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I suck at english lol.

19 okt, 2011 21:59



Skrivet av Elderwand:
^ oh, oh, oh.

You know where I am. You know my number. Soon we'll see eachother, promise. And when that happens (when school alouds us to), we're gonna have a long talk. Kay? ♥

Sounds perfect my dear ♥


19 okt, 2011 22:02



Oh yey this is so awesome I've been waiting for this so long because it would just look wierd if I started it. Need to work up my english skills.. I speak fluently but I dont really know about the spelling part o.o What are we talking about? *please say cats.. please say cats!*

19 okt, 2011 22:13



I have always loved learning English. The only subject I've always been able to focus on in school and enjoy at the same time is English.

My only MVG in "gymnasiet" so far is in the English B-course. English is also the only subject where I've chosen to study the B- and C-courses as well as the A-course.

My English has improved a lot in the last couple of years and I know one of the main reasons for that is that I've read so many fanfictions in English. My vocabulary has increased so much for that reason.

But, I'm far from fluent, and I'm still learning. That's why I'm trying to read and write as much as possible in English. It really helps you getting better at it.


19 okt, 2011 22:36



English is awesome!!! Right now I'm supposed to write a story in English about "the first something" not the first kiss or anything like that but like the "very first bread" how someone came up with it and how they got other people to use it or eat it! It's really hard!!


19 okt, 2011 22:48



Am I the only one here who goes to a english/american school? :'o We even have the subject swedish in english. Does that even make sense? :O
I feel more comfortable with english because I have such a bigger vocabulary to choose from. Booyaah >:'D

19 okt, 2011 22:49



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Am I the only one here who goes to a english/american school? :'o We even have the subject swedish in english. Does that even make sense? :O
I feel more comfortable with english because I have such a bigger vocabulary to choose from. Booyaah >:'D

I thought about going on a english school but i didn't in the end! Haha wierd to have swedish in english


19 okt, 2011 22:53



Here's a poem I wrote when I went to an english school in france for a year, 2006 (in third grade

My name is Elvira
I'm ten years old
I love animals
but I hate you so
I got a rabbit
he is black
and he hates
a special cat
Soon getting a horse
you think you are cool but you look like a fool

Then add a rap rythm to it when you read it to get it exactly right.

The funny thing is that I was soooooo proud of it. lol


19 okt, 2011 22:58



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Isis Alexima Awh I always mix English and Swedish too. I accidentally do it in Swedish class, and in 9th grade, my teacher always complained. But now my teachers does the same, all the time, so they just find it amusing. Lol.

That's precious. c: Oh, if only I had the nerve to start speaking with a British accent during English class. </3 The thing is, I've always spoken with an American accent. It's the accent I learnt speaking in from an early age (I spent a fair amount of time watching Full House as a child, mostly all of the "basics" in the English language, I've learnt from watching that show). I've always favoured the British accent, though, so whenever I'm alone or with friends, I speak with a British accent. If only I could do that in school, too! It would have been so weird, though, if the teacher had asked me a question and I had answered him in a British accent. My classmates are so used to my American one, haha. Complications, complications.

19 okt, 2011 23:08



Skrivet av Elderwand:
Here's a poem I wrote when I went to an english school in france for a year, 2006 (in third grade

My name is Elvira
I'm ten years old
I love animals
but I hate you so
I got a rabbit
he is black
and he hates
a special cat
Soon getting a horse
you think you are cool but you look like a fool

Then add a rap rythm to it when you read it to get it exactly right.

The funny thing is that I was soooooo proud of it. lol

I think it is awesome!
Now I really know you, it feels great!
Or actully, I knew you, in the 3th grade. Feeling great about that

19 okt, 2011 23:46

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