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Chapter 27
Andromeda didn’t really know where she was headed at first. She had no classes left and dinner weren’t served until 18. It was simply too cold for the outside and she didn’t feel up for a frost bite. Luckily for her, she bumped into her favourite lasses.
“Andy!” Roxy threw her arms around her, “We’ve looked for you,”
“Everywhere.” Hailey added,
“Not everywhere,” Abigail wrinkled her nose. “Hailey took a detour with Smith,”
Hailey shot her a look but then they laughed.
“Should we steal some seats in the library?” Hailey asked,
“The common room is really damp and cold,” Abigail explained. Andromeda nodded,
“Sure, but beware Araminta Crouch and her gang might be throwing some dirty looks if they’re still there.” Andromeda smiled,
“What happened whilst we were gone?” Roxy chuckled,
“I’ll tell you on the way.” Andromeda grinned,
And when she had told her friends they all were bewildered and a little happy over the set down.
“Would you believe her!” Roxy said shaking her head as they sat down at a table in the library,
“The gut,” Hailey snickered, “To attack a Black.”
“Oh, shut it, Hailey!” Andromeda grinned,
“But it is true, Andy. It’s stupid.” Roxanne pressed
“Well, I’m just not a person who takes well on being insulted.” Andromeda shrugged her shoulders.
“You deal with it better than most. Even with your ‘Black’ temper.” Hailey teased,
Andromeda smacked her arm playfully.
“Smith has asked me to go with him to the Yule Ball,” Hailey grinned,
“Yes, there,” Roxanne snickered, “we have someone who indeed fucked.”
“There’s nothing wrong in that.” Hailey retorted,
“Flint asked me just before,” Abigail said quietly,
“In the broomstick closet?” Andromeda teased, and Abigail blushed severely,
“Merlin’s hippogriffs do I need to find me a date.” Roxanne laughed,
“Oh, come of it, Roxy, all the guys wants you.” Andromeda said,
“Oh right,”
“It’s true,” Hailey agreed, “You just don’t give them a shot.”
“I think Stuart Craggy may have a thing for you.” Abigail said in her normal quiet manner.
“What?” Roxanne blushed scarlet red. “The captain?”
“Oh Yes!” Hailey got excited, “I’m sure he always looks at you or asks of you!”
“He is perfect for you.” Andromeda smiled,
“He is really good with his broom too, if you know what I mean!” Hailey winked,
“We all know what you mean!” Andromeda shrieked disgusted,
“I guess.” Roxanne relented, “But he has to ask me.”
“What happened to all the, ‘we’re not like you Andy, it’s not desperate for us to ask’?” Andromeda asked, Roxanne wrinkled her forehead in thought,
“When did we… oh, yeah. Right. But as usual you were right, Andy.” Roxy winked.
Andromeda laughed,
“I told you so.”
They talked on about the gowns they were thinking of wearing for the occasion, and Andromeda thought it might not turn out to be so bad. Even if she had to attend it with Rabastan Lestrange. She shuddered.
Then she realised she had a letter from home to read, she sighed,
“I have to go. I have correspondence to attend to,”
“Have fun reading your mothers enlightening words.” Hailey mocked,
“It’s from Bella too. And I have to say I’m intrigued by her letter for she never writes. She loathes to take to the quill.”
“See you later then, Andy.” Roxanne called out, and Andromeda took her bag and left the library.

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8 aug, 2018 23:55

Avis Fortunae



Undrar vad modern och Bella har skrivit? Och hur ska det gå med Rabastan Lestrange? Är väl lite svag för bad boys, haha Längtar efter nästa kapitel!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

