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Chapter 11
The morning after their argument Andromeda waited until the very last minute to go up to the Great hall for breakfast. She really had no wish to talk to the other girls about last night. Bellatrix had been awfully quiet all morning and left before Andromeda, with the girls from her own year. Andromeda sat down beside Bellatrix and ate, she looked up to find Ted glancing at her from the Hufflepuff table, he smiled small, and Andromeda looked down again feeling heat rise to her cheeks. She really didn’t understand how he could make her feel such feelings, like something warm and fluttery spread through her.
“Are you feeling better this morning?” Bellatrix asked after a few minutes. Andromeda who had been focusing on Ted, startled and looked at her sister,
“Yes, I do. Sorry about last night.”
“Don’t mention it,” Bellatrix smiled, and Andromeda finished her bowl of yoghurt.
“I really need to get to class,” Andromeda excused herself, but Bellatrix rose with her,
“I’ll go with you,”
They left together but Andromeda took a detour into the bathroom, and Bellatrix waited in the corridor. Someone touched her arm,
“Hey, Dromeda,” Ted whispered, and Bellatrix pushed him away with all her might, and he toppled a little,
“Get away from me your filth!” She cried, and Ted’s eyes widened when he realised whom he had run into,
“Sorry, I thought you were someone else.” Ted apologised,
“Even if I were my sister you have no business speaking to her, she’s far out of your league and wouldn’t want to associate with a muggleborn like yourself.” Bellatrix hissed, with her wand ready in hand. Ted backed away and left without another word. Bellatrix put her wand away again and Andromeda re-joined her.
“What happened?”
“Just some stupid muggleborn talking to me.” Bellatrix spat,
“Oh,” Andromeda felt her eyes widen, shit she thought, “I’m sure he meant nothing with it.”
“Do you socialise with him? That boy?” Bellatrix asked worriedly,
“No, we’ve been forced by Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick to work together at times. But he’s no friend of mine.” Andromeda replied with a bored tone. Bellatrix nodded,
“Good. Andy, you do know what would happen to you if you befriended such a person?” Bellatrix asked anxiously, “Mother would either lock you up for all time, marry you off to some stranger or she’d kill you.”
“I know, Bella. I won’t.” Andromeda reassured, and her sister gave her a pat on the back,
“You best be off to your lesson. What’ve you got?”
“I have divination.” Andromeda replied with a pained expression, her sister laughed at her,
“Poor you! I’ve got Defence against the dark arts. See you at lunch, Andy!” Bellatrix left her standing and Andromeda stood for a few moments looking after her thinking of how incredibly worse Ted’s mistake could’ve been. She shuddered and then left for the north Tower were the divination class were taught.
After the long and extensively boring lesson Andromeda went down to their common room, but Hailey and the others were there, and she really didn’t want to speak to them at the current moment, so she left the common room and went down to the boat house, to clear her mind.
What she didn’t expect was to meet Ted down there. He looked up as she entered.
“Dromeda!” He smiled and stood up, but she was rigid and stood tall,
“What were you thinking?” She accentuated every word and had her hands placed on her hips looking rather dangerous. Ted backed a few steps.
“Gee Dromeda, what’s the matter?” He asked calmly, she looked at him as if he’d gone mad,
“Are you plain mad? – You almost revealed the secret today!”
“Oh, but she didn’t understand, and I only said hi.” Ted protested,
“You could’ve exposed me and what then? – They’d probably not allow me back here, and they would certainly make sure you weren’t either!” Andromeda were furious,
“Take it easy! It didn’t happen, and I’ve learnt from my mistake, I’m sorry Dromeda!” Ted shoved his hands into his pockets and looked at her apologetic.
“It was too close, Ted. If it ever happens again we’re as good as dead.” Andromeda said fiercely, Ted nodded,
“I understand that, now calm down, will you?”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Andromeda said anger sparking from her whole being, Ted held up his hands in resignation,
“Sorry, again, I just don’t see what the big deal is, nothing happened,”
“No, of course you wouldn’t see that, now would you? With your perfect little parents and loving mother, you have never been put under torture by your precious little mother, now have you? – So of course, you wouldn’t understand the severity of your mistake!” Andromeda ranted, and Ted finally braced himself and walked up to her and embraced her,
