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Some People Care Too Much, I Think It's Called Love..~A George Weasley Love Story

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Åh jag hade missat 4 kapitel X3 Du skriver så braaaa~ Jag kan verkligen föreställa mig allt i huvudet. Det är så gulligt, man kan inte låta bli att säga aww :3

Jag var på språkresa i USA, antagligen inte samma ställe som du ^^ (lite sent svar på den frågan) Vart var du nånstans?


16 aug, 2012 17:25



Haha, tack så mycket! :3

Åh, jag ville också till usa, men det var för dyrt. :'/
Men jag åkte till Oxford i England iallafall. Skulle egentligen till Hastings, men den blev inställd så jag valde Oxford istället. Är väldigt nöjd med att jag gjorde det. ^^


Chapter 10: Slughorn's Christmas Party

''Draco! I don't think that this is such a good idea anymore!'' I whispered as I followed him. I'm only still here because he'll get in trouble if I don't stop him. Sneaking around at a Christmas Party that you didn't get invited too isn't really a good idea if you get caught.
Suddenly someone grabbed my and Draco's arm and dragged us into the middle of the party where everyone could see us. This is exactly what I knew was going to happen if Draco didn't listen to me, ugh.

''Take your hand off me, you filthy squib!'' Draco snapped at him.

''I saw these two sneaking around, they're not even invited!'' Filch said and tightened his grip around our arms.

''Ow! That actually hurts!'' I snapped at him and before he had time to say anything Snape interrupted him.

''I'll escort them out, you can continue with your little party.'' he said before he pushed us out from there. He didn't stop pushing us until we came to an empty corridor.

''What do you two think you're doing?!'' he asked angrily. ''And why did you do something so irresponsible as cursing Miss Bell?''

''Maybe I put a curse on her, maybe I didn't. Why do you care about that?'' Draco said.

''I swore to protect you Draco, I made the unbreakable vow!''

''I don't need protection. I was chosen for this, I won't fail him.'' he said and I sighed.

''Draco, don't be stupid. Accept the help you get, even if you don't want it. I'm on my own and I don't have anyone protecting me with my task, if I do a mistake, even a tiny one, I'll be killed. I don't have anyone covering up for me like you have.''

''You're afraid Draco. You try to hide it, but I can see it. Let me help you.'' Snape said.

''No! I was chosen, this is my moment!'' he said and walked away. Ugh, why does he have to be so damn stubborn?

''As for you Delia, how is it going?''

''Um, I'm not sure. I don't think he trusts me yet.'' I said. ''His friends trust me though, so I don't think it'll take so long before he does too.''

''Be careful, your task may be even more difficult than Draco's. If you make an mistake, the Dark Lord won't forgive you.''

''I know, I know. Just, don't pressure me, I'm already stressed about this.''

[Harry's POV]

''The unbreakable vow? Are you sure that's what Snape said?'' Ron asked me, as if he didn't believe me.

''Positive, why?''

''It's just.. You can't break an unbreakable vow.''

''I managed to figure that out by myself.'' I said. ''What happens to you, what happens if you break and unbreakable vow?''

''You die.'' Ron said and I sighed.

''There's one more thing..'' I started. ''Delia is up to something too, similar to what Draco is doing. Snape said something like be careful, your task may be even more difficult than Draco's. If you make an mistake, the Dark Lord won't forgive you.''

''Are you completely sure that you heard him say that? The last part, I mean.''

''Yes. This proves everything. This proves that I've been right all this time, and that we can't trust neither of them.''

''George isn't going to believe us. Not the rest of my family either.'' Ron said.

''I know Ron, I know. We just have to figure something out..'' I said and looked out of the train window.

16 aug, 2012 21:08



Åh, så super sjukt bra! : D

16 aug, 2012 22:17



gaahh spännande


17 aug, 2012 14:36





Chapter 11: The Burrow

Everyone had already went in to the Burrow, but me and George were still standing outside the door. I tightened my arms around him.

''Are you sure that your parents are going to like me?'' I started. ''Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe I shouldn't stay here at the Christmas holiday, I'll just cause trouble for everyone.'' I spoke really fast.

''Calm down, I know that they're going to like you! Why wouldn't they?''

''George, you're forgetting about who I am again.''

''They won't care about that. They know that you're nice, since you are my girlfriend.'' he said and I sighed. ''Do you want to go in now?''

''Yeah. But stay by my side all the time, got it? I don't want to have any awkward moments with your parents.'' I said to him clearly.

He chuckled and held my hand as we walked in. It was quite small and there was stuff everywhere, which felt kind of weird since I live in a quite big house with a lot of open spaces. But the Burrow gave a very welcoming feeling, I like it.

''Oh! You must be Cordelia!'' I heard someone shout and before I knew it I was attacked with a hug.

''Um, yes that's right.'' I said and the person let me go. ''And you're Mrs Weasley?''

''Call me Molly dear.'' she smiled before she suddenly yelled. ''Dinner is ready!''

