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Gud va' roligt Avis Fortunaeatt du känner att den passar in med den riktiga storyn, bättre kritik kan man ju knappast få!

Chapter 32
Andromeda got off from the train onto the platform, searching with her eyes for her family. Narcissa found them first and dragged Andromeda with her towards the end of the platform, were they were standing. Her cousins were with them, and Sirius ran forward and hugged her,
“Whatever you do, don’t comment on Rodolphus being here, Bella will freak.” He whispered, and she nodded,
“Got it!”
It was a rather cold welcome for her, except for Sirius and Bellatrix, and as quick as they possibly could they got off the platform and apparated home. Druella hadn’t spoken a word to her, her father had only given her an acknowledging look, but her aunt Walburga had hugged her briskly and welcomed her home, something which didn’t bode well. Andromeda waited for a suitor to jump out from every corner, but thankfully the ‘surprise’ wasn’t revealed at her direct homecoming. She was going upstairs to her room for a short second, to unpack the few things she had brought home. Bellatrix immediately volunteered to help her and eagerly followed her upstairs. As soon as the door was closed Bellatrix flung herself around Andromeda’s neck.
“Merlin’s goblins, I’ve missed you!”
Andromeda, a little shocked at this display, patted her sister’s back,
“I’m sure it hasn’t been all that bad!”
Bellatrix widened her eyes, “Oh, you can’t even begin to imagine, Andy! They’ve forced me to spend time with him almost every single day! Do you know how hard it is to be with such an idiot all the time – I’m going mental here.” For an extra dramatic effect, she shook her sister about,
“I feel very sorry for you. But you can still say no.” Andromeda tried to offer her an encouraging smile,
“We both know it’s not optional,”
“True.” Andromeda sighed, “Who have they chosen for me then?”
Bellatrix looked confused, “What do you allude to?”
“You said mother had a surprise, and that’s all it could be, right?” Andromeda sat down upon her green bedsheet, Bellatrix frowned,
“Oh, that. Yeah. They have decided that you should be courted.”
Andromeda scrunched her face together, looking very disapproving at her sister,
“I thought I had more time,”
“We can only buy us that much time.” Bellatrix sat down beside her sister, “And besides, Sirius has proven himself very helpful. He wouldn’t let his favourite cousin be married off to Evan Rosier without a fight.”
Andromeda looked at Bellatrix with something of revulsion on her face,
“That’s who they have decided I shall marry? He would never agree.”
“Unfortunately, you are good money and he has already agreed to the scheme.”
“Damned hippogriffs. I’d rather die than marry him! Don’t you remember that awful date?”
“I do, but it’s not up to me Andy,” Bellatrix took hold of her hand, “We’ll make it through together.”
“Rodolphus didn’t improve upon acquaintance I take it?” Andromeda smiled teasingly,
“As I said, he’s an idiot. I actually believe that he’s brainless, he thinks violence solves everything,” Bellatrix drew a hand over her face tiredly.
There was a knock on the door, and Sirius hurried in,
“Guys, help me! He won’t cease talking about genocide with me and I want to die. I’m only nine, for the love of good ol’ merlin’s pants!”
“He talked to you about what?” Andromeda cried disturbed,
“About different ways to rid us all of the muggleborns etc.” Sirius shuddered, “I think he’s almost worse than mother.”
“That’s bad,” Andromeda said, “Come here, we’ll hide you.”
“See what I mean, Andy? – He’s crazy.” Bellatrix lay down, feeling all energy go away, “I’ll probably turn mental living with that man.”
“You will.” Sirius nodded, and Bellatrix threw a pillow at him,
“Ouch,” He rubbed his head,
“Serves you right,” Bellatrix mumbled, and Sirius stuck his tongue out,
“It’s not my fault your future husband is a psycho.”
“Sirius, you’re not helping,” Andromeda told him, and he shrugged his shoulders,
“So… do you want to practice my bat skills with me?” Sirius asked her, and Andromeda raised an eyebrow,
“You think I would want to do anything quidditch related? – Besides, it’s snowing and cold.”
Sirius gave her a smug smile,
“I happen to know that Evan Rosier is expected here within the next twenty minutes,”
Andromeda shot him a dirty look,
“You can’t be serious?”
Sirius smiled, “Oh but I am Sirius”
“That was funny the first time, Sirius!” Bellatrix growled,
“It’s always funny,” Sirius protested stomping his foot on the floor,
“I’ll come with you, Sirius,” Andromeda interfered, “You’re right that I’d do anything to avoid him,”
“Yes,” Sirius looked pleased and grabbed hold of his older cousin’s hand, Bellatrix sat up,
“What about me?”
“It’s too late for you!” Sirius cried back as they left the room. They heard Bellatrix humph.
