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If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)

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Ariana Potter


Namy moments! ♥ Fantastic! You make me feel so Happy with all this feelings and the good writing, I wish this would never end ♥♥♥♥

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27 feb, 2014 16:01




Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Ahmajgadd kom ihåg att det fins ett awesome ord att beskriva Naill----->Goober<------ du kom Niall ♥

Såklart han kom, annars skulle ni alla gå crazy bananas på honom och jaga runt honom tills han SPRANG till Kalifornien....

Niall: Seriously though, THEY WOULD'VE KILLED ME OMG

Lugn Niall, det finns regler på mugglis, och jag tror inte att mina FINA BÄSTASTE läsare skulle jaga dig.... någon längre stund iallafall

Ariana Potter AWWWWWH OMG TAAAACK awhh I feel so loved oh my gaaaaaash

Niall: She loves me more. Right? RIGHT?!

Chilla Niall....

--Stella♥ (och Niall tydligen lol)

"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

27 feb, 2014 16:05



AWWWWWH Niall kom tillslut♥ och awesome kapitel!!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcTWjlLJasjBhJ5ZcJEgQwKjRRBcYj0JIPtPDVyOLLHrtj3pubP1dA Läs Järna min ff Mån barnet http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=35314&page=5#p2336622

27 feb, 2014 16:34











Okej, jag har fått en ide (inspiration från en annan ff) men jag behöver ER hjälp!!!

Jag vill att ni skickar in alla (ALLA ALLA ALLA) frågor ni har till karaktärerna i den här ffn!!!


Fråga: To Lisa, how is your first relationship going?

Ja, jag vet, tråkig fråga


Ni kan kommentera eller skicka en uggla, det spelar ingen roll vad, men jag behöver SÅ MÅNGA FRÅGOR SOM NI KAN KOMMA PÅ

Såklart kan man vara anonym om man vill

Bonuspoäng om dom är roliga



"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

27 feb, 2014 16:41



N A M Y ♥
Oh, frågor... är dålig på sånt heh...
Tryck här för att visa!Niall, why did you hesitate from the beginning?! (to come and visit Amy I mean)
Zatherine, you are together now, aren't you? Do you then plan to come out official?
Louis and Liam, are you in love with someone?
Christina, how is Nick?
Emh... Lauren and Dani, relationships, interests?
Well, don't know any others so yeah


27 feb, 2014 17:50




27 feb, 2014 19:33

Fairy Tale


The Li's show, where Li (me) asks questions

Are any of you vegeterian?

Niall, how can you be so dumb, why wouldn't you just tell Amy that you could come. Did you run from home or something?

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27 feb, 2014 22:36



Hej allihopa!!!

Jag behöver fortfarande MASSOR av frågor (kolla mitt förra inlägg)!!!

Jag har fått några, men det räcker inte på långa vägar!


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

28 feb, 2014 14:41

Ariana Potter



To Lauren: Are you in love with someone?
To Harry: Can you tell us more about your tatoos?
To Katherine: If Zayn said that he wanted To kiss you, Should you kiss back?

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fovkrtb4 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fntpkxuj https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fpjwh669 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fn9czvun

1 mar, 2014 08:01




Chapter 37

11.30 PM (0.5 hours till Midnight)

Niall’s POV

My hand doesn’t leave Amy’s once through the whole night. The others were all very surprised when they saw me, since they didn’t expect me to come.
“Niall!” Lauren had said. She ran up to me, and while she gave me a hug she whispered:
“Thank god you’re here. Amy was broken when you were gone”.

Everything is perfect.
Amy forgave me.
I’m spending New Year’s eve with her and her family, plus two of my bests friends.
Everything is perfect.
Or, should I say, everything would’ve been perfect.
If I wasn’t the most stupid guy on the planet.

I have to tell her.
But as I look at the happy girl sitting besides me, all determination just goes away.
I can’t hurt her like that.
Or, I guess I’ve already hurt her, but I can’t let her find out.

In my head, a war is going on. Tell her? Keep quiet?

I know that she would’ve wanted me to tell her. She would want to know why I did it.

“Niall, are you alright?” Amy asks and looks at me with a worried look on her face.
“Yeah, I’m great. Everything’s great”, I lie, and fake a smile.
I see her doubting face, and I know that she will want to talk about it later, but at least
I’ll have time to come up with an excuse.

Katherine’s POV

I sit down in Zayn’s lap. He wraps his arms around me and puts his chin on my shoulder.
“Katherine, I’m really sorry about what I said”, Lisa says and looks at me and Zayn. “I completely understand that you two are serious, even though you haven’t kissed”.
Zayn laughs a little, and I smile at Lisa. “Thank you, Lise, its okay”.

We’re sitting in Lisa’s room, just chilling out without the rest of the family with us.

Harry sits and is fixing Lisa’s hair. He looks quite pleased with himself, and a smirk plays in his lips.
“Yeah, it’s quite interesting, that you guys are Catholics, and some of you are saving your kiss for you wedding and all of that”, he says.
I look at him weirdly. “Why do you find it interesting?” I ask him.

