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Avis Fortunae Ja, jag älskar att skriva scenerna med Sirius! Tycker det är skönt att porträttera honom som ett oskyldigt barn, än med det bagage han senare får =)
Chapter 37
It had been tough, but Andromeda had made it through the holiday without killing anyone. She was finally on the train going back to Hogwarts. Hailey were the only one of the other girls who had gone home over the holidays, therefor they were quite alone together in their compartment. It was about forty minutes into Hailey’s discussion of the importance of crackers during Christmas lunch when Andromeda realised she had forgotten her diary at home. She zooned out from the conversation panicking inwardly, had she written anything about the encounter in Hogsmeade? – Andromeda had always been careful not to write anything about Ted down, but hadn’t she mentioned his name in the paragraph about their outing?
“Booger.” She muttered under her breath, but Hailey took no notice and continued talking about crackers or maybe she had started talking about Smith. Andromeda didn’t hear, she couldn’t concentrate on listening. It was really no way back, unless she could contact Bellatrix. Her owl was back in the animal compartment, oh, but of course, Andromeda smacked her forehead with her hand,
“I’m such an idiot!”
Hailey paused, “What?”
“Oh, nothing. I have to get Merlin.” Andromeda rose from her seat eager to get the diary away from her mother as quick as possible.
“Why?” Hailey looked disgruntled with being interrupted, but Andromeda payed her no heed and hurried out to the animal compartment.
Merlin was sat in his cage, and he stared at his owner as she approached,
“Hello, little guy, I have a mission for you.” She kneeled in front of him.
Merlin tilted his head and hooted quietly at her, Andromeda smiled,
“That’s right, I’ll give you lots and lots of treats.”
She got him out of the cage, and then used accio to retrieve her quill, ink and a bit of parchment. The parchment was not her own, so she hoped the person she was stealing it from wouldn’t mind too bad. After all lives were at stake.
‘Bella hide my diary, mum will kill me if she finds it first. Actually, come to think of it - send it back with Merlin - Andy’
The quill moved over the paper quickly and she blew on it to dry the ink before rolling it up, fastening it by the owl’s leg and then letting him out of the window. Her heart was racing, and she held her hand over it to slow it down. Hopefully she wasn’t too late, and hopefully she was worrying in vain. Someone did worry though, and that someone was Hailey, who came to look for Andromeda.
“Andy are you alright?” Hailey stood in the door-way with her arms crossed, and her friend jumped, startled.
“Oh, it’s you,” Andromeda sighed relieved, “I was just sending a letter home. Reckoned I’d forgotten my book. Couldn’t find it in my trunk.”
Hailey’s eyes pierced into Andromeda’s, and even if she knew her friend was partly lying, she left it at that.
“Okay. Are you quite finished with that then?” Hailey raised an eyebrow, glancing impatiently back towards their compartment.
“Mhm.” Andromeda smiled, “Quite so.”
“What book was it?” Hailey asked as they made their way back to their compartment.
“Just a book I got during the Holidays on non-verbal magic.” Andromeda replied calmly though her heart was still less than so.
“Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t bother so much, Hay.” Andromeda smirked, and Hailey laughed,
“I suppose not.”
They retook their seats, and the rest of the train journey went splendid. Hailey dropped her suspicion and Andromeda could breathe out for now.
Later that same evening they had arrived too the castle, everything was in perfect order, at least their dorm. It was a joyful re-encounter with the other girls, and Andromeda almost forgot her diary-issue. That was until late at night Merlin knocked on the window.
She flew out of bed, making Abigail jump three feet in the air, and opened the window to let Merlin in.
“Good boy.” She praised the owl and relieved him of the package strung to his leg. Andromeda fed him a few treats before allowing him to fly back to the Owlery. The other girls eyed her with anticipation, something Andromeda took notice off.
“What’s that?” Roxanne asked, pointing her finger at the brown package. Hailey looked less than thrilled,
“It’s just some book she forgot.”
Andromeda nodded,
“Yeah, exactly. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to read.”
She flung herself atop of her bed again and drew the drapes shut around it, making sure no one could see her opening the package lest they read over her shoulder.
Her heart trembled with fear for the response and for what stood in the diary when she under her covers opened the leather-bound book. Andromeda traced a finger over the page to see if she’d written anything. Her finger paused, there it was, his name.
“Fuck.” She mumbled feeling her throat close and her vision blur, “Bloody hell.”
“Andromeda are you alright over there?” Andromeda heard Hailey ask, but she couldn’t find it in herself to reply. She had stupidly written about Ted in her diary, a diary that had been seated on her bed. Her mother might have just read it. Andromeda pressed a hand down on her hurting chest, feeling the anxiety bloom within her. Her breathing quickened, and she couldn’t do anything about the panic attack that erupted. Pictures of Ted being tortured or killed played in front of her eyes, and it would be all her fault for being so careless. She who had scolded him for saying hi to her, she did something so much worse – she put him in the hands of her mother.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