Andromeda were being dragged down the massive staircase, and out the hallway by her younger cousin, and he didn’t stop until they were within a safe distance from the house. Completely out of breath, Andromeda clutched her sides trying to calm her breathing while giving Sirius a dirty look,
“Sirius, for merlin’s sake, I didn’t get a chance to grab my robe! It’s colder than my mother’s heart out here.”
They glared at each other for about a second before they both burst out laughing. Sirius threw some snow on her,
“You’re a witch, Andy! Use your wand.”
Andromeda made a large snowball and threw it on him before she produced her wand,
“Accio robes.”
It took a few seconds for the item to come, but when it did Andromeda were very thankful, as it was rather chilly outside. Sirius looked impatiently at his cousin, banging his bat into a tree trunk next to him.
“Let’s get started then, Sirius, but go easy, you know I hate this.”
“You mean you suck,” Sirius smirked at his cousin, and she rolled her eyes at him,
“I got an O in flying, mind you!”
Sirius laughed, “Yeah, but anyone can get an O in flying. Quidditch on the other hand,”
“Is a completely useless sport.” Andromeda finished the sentence,
“You promised you’d play with me, Andy!” Sirius whined, afraid that his cousin would back out, Andromeda sighed,
“And I will, only to save my sorry arse from Evan Rosier.”
“Yes!” Sirius spun his bat happily, “Line up, Andy, and throw me the ball.”
Andromeda plodded through the deep snow, and shivered despite her warm robe, it was indeed a very cold day. She pulled the robe tighter around her, then she turned around facing Sirius, who stood ready with his bat a few feet away from her.
Andromeda let the ball fall a few times between her hands, feeling its weight before she with great force threw it over to Sirius – it missed its object completely.
Sirius threw his bat against the ground,
“Andy!” He cried exasperated,
Andromeda blushed, “Sorry Sirius, you know it’s not my credo!”
“I don’t know what in every blasted goblin’s name ‘credo’ means but throw the bloody ball!” Sirius whined, and looked at her with such disappointment, that she couldn’t contain a snicker.
“It’s Latin for…” Andromeda were interrupted by a snowball directly to her face, she glared dangerously at her cousin, who pouted at her.
“Throw the ball Andy!”
Andromeda rolled her eyes but picked up the ball and tried throwing it again, getting a little more swung this time. It missed again. Sirius groaned loudly, very displeased at his cousins short-coming.
“Oh, shut it, it’s not as easy as it looks.” Andromeda picked up the ball again, feeling her cheeks reddening with irritation. She was rather bad at losing, which was why she hated sports. Because she had not one chance to win in it.
The ball was soaking wet, and ice-cold from the snow, and Andromeda’s hands were turning bluer by the second. She went back to her spot,
“You ready?”
“Been ready for the past year it’s taken for you to throw it!” Sirius shouted annoyed, Andromeda bent her arm back further than the last time and threw it with all her might. This time the ball reached Sirius and he easily managed to hit the ball with his bat. It was sent flying and Andromeda couldn’t even see were it landed.
“That’s a good shot, Sirius.” She praised her cousin, she for one would have never managed that, something which was a little annoying.
“You could improve your throwing skills, Andy!” Sirius said with a cheeky smile, and Andromeda stuck her tongue out.
“Come here, rascal!” Andromeda cried, and ran at him throwing snowballs at him using her wand. Sirius gave a gleeful cry and tried escaping his cousin’s snowballs, but in vain. The one with the wand had the upper-hand. Andromeda ran after Sirius, but she slipped on blue ice and fell on her behind, the shocked look on her face had Sirius howling out in laughter, and it wasn’t long till she followed lead. She lay back in the snow, trying to calm her laughter, but it felt so good, and freeing. Unassuming she didn’t notice that Sirius had stopped laughing and before she knew it he had sat himself over her and covered her face in snow. She tried to wriggle herself free but couldn’t, and she couldn’t stop laughing either and neither could Sirius. Eventually they ended their wrestle in the snow, but the sun was rapidly going down.
“We’re going to be late for dinner if we don’t make a move for it,” Andromeda commented, she had begun to shiver again, and the robe didn’t provide any help. Sirius were drumming his bat against the ground, and frowned,
“I don’t want to go back,”
“You have to,” Andromeda replied sensing his ill-will. “Come on.” She stood up and offered a hand, he took it reluctantly and they made their way back to the manor.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

21 aug, 2018 11:43

Avis Fortunae



Jag blir superförtjust i Sirius som barn! Har annars kluvna känslor gentemot den karaktären, men i din story gillar jag honom odelat. Det är väldigt mysigt när de leker i snön och hon tränar med honom fastän hon egentligen inte är så förtjust i sport.