9 aug, 2018 08:19



Chapter 28
Andromeda passed a classroom, with an open door, thinking she might read her letter in there, but once she entered the classroom she regretted it immediately. Andromeda found Molly Prewett sitting at one of the benches, crying over a gown, presumably the one she was supposed to wear for the ball. Andromeda were about to turn on her heel when she heard her being spoken too.
“Andromeda?” Molly looked up and Andromeda felt forced to look into the brown sad eyes. At least she wasn’t going to be punished for talking to her, she was a pureblood.
“Oh, I’m sorry to have disturbed you, I will leave.”
“No,” Molly called out, “Please don’t leave, not on my account.”
Andromeda felt awkward, “Is something the matter?” she felt compelled to ask, Molly looked a little stunned that she had asked. But she dried her tears.
“My dress.” She said sadly, “It’s horrid.”
“Surely not.”
“No, it is. It’s old-fashioned and even teared at the hem.” Molly bit back fresh tears. Andromeda put her bag on another desk and approached her. She looked at the dress, lifted it in places and nodded.
“You were right.”
“Oh,” Molly sighed and bit her lip, “blasted goblins.”
“I could help you.” Andromeda offered before she knew what she was doing, “Old-fashioned isn’t always bad. It’s all in good quality, just a little worn.”
“You think you could fix it?” Molly asked hopeful, “Only I should not want to bother you.”
“No matter.” Andromeda replied, she drew her wand ready, and pointed it at the fabric,
“Reparo.” She waved her wand and pointed at the gown, the hem restored itself. Molly looked on wide eyed. Andromeda then proceeded to look at the dress. It was quite out dated. She knew the style though, 1910.
“You could go for a vintage look. It would be easy to make the gown a little more modern, and then style you a little vintage. That would make the others think it were deliberate. And you will look good.” Andromeda commented, and Molly nodded,
“Oh, yes. Thank you ever so much!”
“It’s fine,” Andromeda smiled small, and then spent the next hour in the company of Molly Prewett fixing her dress and helping her with how she should wear her hair, showing her how to apply a nice matching make-up.
She had, surprisingly enough, fun with Molly.
“Arthur is so sweet. I love him. I just do.” She giggled, and Andromeda smiled,
“I’m happy for you.”
“You are?” Molly asked astonished,
“Oh yes. I’m glad my great-grandfathers brother’s daughter’s son has such a nice girlfriend.” Andromeda bit her lip to keep from laughing but broke as soon as Molly laughed.
“I forget you are related.”
“By blood. Not in terms.” Andromeda said awkwardly, Molly nodded,
“Yes, I forgot, you labelled his mother as blood traitor.”
“Well, I personally don’t think of her as that. Cedrella were according to uncle Alphard, the only sane bitch in the house.” Andromeda smiled sadly.
“I know of another sane…” Molly swallowed, “bitch, in that house.”
“Right, who?” Andromeda grinned,
“You. Andromeda. You’re not like them. You don’t really believe in blood purity.”
Andromeda felt suddenly uncomfortable, Molly laid her hand over her hand.
“You’re braver, you’re like her.”
“I don’t feel comfortable talking about this.” Andromeda said stiffly, Molly sighed,
“I know your secret Andromeda.” Molly carefully said, Andromedas eyes widened, and she didn’t even try to hide her shock.
“What?” Andromedas voice came out in a scared whisper.
“I saw you.” Molly continued quietly, “On a round. I haven’t told a single soul, and I’m not going to.”
“What are you talking about?” Andromeda tried feeling her heart beat hard in her chest,
“I know about you, and him.” Molly said, “I don’t want to say his name in case anyone overhears. Even though we’re talking ridiculously low in an empty, closed room,”
“You mean you know about me and Ted.” Andromeda whispered afraid, Molly nodded,
“I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you.” Andromeda was at loss of what else to say.
“I think you two are perfect together.” Molly said smiling, Andromeda looked up and beamed,
“You think?”
“Absolutely. It’s as if you were made for each other,”
Andromeda blushed, “It actually feels quite nice, to have someone know that is.”
“I understand. It must be hard carrying such a secret.”
“Oh, you have no idea! – But no one else knows. Well except for Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.” Andromeda laughed at the last.
“How come they know?” Molly snickered, Andromeda went a little pink,
“They might have caught us snogging,”
“O merlin! That must have been embarrassing!”
“Yes, it was.” Andromeda laughed,
“Oh, dinner.” Molly looked at her watch and lit up, Andromeda first realised then how hungry she was.
“I hope we can talk some other time.” Andromeda smiled,
“Me too.” Molly said, “Thank you for all the help with my gown!”
“No trouble,” Andromeda replied, before taking her bag.
They parted outside, since Molly had to leave her gown in the Gryffindor Tower. Andromeda re-joined her friends but found she missed Molly’s company. It had felt good to be oneself thoroughly for once with someone else than Ted.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

10 aug, 2018 17:27

Avis Fortunae



Nice! Tänk om Molly och Andy kan bli vänner. Det måste ha känts väldigt skönt för henne att, som det står, få vara sig själv rakt igenom - utan att behöva dölja något.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

