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Some People Care Too Much, I Think It's Called Love..~A George Weasley Love Story

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Jättespännande omgomgomg~ du är så talangfull 8D


23 aug, 2012 17:10



Tack så mycket!

Här kommer nästa kapitel. :3

OBS. Kan vara lite barnförbjudet i slutet, inte överdrivet mycket, men eh ja. I warned you.


Chapter 13: Punishment

I slowly opened my eyes and stood up. Where am I? I spun around and I started to recognize this place. Suddenly I saw something in the corner of my eye, so I turned my eyes towards it. My eyes widened when I saw it, it was a so familiar house standing there. The house was on fire and some black smoke flew around and through the house, destroying it even more. I suddenly realized something. It's not the Burrow, right? It can't be. How could I do something like that? Though it didn't seem that horrible while I did it, but watching it now is different. My eyes turned towards the people standing outside the house, who now seemed to cry. My eyes turned towards a person, whose tears hurt the most to see. How could I do this to his family, how could I do this to him?

I suddenly got an awful headache and I started to hear some voices. I couldn't really hear what the voices were saying, it's like they were whispering. No one was around me, and the people standing in front of the Burrow is too far away from me to hear, so where does these voices come from? The voices became higher, and now I could hear most of the things they were saying.

''Hey, you're the new girl, Cordelia, right?'' one of the voices said.

''Yes, and you are?'' another voice answered, it sounded a lot like my voice.

''George Weasley, the one and only.'' the first voice said. Wait, what? Is George here? I spun around and I noticed that I was in a desert, all alone.

''Why are you talking to me? Why are you so nice to me?'' the voice that sounded like mine asked.

''I just.. It doesn't really matter for me if your father is a death eater, what really matters is who you are. And from my view, you couldn't be one of them. You're too nice.''

Seriously, where am I? Am I crazy? Yeah, I must be crazy, it's not normal to hear voices, and just a second ago I wasn't in this desert. My headache got worse as the voices continued to speak. Now it was just one of the voices who spoke, which sounded like George, and he said many sentences that I recognized, but he spoke so fast that I almost couldn't hear what he said.

''You're not going to join them, are you?'', ''I really hope that you choose the right thing'', ''I know perfectly who she is Harry, but you don't''. The voices echoed in my head and the pain got so intense that I fell down to the hard ground.

''Did something happen? You seem really angry..'' the voice said and I suddenly saw a person who looked a lot like George, in front of me. He turned around and started to run away. I tried to yell after him, but the words didn't come out of my mouth.

''I don't know what I would do if you would have been unconscious more than a day..'' the voice whispered.

''You're not going to become a death eater Delia, at least not willingly!'', ''You're all I ever think about now, I wouldn't be able to survive without you'', ''I've never met someone like you before Delia, you're one of a kind'', ''Do you want to be my girlfriend?'' I felt a tear slip down my cheek. These are my memories, isn't it?

''They won't care about that, they know that you're nice since you're my girlfriend.'', ''Oh, you must be Cordelia!'', ''We've heard a lot about you'', ''It seems like George was right about you after all'', ''Yes you are Delia, stop being so stubborn!'' many different voices said.

''So what does your parents do? George never told us anything about it.'' a voice said. My headache got ten times worse than it was before and now the more painful memories started to echo in my head. I put my hands over my ears and fell down to the ground again.

''Something is wrong, really wrong!'', ''Bellatrix, what do you think you're doing?!'', ''Aww, have you turned soft? Is it because of that boy? What was his name... George, was it?'', ''Too late for that now, don't you think?'', ''I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!'' the voices said and my head hurt even more.

I screamed in pain and held my hands tight over my ears, both because of the pain and because of the painful memories. I heard some hysterical laughter, probably from Bellatrix and other death eaters. It was like they were laughing at me.

''Delia, stop it!'' ''You don't have to be one of them!'', ''We'll protect and help you if you just choose to be on our side!'' the voices repeated, as if someone were trying to torture me.

''Stop!'' I screamed, but now my whole body started to hurt instead, and the voices kept speaking.