“Hey, it’s fine Dromeda, hush, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise. It was stupid.” He slowly stroked her back and she grasped to him tightly.
“I don’t know how someone could ever stand me.” Andromeda whispered into his chest, Ted stroke her over the hair gently, removing some curls from her face and smiled softly down at her,
“I couldn’t possibly imagine what I’d ever do without you if I lost you now.”
“You’re too kind a friend Ted. I’ve got a bad temper and lack of self-control.”
“That’s what I like about you, you’re passionate about things, you are everything but plain. You are colour, Dromeda, every darn colour. Perfect in your own way.” Ted kissed her eyebrow softly, “You are ever so endurable!” He grinned, and she chuckled and placed her head on his chest again. Arms around each other they just stood and swayed back and forth for a bit.
“I have to get to class. I’ve got care of magical creatures with Professor Kettleburn, I hate to leave you but, I really must dash.” Andromeda broke the silence, Ted still held his arms around her, but he nodded and kissed her gently on the lips, letting his tongue trace her bottom one. She moaned into his mouth, but he broke the kiss smiling deviously,
“See you around Black.”
“Git.” She muttered beaming before leaving him in the boat house ever so slightly flushed.
Andromeda came right on time and stood amongst the other students whilst Professor Kettleburn introduced them to the assignment which were about something called Thestrals.
“Andy,” Hailey whispered but Andromeda refused to look at her, let alone answer her.
“Hey, we just wanted to say we’re sorry.” Roxy nudged her,
“I’m trying to listen.” Andromeda said through gritted teeth.
“Well, you’ll just have to forgive us then, because we’re not going to stop pestering you until you do!” Hailey said dryly, Andromeda finally looked at her,
“Fine!” Andromeda said exasperated, “Now, shut up!”
“Miss Black, did you say something?” Professor Kettleburn asked, Andromeda looked up startled,
“No, Sir!” Andromeda replied,
“As I were saying,” He continued, “Thestrals are quite scary looking creatures as they are very skeleton like, the only thing separating their skeleton and body is a thin slick black coat.
Now I’d guess they look a bit like horses, but their head is almost dragon-like. They are very clever creatures.”
“Professor?” asked Smith,
“Yes my boy?”
“Where can Thestrals be found?”
“Well, we do actually have them on the grounds, we even have use for them. They pull the carriages from the train up here.”
“But, I have never seen anything pull those carriages!?” Flint protested,
“Ah, well you see, they can only be seen by people whom have seen death.” Professor Kettleburn smiled sadly, “Which is why I myself have never seen them, only touched them.”
“Are they here right now?” asked Katie, a Ravenclaw,
“I’ll call for them, but as you all know you won’t be able to see them.”
Their professor called for the beasts and they heard their hooves beat against the ground, Andromeda saw them long before they stopped. She could see them. Always could, though she hadn’t dare say anything about that. Because she had witnessed the death of the baby boy who had been born too early. A death she wasn’t supposed to know about.
“Now, where are they?” Professor Kettleburn, looked about him, trying to determine where the creatures had stood themselves.
“There’s one to the far right of you, Professor.” Andromeda pointed out without thinking, and immediately all eyes were on her.
“You can see them child?” Professor Kettleburn stared at her shocked,
“Yes.” Andromeda said sharply, refusing to let anyone see how unsettled she was by their stares.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Andromeda waved him off, “They are quite horse-like, all though their head is somewhat dragon-like and there’s almost something reptilian about them, of course their ribs and every other bone is visible. It’s like a black skeleton really. They have wings of course too.”
“Yes, I forgot to mention those!” Her Professor said grateful, “5 points to Slytherin.”
“Aren’t Thestrals illegal to keep? – Without special consent from the ministry?” Joanne asked,
“Indeed, good point, five points to Ravenclaw.” Professor Kettleburn beamed,
Andromeda didn’t listen anymore since she was completely taken by the lovely beast that stood next to her, as if it could sense that she could see it.
“Hi there!” She spoke calmly, letting him sniff on her hand, “I mean no harm.” She continued as softly, the Thestral bowed his head and let her pet him,
“You are so beautiful!” She told the Thestral. “You’re different, much like me.” Andromeda sighed, how on earth had she gotten into so much trouble with secrets as of late?