“Well, I guess it’s because I don’t know anyone other than you that are Catholics, but Zayn’s old fiancé was-“

He suddenly stops in mid-sentence.
“Wait, what did you say, Harry?”
Harry glances at Zayn before speaking. “I said that I don’t know anyone other than you guys that are Catholics”.
My mouth goes dry, and I take a deep breath. “No, after that. Something about Zayn’s old fiancé”.

Harry shakes his head furiously.
“No! I didn’t say anything, it’s nothing…”

I turn around, to see Zayn looking rather pale. My stomach does a back-flip and I suddenly feel sick.
“Were you engaged?”
He bites his lip, and I shake my head. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask him quietly.
“Kath, babe, it’s nothing, she was nothing-“
“Well it doesn’t sound like nothing. You got engaged to the girl!” I say, this time a little louder.
Anger is building up inside of me, and I rise from my seat in Zayn’s lap. Without any other word I walk out from the room. As I stand in the doorway, I turn around.
“Unbelievable”, I mutter to Zayn, who still sits in the same position.
I walk out from the room, and through the house. I hear voices and laughs from the living-room, but I just grab my purse and go out to the garden instead.
How could he not tell me that he was engaged? Why didn’t they get married? Did she leave or did he leave? Can I trust him enough that he won’t do the same thing, just leave?

Small lamps are placed in the garden, lightening up the grass and the flowers.
I walk to the small path that is placed behind the bushes, besides the trampoline.
The path isn’t lit up with lamps, but I don’t need light to be able to walk this path. With used steps, and I walk down the path, following the sound of waves and the smell of ocean.
With determinate steps I walk, and soon come out to the deserted shore.
After a while of walking with my feet in the water, I sit down in the sand. I take up my purse and open it. In there, a find one of my note-books and a few pens.

Like I always do when I try to clear out my thoughts, I begin to write.

After a while, I look down at the page, which is wet from all my tears that I spilled while writing. I read the almost not readable words I scribbled down.
With a steady, surprisingly calm voice, I speak the words I wrote. I taste them in my mouth, trying to decide if I like the poem or not.

I need to get
Your light brown eyes
Out of my mind
I shake my head
Whenever the fresh cream of your
perfect complexion
Invades on my concentration
As if the vision of you
Staring directly into my
Thirsty soul
Is just marbles
Rattling around my thoughts
A glassy nuisance
I could just let you drop
Out of my eardrums
With a simple tilt of the head

The matter is more serious than that
For it's been two hours since I awoke
And your smile is a constant.

My voice cracks a bit in the last sentence, and I take deep breath to calm down. Then I look out over the sea, lying there perfectly. Just waiting for someone to dip their toes in the chilly, winter-cold water.

I look down at the poem again. And then I stop for a moment, and read it again.
This isn’t a sad poem.
This isn’t about being hurt.
This is about someone special, whom you like, and maybe even love.
I read the words out loud again.

I need to get
Your light brown eyes
Out of my mind

“I honestly think my eyes are dark brown, but whatever”.

The voice is quite close, and I don’t even need to turn around to know who it is.
Zayn sits down next to me, and he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers.
“It was a good poem”, he says quietly.
“Thank you”, I answer him, in the same low voice.
“Not one of your best, though”, He continues, smiling a little teasingly at me.
“Which one is your favourite then?” I ask him, quite interested.
“Possibly ‘Solider’”.

I raise my eyebrow. “So you’ve been reading my blog, huh?”
Zayn laughs a bit. “Of course I have, I need to read what you write”.
I smile at him, but it feels forced. I guess he notices, because his eyes darken a bit and he squeezes my hand.

“Her name is Perrie”, he says, still looking out over the water.
I don’t have to ask to know who he’s talking about.

“So”, I begin. “Are you going to tell me about Perrie?”

“She was the first person I seriously thought I would end up with forever”.

My feelings and thoughts flies around in my head, and I can’t sort out them even if I try.

Zayn continues. “She left me, because she said that she didn’t think I was right for her. She thought that someday, I would leave her, and that she would break without me.”

My eyes are fixed on Zayn, and I see that his eyes are a bit watery. He takes up a a stick from the ground and writes something in the wet sand.


“So she thought you would leave her, even though you’d already asked her to marry you”.
“That’s right”, He sighs, a bit of bitterness in his voice.
“Did you think that you would leave her someday?” I ask him. He looks up at me, shaking his head.
“No, I never thought I would”.
Then he meets my eyes and smirks a bit. “Well, until I met you”.

A warm feeling bubbles up inside of me, and I smile at him. Then I rest my head on his shoulder, and he holds my hand tight.
The word that then comes out from my mouth is so unexpected that I surprise myself, but they are still so true and honest that it feels completely natural.
“I love you”.

KOM IHÅG att jag fortfarande vill ha in frågor! Skicka in alla ni har!


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

1 mar, 2014 11:02

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