''Delia, please?''

''No, stop it!'' I screamed again and now I started to hear some sentences that I've never heard anyone say before.

''I thought that I could trust you, Delia. When you comforted me about Ron you really helped me, but it was all a trick, wasn't it? To get me to trust you?'', ''I really loved you Delia, and I thought that you loved me back. But you just used me to get closer to your mission, didn't you? I thought that what we had was something special, but did it even mean anything to you at all?'', ''I knew that I was right, I always knew that I was right about you. But if only everyone had listened to me earlier, it would have ended a long time ago, and their home wouldn't have been burned to the ground'', ''You deserve this pain. No, wait. You deserve even more pain. Go to hell'', ''How could I have been so stupid, to let my brother fall for you?''

These words made my heart break, like literally break. I felt the pain in my heart, and now it was spreading through my body. I screamed for what seemed like ages, and I couldn't move because of the horrible pain. I thought that the pain was never going to end, before I felt someone shaking me.

[End of ''dream'', still Delia's pov]

I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. I'm not in the desert anymore.. Was that a dream? My eyes turned towards the person who was shaking me, and I started to scream when I saw who it was.

''Calm down if you don't want anyone to come in here and notice that you're here!'' Liam said to me and I got quiet.

''Where are we?''

''On our way to Hogwarts, of course. We're in the train right now.'' he said simply and sat down beside me and tried to put his arm around me. I pushed away his arm and sat down on a seat opposite from him. I don't want him to touch me, or even sit beside me.

''Ooh, feisty as always, I like that.'' he said and smirked at me. I think I'm going to puke..

''So no one knows that we're here? Or that we're even going to Hogwarts?''


''So what are you planning to do when they find out?''

''I don't know, improvise maybe? You're good at that, aren't you?''

''I doesn't matter. Why did you even have to come with me? Why you out of all people?''

''Oh, so you're still mad at me, eh?'' he chuckled.

''What you did is not fun at all, so don't try to joke about it. I have every reason to hate you. Now answer my question.''

''Hmm.. Well, I wanted to see you again, after all, it's been a very long time since we saw each other.''

''I'm not buying that Liam, what's the real reason?'' I said.

He stood up and bent down in front of me and put his fingers under my chin. He slightly pushed my head up and pressed his lips against mine. I immediately tried to push him away, but he was too strong, as always. He lifted me up from the seat and pushed me against the wall, and put his hands on my hips. He started to kiss my neck and one of his hands slipped down to my butt while the other went under my shirt. I tried to push him away again, but he only held me against the wall even harder. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I felt tears slip down my cheeks as I realized that I wouldn't be able to stop him, just like when we were dating. I really didn't want those memories to come back, I won't be able to handle them.

''You want to know why I came with you?'' he whispered between the kisses, ''So that I can punish you in the way that you hate the most, because then you won't betray the Dark Lord, isn't that right?''

I slightly nodded and I felt my heart beat faster as he unbuttoned my jeans.

''Please.. Stop..'' I whispered, but he didn't listen to me.


Det här är Liam:

2 sep, 2012 16:00



2 sep, 2012 16:14



Ja, jag känner mig lite elak mot Delia nu. :c

2 sep, 2012 16:30



oh gawd O_O du skulle hört vad jag sa efter att jag läst klart kapitlet

"shit vilken jävla inlevelse hon skriver med jag dör"
(det e positivt)


2 sep, 2012 19:34



Hej underbara mugglisar!

Nu är det så att jag ska sluta på mugglis.
Har skapat en tråd om det.
Så när jag skriva på mina ff's så kommer ni ju inte kunna läsa dem här på mugglis.
Men alla mina fanfics finns här för er som vill fortsätta läsa dem.
Jag kommer ta en paus från att skriva på dem också, men när jag väl börjar skriva på mina ff's så kommer ni att kunna läsa dem på quotev.

Tack för min tid på mugglis och tack för att ni läste/läser min fanfiction. Jag kommer sakna er. ♥

15 sep, 2012 21:39

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