23 sep, 2018 20:37

Avis Fortunae



Nu får vi hoppas att ingen läst dagboken, eller om de har det, att det ändå går bra på något sätt. Jag undrar vad som ska hända, när och om deras förhållande blir offentligt. Spänningen byggs verkligen upp.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

24 sep, 2018 05:24




Ny läsare!
Har hunnit läsa alla kapitel nu äntligen
Jättebra skrivet, tycker om humorn och själva storyn.
Tycker om Sirius väldigt mycket i denna historian också

Längtar tills nästa kapitel!!!

I'm dead Sirius!

24 sep, 2018 18:16




Tack så mycket för kommentarerna *gasp*!
Avis Fortunae Jättetack som vanligt för din fina kommentar! Man kan undra vad som händer när deras förhållande blir offentligt, dröjer inte många kapitel nu tror jag
IamSirius Jättekul att du har hittat hit! Kul att du tycker om Sirius, det gör jag med
Hoppas du kommer tycka att storyn är fortsatt bra!

Chapter 38
Andromeda hadn’t slept all night due to her anxiety, and it still hadn’t gone away when she sat down for breakfast. Her friends dug into the food feeling ravished, but she could only poke through her eggs, wishing she could die there on the spot. Every time someone entered the hall she jumped, afraid of it being her mother. Hailey and Abigail shot her concerned looks whilst Roxanne, oblivious, chatted on happily about their holiday at Hogwarts.
Andromeda miserably starred in front of her when Hailey put a hand on her shoulder, something which made her friend jump three feet up in terror. Hailey looked confused,
“It’s just me Andy…”
Andromeda who tried to slow her breathing again, nodded,
“Mm… yes…uh I have to go!”
“What…?” Hailey managed to get out, but Andromeda had already run past her.
In pure panic Andromeda didn’t really see where she was running, or who she was running past. But when she finally stopped she was at the boat house. The water was peaceful on the lake, some parts were covered with ice, and the air was crisp. But Andromeda could only taste the blood in her mouth and feel the stinging feeling in her lungs when she breathed the icy air. Her knees beckoned, and she stumbled onto the floor of the boat house. Tears burned behind her eyes, but she couldn’t cry. There was only the one solution to her problem, only one way to make sure Ted wasn’t hurt. The lump grew in her chest, she couldn’t live with the guilt of having killed him. It wasn’t what she initially had planned to do when she ran away from Hailey, but she found herself unlacing her shoes and pulling of her knee-socks, and gently sticking her feet into the ice-cold water. Andromeda gasped, the cold made her feet hurt but it couldn’t be helped. It would take time before they found her body, enough time for it to be impossible to revive her. The water made her feet go numb and she eased a little further into the water, it was painful, but it wasn’t as painful as the prospect of Ted being murdered by her mother. She whimpered as she eased her whole abdomen down the water, only her chest and head were above surface now. Her legs were cramping from the ice-cold water and her skin was starting to get a blue tinge. Andromeda breathed slowly for a second, before forcing her head to de-surface. She knew she had to fight to stay under water, because the body would still float. But she had no idea it would give so much resistance, it almost felt as if someone were pulling at her. Her consciousness was beginning to leave her, and she stopped fighting to keep down, but she sure felt she was still moving. A second later she was being pulled up over the surface and up on the boat-house floor. Andromeda spluttered water on the floor, unable to breathe, feeling incredibly enraged that someone had prevented her from dying. Warm hands wrapped themselves around her waist and turned her body and face upwards. Her eyes met his hazel ones and she felt perplexed. But she was coughing and unable to breathe properly from the water stuck in her airways. Ted situated himself beside her, putting his hands over her chest and started pushing in rapid movements, Andromeda couldn’t process what he was doing, and her body was too tired to fight back, everything seemed to happen in slow-motion. She didn’t know quite how, but suddenly she found herself coughing up the water and air was streaming through her lungs once more.