Och nej, nej, nej ... inte Evan Rosier! Värsta dejten ever! Hon får skrämma bort honom med lite choklad, hehe!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

21 aug, 2018 19:42



Avis Fortunae å vad kul att du tycker om Sirius!
Choklad kan vara mycket skrämmande
Jättekul att du tar din tid att kommentera, blir jätteglad varje gång!

Chapter 33
The warmth was very much welcomed when the two cousins came back into the house. It smelt of cinnamon and pumpkin, and they could tell from the sound of voices that there were other guests at the house. Andromeda cringed inwardly, not feeling up to meeting her mother’s sister and family. Sirius didn’t look thrilled either. They both looked at each other before approaching the stairs when Aunt Walburga appeared from the dining hall, and she walked briskly towards them,
“What on earth?” She grabbed hold of Andromeda’s wet robe, and then Sirius’s and when he couldn’t hold back a cheeky smile, his mother slapped him over the face.
“I’ll deal with you later! Go up and change into something dry and do try and behave this evening!”
“Certainly mother.” Sirius replied dutiful, but he winked at his cousin before he ran up the stairs, leaving Andromeda quite alone with her aunt.
“You’re expected to behave as a well-brought up lady, Andromeda Cassiopeia Black. Not some wild animal out in the snow. If I catch you again behaving this way. I will not forget to tell your mother. As of this time, I will give you a warning. Now up and change – QUICKLY, young lady. Honour us and do not embarrass us… any further.” Aunt Walburga patted her cheek lazily before allowing her to hurry up the stairs.

Andromeda closed her bedroom door behind her, and hurried out of her wet robes, drying her hair with a drying spell before brushing through it gently, letting her curls cascade down her back. The door creaked open and Andromeda jumped and covered her body with her arms, feeling quite vulnerable in her underwear,
“It’s just me.” Bellatrix said calmly, and Andromeda breathed a sigh of relief.
“I thought it was someone from downstairs.”
“Oh,” Bellatrix smiled, “Thankfully not.”
“Is it very awkward?”
“Extremely, I almost considered chopping my own arm off just to have something to throw at the boring bastards.” Bellatrix bit her lip to keep from laughter before falling back on her sister’s bed. Andromeda eyed her with a funny look before returning to her wardrobe.
“What should I wear?”
“Wear the green muslin dress-robes, it brings out the light in your chocolate eyes.” Bellatrix said with a tone of sisterly affection, “Rosier will have to eat up everything he said,”
“I don’t care about him, Bella. But I do agree that the green dress looks good, and mother will freak if I don’t look my best. I for one do not care for another trip down the dungeons.” Andromeda shuddered, and Bellatrix did much the same.
“Are you feeling better, Andy?”
“It’s been months since then.” She replied confused, Bellatrix helped her dress,
“You know as well as I that just because a wound heals it doesn’t mean it heals on the inside.”
Andromeda paused, and looked at her sister, noticing the bags under her dark eyes, and the tears threatening to spill over. Without a second thought Andromeda embraced her older sister giving all her love through that hug. Placing a kiss on her cheek. Tears fell on Andromeda’s back and she gently held her sister as she cried, patting her back.
“Hush, it’s alright. I know, she’s terrible. And I haven’t once asked you how she’s been towards you since I came home. How ignorant of me.” Andromeda whispered softly,
“I just wish someone loved me for me.” Bellatrix sobbed into Andromeda’s neck,
“Don’t say that. I love you, for you. You are so important to me. You’re the greatest sister one could ever wish for. I can’t change our mother, I have given up on that. But don’t let her get to you, Bella. You are perfect just the way you are.” Andromeda felt herself choking up, and Bellatrix clung tighter to her.
“I love you, Andy.”