10 aug, 2018 20:22



Chapter 29
It worked out so well that Roxanne were invited by Stuart Craggy, and all of them had someone to go with. Unfortunately for Andromeda Rabastan did not improve upon acquaintance, which she had sort of figured out since his and Roxy’s brief relationship in the fifth year. However, the day had still arrived, and everyone were stressed out, mostly the girls but some of the boys were stressing just as much. Andromeda had applied her make-up and done her hair, then she had helped Abigail, Roxy and Hailey before finally stepping into her feast robes.
A nice white muslin fabric, that framed her body very well. Even Andromeda for once, felt quite pretty. Despite having to go with Rabastan Lestrange.
At eight o’clock the four girls went up to the great hall that had been transferred to a ballroom. They met with their partners at the top of the stairs by the entry to the dungeons. Andromeda where met by a properly dressed Rabastan, and after he had kissed, she shuddered, her hand he tucked her hand securely at his arm. Then they walked together into the great hall. Had it not been for his slimy demeanour, personality wise,- they would have looked quite well. Andromeda wore a gown quite ravishing and Rabastan wore robes made with the finest fabric, and his hair was for once perfectly combed.
Andromeda felt uncomfortable with all the eyes that turned towards them, but then her eyes met Ted’s and they shone so brightly of love that she had to lower her gaze for a mere moment lest she teared up. When she dared look up at him again, she could but gape; he wore robes. Not his typical school robes but proper feast robes, instead of the silent protest of muggle clothing he did sometimes. He looked dashing, no handsomer than that word might describe. Andromeda felt as though words couldn’t describe how beautiful he looked to her at that moment. But then their shared look of devotion was interrupted by Rabastan who escorted her further into the room towards their own kin.
Andromeda were left by Hailey, Roxanne and Abigail whilst their escorts went to get them something to drink.
“Don’t you think Stuart looks extremely hot?” Roxanne bit her lip and giggled,
Hailey nodded, “Yeah, and Smith is looking damn fine too I must say. His arse in those robes…nice.”
“Flint has certainly made an effort today!” Abigail commented gaily and then they all looked at Andromeda who dreamily had her eyes on her prey; Ted.
“What do you think about him then?” Roxanne asked Andromeda thinking she looked after Rabastan.
“He is one hot bastard.” Andromeda murmured, biting her lip, the others made kiss noises,
“And here we were thinking you didn’t even like Rabastan!” Hailey gave her a light squeeze on the shoulder, Andromeda woke from her trance,
“You said Rabastan were one hot bastard.” Abigail helped, and Andromeda quirked her eyebrow,
“Just now!” Hailey smirked,
“What!? No euw, I think he’s as slimy as ever. I wasn’t even looking at him.” Andromeda made a disgusted face,
“But if you weren’t looking at him,” Roxanne scanned the place, “The only other boy there is that Hufflepuff, the mudblood.”
Andromeda’s cheeks grew hot with embarrassment, “I wasn’t looking at anyone in particular, I was daydreaming.”
“About who?” Hailey asked excited through the rumble of music and voices,
“I knew you couldn’t be staring at that mudblood!” Roxanne said gaily,
“No one you know!” Andromeda answered but then looked stern at Roxy, “We don’t use the word mudblood.”
“What did you just call me?” Jenny Vanes glared at Andromeda, and Andromeda sighed deeply.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Vanes, I didn’t say anything about you.”
“You called me a mudblood!” Jenny screamed at Andromeda and suddenly people shut up and everyone looked towards the scene Jenny were causing, Andromeda rolled her eyes.
“I did not. I didn’t even speak to you.”
“You totally did! Right Amos?” Jenny barked at her partner making him cower,
“I didn’t quite hear…” He mumbled,
“Bloody coward.” Jenny spat,
“What’s going on here?” Professor McGonagall had made her way through, as had Rabastan and the other guys. They handed the girls their drinks, and Rabastan stood next to Andromeda,
“What seems to be the problem?” Rabastan asked his voice dripping with arrogance,
“Your girlfriend called Vanes a mudblood that’s what!” A Gryffindor yelled from behind some other students.
“Right too you know!” Rabastan growled drawing his wand in combat,
“I’m not his girlfriend,” Andromeda said in a low threatening tone, “And I did not call Vanes a mudblood,”
“Professor, Black totally did,” Another girl who had been near said,
“Did you Miss Black?” Professor McGonagall asked tiredly,
“No, I told a friend to not use that word when describing another person, not Vanes for that matter.” Andromeda said tiredly,
“That’s in fact true, Professor,” Hailey reaffirmed, Roxanne and Abigail nodded,
“Now Miss Vanes, let’s all enjoy the ball, and stop throwing wild accusations. And girls,” McGonagall turned to Roxanne in particular, “If I hear that word one more time, you will all be excused to the dungeons.”
The crowd departed after that and the band started to play again. Andromeda drank her drink but felt she couldn’t enjoy herself. Rabastan kept trying to put his hand on her arse, which made her highly uncomfortable, and she kept slapping his hands of off places they shouldn’t wander. Then it became time to dance, the head girls and boys were supposed to open the dance, so Andromeda was forced to dance with Rabastan. Everyone was quite in awe of her, being the best looking of the opening pairs. That advantage didn’t last long though because what her mother hadn’t known was that Lestrange danced awfully bad. He kept stepping on her toes having her feel completely mortified in front of the whole school. Thankfully she wore the façade firm in place, refusing to let show what an awful dance partner she had, and instead focus on her own dancing skills. After three hours of dancing however her feet were sore and bleeding from Rabastan’s mistakes. Andromeda felt increasingly more awkward as the night continued. Whoever had decided that they could serve alcohol to the seventh-year students had obviously not considered that slimy gits like Rabastan Lestrange would have too much to drink and cause girls like her trouble.
When she after another dance and drink had to force his hand off her arse she grew so tired of him that she excused herself to the girls bathroom. Her legs carried her quickly out of the great hall where she met a few of Rabastan’s friends, who were laughing as she approached their way. Carrow stopped Andromeda in her tracks, she looked at the poor fool with a quirked eyebrow.
