With every piece of my soul (L/J) [ENG]
Forum > Fanfiction > With every piece of my soul (L/J) [ENG]
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Elev |
Skrivet av Margaret: C4 Alltså, tack så jättemycket.! Jag håller med dig fullständigt, att gestaltning är bättre än konversationer. Det fanns dock en anledning att jag skrev på detta sätt, och det är att, även fast detta kapitel inte var skrivet ur James perspektiv som första person så är det en "oberoende tredjeperson" som berättar vad James ser, hör och känner. Eftersom att James blev attackerad bakifrån och han inte ser vad som pågår bakom honom, så blev det helt enkelt att han bara fick höra vad som händer. But I totally get your point. Och tack igen, verkligen! Då förstår jag! Du är verkligen jätteduktig på att skriva måste jag bara påpeka, och jag längtar tills jag får läsa nästa kapitel imorgon. Det gör jag verkligen! Ideas come with an explosive immediacy. Om det skulle vara så att du har tid över, kolla gärna in min nyss påbörjade fanfic. Att dela på bördan - http://www.mugglarportalen.se/forum.php?topic=8640&page=1#forum.php?topic=8640 26 sep, 2011 20:01 |
Elev |
Återigen, tack för alla kommentarer. De betyder jättemycket.
Här är kapitel fem, del ett. Kapitlet är rätt långt, så det fick bli i två delar. Detta kapitel handlar om Sirius, till största delen. Jag ville visa en del av Sirius som vi alla vet att han har, men som man inte får se mycket av i böckerna. Den hämndlystna sidan. Så, jag hoppas ni gillar det. Konstruktiv kritik uppskattas alltid. _____________________________________________________ Chapter 5: Part 1. Sirius Black walked through the corridor, towards the library. Just a few minutes earlier he’d been to McGonagall’s office - he didn’t mean to be late - and learned that James had already started his detention a long time ago. Sirius was now supposed to take over and send his friend back to the common room. The closer Sirius came to the library, the more he started feeling that something was not right. People were running around, screaming, and looking frightened. Sirius recognized a guy, Frank Longbottom from Ravenclaw, who was running towards him. “Black! Potter’s been attacked. In the library. You have to come quickly and help us get him up to the hospital wing.” Sirius heart stopped for a second. James, attacked? At Hogwarts, in a public place like the library. Who would do something so idiotic? Snivellus, of course, you stupid, a voice in his head shouted. There is no bigger idiot in this school. Sirius ran as fast as he could towards the end of the corridor where the library was. A crowd blocked the doorway. “Let me through, god damn it.”, he yelled. When people saw who it was, they dispersed. Sirius saw his unconscious friend on the floor, and a small puddle of blood next to him. No other than Lily Evans kneeled beside him, pointing her wand to his back, mumbling something. He ran over to help her. “Black! I have tried to heal the wounds, so that he won’t lose more blood until we get him to Madam Pomfrey. Nothing works, I don’t know what to do anymore. Where’s Madame Pince when you need her? She’s always hovering over your shoulder in here”, she said, frustrated. At this, Sirius didn’t even think before acting. He ripped off a big piece from his robes and tried to bind it around James torso and back. He tied it hard, so it would reduce the bleeding as much as possible. Sirius grabbed James’ arm and dragged him up. “Longbottom, help me out, would ya?”, he called, and the Ravenclaw-boy hurried over and grabbed the other arm. The two boys put each arm around one of their shoulders, and with combined strength they managed to get James down to the hospital wing on the first floor. Lily was following right behind them. Lily opened the door when they arrived and Madam Pomfrey was completely shocked by the scene. Lily quickly explained what had happened in the library, and Madam Pomfrey told the boys to put James on the closest bed and let her look at him. “What curse caused this?”, she asked. “I have never seen anything like it before.” “But of course you will be able to treat him, Madam Pomfrey.” It was not a question. “I will do my best, but nothing can be guaranteed as I don’t know what curse it was that caused this. Are you sure you don’t know anything?” “I wasn’t present when it happened”, Sirius snarled. “But you were, Evans? Who was it? Didn’t you hear or see anything?” “No, I didn’t recognize the curse. It