They were stood like that for a few minutes before Sirius came running in ruining their moment, he stopped at the sight of his cousins, and smiled,
“I know they want us to keep the blood within the family but this…”
“SIRIUS!” They shouted at him, and he cowered laughing,
“Sorry… not sorry. But I came to tell you that they are waiting for you two downstairs. Your gentlemen are so forlorn without you.” Sirius teased in a mimic of his mother’s voice, and both sisters rolled their eyes, groaning at their fate.
“We’ll be down in a second.” Andromeda told Sirius, and he left them alone again.
“Thank you, Andy.” Bellatrix quietly said, and Andromeda smiled,
“I’m always here for you!”
“Yeah… oh merlin’s pants. Now my eyes are all red.” Bellatrix sighed at her reflection,
“It suits you,” Her sister teased, and Bellatrix threw sparks at her,
Andromeda hurried with some make-up before they both hurried down-stairs. Where, they were certain, hell would break lose.
The drawing-room was decorated with holly for the season, and a mistletoe were floating above the door that led into the dining hall. Andromeda and Bellatrix were a much-welcomed addition to the party, and Aunt Rosier embraced Andromeda whom she hadn’t yet met since her coming back.
“So glad to see you again, Andromeda. How is school coming along?” She gave her a huge smile, and Andromeda felt a little sick, it was all a show to get her married off to Evan.
“Can’t be easy being in the same class as our Evan, eh?” Uncle Rosier bellowed from his seat, Andromeda raised an eyebrow,
“How so, Uncle?”
Uncle Rosier sat up a little straighter in his seat, sharing a scornful look with her Uncle Orion, “Not mainly because he is quite a handsome boy, but he must also be top of his class. And you Black women have always been so bad at losing. Thankfully Narcissa got the Rosier traits.”
Uncle Orion scowled at this, “Now women in the Black family have always been the finest purebloods one can come around,”
Druella rolled her eyes at her brother in law but said nothing, Uncle Rosier nodded,
“Aye, but women in general, are you know, weaker.”
Her father was ready to agree with this, when Uncle Alphard, who had yet made his presence known spoke up,
“Why don’t we let Andromeda answer,”
Andromeda smiled at her favourite uncle, and all eyes were on her again,
“Now, Andy, dear, is it hard being in the same class as your cousin?” Uncle Alphard asked, and his eyes twinkled at her,
“Not at all, uncle. We don’t move amongst the same friends, and we never work together in class.” Andromeda replied courtly, and Uncle Rosier frowned,
“They really should let you work with Evan more, you could learn a thing or two from him.”
Andromeda had a hard time keeping her smile plastered on her face, her blood was boiling, and it felt as though it burnt her skin,
“I’d rather not, thank you,”
“Don’t be ungrateful, child!” Druella snapped, Andromeda turned her head towards her mother,
“I’m not, it’s just that I’d rather work alone, the faults would be all of my own doing.”
“I’m sure Evan wouldn’t mind your faults, sweetheart.” Aunt Rosier said with a sugar-coated smile.
“Oh, I’m not very worried for myself. I have O’s in every subject. It’s him I’m worried about.” Andromeda smirked at her aunt, who’s jaw had dropped a little and her cheeks reddening quickly. Uncle Rosier were disgruntled and turned his attention to Uncle Orion again. Thus, the conversation directed at Andromeda died out, and she could move into the room, Uncle Alphard approached her and gave her a hug.
“Welcome home, Andy!”
“Thank you, Uncle!” She gave him a genuine smile and kissed his cheek.
Uncle Alphard looked rather weather worn, and his hair had grown to his shoulders. He was still dressed impeccable though, but he wasn’t cold mannered, he was warm through-out. Alphard had always been very loving with his nieces, and nephews, having no children of his own. He was the closest thing to a father figure Andromeda had, considering her own father’s lousy job being a father.
“I heard about them entering you and Evan into a courtship.” Uncle Alphard gently began, Andromeda made a grimace, “Judging by that expression, I can tell that you are less than thrilled.”
Andromeda nodded, “I just…”
“Don’t want to do your duty to this family?” Uncle Alphard suggested, and Andromeda felt her cheeks turn scarlet, “That’s alright, I have never been fond if it myself, as you see, I’m quite without wife and children.” He winked at her, and she smirked,
“You are truly the best uncle,”
Uncle Alphard chuckled, “Don’t ever let them get to you, Andromeda,”
Andromeda shook her head at him, before she was being dragged away by her mother to talk to her cousin – Evan. It was awkward to say the least. They were left to themselves and considering their last conversation when he had called her fat, it wasn’t easy to find an ice-breaker.
“Are you nervous for the exams next term?” Andromeda asked at last, the silence killing her, Evan seemed surprised she had said anything at all, and it took him a while to get an answer out,
“Eh… no.”
Andromeda had never been more awkward in her life. Evan didn’t know how to continue, and she felt stupid for trying. But they were saved by the call for dinner. As they walked inside, every couple stopped and kissed under the mistletoe – a Christmas tradition.
Andromeda dreaded this moment, as did probably Bellatrix who were escorted by Rodolphus, but right before the door frame Evan was pushed forward by none other than Sirius. Evan turned with his fist clenched, but Sirius looked as innocent as could be.
“Andy, it looks as though we are stuck under here.” Sirius smiled up at her, and Andromeda almost fell laughing, Uncle Alphard certainly did, standing behind them.
“On the cheek,” She instructed him, and bowed down, Sirius quickly kissed his cousin’s cheek and they could proceed through the door. Evan still stood stunned, Uncle Alphard patted his shoulder,
“I’d love to help you out my boy, but I fear you would not appreciate it.”
Evan turned an ugly red and sulked off to sit in his assigned chair beside Andromeda.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