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23 jul, 2018 11:05

Avis Fortunae



“I couldn’t possibly imagine what I’d ever do without you if I lost you now.”

Deras känslor blir djupare, medan det blir mer och mer uppenbart hur omöjlig situationen är. Andromeda berättade praktiskt taget för Ted om hur svår hennes mor är, även om han inte tog upp tråden just då, utan istället lugnade henne.

Svårt att komma på konstruktiv kritik så jag får helt enkelt berätta hur jag upplever texten. Har nog aldrig läst så vackra beskrivningar av testralerna, väldigt fint.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

23 jul, 2018 14:18




Chapter 12
Andromeda had only really forgiven the others because they had pestered her during the lecture. But considering she was already getting in so much trouble as of late she thought it better to just leave it alone.
After lunch they had a free period and they were all slouching in the common room.
“Eh, did you know that it’s 22 degrees outside?” asked Abigail, and the others looked up,
“What?” Hailey asked excitedly,
“It was winter like a week ago!” Roxanne stood up, “We’re going swimming!”
“What on earth?” Andromeda looked at Roxanne as if she were mad.
“No protests, Andy. It’s tradition and you know it. We are going to swim, now!” Roxanne pressed, and walked towards the dormitories,
“She’s right!” Hailey shrugged her shoulders but were in-reality very much inclined, “Let’s go get our swimming suits.”
“Are we really going to…?” Andromeda looked up from her seat, Abigail shrugged her shoulders too,
“I guess we’re having an ice bath,” She said, and Andromeda sighed, “it is after all tradition.”
“Eh, can’t express how much I hate you right now.” Andromeda looked less than thrilled, “All though it’s very good for your health.” She agreed at last.
They changed into swimwear and then put their clothes on again and brought a few towels with them.
“Cannot believe we’re doing this!” Andromeda said as they reached the sand bank. “Normally the water’s been a little warmed up before we do this.”
There were other students out, in fact all sixth years were outside, most of them hanging out by the lake. No one were as stupid as them though. Andromeda spotted Ted over with his friends, and he discreetly smiled towards her, and she nodded slightly, feeling that the risk was too high to respond to his smile.
They stripped out of their clothes down to their bathing suits, people were now staring at them for obvious reasons, and with a look at each other;
“Ready?” Hailey asked,
“As ready as I can ever be!” Andromeda replied a little anxious,
“GO!” Roxanne roared,
they ran out into the lake.
The water was freezing, in fact there were places were the ice barely had disappeared. Andromeda took a short breath as her whole body came under water, it was absolutely ice cold. She couldn’t feel her legs or anything under water for that matter. She stood up in the water again, the other girls were screaming but Andromeda herself only managed short whips of breath, feeling her throat close from the cold. She was by far out deepest. The others hadn’t dipped their whole bodies in, and they were moving towards the shore again. Andromeda couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe properly, her lungs burnt from the cold and she felt herself panicking but unable to move. She was going to drown.
“Andromeda?” They shouted from the bank, “Are you coming back?”
Andromeda couldn’t scream, she felt her eyes starting to blur her vision. Still only short breaths, burning her lungs, she felt panic erupt but she couldn’t make a sound except for the wheezing sound her breathing made, she tried to stay afloat but she started to feel her legs wavering under her.
“Shit.” She heard Hailey, or was it Roxanne say, “She’s fainting!” Abigail screamed,
the other sixth years were alerted but no one dared jump in, until,
“Get out of the way!” Ted came sprinting down to the bank and quickly threw off his clothes, so he was stood in his underwear and then he ran in. Everyone at land were panicking and screaming or just stood frozen in spot.
Andromeda felt herself slide further down into the water as her legs beckoned, Ted caught her right before her head de-surfaced,
“I’ve got you!” He mumbled calmly, “Calm now, I’ll get you back, and warm. Try breathing deeply, your body’s in shock.”
Ted tried leading her forward, but her legs wouldn’t carry her, so he mumbled ‘I’m sorry’ before he lifted her up into his arms and carried her rapidly back to the sandbank.
“Put a towel on the ground!” He commanded, and normally Hailey would’ve protested such an order from someone of his sort, but she did as he bid, and he placed Andromeda on the towel, then he wrapped another towel around her.
“She’s in shock, we’ll have to try and make her breathing even.” He said seriously,
“Someone’s run and fetched Madame Pomfrey.” Abigail mentioned, and he nodded,
“Did you know she was sensitive to the cold?” He asked trying to sound as neutral as possible.
“No, we’ve done this every year.” Roxanne defended, “She’s always been fine.”
“Might have been stress or something. Your body responds different to such cold at different times.” Ted said matter-of-factly. He bent down and took hold of her wrist,
“Her pulse seems fine though, if a little quick”
How he knew that weren’t asked because Madame Pomfrey arrived just then, and with a levitation charm she carried away Andromeda, followed by her friends, to the Hospital wing. Ted had to watch her go sadly without being able to help more.

