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All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

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draco dormiens nunquam titillandus~~ Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home <3

5 jun, 2012 17:37

Maddie Mellark


Måste berömma dig för en helt grym fanfiction! ♥ ♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m4potcgQ1N1qcdlqjo1_500.gifhttps://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m2szb9gfaJ1qfjd5ao9_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.freegifs.de%2Fglitter-text%2Fholdz002%2Fz5006e3564b370.gif

5 jun, 2012 17:44



Skrivet av Ginny00:
Skrivet av MystiqueRed:
Åhh James u prick!

Jag hoppas inte det blir missfall
jag fick för mig att Harriet dör samtidigt som James och Lily... skulle vara så sorgligt om hon inte hann leva något

Har för mig att det inte kallas missfall när Lily är så långt in i graviditeten som hon är utan för dödfött barn eller något liknande Vilket inte låter särskilt mycket bättre!

Nej, usch - tänkte inte på det... poor Lily

5 jun, 2012 18:08



Jag börjar få ont om ord, hoppas ni vet hur tacksam jag är! Tack! ♥

23. Depression

The depression and the pain she was feeling when James broke her heart, was nothing compared to how she felt the following week. The nurse had told her she would be alright. A few broken bones, but she was fine. As for her baby ... There was nothing they could do. Her mother had tried to comfort the hysterical Lily, but to no avail. She didn't want her comfort. What she wanted was her baby back. What she wanted was for her to tell her everything was all one big cruel prank. One she would forgive her for no matter how cruel as long as she had her baby girl back. Her mind wouldn't, couldn't, wrap around the thought. It was simply unbearable.

She spent three days in the hospital. Her mother and father would visit her as often as they could. Mary, Marlene and Alice with her new boyfriend Frank Longbottom – who would've thought? - came to see her right after they’d heard about the accident. Even Remus, Peter, Sirius and Benjy all came to say their sorrows. Benjy was a wrath, apologizing about New Year's Eve, blaming himself for what happened. Lily couldn't even muster the strength to tell him that wasn't the case.

James never came and visited her.

When she returned home all she did was to stare ahead of her all day and cry herself to sleep at night. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't speak. At night she would have nightmares and wake up hyperventilating while clutching her stomach. Sometimes she would just scream and scream till her throat hurt. She knew nothing could bring her baby back, but it was just so unfair. How could Merlin, or God, or whatever, let this happen?

Sometimes she just blamed it all on James, but mostly she was mad at herself. She should've protected her child, she should have done something. When she closed her eyes, all she could see was the jet of light coming towards her. Why didn't she move? Why didn’t she run? Why?

January the 8th, the day school started again, Lily wasn't attending. It didn't matter anymore - what grades she got. Nothing mattered anymore. It seemed like nothing was going to cheer up. That Sunday they had a funeral for Harriet. It was her mother's idea to burry her in the rose garden in their backyard. It was a small gathering, just her parents and Mary, Marlene and Alice - her three closest friends.

When the ceremony was over, everyone but Lily and Mary went back into the house. Mary was having her arm around Lily, and that was probably a good thing because otherwise Lily's legs probably would've caved in. Silent tears were running down her cheeks, and Mary's too for that matter. "I'm so sorry, Lily", Mary said for the hundredth time, her voice thick from crying. Once again, Lily didn't say anything, she just stared down at where her unborn child lay buried, wondering what could've been.

Suddenly there was a knock on the porch door behind them. Lily didn't bother to turn her head to see whom it might be - probably just her mother - though could feel Mary's body turn away from her. Suddenly, Mary's body stiffened, and she let go of Lily, turning completely. Lily kept her eyes on the small rise on the snow-capped ground.

"I think your mother needs me inside, Lily, I'll be right back", Mary mumbled, squeezing Lily's hand. Lily could hear the crunching of Mary's feet in the snow as she walked away, and then the sound of another pair nearing her from behind.



HATA MIG INTE! :'( Det var hemskt jobbigt att behöva ta död på Harriet, men det var väsentligt för historien ... Förlåt!

When Playtime Becomes Reality [SV]

5 jun, 2012 20:19

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-06-15 kl. 14:28
Antal ändringar: 1



Det var så fint så det gör nästan inget ♥

Meeeen nu vill jag ha ännu mer

5 jun, 2012 20:24



ÅH VAD SORGLIGT D: D: D: D: D: D: D: ♥ ♥ ♥

Men det var rätt av dig..


5 jun, 2012 20:24



Gissning här!
Tryck här för att visa!James

5 jun, 2012 20:25



Awww </3

Jättebra och jättefint

5 jun, 2012 20:27

Victoire Weasly


R.I.P. Harriet

Hoppas att det är James!


5 jun, 2012 20:33

J-star Black


Åh, vad fint! Och sorgligt. Blev alldeles tagen^^


5 jun, 2012 21:07

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