“Get out of my way, Carrow!”
“Why should I sweet-chums?” Carrow smiled unsettling, licking his lips.
Andromeda swallowed in disgust,
“I don’t have time for this…” Andromeda tried to walk past him, but he took hold of her arms. Andromeda tried to wriggle herself free but Carrow were stronger than her. It was in all quite embarrassing to be held hostage by such a savage.
“Ey, Rabastan! I’ve caught you something fine!” Carrow bellowed, Andromeda turned cold, oh why hadn’t Carrow just let her pass.
“Have you now, Carrow?” Rabastan hurried, and Carrow turned Andromeda around.
“For once you have not disappointed me, old friend!” Rabastan grinned deviously, he grabbed her harshly, and held her tightly. Andromeda could feel her skin bruising under his fingers.
“Rabastan, would you be as kind as to let me go?” Andromeda remained calm in her appearance but felt quite frightened on the inside. She couldn’t possibly reach her wand, or she would have easily escaped. He shook her laughing,
“You’d like that now, wouldn’t you?”
Carrow and the others joined him in laughter. Andromeda tried to wring herself free again but in vain.
“You told me you were off to the bathroom, lovey!” He put a finger under her chin and forced her to look at him, his smile turned into that of anger. Andromeda tried to claw her way free, but this made him angrier and he pressed her with such force into the stone-wall behind them that she felt her head would explode, and she had to close her eyes from the dizziness and sickness she felt. The other boys cheered Rabastan on, and she tried her best not to faint. Andromeda thought it couldn’t possibly get worse when he crashed his lips forcefully on hers. She tried to kick and scream but he held her tightly pressed between him and the wall. Rabastan kept kissing her against her will. But then he touched her breast with one hand, and she felt that the tears burning of shame and anger fully grew. Rabastan and his friends laughed as he caressed her breast, but Andromeda were not in the slightest amused. She saw her chance though, for he could not hold her as hard and she managed to get her leg up and kick him in the crotch. Rabastan howled out in pain, and let go of her, Andromeda made a run for it, she ran, instead of down to the dungeons, were she was headed, up to the moving stairs. Andromeda knew they’d be after her in a minute. And she heard them curse as the stairs moved just in time. ‘Thank Merlin!’ She would never complain about these blasted stairs again.
The stairs brought her to the seventh floor and she ran into the corridor on the left and prayed for the room to appear. It did. Out of breath and with blood taste in her mouth she sank down on the other side of the door. Her head hurt, her lips hurt, and her arms hurt. It was as though his touch still wandered over her body. At the thought of it her stomach lurched, and she threw up on the floor. The taste in her mouth was nothing compared with how she felt. It was as though she was dirty. Andromeda got her wand up and vanished the vomit. She sighed and let her head fall back against the wall. Her head pounding, and she still tasted the bitter taste of her vomit. Andromeda groaned, this night was supposed to be fun, and here she was sat, alone. She needn’t wait for long though, because after only a few minutes Ted entered.
“Hey, I met Rabastan ascending the stairs and heard them muttering about you, I thought you might have come into hiding in here!” Ted helped her up,
“Yeah, thanks.” She smiled half-heartened,
“What happened?” Ted looked worried,
“Urgh, Rabastan just forced himself upon me. But I think I will be fine. My head hurts though. My arms too.” Andromeda gave him a brave look, and Ted examined her arms with a frown,
“I would beat him up if I had the chance!”
“Forget it Ted, it’ll be fine.” Andromeda waved it off, not really wanting to discuss it more.
Ted nodded understanding, then swung her about and kissed her sweetly,
“You look, wow, Dromeda, I don’t know how I could ever deserve you!”
Andromeda started to feel giddy again, and kissed him hard, before brushing hair out of his eyes, “Ted, where did you get these robes? – You look divine. I had to try my best to keep my eyes away from you!”
Ted laughed and kissed her brow, “How are your feet my darling?” He said with mock-chivalry, she pouted and smacked him on the chest,
“Don’t get me started, my toes are blue and bleeding.”
“May I?” Ted offered his hand and she chuckled,
“But we don’t even have music.” She stated, and he shrugged his shoulders,
“I’ll sing then,” He grinned and then he took her hand in his and placed his other hand on her hip, moving them slowly in a waltz over the stone floor.
“I love you, Ted.” Andromeda whispered into the nape of his neck as they moved around,
“What did you say?” Ted’s voice was laced thick with emotion, as he pulled her from him to look at her. Her brown eyes sparkled,
“I love you.”
“You love me?” Ted hadn’t ever been so happy in his life, he spun her around and kissed her again and again, “When did you realise?”
“I don’t know, I was in the middle of it before I knew it had begun.” Andromeda beamed, and he kissed her softly again. They stood like that for some time, dancing too Ted’s soft humming. Then they stopped and met in a lover’s embrace, kissing each other with all their might.
“You know, if you ever denied me your kisses,” Ted whispered with his forehead against hers, “I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Lucky for you, I won’t” Andromeda said quietly, “Unless it’s in the open and my mother’s there. Then it would be for the benefit of you surviving.”
“Minx.” Ted laughed and pecked her nose.
“Molly knows about us,” Andromeda said then, Ted raised his eyebrows,
“Yeah, apparently, we’d forgotten to close the door to the classroom one time, and she had seen us on one of her rounds. We have to be more careful, Ted.”
“Yes.” Ted sighed, “I know. But it pains me when all I want to do is this,” He spun her and arched her back, before snogging her senseless,
“Believe you me when I say I want nothing more.” Andromeda smiled sadly.
“Someday.” Ted gently held her hand, and then kissed it. Not in the slimy way Rabastan had done, but tenderly, and sweetly.
“Goodnight, Ted.” Andromeda kissed him on the corner of his mouth, “
“Goodnight, Dromeda,” He smiled as he let go of her, and watched her leave the room. As soon as she’d left he put his fist in the air,
“YES!” He shouted happily, and then left for his own dormitory.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