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24 jul, 2018 18:48

Avis Fortunae



Ted är den som både vågar, och kan, rädda henne. Lyckligtvis verkar allt ha gått bra. Nu är frågan om någon av dem kommer att reflektera över att det var just Ted som gjorde det? Det kan ju också tänkas att hennes vänner blir vänligare inställda till honom efter detta? Ser fram emot fortsättningen.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

24 jul, 2018 20:15



Chapter 13
Andromeda didn’t regain full consciousness until about half an hour after the incident.
“What happened?” was the first thing she asked her friends who were all gathered around her,
“You entered shock, and we all thought you were going to drown.” Hailey replied without her usual cheery tone,
“How did you get me up?” Andromeda heaved herself up on her elbows to better look at her friends.
“We didn’t.” Roxanne smiled apologetic refusing to meet her eyes, shame burning her cheeks.
“We couldn’t,” Hailey agreed, “Some guy dived in and got you up.”
“Who?” Andromeda furrowed her eyebrows,
“That Tonks guy.” Roxanne said irritated, “You know the mudblood?”
“Don’t call him that.” Andromeda growled, “Especially not just after he saved my life.”
“Sorry.” Roxanne said with little bother, “Didn’t know you cared about them.”
“Yeah, he probably only saved you because he thought he might rise in status, despite him being a mud…” Hailey stopped when she saw Andromeda’s cold look, “muggleborn.”
Andromeda sat up better against her pillows refusing to talk anymore about Ted lest something be discovered, “That’s the last time we did that blasted tradition!”
“Deal!” Hailey laughed relieved that the awkward subject was over, “Cannot have you die next year, Andy!” she winked at her.
Andromeda chuckled, “Not very likely.”
“And a virgin too!” Roxanne winked,
“You two take a too eager concern for my love life…” Andromeda shook her head at them,
“We try our best!” Hailey held her hand over her heart mock-honoured.
Madame Pomfrey came soon afterwards and forced the other girls out of the hospital wing, leaving Andromeda quite by herself. She relaxed against the pillows, if she were forced to stay there for another couple of hours she would at least have some well-deserved rest.
But her mind wasn’t resting, not really, it was replaying the events of the afternoon.
His strong arms wrapped around her body, holding her close, keeping her safe, she sighed. Ted Tonks was quite honestly, and it had taken her a long time to admit, the sexiest man at Hogwarts. So tall, so handsome and with the finest eyes ever to be bestowed upon a person. Andromeda wished he would have kissed her, wished all the people wouldn’t have been there, she wanted to be in his arms and get proper kissed. She opened her eyes to be frightened half to death. Bellatrix were an inch from her face, Andromeda let out a yelp and felt the shame of thinking such improper thoughts of her muggle-born friend.
“Hush, or Madame Pomfrey will have me thrown out!” Bellatrix whispered and held her hand over Andromeda’s mouth,
“Sorry, but you scared me!” Andromeda held a hand over her beating heart. Bellatrix grinned,
“Serves you right! You had me worried sick. They came running telling me you’d drowned!”
Her sister looked at her with a comforting smile,
“Unfortunately, I was saved.” Andromeda teased,
“Yes, quite so.”
“I’m fine, Bella, really,” Andromeda gave her a reassuring look,
“Do you think you will be able to come to dinner tonight?” Bellatrix asked, stroking hair from Andromedas face with a look of sisterly affection.
“I don’t know if Madame Pomfrey will allow me too.” Andromeda grimaced, “In which case I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Bellatrix nodded and jumped up from the bedside, “I have to get back to class. But I’ll see you around, Keep safe sister dearest.” She bent forward and pecked her on the cheek before heading off to class again.
Andromeda then let the land of dreams take her away for a while, dreams filled with a certain handsome bloke she knew. She awoke around nine, and Madame Pomfrey did another check up on her.
“You should be fine now, dear child,” Madame Pomfrey patted her hand, “Off to bed you go!”
Andromeda put on her robe over her school uniform and began walking towards the dungeons. When she did arrive, she decided that she should take a detour to the kitchens to get something to eat, having missed dinner. A pleasant surprise was in store though, for as she received a meal from the house-elves she noticed another figure sitting down in the sofa behind the one of the fireplaces.
“Ted!” Andromeda said astonished, and he looked up at her and lit up,
“Dromeda,” Ted gently put his arm around her as she seated herself beside him, “How are you feeling?”
“Better, ravishing though!”
He chuckled at her, “Always hungry…”