24 aug, 2018 10:46

Avis Fortunae



Åh, jag bara älskar slutet! Klockrent, verkligen! Sirius och Uncle Alphard som räddar situationen och tar bort alla de obekväma känslorna från inledningen av släktträffen, vilken skildras läskigt perfekt dessförinnan ... slutet får mig att le stort! Tack för detta kapitel!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

24 aug, 2018 12:32



Avis Fortunae tack för dina kommentarer! Är så roligt att läsa var du tycker! ♥ =)

Chapter 34
Dinner was a very awkward affair, and Andromeda didn’t think she had ever suffered through a worse dinner at home. Uncle Alphard sent her kind glances and tried keeping her hope up. Bellatrix gave her the ‘we’re doomed’ glances, and Sirius tried not to laugh out loud at Evan’s poor attempt to court her. Narcissa had yet again proved what a dutiful pureblood she was by mentioning her relationship with Lucius Malfoy. Something which her parents were very pleased with, and her mother was ‘so proud’ that Narcissa had managed it all on her own. It was no secret she thought her eldest daughters were horrible mistakes, and she did well to remind them of the fact that their younger sister, not even 15 yet, had managed to snatch a perfectly suitable husband.
Andromeda and Bellatrix sneaked away in-between the main course and desert, with the excuse of having to visit the ladies’ room. They locked the door behind them and Andromeda felt she could breathe for the first time in three hours. Bellatrix slumped down on the toilet lid and groaned.
“If I need to listen to another story of Lucius and Cissy, I might kill myself.” Bellatrix looked at her sister who nodded,
“Lucius Malfoy is a scumbag. He cheated on her. Then she had me hear him out. Given the choice between him and…” Andromeda paused and made a disgusted face, “one of ours, I’d choose ours no matter how terrible they are.”
Andromeda paced over the tiles, Bellatrix rubbed her temples, and sighed again,
“Also, I was a hundred percent sure that man was gay.”
“Lucius?” Andromeda stopped in her tracks, and her sister nodded,
“Have you seen the way he treats his hair? And how he treats fashion? – If one were to generalise you’d say he was pretty darn gay.”
“True. But as we know all too well, people don’t always fit within generalisations.” Andromeda smiled, Bellatrix just groaned into her hands,
“We have to get back, almost five minutes have passed, mother will soon hunt us down.” Bellatrix rose, and they left the lavatory for the dining hall again.
Time passed slower than ever, slower than it did during Professor Binns lessons, and that said something about just how slow time was going. Minty and Kreacher served beverage, and when Evan was intoxicated enough, he opened his mouth and started ranting about how he thought the ministry should act against muggleborns. Andromeda counted he had used the word mudblood 38 times when Uncle Alphard finally came to her rescue.
“Evan, might I borrow my niece?” He put a warm hand on her shoulder,
Evan looked disgruntled at being interrupted but complied nonetheless to the other wizard. Uncle Alphard took her hand under his arm and escorted her out of the room, they bumped into Cygnus, who raised his eyebrows at his brother and daughter, but Uncle Alphard just smiled,
“I’m taking Andromeda for a walk, she felt a little sick,”
Andromeda felt surprised at this lie, but her father bought it, and once she was handed her robe they left for the outside.
At first, they were completely silent, they just stared up at the stars and the moon reflecting itself in the pure driven snow. The only thing breaking that comfortable silence was the sound of their boots creaking as they walked in the snowy winter wonderland.
