead Sirius! 11 okt, 2018 15:57 |
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Pride Potter Vad roligt att du tycker om det! =)
Avis Fortunae Tack så mycket för din kommentar, blir så glad varje gång! ♥ IamSirius Roligt att du tycker om det! Här kommer nästa kapitel. =) Chapter 44 It was the last day of school, and Andromeda awoke earlier than usual, Hailey hadn’t awoken her this time though. Andromeda gasped as she remembered why Hailey weren’t up and about. “Sorry, sorry, sorry!” Andromeda cried as she flung herself out of bed, tripping over her drapes as she clumsily made her way over to Hailey’s bed where she pulled the drapes aside to be met with a very displeased Hailey. “Sorry about that!” Andromeda murmured apologetic before reversing the hexes, “I. Hate. You.” Hailey bit and Andromeda tried smiling, “Good morning,” “Oh shut up.” Hailey rolled her eyes and got out of bed, moved past Andromeda and went to get dressed, “Um, Hailey, you won’t be needing that.” Andromeda carefully said as Hailey had begun to dress in her school uniform, Hailey gave a laugh, “Oh, I guess not.” She removed the skirt and looked for an informal robe instead. Andromeda moved her hand over her old uniform, and she felt quite nostalgic, “I’ll miss this old thing,” she murmured, and Hailey huffed in agreement, “Now we’ll have to start worrying about what to wear every day!” Andromeda snickered, “What a task!” Roxanne had woken up, and stood and stretched, “I for one am glad, unfortunately it has never been my colour.” Andromeda got ready and dressed herself in a summer-robe, she then glanced over the room and with a last look on her bed, they left their dormitory for good. Breakfast was unusually quiet with all the seventh years being considerably quieter than usual. Andromeda sat with her head in one hand, poking through her scrambled eggs with the other whilst miserably glancing over at Ted who seemed very low in spirits, something very unusual indeed. He talked with some of his class-fellows and Andromeda felt a stab of jealousy. How she wished she could be one of them, just talking out in the open without having to worry about who saw it. Andromeda’s thoughts were interrupted by her younger sister, “Andy.” “Cissy?” Andromeda shook her head to awake from her trance, she was a little surprised to see her sister as they hardly ever interacted at school. “I just had a letter from mother. They will pick us up at the station. She wanted me to tell you to look presentable.” Narcissa gave her a cold look which Andromeda matched more than well, “Do you know why?” “She did not say.” “Practising to talk without contracting your words, are we?” Andromeda smiled coldly and Narcissa huffed, “I am not a barbarian.” “If you say that enough times it might just come true.” Andromeda retorted, and her sister stomped her foot and stalked off. Hailey gave her a funny look and Andromeda ignored her. If Andromeda had hoped for a nice last breakfast it wouldn’t have come true, because at the end of it, Evan Rosier approached her, “Um, do you want to sit in the same compartment on the way back?” Andromeda almost spit out her pumpkin juice, but she controlled herself and swallowed hard before facing her cousin, “Why?” She inquired calmly, Evan looked annoyed as he stood twisting, “Because you might want to.” “They asked you to ask me.” Andromeda contemplated, as she turned away from him again, Evan didn’t move, “So what. We’re getting married, we might as well get used to being with each other.” It wasn’t very loud but loud enough to attract some attention. Andromeda turned red with fury, “I do as I please. Nothing is written in stone yet. Rosier.” She talked through gritted teeth before standing up and brushing past him without looking back. Soon enough they were boarding the train, and as the train went into movement, Andromeda saw how the castle slowly disappeared behind the hills. Their compartment was full to the brim with Andromeda, Hailey, Abigail, Roxanne, Flint, Smith, Stuart and urgh, Andromeda sighed, Evan Rosier. Thankfully Hailey had saved her by sitting crammed next to her. The compartment was full of laughter and talking but Andromeda wasn’t joining in. She sat quietly, staring out of the window, watching as the landscape changed, thinking about her own change. Rain started trickling down the window, and Andromeda sighed, it reflected her mood. The journey felt too short, Andromeda had no wish of being in the company of her mother again. Though she longed dearly for her sister and cousin. The Hogwarts Express gently rolled into platform 9 3/4, and through the smoke Andromeda could make out the contours of her family. She banged her head against the glass – Evan’s parents were standing with her parents. “Blasted goblins.” Andromeda murmured, “What?” Hailey turned to Andromeda who shook her head, “Nothing.” They got off the train and hugged each other goodbye before they went to their own families. Narcissa went first and was greeted with warmth. Andromeda walked slightly in front of Evan marking her displeasure at having him in a tow. Bellatrix hurried forward and put her arms around her sister, “I’ve missed you!” Andromeda felt relieved at being with her sister once more, “You’ve no idea how much I’ve missed you too!” They let go of each other and Andromeda greeted her father and mother courtly before greeting her uncle and aunt Rosier. “Such a pleasure to see you again, Andromeda!” Her aunt said stiffly, “I am looking forward to see you at dinner tonight.” “As do I, Aunt.” Andromeda lied and added a sugar-coated smile. They hurried home and as soon as they were within the manor, Andromeda hurried up to her room with her belongings. Bellatrix followed suit. “I hate them.” Andromeda groaned as she kicked her trunk to the side, Bellatrix who lounged on her sisters bed nodded, “As do I. At least they didn’t ask Rodolphus to join us to the station.” “Oh merlin, how’s that going?” Andromeda looked disgusted, and Bellatrix much the same, “Well, he hasn’t improved yet. In fact, I think he’s worse. He has joined him.” Andromeda frowned, “Who?” “You know who.” “Um, do you mean Lord Voldemort?” Andromeda asked as she sat down on her bed, Bellatrix nodded and pulled a strand of hair out of her own face, “Yup, he has a nice tattoo to show for it.” It was a comment dripping of sarcasm and Andromeda couldn’t help but laugh at the unreality of it. “He makes them get tattoos?” Bellatrix nodded, and her mouth twitched upwards, “Yeah, it’s a skull with a snake coming out of it. It’s secret of course.” “That sounds really terrible. And it sounds like something a bunch of teenage girls would do,” Andromeda snickered, and Bellatrix couldn’t keep from laughter either, “It’s horrible! And I have to marry the guy mind you!” Andromeda fell onto the bed too, “Do we have to go to dinner tonight?” “Do you want to live?” Bellatrix huffed, as she absentmindedly played with her sister’s curls. “Urgh, I suppose.” Andromeda muttered, yawning, “I’d rather sleep.” “Mm, how did your exams go then?” Bellatrix inquired, “They went well, all though I never want to see an examination paper ever again.” Andromeda sighed, “Don’t I know it!” Her sister smiled, and Andromeda felt a little relieved to finally be with someone who understood her on that matter and not just thought she was a know-it-all who wanted attention. “We should start getting ready soon. Mother will kill us if we’re not ready by six.” Bellatrix threw her legs over the bed and stood up, pulling Andromeda up with muscle force. “But it's so early!” “You know full well it's going to take longer than you think, besides we have to get a light late lunch too.” “It is exhausting being home,” Andromeda whined, and Bellatrix laughed at her, “Welcome back! You’re going to hate it.” Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =) Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik! ![]() ![]() 11 okt, 2018 16:46 |
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