“Shut it.” She smiled and smacked his arm, “But I suppose I should thank you, my knight in shining armour.” Andromeda winked at him,
“It was nothing, Dromeda, I’d do it any day!” Ted touched her arm gently,
“Still, I’m so pleased it was you.” Andromeda beamed at him, “so thank you!” She caught his lips in a sweet kiss. She felt him smile, and she made a squeal from the back of her throat and he stopped the kiss and laughed at her. Andromeda blushed,
“I would have never believed it if I hadn’t heard it… Andromeda Black, squealing, who would have thought?” He looked smug and she looked away for a second the heat in her cheeks forcing her too. “Blushing too,” He said charmingly and touched her cheek gently,
“Stop!” She murmured, “It’s not funny…”
“I think it is,” Ted winked and then kissed her again, “I believe I shall live every day till my last making you blush at least once a day.”
“You won’t succeed,” Andromeda said, and he looked at her boyishly,
“Oh, I think I will,” He then embraced her tightly and she could feel every muscle of his flex against her, despite that his hugs were very warm and snuggly, and merlin’s pants were she in danger of falling very much in love with him. She was already halfway there. He had a way of making her feel all giddy and missus, a feeling she, definitely, never, before had accounted to.
He kissed her forehead and she melted into his touch, she wanted to stay there forever, she did not want to return to her dorm at all. Not when she could be in his arms.
“Hey Dromeda…” Ted whispered in an amused tone,
“Mmm” Andromeda mumbled sleepily against his shoulder,
“We have to go back to bed.” He snickered at her, and she sighed deeply,
“I’m already asleep.” She muttered, and he kissed her nose,
“As much as I would want to, we cannot stay here all night.” Ted said again and lifted her head from his shoulder, she looked positively sleep drunken and a tad annoyed with him. He grinned,
“Sorry Dromeda, you’ll have to cuddle another pillow.”
“I don’t want to. I can hex you into a cuddly teddy bear and use you as my pillow.” Andromeda said and rubbed her eyes tiredly.
“I’ll pass on that one.” He winked, “But I do wish you a good night, Dromeda!”
Andromeda leant forwards and caught his lips in a soft and sweet kiss, and Ted broke it off when he couldn’t breathe, she pouted.
“Goodnight!” Ted said again and stood up, squeezed her hand lightly before leaving her for bed. Andromeda got up and left a few minutes later.
In the corridor however she bumped into Peter Parkinson, the other head boy of Slytherin,
“Oops, I didn’t see you there Black.” He said gruffly, Peter didn’t look at all sorry,
“It’s as much my fault I’m sure, Parkinson.” She replied in a bored tone and crossed her arms whilst giving him a sharp look,
“Um, so you decided to come do the night runs despite what happened today?” Parkinson said awkwardly under her stern gaze,
“Yes,” Andromeda said with a proud look, thank god for that darn façade act of hers, she thought, and deeply hoped that he hadn’t bumped into Ted before her.
“Oh, okay…” Parkinson said looking around in the corridor, “Well, I’ll check the dungeons by the potion classrooms and around our common room then, if you look about here…”
“Sounds like a good plan,” Andromeda said, but just before they separated Ted came around the corner again. He’d probably forgotten something, Andromeda inwardly face palmed.
“Stop, right there.” Parkinson barked and almost huffed out his chest a little in a proud move, “Don’t you know Hufflepuff, that you aren’t allowed to roam the corridors at night?”
“Eh, I suppose I didn’t realise it was so late.” Ted scratched the back of his head.
“Stupid mudblood.” Parkinson spat at him and Ted calmly dried his cheek from Parkinson’s spit,
“That’s enough, Parkinson,” Andromeda said with an annoyed tone, “This was my corridor was it not? - I’ll inform the head of his house and decide what points should be taken, off you go.” She gave him a challenging look and Parkinson glared at Ted but then gave Andromeda a resigned look,
“You better take care of it, Black!” He growled as he walked.
Andromeda waited till Parkinson were out of earshot, but she didn’t dare approach Ted for fear of getting caught too close to each other.
“I’m sorry… I forgot my scarf…” Ted bit his lip,
“Back to your dorm, now, or I’ll inform Professor Sprout and take ten points from Hufflepuff.” Andromeda said seriously and gave him a look and he nodded,
“Course, Black,” He winked at her and spun on his heels and left for the Hufflepuff dorm.
Andromeda shook her head at him, wanting to laugh but she didn’t dare out in the open corridor, just-in-case someone saw her. She walked the corridors around the kitchen and the corridor where, she assumed, the Hufflepuff portrait were before meeting Parkinson again and finally retiring for the night.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik

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24 jul, 2018 20:23

Avis Fortunae



Den livräddande insatsen tycks inte ha imponerat på Andys vänner, men däremot på henne själv ... och det är ju det viktigaste ♥ Dialogen mellan de båda är abslout underbart skriven, jag får aldrig nog, haha

“I would have never believed it if I hadn’t heard it… Andromeda Black, squealing, who would have thought?” He looked smug and she looked away for a second the heat in her cheeks forcing her too. “Blushing too,” He said charmingly and touched her cheek gently,
“Stop!” She murmured, “It’s not funny…”
“I think it is,” Ted winked and then kissed her again, “I believe I shall live every day till my last making you blush at least once a day.”

De har båda tankar om framtiden, om en fortsättning, som hela tiden skymtar fram, trots alla hinder.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

24 jul, 2018 22:09




Chapter 14
As they entered the month of May the students got increasingly more nervous and stressed. Their finals were all executed and whilst Andromeda and Ted had managed to meet several times she was often irate and a little short with him due to stress. He on the other hand were as calm as he ever was. Which annoyed Andromeda a little. But she had done her Defence against the dark arts, Transfiguration etc. N.E.W.T.S and only had potions left. Part two of the tests were to be taken next year.
She threw her bag on her bed and slouched down on top of it, the other girls looked equally exhausted. They had just had their Defence against the dark arts examination and it had been very physical work.
“How did it go for you, Andy?” Hailey asked as she threw her bag onto the floor and hopped into bed,
“I think it went quite well.” Andromeda replied looking at Hailey from her bed, “For you?”
“I did okay. I might get an E even.” She smiled drowsy, “You’ll get an O as usual, I assume?”
“They haven’t graded them yet.” Andromeda said sharply,
“You always do best.” Roxanne sat up annoyed, “Stop being so prude about that!”
Andromeda stood up after looking at her watch, “I’m off, might do some reading in the library or something.”
“All our exams are done!” Hailey pointed out then she glanced suspiciously at Andromeda, “You disappear an awful lot lately,”
“Who are you seeing?” Roxanne joked, but Andromeda felt herself go cold,
“No one.” She bit, and Roxanne jumped a little at the sudden change in mood,
“Sorry, it was only a joke.” She held up her hands, “You’re as pure as driven snow, I didn’t mean to imply anything,”
“Yeah, calm down, Andy!” Hailey laughed,
“Whatever.” Andromeda left them, she really didn’t like them speculating about what she did, and she thanked merlin that she’d never had any kind of relationship to make them too suspicious about her whereabouts. She met a few other Slytherins on her way out, amongst those her older sister who looked positively wild.
“What’s happened?” Andromeda asked as she passed,
“What hasn’t happened?” Bellatrix sighed exasperated,
“The N.E.W.T.S weren’t all that bad.” Andromeda repented, Bellatrix took hold of her arms, and stared at her dramatically,
“You haven’t had part two yet. I swear they want us to kill ourselves.”
“Anyways,” Andromeda shook her head at her sister, “Keep up the good work, and I’ll see you for dinner!”
“If I still live by then.” Bellatrix muttered, and Andromeda grinned and left her.
It was raining cats and dogs, so no other students were out on the school grounds. Most of them where probably hanging out in their common rooms or having exams.
Andromeda pulled her robe tighter around herself and hurried down to the boat house. She’d been there and awful lot lately. She smiled as she thought of it. She never would have believed herself if she’d told her, but she liked that stupid little Hufflepuff. She frowned funnily, he wasn’t small though, he was much taller than she… she shook her head at herself and ran in under the roof of the boat house.
Ted was sat on the bundles of ropes, he looked up as she came in and grinned,
“I thought you wouldn’t come!” He got up and took her by the hand and pulled her in for a warm soft kiss.
“I always do!” She smiled against his lips,
“And I always worry you’d change your mind,” He leant his forehead against hers, and entwined his hand with hers.
“It would take a lot for that to happen…” Andromeda murmured,
“How about if anyone found out…” Ted whispered, she tensed,
“That wouldn’t change the way I feel about you,” She whispered strained, “Only stop this from happening anymore.”
“I don’t ever want to stop seeing you, Dromeda.” Ted pulled a curl from her face and tucked it behind her ear, she closed her eyes,
“Me neither, but I don’t know how we’ll work it out, I just don’t know.” She trembled against him and he embraced her and kissed her hair,
“We don’t have to work it out right now, let’s just live in the moment,” Ted replied kindly. “You know carpe diem and that stuff.”
Andromeda laughed, “You do know Carpe diem follows by quam minimum credula postero, which means do not trust the next day which would end in paranoia... or you know…” she trailed off.
Ted kissed her as he snickered, “Only you would know something as trivial as that.”
“I like to learn, stop bullying me!” She beamed, Ted kissed her again,
They sat down and there was a comfortable silence for a few moments,
“Have you thought about what to do after school?” Andromeda asked, Ted raised his eyebrows,
“It’s a year left of school, I honestly haven’t thought of anything.” He gazed over the lake before turning to Andromeda again, “What about you?”
“I don’t know. I mean I could do anything I wanted, But I don’t know… they’ll probably marry me off despite my will anyways...” Andromeda traced patterns absentmindedly on the palm of his hand.
“You have plenty of time to figure something out to hinder that,” Ted said concerned, and she smiled sadly,
“Yes, but time is a fleeting thing, before we know it, we’ll be saying goodbye, Ted.” She bit her lip, and he stroke her cheek gently, then kissed her on the mouth.
“I, I know it’s too early,” He paused his voice trembling a little, looking into her dark eyes, “but I think I’m in love with you.”
Her eyes got shiny with unshed tears, “Don’t say that, Ted, please!”
“You don’t have to say it back, Andromeda, I just want you to know, because I can’t go on pretending I don’t love you.” He looked at her with such adoration that she felt her chest tightening and she could hardly breathe.
“You know I can’t Ted,” She looked so confused at that moment. Ted gave her a comforting smile and kissed her,
“Just stop and feel for once,” He encouraged, as he silenced her with yet another kiss.
They stayed like that, no talking, just feeling until they had to go back to the castle and to reality.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik

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26 jul, 2018 00:35

Avis Fortunae



Så nu har Ted sagt orden ... och de vet båda att framtiden närmar sig. De vill både fånga dagen och komma på något som ska lösa situationen. Undrar vad som kommer att hända.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

26 jul, 2018 10:37




Chapter 15
All the examinations for all students were now completed, and the sixth and seventh year students were given a weekend in Hogsmeade, an annual trip which always consisted of, for some reason, people going on dates. Andromeda weren’t at all inclined to go because of that but her ever so thoughtful mother and her aunt Rosier had fixed a date for her. A date which she was forced to go on with Evan Rosier… her cousin. Andromeda felt sick at the thought. But go on that date she must, he asked her; and she had to accept. It felt as though she cheated on Ted, but she thought, they were just friends, and free to do as they liked.
That’s why she found herself in the company of Evan in Hogsmeade that warm Saturday in late May.
“Eh, so where do you want to, eh, go?” Evan asked her, as he held her hand, she looked at their hands and felt her stomach lurch again. Everyone, especially Jenny Vanes, must think they’re so revolting right now. Andromeda couldn’t think of anything else but how weird this was, and the fact that Evan resembled his grandparents, she paused and grimaced, their grandparents.
“Andy?” he pressed again, and she looked up into his typical ice-blue rosier eyes, an unpleasant shiver ran down her spine,
“Eh, I suppose three broomsticks?” She looked at him quickly and then averted her eyes again. He nodded,
“Yeah, sure… let’s get ourselves a table.”
Evan led her to the place and seated them by the window, lots of other students were on dates there too and Andromeda spotted Ted sitting with no-one but, Jenny Vanes. She felt her blood boil, but returned her focus on Evan.
“Do you want a butterbeer?” Evan asked, and she nodded,
“Yes, thank you!” She replied quietly but courtly, feeling eyes on them from every corner of the room.
He went an ordered two butterbeers and returned to their table, she took a sip of the beer,
“So what do you want to do after you’ve finished school next year?” Andromeda asked trying to find something to talk about,
“I want to work for the ministry in the department of mystery.” Evan replied awkwardly, “How about you?”
Andromeda twisted in her seat, “I think I might become a healer, I thought about becoming an auror, but I do not think father would allow it.” She tried to smile,
“Sounds wise, women don’t make good aurors. Shouldn’t be allowed to train either.” Evan said decidedly, “Have never heard of a female auror who were anything but good, either.”
Andromeda raised an eyebrow and felt a lot more uncomfortable in his presence. But determined to be good company nonetheless she tried to figure out something to say.
“Eh, how did you do on your examinations?”
Evan looked bored and sighed, “I did well, as always.”
Andromeda knew for a fact that Evan had only a few E’s and no O’s and looked down at her own hands rolling her eyes. Evan lit up all-of-a-sudden and started to ask more questions and Andromeda answered each one and countered them with her own questions.