Uncle Alphard led her down a path, and when they were within a safe distance from the house, he loosened his grip on her a little and a worried frown replaced his smile. Andromeda noticed the change, and remained silent, waiting for him to start up a conversation.
“How are you feeling?” His voice was full of concern.
It wasn’t the question Andromeda were expecting, but she smiled tiredly,
“I’m tired.”
“Tired of what?” Uncle Alphard kicked the snow in front of him, glancing carefully at his niece.
“It’s getting late.” Andromeda raised an eyebrow, but he just shook his head smiling,
“We both know that’s not what I meant. It was some pretty nasty things that cousin of yours said.” Uncle Alphard eyed her, and she didn’t know if she should nod or not.
“I…” Andromeda paused thoughtfully focusing her eyes on her feet instead,
“You can tell me the truth, Andy.” Uncle Alphard’s face turned soft again, “I know.”
At first Andromeda thought he meant he knew about Ted, and she felt herself panicking. Her heart raced, and she started sweating nervously, but then she realised he couldn’t possibly know, and she calmed a little.
“I’m not thrilled about the idea of killing innocent people is all.” She shrugged her shoulders to make it sound more casual. Her mother would have thought that shrug barbaric.
Uncle Alphard laughed a dry laugh, “I’m glad you feel that way. All though far from everyone do feel that way.”
“You do not agree with such extremist thoughts then, Uncle?” Andromeda dared ask and looked expectantly at him, and he stroke her chin with calm movements,
“Andromeda, you know I stood behind Cedrella. I don’t care about people’s blood, I care about what’s on the inside. But that’s a very dangerous thought to harbour in our family.” He warned her, “You would be disowned and labelled a blood traitor, just like Cedrella, if you were found out.”
Andromeda swayed back and forth on her feet, thinking,
“They will never know, Uncle. I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve.”
Uncle Alphard beamed, “And yet you have been so radiant of love since you came home for holidays.”
Andromeda froze, her eyes widened, and it felt as if though the temperature had dropped further. Her heart beat so hard in her chest, she felt it would explode, the blood was rushing in her ears, what if he knew?
“I don’t know what you refer to Uncle.” She stuttered, and Uncle Alphard’s eyes twinkled at her as they so often did.
“I suppose Albus is a liar then.”
Andromeda stopped, “What?”
“Albus Dumbledore and I had a chat about you during our knitting session.”
Andromeda felt panic come on for real this time, had Dumbledore revealed her relationship with Ted?
“Don’t be alarmed, Andromeda, he just told me you might be in love with someone you shouldn’t be.” Uncle Alphard beamed at her, but it wasn’t very reassuring,
“You can’t tell them!” Andromeda plead, and Uncle Alphard shook his head fiercely,
“I would never. I love you far too much for that. But if you are in love with a muggleborn, or a half-blood. Don’t let them stop you. Knock them dead. You are stronger than all their hate.” Uncle Alphard hugged her, and kissed her brow,
“Thank you, for understanding.” Andromeda smiled tearful, and she seemed to detect a certain sadness around her uncle, but it was gone as soon as it had come.
“When you’re ready to tell me about the boy. You know where I’m found.” He winked, before they walked back to the manor in the cold starry night.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