George held my hand again and walked over to the dining table. We sat down beside each other and waited for everyone else to come.

''We've heard a lot about you Cordelia.'' Arthur said as he put some food on his plate. ''From George, of course.''

''Oh, really? What did he tell you?'' I asked and smiled towards George.

''He told us that you're the most wonderful and the most beautiful person that he has ever met.'' he said. ''I didn't really believe him at first about finding such a good person, but it seems like he was right after all.''

''I'm flattered, but I'm not really that goo-''

''Yes you are Delia, stop being so stubborn about it!'' George interrupted me and smiled.

If he only knew about the real me.. Then he would hate me. Everyone would hate me.
Everyone were silence for a while before Arthur spoke again.

''So, what does your parents do? George never told us anything about it.'' he said and my eyes widened. I stared at George and he shrugged his shoulders. I can't believe that he didn't tell them!

''Um.. I don't know who my mother is, and my father..'' I said and George held my hand again, supporting me. ''Well he's.. A death eater.'' I mumbled the last sentence.

''Sorry, I didn't hear the last bit.''

''He's a death eater.'' I said louder and Mr and Mrs Weasley, Lupin and Tonks gasped.

''But she's not one of them, she's just his daughter! You've already noticed that she's not anything near like them!'' George almost yelled and they sighed.

''I guess you're right. You really don't seem to be one of them Cordelia, and I really hope that you aren't.''

''I'm not, I promise.'' I said and Potter made a sound like if he didn't believe me. He stood up and looked at Arthur, Lupin and Tonks.

''May I speak with you three?'' he asked and just a moment later they all walked to the living room.


''Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy and Cordelia for a mission?'' Remus asked.

''I know it sounds mad.''

''Has it occurred to you Harry that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?''

''That's not what it sounded like. Besides, we know for sure that Cordelia's father is a death eater, so why wouldn't she be one too?''

''Perhaps Harry's right, Remus. I mean, to make an unbreakable vow..'' Nymphadora said.

''It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment. Dumbledore trust Snape, therefore I do.''

''Dumbledore can make mistakes.'' I said.

''You're blinded by hatred!''

''No, I'm not.''

''Yes, you are!'' Remus said strictly and sighed. ''People are disappearing Harry, daily. We can only place our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed.'' he said before the three of them left. Ugh.. How do I get them to believe me?


''George, stop it! Stop!'' I laughed as he tickled me.

''Why should I?'' he laughed too.

''Because I'll hate you forever if you don't!'' I said and he immediately stopped.

''Aww, Georgie, did you really believe that I would hate you?'' I said and put my hands around his neck.

''I'm not taking any risks.'' he said and was just about to kiss me when I felt a weird feeling. I pushed him away and ran down the stairs.

''Where are you going?'' he yelled and followed me.

''Something is wrong, really wrong!''

''Did I do something wrong?''

''No, not you George. Something else is wrong, I can feel it!'' I opened the front door and ran outside. I looked around but I didn't see anything unusual, until a fire was set around the house. A very familiar black smoke appeared, which soon turned into a human. I sighed and ran towards the person.

''Bellatrix, what do you think that you're doing?!'' I shouted angrily at her. She's going to ruin everything!

''The Dark Lord wanted me to come and get you, so why not have a little fun too?'' she grinned.

''No! Absolutely not!''

''Aww.. Have you turned soft? Is it because of that boy? What was his name... George, was it?'' she said and I realized that she was right, I had turned soft.

''No, I'm just trying to get them to trust me, as you know. But you're ruining it now, so leave.'' I lied. Well, sort of. I'm not being with them just to get them to trust me, I actually like them..

''Too late for that now, don't you think?'' she grinned and looked at something behind me.

I turned around and saw almost everyone staring at us and then Potter came running towards us. She's right, again. It's too late. Why did it have to turn out this way? I noticed that Bellatrix had started to run through the field, away from the Burrow. I heard her yell ''I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!''. Why did she have to do that?
I looked at George one more time before I started to run too. If Bellatrix wanted to leave, she would have already left by now, but since she's still here it means that she wants to continue having ''fun''.
I usually enjoy that kind of stuff too, but now it's different, now it's happening to the people that I like. It's not fun at all now. But now that they don't trust me, I better try to get the Dark Lord to trust me. I can't have everyone against me.
I continued to run for a minute but then I stopped and listened. I heard some people running towards us so I ran a bit more before I stopped again. I turned around and saw Harry and Ginny standing in the middle of the open space of water.
I stood in a place where they couldn't see me, but where I could see them, so I stood there and watched them, thinking about what to do. Suddenly I heard some people yelling Harry's and Ginny's name and soon Lupin, Tonks and Mr Weasley stood beside the two of them. Bellatrix and the other death eater started to shoot spells at them. What should I do? I don't want to harm them! Well, at least not Ginny, she's kind of nice.. But Harry.. I have to kill him, my task is to kill him. Maybe this is the right time to do it?