When she was finished, she felt herself being stripped of her wet garments, Ted left the underwear be and dried them as well he could with a spell, before pulling his sweater over her head and wrapping his cloak around her. Ted put on her socks and shoes again to assure her warmth. During this whole process he hadn’t said anything. Neither had she, she was too focused on her breathing. Ted sat down next to her and wrapped his warm arms around her.
He kissed the top of her head and she felt warm tears fall there as well, her heart clenched at this.
“You bloody idiot! What on earth were you trying to do!?” Ted whispered his voice thick with emotion and he held her tighter to himself, Andromeda felt her chest grow tight with anxiety,
“I…I…” She stuttered tears streaming down her cheeks, “I was…”
Ted kissed her tears away, and he smiled comforting, last of all he wanted to scare her off with his anger that were his worry.
“I tried to save you.” Andromeda managed to squeak out, the tears refusing to stop spilling. Ted froze with guilt, ‘why on earth would she try to end her own life to save mine?’ He thought.
“Dromeda… don’t ever do something so foolish again. I’d die if you died.” Ted’s voice was a bare whisper, but it was the more emotional for it. Andromeda sobbed into his chest,
“But she will kill you.”
“Who?” Ted asked stroking his hand over her back in calm movements.
“Mother,” Andromeda stuttered, Ted frowned,
“Why would she… how did she find out?”
Andromeda bit her lip to try and keep from bursting into tears again,
“I accidently wrote your name in my diary, and then forgot it at home.”
“But couldn’t Bellatrix send you it?” Ted asked thoughtfully,
“She did, I asked her for it when I realised it on the train.” Andromeda replied, and Ted smiled,
“But in that case we’re safe.”
“She might have read it before it was sent to me.” Andromeda’s voice was full of worry and Ted couldn’t help but laugh a little. Andromeda was insulted by his laugh and it made it the funnier to him.
“It isn’t funny.” She crossed her arms, and looked at him with an angry frown,
“Dromeda, from what I’ve heard of your mother, if she had known she would have already killed me by now. It’s been almost two days.”
Andromeda were about to argue when she paused, and she became scarlet red.
“Typical Slytherins to jump to such conclusions.” He teased, and she became redder,
“Shut it.” Andromeda murmured, before she felt Ted’s lips crash against hers in a moment of passion,
“Don’t ever scare me like that again!” He mumbled between kisses, and she shook her head lightly,
“Good. Because I couldn’t bear it you know,” He kissed her nose, “I love you!”
“I love you too.” Andromeda said quietly, “I’m so sorry.”
Ted shifted a little in his seat,
“Are you cold?”
Andromeda smiled,
“Not so much any longer.”
And it was true, even though her fingers and toes were slightly numb still, her heart was all warmed up again and the anxiety that had taken over her completely were gone with the wind. Ted’s hand wandered over her neck and he lifted the necklace she had gotten from Bellatrix,
“Wow, this is beautiful.”
“Thank you, I got it from Bella. It’s the galaxy of Andromeda.” She smiled, and he nodded,
“The finest of them all,”
Andromeda blushed at his hungry stare and averted her eyes for a second, Ted however produced a package from the bag that lay scattered on the floor,
“It’s nothing much but I have a Christmas gift for you,” He handed her the package and she accepted it with trembling hands,