14 sep, 2018 20:51

Avis Fortunae



Här får hon verkligen stöd - det bästa som tänkas kan. Det är så vackert, hur de går där i vinterlandskapet och han så tydligt klargör att han finns där, när hon behöver honom. Hoppas detta kan vara en hjälp på vägen, kanske till och med avgörande.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

14 sep, 2018 21:09



Avis Fortunae Tack så mycket för din kommentar, är så himla roligt att läsa vad du tycker varje gång!

Chapter 35
The rest of that awful night had passed in a humorous way, at least according to Andromeda, Bellatrix and Sirius. Evan Rosier might have not considered the night very joyful, for Sirius had planned and executed a prank against him. It was quite an innocent prank in itself, it involved no pain, the only thing hurt, might have been Evan’s dignity. Sirius had managed to sneak a dungbomb inside of Evan’s robe and Andromeda had thought the expression on his face was hilarious, and she had to keep from laughing out loud. The smell was however terrible, and Sirius were properly punished for it.
Andromeda and Bellatrix were laying in Andromeda’s bed late that night, talking about the dinner and other related things. They were really much too tired to still be up and about the day before Christmas morning, but time was a fleeting thing, much to their dismay.
“Are you going to do it?” Bella asked as she flopped onto her stomach giving her sister a curious look, Andromeda lifted her head to better see Bellatrix, and frowned,
Bellatrix rolled her eyes,
“Agree to marry Evan.”
“No.” Andromeda sighed, “At least I won’t go without a fight.”
Her sister laughed at her,
“I’d like to see them try!”
The door creaked, and a pyjamas clad Sirius snuck inside, when he saw that his cousins were awake he straightened himself, closed the door and jumped at them,
Andromeda pushed him off her, and sat up on the bed,
“What are you doing here Sirius?”
“Well, Regalus is boring… and annoying… and snivelling.” Sirius looked at his cousin as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Andromeda chuckled at him,
“Alright then, you can stay.”
“YES.” He made a victory pirouette with his fist in the air.
“Don’t tell Narcissa though, she’ll get pissed off.” Bellatrix warned Sirius and he nodded excitedly.
“I won’t. I’m not a tattletale.” Sirius pretended to lock his mouth with a key.
“Come here.” Andromeda let Sirius up on her bed again, “I’ve got some sweets.”
“I love you, Andy!” Sirius embraced her, and Bellatrix rolled her eyes,
“Briber!” She gave Andromeda a look, and Andromeda stuck her tongue out at her sister.
Sirius took a liquorice wand and settled in-between his cousins, wearing a goofy grin,
“You two are my favourite cousins!”
Bellatrix raised an eyebrow,
“Oh, I’ve been promoted!”
Andromeda laughed, but Sirius raised a finger,
“Don’t get used to it. As soon as you marry the scum that’s Rodolphus Lestrange, you won’t be. ‘Cause I’ll be forced to visit.”
Bellatrix pouted, and smacked his arm lightly,
“That’s unfair. What about Andy?”
Sirius let his eyes run over Andromeda for a second before biting into his lolly again,
“Nah, she won’t marry Evan.”
“How can you be so sure?” Bellatrix asked,
Sirius sighed dramatically,
“Must you always be so askable.”
“It’s questioning, Sirius,” Andromeda corrected, “Not askable.”
“Whatever.” He murmured with his mouth full of lollies.
“It’s important to know your grammar.” Andromeda tried, and Bellatrix tried not laughing.
“Like they teach that at Hogwarts.” Sirius argued, and Andromeda shook her head at him,
“You’re expected to know it by then.”
“Evan seems to be doing fine without it,” Sirius brushed it off and Andromeda snorted with laughter.
“Oh, Sirius, you’re going to be big trouble when you start school.”
“And get all the girls, I mean I’m just irresistible.” Sirius ran a hand through his hair, and his cousins chuckled at him,
“You’re nine Sirius, you won’t have to worry about girls till you’re at least fifteen.” Bellatrix said kindly, and Sirius frowned at her,
“I have to start early, so many girls, so little time.”
“You’re such a dog!” Andromeda smacked him over the head,
“I like to think I am, you know, the ladies will be howling after me and the teachers will be barking at me.” Sirius gave her a lopsided smile, and Andromeda burst out laughing again,
“Give them hell.”
“I’ll try my best.” He winked, and they shook their heads at him.
“Goodnight Sirius.” Andromeda lay down next to him, and Bellatrix lay on the other side.
It went quiet for about a minute before their young cousin opened his big mouth again,
“I think I won’t be a Slytherin,”
“What?” Andromeda asked calmly before her sister had time to protest. Sirius shrugged his shoulders,
“I’m clever and all that but it takes a whole lot of bravery to stand up for my pranks at home, so I figured I’ll be a Gryffindor.” He smirked,
“Well, the sorting hat knows what it’s doing.” Bellatrix said as she yawned, “I mean there are worse things you could do.”
“Yeah, and despite think of what mother will do. It’ll be hilarious.” Sirius smiled, “My biggest prank yet.”
“I can’t wait.” Andromeda laughed, “Now be quiet or our mothers will have us sleep in the dungeons.”
Sirius gave a yelp and quieted down. Andromeda listened for a moment at the slow breathing of her bed-fellows, before she herself drifted off into the land of the dreams.

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18 sep, 2018 20:41

Avis Fortunae



Denne underbart charmige lille Sirius! Han siar ganska så rätt om framtiden! Jag tycker väldigt mycket om hans relation till sina favoritkusiner, och hur de vänligt retas med varandra. Hög mysfaktor i detta kapitel!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

