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Wee, English! I love english, but I'm, huh, not very good at it x) but I've become better than I was last year at least ^^

wolfstar deserved better.

19 okt, 2011 20:46



Skrivet av Borttagen:
My English classes is like this;
1. We're given a work sheet
2. Teacher says "be done in 30 minutes"
3. I'm done in 5
4. Ask what to do
5. "Do this exercise"
6. Done. "Can't I just go and write something, an essey about something, or read a book?"
7. "Nah, stay here and listen"
8. "And now we're doing this exercise, be done in 30!"
9. "But I've already done it, you told me"
10. "Yeah well, just chill then"

What do I learn with that?
I do not mean to brag, but English is my best subject, and I want to learn more of course, but I can't, because everything we do is things I learned when I was 12. Don't understand why they can't give me extra work, when I ask for it? :c

Story of my life.

I always tell my teacher that I already know what we're working with (and basically every single thing we will be working with) and she always gives me another so called "challenge".
Which I understand immediately and just "snail" my way through.

But I'm so happy!!! this friday I am getting the C book instead of B book. And it will be awesome, I'll understand it aswell but seriously it will probably at least be some fun facts.

The only Nwe thing I've learned from English this year was "monosyllable" and that was the substitute teacher giving me a random word to work out.

Oh gosh long text.

19 okt, 2011 20:48



What's the problem with the word oral?

19 okt, 2011 20:52




Nah I understand, sometimes it's chill, to just lie in the sofa and watch the others.. But I still want to learn, English is my fav subject, so it's boring, and I don't get the chance to show what I can, we're going through when to say have/has like EVERY LESSON. :|

Thet connect it to "oral sex", and since "oral" is not very common to use in Swedish except for when you talk about oral sex, I think that's why

19 okt, 2011 21:03



^ Lol, ask jasmin. She has a way of always misinterpret things.......

About the stuff you said concerning that you guys find it too easy with the english in school; I feel the same way.
I mean, I feel like almost everybody I know (atleast the people in my class), find it really easy with this subject. It feels like there's more people who find it easy rather than difficult.
So, my question to the school management is, why do you have so low goals for us?! If you look at the goals for VG - they are seriously really low. Remember this is accordning to me, and my friends (and that includes some of you guys).


19 okt, 2011 21:07



You guys have no idea how long I've been waiting for something like this to come along; when it comes to mixing Swedish and English words, I'm hopeless! You have noticed this, I'm sure. I'm afraid that people will get annoyed with me and think that I'm trying to prove something when I keep mixing these two languages together, but I honestly can't help it. English is like my mother-tongue; I speak it every day. Sometimes, my thoughts are entirely in English. As the matter of fact, I'd speak English all day if I hadn't been so embarrassed to do so. I'm surrounded by Swedish speaking people for most of the day (the entire day, in fact. Add a couple of Persian speaking people to the equation and we're all set), so it would have been quite odd if I had started speaking English all of the sudden. Come to think of it, though, I do speak English among my friends... a lot, actually... hey, I've never thought of that before!

... As stated above, I'm hopeless when it comes to mixing these two languages together. I'm not even aware of it, most of the time, not until someone points it out to me. I'm always like "... so? Leave me alone. "

I feel so freeeeeee, weeeeeee.

19 okt, 2011 21:11

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2011-10-19 kl. 21:20
Antal ändringar: 1



trevor - oh yes, I know the feeling. I really, really want to develop my skills, and I've always been one step ahead of my class,and it really bugs me. It's like those people who's always working fast,but getting the extra - material they ask for, but I keep asking for that extra sheets, books and things like that, but they never give it to me. But right now, as much as I want to move forward, I can't take on that kind of stress. c:

19 okt, 2011 21:13




Elderwand Yes!!! They really need to re-think their structure in this subject. I mean, this generation is really sort of grown up with Internet access, and we ARE years ahead compared to, for example, our parents when they were our age. It's necessary to know English when you spend a lot of time on the Internet, because that's THE language here... I just really have nothing to do on my English lessons because there are only things that I learned a long, long time ago.

19 okt, 2011 21:14



(Speaking about nothing...? lol)
You guys, mugglis has actually been so helpful to me, to my schoolwork and yeah..
By reading fan fictions, all of your different arguments and a lot more, I've actually become a better student in school with different types of subjects, mostly in swedish with writing longer texts and so on.
'Cause here, everybody makes it interesting to discuss, to read and yeah. The topic couldn't be better, could it? I mean, Harry Potter. Harry Potter has been so helpful in so many ways. Not only because of the whole creation; the books; the message it wishes to obtain; but also this!
Harry Potter has helped me in school. YOU have helped me in school.
And I owe you guys a thanks. In english, lol. So thank you for helping me with my spelling, my grammar, different kinds of arguments, how to put up a discussion... The list is long.


19 okt, 2011 21:21

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2011-10-19 kl. 21:24
Antal ändringar: 2



Isis Alexima Awh I always mix English and Swedish too. I accidentally do it in Swedish class, and in 9th grade, my teacher always complained. But now my teachers does the same, all the time, so they just find it amusing. Lol.

19 okt, 2011 21:21

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