sounded like Rictusempra, but that’s obviously not it.” “Sectumsempra”, Sirius suddenly mumbled. “I recognize it. I only know of one person who spends his free time making up curses.” Then he turned around to leave. “Black! Where are you going?”, Lily called. Sirius stopped, and turned back to Lily. “I and Remus have unfinished business to attend to. I will be back as soon as I can, Madam Pomfrey.”, Sirius said. “Just don’t do anything reckless, Black. Snape doesn’t deserve it.”, Lily said “He deserves it, alright. Even if you don’t care about James, I do. He is my brother in every way but blood. I am not going to just sit here and watch him die.” And he walked away without stopping again. When Sirius arrived in the common room, he found just what he was looking for. Remus sat in an armchair by the fire, reading a book. “Moony, come quickly. Prongs was attacked. You and I have some unfinished business to attend to, a counter curse to get”, Sirius said. “Where is the map?” Remus leaned down and picked up a blank piece of parchment from his schoolbag. He pointed his wand to it and murmured “I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good”, and the lines that represented the castle walls started to take shape out of nowhere. He handed the parchment over to his very upset friend. “Sirius, who was it? What curse was used?”, he then asked. Sirius was unfolding piece by piece of the map, scanning every inch of it. “Snivellus, of course. Is there a bigger idiot anywhere?” Sirius said frustrated. He violently turned a page. “It was one of his stupid made up curses”, Sirius spat. Remus had never seen him this mad, ever, and they had known each other for six years. “Are you sure about this, Padfoot?” Remus asked. He knew that Sirius could be dangerous when he was half as angry as this. “Of course I am. That’s the whole point with the marauders, isn’t it? All for one, one for all?”, Sirius said, when he looked up at the map for a moment, to glance at his friend. “Oh for Merlin’s sake, don’t chicken out on me now Remus. James would do the same – just ten times worse – if this happened to any of us, and you know it”, he said. “I guess you are right, Padfoot. But just try not to kill him, okay?”, Remus said. Sirius glared fiercly at his friend. “What does that matter anyway? I would be happy not having to see his ugly face every day.”, he snorted. “I know that you hate him, Pads, and with good reason. But you are not a killer.” “Where the hell is Peter?”, Sirius suddenly said, changing the subject. “You have a map of the castle right in front of you, Sirius.”, Remus answered. “I don’t have time to look for him right now.”, Sirius muttered, while unfolding the third floor on the map. “I just haven’t seen him all day. Don’t you think it’s strange that he would just disappear like this, for so long?” Sirius scanning eyes froze abruptly. “But I found the moron. He’s hiding out in some abandoned corridor in the third floor. Come on, let’s go.” Sirius closed the map and put it in his pocket. Remus rose up from the chair, grabbed his bag. “I’ll just go get the cloak. We might need it. I’ll be back in a second”, he said and hurried away towards the stairs. Just a few moments later, Remus was heading back down the stairs, shoving James’ invisibility-cloak into his bag. Before he even set his foot on the common room floor, Sirius grabbed his arm and dragged him to the portrait hole, which immediately opened up for them. The two friends hurried down the staircase, and headed in the direction of the abandoned corridor as soon as they reached the third floor. Suddenly, Remus stopped, dug up the cloak from his bag and threw it over them both. “Try to walk as soundless as you can”, he whispered to Sirius. Both boys held their wands in front of them as they rounded the corner. There, they saw Severus Snape, sitting on the floor, hugging his knees. He mumbled “I’m not a coward. I’ll show her one day that I’m not a coward.” That was it? Not the tiniest bit of remorse for what he’d done to James? Sirius turned even more furious at this. Sirius pointed his wand to Snape, under the cloak, and whispered Incarcerus. Thick ropes started to appear and tie him up. Snape looked shocked, not knowing what or who caused it. He removed the cloak off of them, and Remus put it back into his bag. Then the two friends walked out of the shadows. 29 sep, 2011 21:00 |
Elev |
Otroligt bra, och så himla spännande! Du förvånar varenda gång!