18 sep, 2018 21:18




Chapter 36
Andromeda woke up because someone was sitting on her, she tried opening her heavy eyes,
“Sirius?” she groaned, and she heard a snicker that most definitely belonged to her young cousin. Bellatrix moved next to her, muttering in response.
“Guys! It’s Christmas morning, we get presents. Get up!” Sirius shook Andromeda about and kicked Bellatrix side,
“I vote to hex him.” Bellatrix mumbled, and Sirius crossed his arm, still sitting on Andromeda,
“That’s not fair!”
“I’ll…” Bellatrix began but Andromeda interrupted her,
“Let’s not say things we’ll regret later.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“Get up!” Sirius tried pulling at his cousin again, and Andromeda yielded,
“Fine, I’m up.”
Andromeda sat up and Sirius removed himself from her person. She stretched and swung her legs over the bedside, she carefully put a hand on her sister’s arm,
“Come on, mother will hex you out of bed if you don’t.”
Bellatrix opened her eyes and growled, but nevertheless stood up and started to get dressed. Andromeda followed suit. Sirius remained in his pyjamas, claiming it to be tradition.
“You are breaking the tradition!” He whined, and Andromeda quirked an eyebrow,
“It’s tradition for the children of the family, besides if Evan and Rodolphus are down there, I’d rather not let them catch us in our nightgowns.”
Bellatrix shuddered,
“Join Cissy, and Regalus if you want company in your pyjamas.”
“They are boring,” Sirius pouted,
“But you were supposed to sleep with them, and what if Aunt Walburga finds out you didn’t?” Andromeda asked, and Sirius made a dramatic gasp as he hurried out of the room.
When Sirius had left them, they could dress in relative peace and then calmly walk down to the drawing room where the rest of the family were waiting. Unfortunately, they had been right, Evan and Rodolphus had indeed joined the family. They sighed internally.
The gifts were handed out and the needed thanks were given, the only gift worth an actual thank you on Andromeda’s side was the silver necklace she was given by her older sister. It was a half-moon carved around the Andromeda galaxy. It was rather beautifully made, and Andromeda felt herself tearing up at the gift. She herself had given her sister a necklace as well, and Bellatrix had claimed that she loved it and put it on directly.

After lunch Sirius were getting unbearable, he couldn’t sit still for another second. That was the reason as to why Andromeda found herself dragging Sirius around Hogsmeade looking at the window of Zonko’s.
“Sirius aren’t you tired yet?” Andromeda asked when he had stood watching the articles in the window for half-an-hour. It was freezing and hardly any other people out there, and much as she didn’t want to go back home to mingle with Evan Rosier, she longed for the smouldering fire.
“No.” He cackled and then ran away from her… again. Andromeda stalked after him but lost track of him… again.
She thought it’d be best to check by Honeydukes, but she couldn’t find him. Panic started to erupt as she started imagining what would happen if she came home without her young cousin. But then someone grabbed her side, and she sighed,
“Sirius, you bloody idiot!” as she turned she felt her cheeks redden, “Ted?”
“Hello.” Ted smiled like an idiot, and she felt herself crack up. She knew it was too risky to be standing so close in public, but merlin did she want to kiss him.
“ANDY!” Sirius roared marching up to her, “You left me all alone!”
Andromeda backed away a few steps from Ted, and looked down at Sirius who had appeared,
“You ran away from me.” She raised her finger, and Sirius grinned,
“I can’t help that you’re so slow.”
Ted looked in-between the two cousins,
“Who’s this?”
Andromeda smirked, “This is my bastard son.”
Sirius nodded, “Yeah, my mummy is a lose woman.”
Ted looked uncomfortable, and frowned, looking for something to say.
“It’s my cousin, for merlin’s sake. You didn’t believe us, did you?!” Andromeda exclaimed, and Ted smiled,
“No, but you should see your face!”
Andromeda smacked his arm, Sirius however stared at Ted,
“Who are you?”
Before Ted had time to answer Andromeda stepped in,
“He’s just a school-fellow, we were working in Herbology together.”
Ted looked slightly hurt, but as always, understood the fragile situation, and only nodded.
“Yeah. I best be off to the castle again.”
“And we better get home before I lose you again, Sirius,” Andromeda looked sternly at her young cousin who only wiggled his eyebrows in reply.
“See you at school!” Ted said, and Andromeda beamed,
“Yeah, see you soon.”
Andromeda took Sirius by the hand and walked briskly the other way,
“Andy, it’s a little far to walk home, can’t you apparate us again?” Sirius asked anxiously, and Andromeda stopped dead in her tracks,
“Oh, yes, of course.”
“Who was he?” Sirius asked calmly suddenly sounding a lot more mature than he was,
“No one, but um, don’t tell anyone we met him.” Andromeda pleaded, and Sirius nodded a wee bit concerned at his cousins plead,
“Not a single soul. I don’t betray my friends.”
He held out his hand,
“We’re not making an unbreakable vow of it, Sirius!” Andromeda looked at her cousin with confusion and Sirius laughed,
“No, we’re shaking on it.”
“Oh, pixies, I’ve been a member of this family for too long!”
“We’ll manage. Together.”
“Together,” Andromeda agreed and took hold of Sirius out-stretched hand.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

20 sep, 2018 20:47

Avis Fortunae



Jag gillar när hon skämtar med Ted och säger att Sirius är hennes son, och Sirius hänger på skämtet direkt. Han är så charmig! Synd dock att hon inte fick tillfälle att tala med Ted. Hoppas det kommer en ny chans snart!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

21 sep, 2018 06:19

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