“Are you sure? – But I didn’t get anything for you.”
Ted beamed,
“Sure you did, you gave me all I wanted for Christmas.”
Andromeda lifted her eyes from the package and met his sparkling hazel eyes, and she bit her lip in thought,
“I’m quite sure I didn’t get you anything.”
“You gave me your heart and you told me that you loved me. It was all I wanted,” Ted kissed the corner of her mouth and lingered for a moment, Andromeda felt her heart flutter but smirked,
“You’re such a romantic”
They laughed and shared another warm, hungry kiss out there in the cold boat-house.
“Open it.” Ted urged her when she hadn’t after a few minutes, Andromeda’s trance was broken, and she smiled back at him and tore open the package. It was an emerald coloured scarf made of cashmere, and it felt very soft against her fingers,
“Oh, Ted, it’s beautiful!”
“It matches your colours and it’s subtle enough. I thought of giving you a necklace, but it might have drawn unwanted attention as to who gave you it. A scarf is perfectly safe.” Ted said feeling quite proud to have thought of it. Andromeda chuckled at him,
“Really thank you, Ted, it’s such a lovely gift.”
“I mean it’s not much, it isn’t as expensive a gift as you…” He was interrupted with a finger to his lips
“I love it, it’s wonderful, Ted. It’s from you.” And she leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek, he pouted at this, and she laughed before kissing him full on the mouth. Andromeda only then realised what time it was,
“Oh booger. We’re really rather late for the first period… damn it. I best be off, I’ve got care of magical creatures.”
Ted sighed,
“Yeah, I have defence against the dark arts. Can we meet in the kitchens tonight?”
“Yes, sure!” Andromeda smiled and kissed him,
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Ted said seriously holding her close to him,
Andromeda quickly gave his robe back, and dried her things with her wand, Ted looked bewildered at this and she smirked,
“Well I wouldn’t pass on an opportunity to wear your jumper for a while.”
“Minx.” He laughed, “Never thought I’d see a Slytherin wear Hufflepuff though.”
“Tease!” Andromeda stuck out her tongue at him. He caught her lips in a chaste kiss, running his tongue over her bottom lip in a teasing manner. She bit his lip gently and stepped away, keeping one hand on his chest, still smiling content.
“Didn’t you have a lesson to attend?” Ted asked wiggling his eyebrows, her eyes opened wide, and she nodded,
“Well, I hadn’t planned to go initially…”
She went to pick up her things but his hand stopped her, she looked up at him, a little confused, and met his eyes burning with love and worry,
“Hey, you’ll come find me if you start feeling like that again, right?”
Andromeda stayed silent for a moment, and Ted squeezed her arm again, and she nodded,
“Of course, I won’t try it again. It was a foolish leap, I was just feeling…” Andromeda paused, averting her eyes from his, focusing them on the lake, feeling tears burn behind them.
“Look at me, I’m supposed to be bright. Yet I did something so foolish.”
Ted shook his head decidedly,
“It wasn’t foolish in that sense, Dromeda, your feelings aren’t stupid. But I wish you would talk to me about them. Not hide away, not feel as though you’re burdening me with them or that I shall think less of you because of them. Please.” Ted lifted her chin, “Do you promise me?”
“I do promise you, and I thank you for being so understanding, and for not being angry with me. I’ll be fine. I always manage. But I will talk about it, if you want to.” Andromeda offered him a small smile, and he kissed her.
Andromeda then got dressed quickly and pulled the green scarf around her neck, it was warm and snuggly. Then she hurried off towards the outskirts of the forest where the lesson was held.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Tar gärna emot kritik, men är ju mest på skoj!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