I raised my wand and pointed it towards Harry. ''Avada kada-'' I said but got interrupted.

''Delia! Stop it!'' a so familiar voice yelled at me. I turned towards him and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

''I have to do it, I have to!''

''No you don't! You don't have to be one of them, we'll protect and help you if you just choose to be on our side. Delia, please?'' he said and I saw tears streaming down his cheeks. I saw the other death eaters turn into black smoke and disappear.

''I'm so sorry George, I really am.'' I said and tears started to run down my cheeks, before I changed into black smoke too.

18 aug, 2012 00:10

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-08-18 kl. 12:23
Antal ändringar: 2



ehehe~ jag försöker kämpa tillbaka tårarna ;u;
usch vad hemskt Q.Q
mer snart, snälla snälla snälla snälla snälla snälla supersöta rara du!! Jag måste veta vad som händer


18 aug, 2012 08:18



Oh my gosh q.q
naaah, poor George poor Delia D:
Sjukt bra som vanligt!

18 aug, 2012 12:15



Så bra ♥

"And how did the mysterious Ariana die? Is it possible that Ariana Dumbledore was the first person to die for 'the greater good'?" - Rita Skeeter

18 aug, 2012 19:33



Tack! :'D


Chapter 12: Heartbroken

[George's POV]

I stood frozen outside the front door watching Delia who spoke with Bellatrix, though it looked more like they were arguing. It can't be true, she can't be one of them. But if she wasn't, then why would Bellatrix stand in front of her so calmly without hexing her? This doesn't make any sense, I never even had the thought that she might be a death eater!
She's Cordelia, the sweet, nice and gorgeous Cordelia, my Cordelia. How is it even possible that someone as nice as her can be a death eater? There have to be an explanation for this, and there definitely is. I mean, there have to, I don't want to lose her, she means too much to me.
She turned around and looked at us, and I hoped that she would walk back to us and tell me that it wasn't what it looked like. But you can't always get what you want, right? I felt a tear slip down my cheek as she started to run away with Bellatrix. I'm definitely going to lose her now. I watched Harry and Ginny run after the two of them and suddenly I realized that maybe she would change her mind if I talked to her. It's probably not going to work, but what do I have to lose?
The fire got a little lower and I took this chance to jump over it. I was close to touch the fire, but at least I got over it, that's what matters right now. I heard my family yell my name as I got further and further away from them, and soon I couldn't hear them at all.
I stopped and took a deep breath. Which way did they all go? I suddenly saw some light in the corner of my eye. I started to run towards the lights, because they would probably be there. I didn't take long until I got there, but I don't think that anyone noticed me. I saw Harry and Ginny getting attacked by the death eaters. I wonder if Delia is one of those who are shooting spells at them? I suddenly heard the sweet voice of the person that I loved.

''Avada kada-''

''Delia! Stop it!'' I yelled at her and she turned towards me. Her eyes sparkled a little, is she crying?

''I have to do it, I have to!'' she said to me.

''No you don't! You don't have to be one of them, we'll protect and help you if you just choose to be on our side. Delia, please?'' I said, hoping that she might change her mind. She looked up towards the sky and I noticed that the death eaters was up there. She's not going to go with them now, is she? She looked back at me again.

''I'm so sorry George, I really am.'' she said and turned into black smoke and disappeared as I feared that she would. This can't be happening. Ten minutes ago I was upstairs in the Burrow, tickling her. How could this happen?

[Cordelia's POV]

''Seriously Bellatrix, if you don't stop to push me all the time I'm seriously going to kill you!'' I snapped at her as she pushed me into a dark room.

''Oh, please.'' she said sarcastically. I clenched my hand and just as I was going to punch her I got interrupted. Why do I always get interrupted? Why?!

''Calm down now, Cordelia, there's no need to get so angry.'' Voldemort said.

''Why did I have to come here now? I thought that I had at least the whole year to try to kill Potter, why are you ruining this now? We had a deal, remember? I got to go to Hogwarts if I would try to kill him.''

''Yes, yes, I do remember. And you're going back there after the Christmas Holiday, as you wanted.''

''What? You think that I still can go to Hogwarts? I'll never be able to go there again, everyone knows that I'm a death eater now!''

''I believe that Dumbledore really cares about his students, even about you. Something about you got him to think that you could change, so he won't let anyone in the school harm you if you choose to go there. So, either you go, or you don't. It's your choice.

''What's the catch?'' I asked him. He wouldn't let me go back there without him earning something from it.

''First, you still got to kill Potter.''

''And the second?''

''You're not going alone. I believe that you've already met this person, am I right?'' he said and a tall guy walked out from the dark shadows in the room. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. He's joking, right? I glared at the person that I hated most in the world, Liam.

22 aug, 2012 22:52

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-08-23 kl. 17:57
Antal ändringar: 1



oh gosh. Späännandeee. omg, the drama q.q
sjukt bra, sjukt bra, sjukt bra! :'D

23 aug, 2012 11:37

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