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If you can't be loved be feared!
Don't get shoved!
Sheep get sheared!
Be the king!
Pull the strings!
Or else you might get speared!

We're not going back!

19 mar, 2019 23:32



And even though the road is so long
I know you'll take me back to where it started
It seems as though I only go wrong
But you always see the truth
Yours is the hand that I hold (mmm)
You're all I need
Ooh, walk with me
I'm a million miles away from who I wanna be
Don't give up on me (don't give up on me)
I know I've made mistakes, just promise that you'll stay
Walk with me
And tell me that I'm never alone, never alone
Tell me, 'cause I'm tired of walking alone
Ooh, I will never break the storm without you
I will never ever face this world alone
You're the only one that keeps me grounded
Promise me you'll never let me walk alone, alone


25 mar, 2019 20:02



You don't remember so I need to figure it out
But the memories fade
The truth is that I'm not so sure if we make it at all
I can't even trust myself
I used to have it all
Until I lost control
I used to have it all
Until I lost control
Why don't you call my name?
Let it bounce between the walls, through the halls of time
A sign for me to go by
So find me the wormhole so that I can be by your side

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fc25dd542164bb115be16bbd91e6a355b%2Ftumblr_inline_opmgqaaDk71uvngqy_540.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fac2e3bf1fcb3d2b726582f6a5acb54e0%2Ftumblr_pqkc0uTge31qeha15o5_500.gif

28 mar, 2019 01:26

Pride Potter


Yeah, yeah, UH
Det är dags du får veta vad jag tycker om dej
Du är ful och du slutar aldrig följa efter mej
Varje gång jag ska nånstans så vill du hänga me'
Jag önskar du bara kunde lämna mig ifre'

Den är till dig Malin (fast du är inte ful)


1 apr, 2019 12:24



My God, I don't need you
I won't wait for you to come around
My God, as the pain inflicts
I know I bleed, I bleed for you

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fc25dd542164bb115be16bbd91e6a355b%2Ftumblr_inline_opmgqaaDk71uvngqy_540.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fac2e3bf1fcb3d2b726582f6a5acb54e0%2Ftumblr_pqkc0uTge31qeha15o5_500.gif

2 apr, 2019 16:41



Its a real good life


2 apr, 2019 20:02



Sagan kommer få ett lyckligt slut för jag kommer komma över dig till slut
Inatt ska jag komma över dig


3 apr, 2019 07:11



You terrify me
We've still not kissed and yet I've cried
You got too close and
I pushed and pushed hoping you'd bite
So I could run, run
And that I did but through the dust
You saw those teeth marks
They weren't all yours, you had been thrust into a history
That had not worked for me, into a history
From which I could not flee
So go on shake me
Shake until I give it up, wearing me down baby
I know that we could make some love

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fc25dd542164bb115be16bbd91e6a355b%2Ftumblr_inline_opmgqaaDk71uvngqy_540.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fac2e3bf1fcb3d2b726582f6a5acb54e0%2Ftumblr_pqkc0uTge31qeha15o5_500.gif

3 apr, 2019 23:56

Newt's Niffler


När nån tyckte om mig
Då var livet underbart
All den tid vi va' tillsammans
bär jag i min själ

Och om hon var ledsen
fällde jag ibland en tår
Och när hon va' glad va' jag det me'
Hon älska mig

Hela sommar'n var ja glad
Vi va' tillsammans varje dag
Vi gjorde allt tillsammans
Och allting va' så bra

Kände hon sig ensam
Fanns jag där att leka me'
Bara för hon - älska mig

Åren kom och gick
men jag stod still
Och saker börja ändra sig
Ensam låg jag kvar
Och jag vänta på den dan
När jag igen - skulle bli - älskad

Ensam och besviken
Låg jag där i flera år
Men så skratta hon och höll mig
Och allt var som förut

Jag var älskad
Jag var älskad

När nån tyckte om mig
Då va' livet underbart
All den tid vi va' tillsammans
bär jag i min själ

Hon älska - mig

4 apr, 2019 10:23



I wish that I loved you,
Or that I cared,
Or that I'd even give a damn if you were here.
But you're gone so it's fuck you.
I'm a player.
I am everything that you wanted but you're scared.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fc25dd542164bb115be16bbd91e6a355b%2Ftumblr_inline_opmgqaaDk71uvngqy_540.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fac2e3bf1fcb3d2b726582f6a5acb54e0%2Ftumblr_pqkc0uTge31qeha15o5_500.gif

4 apr, 2019 23:33

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