27 sep, 2018 21:18

Avis Fortunae



Åh, superbra och spännande, kunde inte ta ögonen från texten! Du skriver så att man känner kylan och värmen! Det är så stark kärlek och dessa två är verkligen menade för varandra ♡ Längtar efter nästa! Då är vi ju på 39 båda två

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

28 sep, 2018 06:37




Avis Fortunae å vad kul att du tyckte om kapitlet! Ja, deras kärlek är så fin! =)
Nu kommer kapitel 39 så nu är vi på samma då
Hoppas det kommer ett till kapitel till din story snart!

Chapter 39
Bellatrix hadn’t been joking when she had asked if the professors actually wanted them dead by the end of the examinations during the last year. Andromeda had been working day and night, it was hardly enough time to sleep, but she wanted the extra credit. She wanted to prove that she was more than just a bloody future trophy wife to someone.
As May were approaching with giant leaps they more or less now lived in the library and the before so common secret meetings with Ted had been less and less frequent. They did glance at each other in the library though. Giving one or two encouraging looks during the late hours. At the current moment Andromeda was sat over a particularly boring text about the prosecutions of witches and wizards in Britain during the late 17th century. Normally it would have been slightly more interesting, but Andromeda couldn’t take her mind of a certain boy who sat only two tables away. She imagined she could even smell him from where she sat, and it wasn’t a distraction she needed. Thankfully Hailey came to occupy her mind before she threw all decorum at a side and snogged Ted in the library.
The chair squeaked as Hailey pulled it back and sat down, it made another creaking sound as she pulled herself and it, closer to the table. Then she threw her heavy books with a thump onto the desk, making Andromeda’s notes smudge just the slightest where the ink was still wet from her earlier scribbling. Hailey were granted a murderous look for this action and said person offered an uncertain smile in return.
“Sorry ‘bout that, Andy…” Hailey pulled a hand through her hair and the hairband it had been tied up in fell off. Andromeda watched silently as Hailey picked up the hairband and put up her hair again in a loose bun, then Hailey gave her a stare and Andromeda remembered herself,
“Oh, um, that’s alright I suppose, I remember it anyways.” Andromeda leaned back in her chair stretching her back over the chair then sitting straight up again, staring down at the text which seemed to make less sense by the second. She growled quietly and rubbed her eyes with vigour trying to force herself awake. Hailey laughed at her but were feeling much the same.
“I can’t make it to make any sense either. It’s as if I’ve been studying so long I can’t take in anymore.” Hailey gave her a tired smirk, and Andromeda raised an eyebrow, clearly awoken by the implication that she could only know so much.
“I’m just tired. I know precisely everything I need to know. Studying is just proving that I know everything I’ve been taught these years. An assurance that I won’t fail the exams. I’ve already taken everything in so that’s not a problem. It’s my eyes that are too tired to visualise the letters meanings. But I know them nonetheless.” Andromeda bit and Hailey jumped in her chair, her eyes widening slightly,
“Sorry, Andy. I didn’t mean to insult her highness intellect.”
Andromeda rolled her eyes at her friend,
“What do you need help with?”
Hailey looked found out,
“How did you know I came to ask for help?”
Andromeda raised both eyebrows and gave Hailey a look of patronise,
“Well, that seems to be the only plausible reason for you to leave Smith’s company.”
Hailey had the decency to blush,
“Sorry again for having left you alone. Um, you could have asked Abbey or Roxy though. But I see your point. Would you still help me though? – Only with potions.”
It was clear that Hailey didn’t expect Andromeda to agree since she was in a bad mood, but Andromeda really wanted a break from revising History and therefore found herself nodding,
“Yes. I will help you. But only for an hour at the most.”
Hailey beamed at her friend,
“You’re the best, Andy, truly!”
She stood up and embraced her friend, and Andromeda turned stiff,
“Really, you don’t have to hug me Hay, I’m not Smith!”
They paused for a second before they fell laughing, other students hushed them which made it the more funny to laugh but they contained themselves as best they could.
“Let’s get out of here.” Andromeda proposed, Hailey looked surprised but complied,
“Yes, it’s so stiff in here.”
They left for their own dormitory, where normally they would have found their classmates sleeping but this close to the examinations, Roxy and Abbey were nowhere to be found. They slouched down on their beds, Andromeda stretched out on hers, inhaling deeply.
“I just want to be done and over with it.”
Hailey eyed her friend with compassion,
“Yeah, me too. What’s the point in killing yourself over studies, if you know it, you know it.” She shrugged her shoulders to further imply what she meant with her words, and Andromeda only hummed in response. It was a minute of silence before Hailey felt the need to say something again.