10 aug, 2018 20:42

Avis Fortunae


Huuu, Rabastan Lestrange var till och med ännu läskigare än jag trodde! Bad boy så det både räckte och blev över, för att inte tala om hans kompisar! Hoppades att Ted skulle komma och rädda henne, vilket han definitivt hade gjort om han upptäckt vad de gjorde. Som tur var dök han ändå upp så småningom och fick höra de magiska orden.

Du skriver så sanslöst bra; replikerna är klockrena. Jag kunde inte ta ögonen från texten!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

10 aug, 2018 21:41




Avis Fortunae tack för all feedback! Verkligen jättefint!

Chapter 30
It was as if it had gotten worse to keep the secret of herself and Ted after she had admitted to him that she loved him. Andromeda felt as if though the other students could smell it on her, now that she had finally admitted it to herself. She had probably had about three anxiety attacks since then and constantly thought they were going to be found out.
Andromeda walked up to the school again, she had deliberately stayed and helped Professor Kettleburn to clean up after the lesson so that she could sneak away for a quick make-out session in the boat house. Her cheeks were rosy from the exercise and her lips blood red. Thankfully that could all be blamed on the cold season. December had hit them with full force.
The warmth hit her full in the face when she stepped inside the castle, fireplaces lighting up every room. Students ran around in thick woollen jumpers and tried to settle everything before the Christmas holidays. Andromeda walked past all of them quietly, bumping into no one.
“Andy! Oh Bloody hell. I thought you’d died out there!” Hailey cried dramatically when Andromeda stepped into their common room. She shook her head at Hailey whilst shaking the snow of her robes,
“Always so blooming dramatic,” She smiled,
“You have to help me!” Hailey begged, “I have till tomorrow to complete these assignments or I will be failed in all courses.”
Andromeda frowned, “Really Hailey? I thought you had learned your lesson since last year.” She slumped down in a chair by the table Hailey were occupying, “Honestly, it’s not my Christmas wish every year to sit up all night helping you do all of the terms homework.”
“What is this sorcery!” Hailey cried, “You mean it is not thy hearts truest wish?”
Andromeda threw sparks at Hailey with her wand, laughing at her friend’s desperate mien,
“We’ll have to get sorted.”
“You will help then?” Hailey asked batting her eyelashes,
“Yes,” Andromeda nodded, “But next term, please Hay, a little less love-making and a little more homework-making.” Andromeda looked at Hailey with a serious look,
“I’ll try my best,” Hailey winked, and Andromeda let out an exasperated sigh dramatically throwing her arms up,
“Oh merlin, what will we do with you!?”
“You’re the best, Andy! Truly!” Hailey said chuckling and plucked her books out of her bag and threw them onto the table.

