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All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

Forum > Fanfiction > All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

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Ha det så trevligt i Italien ^^


21 jun, 2012 17:22



PHEW!!! när jag läste att det kanske var slut så kände jag bara

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

22 jun, 2012 11:36



Skrivet av DyingToShoutOut:
Hej igen mina älsklingar!

Det var tydligen gratis internet på hela hotellet, så jag har lite tid då och då att gå in här, och kanske skriva lite Jag är i himmelriket! Gratis internet, god italiensk mat, varmt i vattnet och 32 grader varmt! Hoppas att ni har det lika bra borta i Sverige och att ni får en bra midsommar imorgon, utan regn! Vad det gäller att ff:n skulle vara slut, är det fel, det är fortfarande något kapitel kvar Dock så drar det sig mot sitt slut, tråkigt nog. Har en del idéer till en ny story, dock ingen fan fiction den gången tror jag ... Har inte riktigt bestämt mig än, vad tycker ni? Det kommer förstås fortfarande vara fantasy och kärlek inblandad Och tonårsdrama! Min favorit genre, haha.

Många tackpussar från Italien!

åå, vad bra, jag kan andas ut ja, det låter jättebra!! läser allting du skriver!

25 jun, 2012 09:15



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av DyingToShoutOut:
Hej igen mina älsklingar!

Det var tydligen gratis internet på hela hotellet, så jag har lite tid då och då att gå in här, och kanske skriva lite Jag är i himmelriket! Gratis internet, god italiensk mat, varmt i vattnet och 32 grader varmt! Hoppas att ni har det lika bra borta i Sverige och att ni får en bra midsommar imorgon, utan regn! Vad det gäller att ff:n skulle vara slut, är det fel, det är fortfarande något kapitel kvar Dock så drar det sig mot sitt slut, tråkigt nog. Har en del idéer till en ny story, dock ingen fan fiction den gången tror jag ... Har inte riktigt bestämt mig än, vad tycker ni? Det kommer förstås fortfarande vara fantasy och kärlek inblandad Och tonårsdrama! Min favorit genre, haha.

Många tackpussar från Italien!

åå, vad bra, jag kan andas ut ja, det låter jättebra!! läser allting du skriver!
Tack och lov att ff:n inte är slut! Ha det jättebra i Italien! Självklart ska jag läsa din nya berättelse oxå, du är ju bäst på att skriva


25 jun, 2012 12:26




Okay, så jag har ett litet announcement to make: Det här är det sista kapitlet! Dock så kommer det en epilog också, men sen är det tyvärr slut ... Tack alla trogna och nya läsare, ni är underbart fina, det ska ni veta! Tack för alla era kommentarer. Ni har gjort min dag flera gånger om och muntrat upp mig när jag känt mig nere, ni är bäst. Jag tror inte att det blir en uppföljare av denna. Jag är ganska trött på Lily/James, men man ska aldrig säga aldrig. Hursomhelst har jag en massa andra idéer på lager, så det lär bli många fler stories Puss på er!

25. Home Sweet Home

James reluctantly returned to Hogwarts with the promise that they would see each other again soon. Alice and Dorcas left too, though Mary stayed behind to keep Lily company. For a week they did nothing but cook dinner, talk and shop for clothes. 'A little shopping therapy never hurt anyone', Mary'd said. The nightmare's didn't come as often nowadays and Lily barely cried. Not because she was any less upset about what had happened, but because she'd realized something very important the day of the funeral. That even though she would always love Harriet and wonder endlessly about what could have happened, she would have another baby and love it just as much. And this time she would make sure no one took that baby away from her.

When Lily returned to Hogwarts, she felt stronger than ever. She felt like she'd had a second chance at life, and this time she wouldn't fuck it up. With determination in her step and her head held high Lily entered the Great Hall. Immediately she became the center of attention. Along the tables, students were whispering and craning their necks in order to see the teenage girl who'd just lost her baby. Some looked patronizing, others pitying. If it'd been a month ago, she would have felt like she was the main attraction at the zoo. But the new, improved Lily didn't care. She had her eyes set on her target and was walking calmly towards the Gryffindor table. She could only see his back, but she would have recognized that messy, black hair and broad shoulders anywhere. Him who made her heart beat faster and slower at the same time. The mere sight of him made her legs go weak.

With her eyes glued to the spectacled boy, she walked down the aisle between the long tables. He hadn't noticed anything yet, although the hall had become remarkably quiet. She noticed the people sitting closest to him glanced at him nervously, as if they were afraid of his reaction.

Then Remus elbowed him and James lifted his head. In the crowd of at least a hundred students, green and hazel eyes locked. The rest of the world tuned out. James and Lily, Lily and James – nothing else mattered. He got up from his seat, still not letting go of her gaze, and started walking towards her, and didn't stop until he was standing right in front of her. It seemed everyone was holding their breath – even Lily couldn’t breathe. She just stared up into his eyes. His love towards her was overwhelming, she could feel it radiating off of him.

A gasp escaped Lily’s lips, and it was as if James suddenly woke up from a trance. His hands grabbed her face, steering it upwards, and his lips smashed to hers. He kissed her like she'd never been kissed before, as if there was no tomorrow. Electric waves of pleasure shot throughout her body, and she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back; hard and long. This was where she belonged – in the arms of the person she loved, in the arms of James.

The Great Hall erupted with cheers, wolf whistles and claps. ‘If this had been a movie’, Lily thought as they broke apart, 'this would have been the perfect ending'. Lily gazed up into James' loving eyes. He was laughing, and she couldn't help but do the same.

But this is not a movie, and this is not the end - this is the beginning. The beginning of something magical.’

Suddenly the rest of the world tuned back in, and people were coming up to them, congratulating James and her. Lily then realized what she'd just done, and in front of the whole school, and a giggle rose to her lips. Mary, Alice and Dorcas were attacking her with hugs. They were laughing and screaming all at once. It was crazy, and Lily had never been this happy.

She didn't notice the handsome boy sitting alone by the Gryffindor table, watching the scenario with tears rimming his eyes. He turned away his head, wiping his eyes free from wetness. He was happy for her, and there was nothing he could do. She'd made her choice.

When Playtime Becomes Reality [SV]

28 jun, 2012 09:45

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-06-28 kl. 10:42
Antal ändringar: 2

Lily Evans


Aw, Sirius :c

Jätte fint, verkligen ♥

‎"A true friend is someone who says nice things behind your back."

28 jun, 2012 10:00



And this time she would make sure no one took that baby away from her.

Tryck här för att visa!Det kommer ju hända..

28 jun, 2012 11:02



Aw, superbra. Jag har läst den här länge, men jag har varit för lat för att kommentera. :s
När du skriver en bok, vilket jag tycker att du ska, kommer jag vara den första att få tag i den. Lalalalala. ;] ♥

28 jun, 2012 11:04



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Aw, superbra. Jag har läst den här länge, men jag har varit för lat för att kommentera. :s
När du skriver en bok, vilket jag tycker att du ska, kommer jag vara den första att få tag i den. Lalalalala. ;] ♥


28 jun, 2012 11:10



Så vackert ♥

STACKARS, STACKARS SIRIUS! :'( :'( :'( Jag grät nästan ♥♥♥

Synd att fanfictionen är slut, men det kommer ju en epilog


28 jun, 2012 11:12

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