The date, she shuddered inwardly, weren’t too bad after all if you thought it as anything but a date. They went in to Honeydukes before going back to Hogwarts. As they weren’t allowed to the village too often. Andromeda liked to stack up on chocolate for girl nights, period cramps or other such occasions that required a good bar of chocolate. Evan were eyeing her funnily after picking up his own supply, and Andromeda glanced at him frowning, but kept on browsing the shelves and adding to her basket. Ted were in the store too, with Jenny Vanes, Andromeda rolled her eyes, but she kept stealing looks his way, and she knew he was watching her too.
“Are you going to eat all that?” Evan asked with a revolted expression.
“Eh, yes?” Andromeda looked at him weirdly,
“I don’t want a fat wife.” Evan retorted, and Andromeda backed a step looking horrified and confused, Ted were beet red in the face and clenching every muscle from where he was standing - behind Evan.
“Hold on a second, Evan I’m not going to be your wife!?” She looked proper disgusted now, and Evan became redder,
“Then why the hell did we do this for?” Evan growled,
“Because we were forced too!” Andromeda replied annoyed,
“But we must marry, we have to keep the bloodlines pure, Andy! And who the hell are you going to marry if not me?” Evan looked quite wind up, and Andromeda felt quite terrified of him,
“Who I marry or not is none of your business!” Andromeda roared, “But It’s not you, and never was, Evan. You’re my cousin for the love of merlin!”
“But tell me, why did you agree on this?” Evan panted heavily and clutched his fists threatening,
“Because If I didn’t I would have been punished. At least now I have an excuse for turning their proposal of this down!” Andromeda looked at him dangerously, “Now get away from me Rosier before I cut your balls off!”
“You mean that I had to listen to your constant and boring chatter for nothing?”
“Oh so you didn’t even listen to me? I tried to at least get to know you!”
“But you are just so fucking boring Andy! I’m never seeing you again, you -fat piece of shit!” Evan spat on her and left the store.
The only people aware of the fight were Ted and Jenny, Andromeda noticed her snicker and sighed,
‘Great, just my bloody luck!’ she thought,
“Too bad, Black, but you have other cousins, don’t you?” Jenny said maliciously, Andromeda tried to ignore her,
“But perhaps they too don’t want a fat wife.” Jenny smiled deviously, Andromeda refused to turn around and look at her, denying her the pleasure of seeing the hurt look on Andromedas face.
“That’s enough, Jenny!” Ted said quietly but decidedly. “I’ll see you up at the castle.”
Jenny looked proper annoyed but nevertheless left the store, because she didn’t want anyone to think that he had left her.
Ted took Andromedas basket and she startled, he noticed the sadness around her dark eyes, and smiled sadly.
“Here let me pay for that!”
“No, Ted, I’ll do it myself!” Andromeda felt uneasy, but Ted smiled again,
“It’ll be my pleasure!”
Ted took her basket payed for the content and handed her the bag and they left the store together. Andromeda felt paranoid and looked about her to make sure no one thought she was with Ted. He noticed and took his leave, but before he left her he whispered kitchens, and she nodded.
Even though Ted had been kind to her the lump in her stomach didn’t go away and she were pretty sure he would break off their agreement and that’s why he wanted to meet.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

27 jul, 2018 00:10

Avis Fortunae



Ja, Evan Rosier var ju ingen drömprins precis ☺men varför är Ted på date med Jenny, tro? Ska bli spännande att se hur det fortsätter när de möts i köket.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

27 jul, 2018 15:19

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