When they had been sat there working on completing the tasks for a few hours (meaning they had missed dinner) Andromeda started to lose patience with Hailey. Hailey was her best friend but sometimes she was just plain stupid and annoyingly so. The common room had emptied out some time ago and they were now the only two remaining. Andromeda rubbed her temples to soothe the headache that had started to come on, and Hailey kept drumming her quill on the table staring challenging at Andromeda who at last sighed exhausted,
“Hailey, please, you cannot write an essay about how a troll and wizard could and would make love.”
“Why not?” Hailey asked annoyed, drumming her quill harder onto the table, “It’s perfectly interesting.”
“It’s weird, disturbing and doesn’t add out and Merlin’s hippogriff’s I’m starving.” Andromeda growled,
“Well, I’ll figure out a new topic if you go get us some food!” Hailey rubbed her eyes before she stretched and yawned. Andromeda nodded - for the first time in hours feeling a little stream of hope, and she stood up,
“I’ll find us something to eat, I’ll be back,”
Andromeda walked out of their common room, and breathed for a second out in the cold corridor, feeling the headache ease a little. She walked down the corridor towards the kitchen, making sure she didn’t bump into any prefects or other head girls and boys. The painting glowed in the candle-lit corridor, and she tickled the pear with a known movement and walked into the kitchens. Andromeda was met with a few of the many house-elves that work in the kitchens, and they immediately helped her prepare a light snack for the two students. They never questioned it, even though it was a weird hour to ask for food and Andromeda found she quite liked them despite her own bad experiences with house-elves. The portrait opened again, and Ted stumbled in, smiling wickedly.
“I thought you’d be here too.” He sounded very pleased to see her, and she could not help the corners of her mouth twitching up at the sight of him; dirty, soaking wet from the melted snow, hair going in every direction, and that perfectly lovely warm smile that played his lips.
“Hello there.” Andromeda stood on her tip-toes and kissed him softly, his lips were still cold from the outside. “Where have you been?”
“Training my team,” He grinned wickedly, “We plan on defeating your lot tomorrow.”
“But she’s near twelve.” Andromeda looked at her watch, and Ted laughed and pulled her in for another embrace despite his state,
“That’s what they said, but I had a special permission from Professor Sprout, and we really need to be in good shape tomorrow,” Ted became more serious, Andromeda knew he were very passionate about his Quidditch, whereas she had no interest in it at all.
“I will come watch you lose,” She smirked, and he kissed her teasingly,
“Mind your cheek!” Ted stroke her chin and lowered his head again and kissed her more fervently filled with all the adrenalin from the recent exercise. Andromeda felt herself awake from her tiredness and haze with the lustful kissing, but then she pulled away.
“I have to get back, you see, I’m not done with my ‘team’” Andromeda rolled her eyes, and Ted snickered at her, taking a huge bite from the pumpkin pasty he had received from one of the elf’s.
“Yeah.” Andromeda drew a hand over her face, “She has to be done by tomorrow, so if I fall asleep during the game. It’s not only because I’m bored, I’ll be tired too.”
Ted shook his head, “I’ll see you tomorrow then,”
“Good luck.” Andromeda brought the food with her and left quickly before Hailey would have time to wonder about her whereabouts.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

13 aug, 2018 21:45

Avis Fortunae



Förstår precis hur hon kände sig - när hon erkänt kärleken för sig själv, tyckte hon att den måste synas på henne. Synd att hon inte kan berätta för Hailey, som hon ju ändå är en sådan väldigt god vän mot, och verkligen hjälper i detta kapitel.