“We should talk.” She wringed her hands nervously as she glanced at her friend, Andromeda sighed, and looked up into the blue eyes.
“About what?” Andromeda asked calmly, not jumping to any conclusions which might hurt her case. If Hailey had figured anything out, Andromeda wouldn’t lead her on more than she already had. Hailey scratched her arm, biting her lip before exhaling,
“You know about everything that’s been going on for the past year.”
Andromeda tried acting surprised in an aloof way, and therefore just raised her eyebrows, looking to be in thought,
“I don’t know what you’re referring to.”
Hailey seemed to be getting a little more confidence as her lust for figuring it out awoke.
“Your disappearances, the state in which you’ve returned each time, and the isolating yourself from us, from me.”
Hailey gave her a knowing look, but Andromeda chose to ignore that.
“I’ve given my reasons every time, I’ve explained myself.”
Her friend snorted,
“Andy, don’t you lie to me. I haven’t really believed you. I knew something was up. I’ve been keeping an eye on you.”
Andromeda’s heart was beginning to race, but her mind told her it was evident that she stayed calm, and so her façade was still firm in place though her heart was in a dismay.
“Then you should know that I’m not lying,” She replied in a cold manner. Hailey leaned forwards on her elbows, resting them on her knees.
“You know, I’ll admit, I was foolish enough to believe you the first time, but then you gave it away.”
Andromeda said nothing, but awaited Hailey to continue,
“As you well know, you’re a lot brighter than me. But I’m cunning, and the other girls aren’t. They’d believe your stupid lie about being allergic to flower-pollution but see I know you’re not allergic. I’ve had the same smudges around and the same swollenness of my lips a million times, don’t you think I would know?” Hailey quirked an eyebrow, but Andromeda gave her no reaction,
“If I have been fooling around a little with a boy or boys and didn’t want you to spread the word, how does that make me a big liar?” Andromeda asked, hoping she could convince Hailey it was one or some of theirs. Hailey did act a little surprised that Andromeda admitted as much but shook her head.
“But it isn’t just any boy, Andy!” Hailey continued forcefully, “I just wish you would have trusted me with it. I would have understood.”
Andromeda deducted that Hailey knew parts of the truth and felt relieved in some way that Hailey would have some sort of understanding.
“How did you find out which one he was?” Andromeda asked, and a small smile played on Hailey’s lips.
“I mean I’ve suspected you were hanging out with a boy for a year but had no idea of whom until last week.”
“What happened then?” Andromeda asked sitting up a little straighter.
“Your kisser had small traces of your lipstick around his lips.” Hailey smirked, crossing her arms, relishing in her victory. Andromeda however looked as unbothered as before.
“Could have been any other girls. I’m not the only one who wears lipstick, Hay.”
Hailey raised her hand smugly,
“You’re the only one with that specific colour, because you got it tailor-made.”
Andromeda sucked in a bit of air, knowing she had lost,
“Who did you find out?”
Hailey stood up,
“Ted Tonks. That Hufflepuff boy. You would know of course.”
Andromeda’s heart was beating hard in her chest, but she forced her body to remain calm, and it took every ounce of self-control to keep her face expression cold and distant, when Hailey turned to look at her and gloat in her finding out she was met with a small smile.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Hay. He wasn’t the only one. I only kissed him last week for the thrill of it. There were other boys before him. They mean nothing to me of course. Just a little kissing around before I’m forced into a marriage with…”
Hailey looked thrown off as she frowned,
“Ah, must you always spoil all my fun, Andy! Here I thought I was standing with the scandal of the century. Well I kissed a muggleborn too once, just for the thrill of it. It was average. He did some nice wand-work though.” Hailey slumped down on her bed again, looking utterly bored and disappointed. Andromeda chuckled, mostly out of relief,
“That’s what happens when you jump to conclusions.”
“You’re one to talk!” Hailey stuck her tongue out, and Andromeda winked at her,
“Don’t tell the other girls though. I’d like to remain as saint-like in their eyes as ever.”
“Whatever. You just made me bored again.” Hailey groaned laying back, looking up.
“Shall we study?”
“Yeah let’s - Miss I-always-go-by-the-book.” Hailey sat down and opened her book,
“Hey, at least I kissed a guy I wasn’t supposed to,” Andromeda laughed, Hailey rolled her eyes,
“Urgh, you didn’t even sleep with him, don’t talk yourself up like that. Everyone’s kissed them!”
“Well I think I was well cool.”
“You’re really not.” Hailey laughed, and it was the last laugh of the hour as they picked up their studies again and no one went to bed that night.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

