With every piece of my soul (L/J) [ENG]
Forum > Fanfiction > With every piece of my soul (L/J) [ENG]
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Shit! jag trodde verkligen att Sirius skulle använda Crucio på riktigt där! gud vad du skrämde mig o..o Men jättebra, som vanligt
![]() wolfstar deserved better. 11 okt, 2011 14:07 |
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miranda_dragonclaw Tack så jättemycket.
![]() rawen Tack. ![]() MonsterCookie Jag hade tänkt det från början, för att jag tvivlar faktiskt inte på att Sirius skulle kunna göra det. Men jag tappade fullständigt inspirationen efter halva kapitlet och ville bara få klart det snabbt, så det blev som det blev. Kul att du gillar det ändå. Tack! ![]() ![]() ![]() 12 okt, 2011 17:34 |
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Du är skitbra på att skriva!
![]() 26 okt, 2011 10:10 |
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Skrivet av Borttagen: Du är skitbra på att skriva! ![]() Tack så mycket. ![]() __________________________________________ Har haft jättemycket i skolan men nu i veckan har jag höstlov och ska försöka ta mig tid att skriva så mycket som möjligt, så förhoppningsvis så kommer ett nytt kapitel inom några dagar. ![]() ![]() ![]() 31 okt, 2011 01:13 |
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Skitbra! *bevakar*
![]() När kommer du att skriva mer? "We've all got both light, and dark inside of us. What matters, is the part we choose to act on." -Sirius Black 15 nov, 2011 23:40 |
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Ginny.T Tack!
![]() Jag ber om ursäkt till alla er som läser för att det gått så lång tid sedan min senaste uppdatering, men jag håller på med kapitel 6 just nu och det är väl ungefär hälften skrivet. Ska försöka få upp det ikväll. ![]() Tack för att ni står ut, trots at jag uppdaterar så segt. EDIT: ____________________________________________________ Så, här är nu kapitel 6. Det är ganska kort(brukar försöka hålla varje kapitel över tusen ord), och inte sådär superintressant. Me det behövs för att forsätta historien, I guess. Återge ett stort tack tll er som läser. Det betyder mycket! (För er som läser på fanfiction.net så hinner jag inte lägga upp kapitlet där just nu, då jag ska ut och övningsköra lite bil. Men lägger upp det när jag kommer hem.) ____________________________________________________ Chapter 6 James felt himself lying in a bed. What was he doing there? He couldn’t remember ever going to bed in the first place, and though this bed actually was comfortable, it was nothing compared to the one in his dorm. So obviously that’s not where he was. Where was he? His vision was black, but he figured that it was because his eyes were closed(hello captain obvious). Though, he did try to open them, but he couldn’t. The muffled voices of people were heard and he focused on them, trying to figure them out. Soon he realised those voices belonged to his two best friends. “Remus and Sirius!”, he wanted to call, but his own voice failed him. “Where am I? Where are we?” Not a word came out. Come on! Why can’t I speak or see? What’s happened to me? James was determined. He used all his willpower to open his eyes, and he succeeded to finally open them, even if not completely. He managed a cough. In two seconds he saw two well-known faces in front of him, staring. “Prongsie!”, Sirius called and threw his arms around his best friend and brother. “You’re awake! Finally! Do you know how much we’ve missed you?”, he cried out. James flinched at the grip his friend had around him. “Padfoot. I. Can’t. Breathe”, he managed to get out. Sirius let go. “It’s good to see you again, mate!”, said Remus and patted James’ shoulder and handed him the glasses from the nightstand. “What happened to me? Did I fall of my broom or something?”, James asked. He’d realised he was in the hospital wing and ninety-five percent of the times he’d been there before had been results of Quidditch-accidents. “You don’t remember?”, Remus asked. James shook his head. “You were cursed, mate. By Snivellus. I recognised the curse from that time when we made fun of him in fifth year and he cast a curse that cut your face. It was the same this time, but the area which it hit was much larger.”, Sirius explained. “But how did Snivellus mange to curse me? We all know he’s bad at duelling. I would have got him before he got the chance to throw something at me, right?”, James asked. “That coward cursed you from behind when you were completely unprepared to defend yourself.”, Sirius grunted. “I and Remus had to go give him a piece of our mind to get the counter curse. Good thing he gave in, for his own sake. I wouldn’t have cared if it wasn’t for you.” “We’re just glad you are okay now.”, said Remus. “It was Lily who found you, by the way. She was really helpful and worried, so it seems she doesn’t hate you as much as you thought, at least.” “Lily? Who is that?”, James asked. “Honestly mate, I don’t know what you are trying to pull, but it’s definitely not funny.”, Sirius said. “What are you talking about Sirius? I’m not trying to pull anything. I just asked who Lily is, as I don’t think I know her.”, James answered, annoyed. “Lily Evans! The girl you’ve been obsessively in love with since third year. Who you have been asking out seven hundred and eighty-four times since then. And you are trying to make us believe that you don’t know her? Cut it out, James.”, Sirius said. Remus gave James a strange look. “We understand if you do this because you want to forget her, to pretend you never knew her, but pretending to have memory-loss like this is really not funny, James.” “I don’t know what kind of gibberish you two speak, but you are not funny. Honestly.”, James whined. Sirius sighed before he called Madam Pomfrey from her office. “Poppy!”, he exclaimed when she came into the room. “James has a slight memory-loss. Why is that, and will you be able can you treat it?” “Is there something in particular that Mr Potter doesn’t remember?”, the matron asked with a concerned look on her face. “I wouldn’t have expected anything like this to happen efter we knew he would be fine…” “Hey. Please, don’t talk about me as if I’m still unconscious. Sirius told me of someone named Lily who found me after I was cursed. Apparently I knew her, but I cannot remember her at all…”, James explained. “Madam Pomfrey looked from James, to Sirius and back to James. “Is Mr Potter referring to Miss Evans?” Sirius nodded. “This is serious, indeed. I shall go and do some research and look through a few books. I have never seen this phenomenon before.” “Do you think it could have something to do with his decision of trying to forget her before? And then when he lost consciousness his hurt mind didn’t want to remember her?”, Sirius asked. “Perhaps.”, Madam Pomfrey said. “But I still have to investigate this case a little further. Mr Potter will be free to leave in three days, but until then I will keep him for observation.” She nodded and went back into her office. “So, you are serious then? You don’t remember her? Really?”, Sirius asked, looking at James. “No, I don’t remember her. And no, I am not. For all I know you are Sirius.”, James laughed. “Stop it! That joke got old five years ago. I know you wouldn’t lie to me, James. I’ll ask you again. Are you honest when you say that you don’t remember Lily?”, Sirius demanded. James just nodded. ![]() ![]() 20 nov, 2011 11:50 |
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![]() 20 nov, 2011 11:53 |
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20 nov, 2011 13:44 |
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wow, längtar tills jag får höra mer! den är jättespännande och superbra!
![]() ![]() 23 nov, 2011 16:14 |
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suuuuper bra! längtar sååååå till nästa kapitel
![]() "We've all got both light, and dark inside of us. What matters, is the part we choose to act on." -Sirius Black 23 nov, 2011 18:39 |
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