Allt ramas in och beskrivs väldigt fint med den vintriga julstämningen.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

14 aug, 2018 17:20




Chapter 31
Andromeda and Hailey sat with Hailey’s homework’s until dawn, before they, finally, could walk into their dorm and fall onto the beds and sleep for a few hours. However, Roxanne, being a major Quidditch enthusiast, woke them up early fully dressed in green and silver, even her face had streaks of it.
“Get up! It’s time for the important game! We shall crush them puffers.” She shouted in Andromeda’s ear and she growled in response.
“Come on, Andy, you can do it. You have to be there, them mudbloods are going to lose!” Roxanne were in ecstasy jumping up and down, “Get up you!”
Hailey threw a pillow on her trying to make her stop shouting, but Roxanne wouldn’t let herself be silenced, she kept going on about boring Quidditch stuff until Andromeda had enough and hexed her. But it didn’t keep Roxanne’s mouth shut for long, and after half-an-hour of struggling, Andromeda and Hailey got out of bed and dressed.
Andromeda right down refused to wear any supporting garments at first, but the other girls nagged on her till she accepted at least one thing – a Slytherin headband.
“Merlin’s old pants, you do know that if we don’t win this match, we’re going to be even with the Gryffindor’s and have a lesser chance to win the whole Quidditch cup!” Roxanne nervously spouted at the breakfast table. Andromeda looked at her with a bored expression,
“Yes because the world goes under if we don’t.”
Roxanne glared at her friend, “Stop being such a buzzkill. It is important for the house status. We can’t lose against a team of mudbloods and freaks.”
“I do think you’re exaggerating,” Andromeda said dryly, continuing eating her breakfast still without interest for the things said about the game. She glanced carefully at Ted, he looked pretty nervous, and wasn’t eating much. She tried to catch his eye for a second to send her luck but weren’t successful, and soon she had to turn her eyes away lest someone see her staring at him. Andromeda turned her attention and noticed that Hailey were missing, she put a hand up to interrupt Roxanne’s detailed description of Quidditch tactics saving Abigail the trouble of pretending interest,
“Where did Hailey go?”
Roxanne grinned, “Smith needed a let out before the game,”
Andromeda looked revolted, “Never mind I asked,”
Hailey came back just as they were going to walk down to the pitch, her hair was a mess, but she had that smug smile plastered all over her face,
“Are you guys ready for some Quidditch?”
“You can beat your hippogriff I am!” Roxanne shouted and rose quickly from the table, “Come on Andy, up you go!”
Andromeda rose slowly, and walked with her friends towards the pitch, Hailey nudged her,
“Show me a smile, Andy! Stop being such a sourpuss, or you shouldn’t have come at all!”
“We all know you hate the sport, but couldn’t you pretend for the time being!” Roxanne frowned,
“Fine,” Andromeda waved a hand dismissingly.
They sat down on the front row and waited anxiously for the start, Andromeda were, even if she wouldn’t admit it, quite nervous for Ted. She really hoped they wouldn’t lose too big.
The game started, and she followed Ted with her gaze, she didn’t really bother with the rest, but had to pretend interest in her own team. A while into the game the points were pretty even when someone scored, and Andromeda cheered for the first time, Roxanne gave her a dark look,
“What the hell Andy?”
Andromeda looked at Roxanne confused, and at the nearby students who all glared at her too.
“The Hufflepuff’s scored not us,” Roxy spat angrily, and Andromeda panicked but let her face show nothing of the sort, she crossed her arms and glared back at Roxanne,
“Well I thought it was our score obviously, I didn’t pay attention.”
“Come on Andy, I’ll show you how to make this game fun,” Hailey got closer and drew an arm around Andromeda,
“Don’t tell me you mean for us to check out all the ‘hot’ men?” Andromeda raised an eyebrow and Hailey smiled confidently,
“It is precisely what I intend for us to do!”
“Alright, but don’t tell Roxy I ever agreed to this scheme or I will never hear the end of it.” Andromeda whispered, and Hailey smirked.
Hailey’s little game had given Andromeda a lot of opportunities to watch Ted play more intently. He really was an extraordinary player, and what’s more – he played fair in contrast to Stuart Craggy and the other Slytherins. Thankfully, the game came to an end after a few hours, Amos had caught the snitch despite foul attempts to throw him off his broom. Hufflepuff won the match. Andromeda tried her best to hide a smug smile, but she felt pretty pleased at their conquest.
Roxanne on the other hand were furious with the loss and kept ranting all the way up to the castle, Abigail took the worst of it whilst Andromeda and Hailey fell behind laughing at her.
The other houses came running past cheering for the Hufflepuff’s, it seems most were happy with Slytherins loss. Andromeda met Ted’s eyes briefly when he was carried past by his teammates and she winked at him discreetly.
“It’s going to be a bad mood in the common room,” Hailey snickered,
“You’d think they were no older than five,” Andromeda smirked, “Seriously, it’s only a stupid game.”
“I have to go hand my assignments in before we leave for holidays. See you later!” Hailey took off towards the teacher’s room and Andromeda were left alone in the hallway.
She hurried down to the dungeons and passed many a joyful student on her way, not till she came into her common room did she see the gloomy faces of the Slytherins.
“They shouldn’t even be allowed to go here.” Rabastan Lestrange threw his bat on the sofa almost hitting Carrow in the head.
“He will change all of that!” Stuart Craggy shot him an evil grin,
Andromeda understood where the conversation were going and left for her dorm. Much to her luck it was empty, and she slouched down on her bed. It pained her that they all were headed in the direction of that Voldemort guy, and that they all would go to such extremes just to eliminate the muggleborns. Shame burnt her cheeks, for she hadn’t been far from agreeing with them before she knew Ted. She had no right to think herself above them.
The lies had started eating her up from the inside, and she felt further and further away from her friends, even though they had no idea. She wasn’t the same person anymore. She had changed but no one knew. Slytherins were supposed to be cunning and all but this was at a level Andromeda didn’t feel comfortable with, she hated the deceiving and the lies, but she wasn’t ready to let Ted go yet. The anxiety seemed to quell inside of her breast and she picked up the pile of letters on her bedside table to distract her mind for a bit.
The first letter was from her young cousin Sirius, she hadn’t had time reading it yet, but it usually contained a prayer for sweets.
Dear Andromeda,
I do hope you are feeling well and that your education is progressing without fault. It is my dearest wish to see you home at Christmas, all though I do understand that you have important work to finish.
O merlin’s pants, mother was standing over me watching every word I wrote just now. I would never use such language, ‘Dear Andromeda’ right more like what’s up cousin? -I’m nine for the love of Merlin! Not ninety-four.
Bella told me you might not care to come home for Christmas, mentioned something about last summer. But I swear on old Ralf’s severed head, that if you don’t come home for Christmas we will send you straight to Azkaban. No trial.
Mum’s been unusually bad this year, she keeps telling me that I’m a show-off and that I’m a dirty little monster. But you know that won’t ever stop me. Bella’s been helping me out a little, bet it’s only to avoid Rodolphus Lestrange, he is a freak. F-R-E-A-K. But everyone acts like it’s natural to want to kill and torture innocent people, actually, come to think of it our parents are freaks too so they wouldn’t notice that. Regalus is as annoying as ever, I swear he’s worse than Cissy. He thinks it’s a crime to have fun. Bloody bastard.
Please come home, Andy! Bring some sweets and if you don’t I’ll send howlers every single day for the rest of your Hogwarts time.
Your favourite cousin, and person in the whole world,
Andromeda closed her eyes for a second, beaming, she truly loved her young cousin. Sirius always meant trouble, but it was always bound to be funny in ways. She scribbled down a quick reply to the note and put it aside to send later. Next, she picked up Bella’s letter and flicked it open, it was bound to be interesting.