1 okt, 2018 00:43




Håller verkligen mä Avis Fortunae om det förra kapitlet! Man känner verkligen kärleken mellan dem!
Blev så nervös när Hailey sa att hon visste allt i det senaste kapitlet. Hoppas det kommer nytt snart igen! Jag längtar

I'm dead Sirius!

1 okt, 2018 08:34

Avis Fortunae



Ja, nu är vi båda på kapitel 39 ... och avgörandet närmar sig. Examensproven är i antågande ... och Hailey vet om hemligheten, men får den bara delvis bekräftad. Förmodligen är det farligt om hon vet. Hur ska det gå? Det vet vi när vi uppdaterar! Längtar.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

1 okt, 2018 19:29




Blir så himla glad av kommentarerna, tack så mycket båda två!

Chapter 40
It was the end of the third exam day and whilst Andromeda dreamt of nothing more than throwing herself onto her bed she found herself helping Hailey revise for her exam the next morning. It was rather chilly in the library despite the warm weather as of late. The dimly lit library looked a little spooky with its dark shelves and tables, it was also near empty. Usually the students wouldn’t be allowed in the library so late, or indeed outside the common room at the late hour but with the examinations the seventh years were excused to some extra revision hours. A large book fell onto the floor with a big thump waking Andromeda who had been snoozing off for a mere second. Hailey snickered at her as she reached for the book. Andromeda pouted at her,
“I’m tired – stop it!”
Hailey bit her lip to keep a somewhat straight face,
“Urgh.” Andromeda dramatically threw her arms in the air, and then as due they laughed. She didn’t know what it was but somehow when overtired and studying, laughing seemed unavoidable especially when accompanied by a nutter such as Hailey.
“How on earth do they expect me to know this?” Hailey groaned when the laughter ceased, a worried frown had replaced her cheeky smile.
“Well, you’ve been educated for 7 years, and I mean, you’ve had 7 years to study.” Andromeda replied with a wink trying to lighten the mood with some sort of humour.
“Urgh, I know, I know. But I always thought exams might be cancelled.” Hailey weighed on the legs of her chair. Andromeda slightly worried it might fall replied a little unfocused,
“Anything really. Someone might try and attack the school or something tragic might happen and then exams would be cancelled but we would still get our degree…” Hailey smirked, and Andromeda laughed at her,
“The day Dumbledore cancels exams is the day this world has gone completely bonkers.”
“It’s worth dreaming off right?” Hailey winked, and Andromeda chuckled,
“Sure thing. But I have to leave you now Hailey or I will fail the exam tomorrow by oversleeping.” Andromeda stood up and Hailey looked at her as if she had just been betrayed in the most deceitful way.
“You’re leaving me?”
“Yep.” Andromeda shrugged her shoulders, “I really can’t do more for you. I’ve been sat here for four hours now.”
“I wouldn’t do that, I’d study.”
“Get on with you!” Hailey barked in a joking manner before Andromeda left Hailey to her scruples.
The corridors were empty of people and it was rather terrifying whenever a ghost appeared from a wall, but Andromeda picked up a pace and briskly hurried passed the bloody baron.
She wasn’t very scared of the dark, but it was still unsettling when you couldn’t make out everything in the candle lit corridors. There was in reality very little to be scared off in the castle, expect for Peeves and the Bloody baron, and the first was more of an inconvenience than a scary creature. Of course, Andromeda thought, Filch and Mrs Norris might just take the price for scariest individuals in the castle.
It was in these thoughts she found herself suddenly pulled at the arm, and a scream were about to leave her throat when a hand found itself over it. She did the only reasonable thing and bit the beast’s hand.
“Ouch.” A very familiar voice mumbled, “Thanks, Dromeda.”
“Ted! You fool, you scared me half to death!” Andromeda replied annoyed, but Ted gave her a sheepish smile,
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“I hate surprises.” Andromeda muttered irate, and Ted raised his eyebrows looking amused,
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yes,” She eyed him sternly in the dark, and he bit his lip to keep from laughing at her,
“You are adorable when you’re angry, you do know that right?”
Andromeda felt herself go rigid with fury,
“Shut it!”
Ted neared her in the small space, putting his arms carefully around her,
“Oh come of it, Dromeda. I haven’t seen you in what feels like forever!”
He placed a careful kiss on her lips and felt her sigh against his lips.
“Where are we?” She asked, the room was completely dark, and the only thing certain was that it was a very small room. Ted lit his wand, and she brought her palm to her face and sighed,
“A broomstick closet? Really Ted?”
He smirked,
“Well, I thought it’d be nice to have done it once before we end school, after all it is a student must.”
Andromeda fell laughing against him, and then brought her face up to his lips and crashed into them.
“You are such a silly man, Ted.” She murmured against his lips,
“Mm, but I’m your silly man,” He retorted teasingly before biting her lip gently, she sighed pleased,
“That you are Ted, that you are!”
For once she felt their relationship was quite normal, that it wasn’t this huge secret eating her up from the inside. That they were just a girl and a boy who had fallen madly in love and that they just did what everyone did in school – make out in a broomstick closet.

Säg gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

6 okt, 2018 19:39

Avis Fortunae



Åh, om det ändå vore så väl! Om de ändå kunde få ha sin romans som alla andra! ♥ Som alltid så väl beskrivet, först de tunga studierna, sedan det spännande ögonblicket i korridoren följt av det mysiga och romantiska ... tänkte just att jag längtade efter att Ted skulle komma tillbaka. Är mer nyfiken än någonsin på hur det ska bli för dem! Snart får vi uppdatera med kapitel 41, eller hur?

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

6 okt, 2018 22:19

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