Dear Andromeda or whatever.
I am only writing you so that mother gets off my back for a second. She’s been constantly prying around me since you all went back to Hogwarts. I was right. They are trying to marry me of with Rodolphus. He’s been over here more than I dare account for, it seems he is every where I turn. Thankfully Walburga has brought the small rascals over. Sirius has helped me hide. He actually pulled a prank on Rodolphus, it was dead funny. Unfortunately, they didn’t think so. Surprise – not!
I had an inkling you might stay at Hogwarts for the holiday, and believe you me, I get it, but fucking don’t Andy or I’ll personally kill you. Sirius wants me to add that he will too help with that. When you come, promise me that you’ll help me get away sometimes, oh and mother has a nice surprise for you. You won’t like it, trust me!
See you soon!
Andromeda who had been smiling a second ago were now dreading the journey home very much, for what other surprise could her mother have in store but an arranged marriage. It did not bode well for her.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

14 aug, 2018 19:43

Avis Fortunae



Andy verkar ungefär lika sportintresserad som jag, och fokuserar på andra saker än matchens alla vändningar och poäng - relaterar mycket starkt till detta

Läskigt att resultatet matchen hos vissa tycks underblåsa de fientliga tankarna om mugglarfödda ...

Det var roligt att få uppleva en mycket ung, brevskrivande Sirius, som i det här skedet verkar komma bra överens med Bella.

Jag läser just nu femte boken och där nämns Andromeda och Ted när de tittar på familjen Blacks släktträd på Grimmaldiplan. Deras historia, som du skapat här, känns helt verklig. Jag kan inte tänka mig den annorlunda än du gjort den.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

15 aug, 2018 19:21

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