Ideas come with an explosive immediacy. Om det skulle vara så att du har tid över, kolla gärna in min nyss påbörjade fanfic. Att dela på bördan - http://www.mugglarportalen.se/forum.php?topic=8640&page=1#forum.php?topic=8640 29 sep, 2011 21:08 |
Elev |
Omg, lika bra som förut :'D Shit vad förvånad jag blev, trodde du skulle köra hela Sirius lurar ut Snape till spökande stugan, James blir hjälte - grejen på en gång, men så vart det inte alls! Du skriver jättebra, och du kan verkligen måla med språket! Dessutom skriver du sån här skön engelska som man kan läsa utan att behöva oroa sig för massa konstiga ord :')
wolfstar deserved better. 29 sep, 2011 21:44 |
Elev |
C4 Tack så sjukt mycket.
MonsterCookie Haha, där ser man. Dock, om jag inte minns helt fel så var det under marodörernas femte år, men det nämndes i ett tidigare kapitel att detta var deras sjätte år. Fast jag förstår att det kanske inte är så lätt att hålla rätt på sånt. Och tack så jättemycket. 29 sep, 2011 23:12 |
Elev |
^ Ah, det hade jag missat x)
wolfstar deserved better. 30 sep, 2011 11:12 |
Elev |
30 sep, 2011 18:53 |
Elev |
Zia Tack!
________________________________________________________ Här är nu kapitel 5: Del 1. Det är inte sådär superbra, och slutet blev verkligen dåligt, men min inspiration försvann och jag kände ändå att jag var tvungen att uppdatera här ändå. Detta kapitel behövs också för att kunna fortsätta historien på det sätt jag tänkt. Men jag tar gärna emot konstruktiv kritik, som alltid. Och om ni läser får ni gärna skicka en liten kommentar, så jag faktiskt vet att det finns folk som läser. __________________________________________________________ Chapter 5: Part 2 When Snape saw who it was that put him in the situation he was now stuck in his eyes widened. Both of shock, but also of a little fear. Sirius saw it in his eyes. “You?”, Snape said, glaring venomously at Sirius. “Release me, now! Lupin, you are a prefect. You should not allow this!”, he growled. “When my best friend is dying, I couldn’t care less about my prefect duties”, Remus said simply. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way”, Sirius said through gritted teeth. “It’s your choice.” He walked closer to Snape were he sat on the floor. “We want the counter curse, or something that can heal James. And we will get it, one way or another. I don’t care if I have to stay here for the rest of the day”, Sirius said, walking in circles around the greasy haired Slytherin, fidgeting with his wand. “We won’t hurt you if you cooperate”, Remus said and sent Sirius a meaningful glance. “If you just give us what we want we’ll be out of here in seconds.” He had turned back to Snape now. “I will never tell you. Potter deserved what he got”, Snape said. “He’s been making my life a living hell for too long.” “No one deserves anything like that”, said Remus. “Stop discussing with him Remus.”, Sirius roared. He sent a death glare to Snape. “Will you give us the counter curse, or shall we have to take stronger measures against you?” “Yeah, like what? What could you possibly do that wouldn’t get you expelled in an instant?”, Snape snarled. “You are messing with the wrong person; I hope you know that, Snivellus. I may not be very much like them, but at the end of the day, I am still a Black. Vengeance is in my blood. Those greater measures I was talking about are in my genes, just waiting to come out when needed.” Sirius moved to whisper something to Remus. “No, Padfoot. I can’t, you know that. My staying at this school is a privilege. It’s a delicate matter, you know. On the other hand, I won’t stop you if you do it. It’s James' life at stake here, after all”, Remus answered in a low voice, so that Snape wouldn’t hear him. “Just think about the consequences, for once, Padfoot, before you do something reckless.” Sirius’ eyes had turned just as black as his name now, as the hatred for this greasy haired boy filled him from head to toe. “I won’t make you do it, but you can’t stop me.”, Sirius growled. “Snivellus!” Sirius called, while approaching Snape again. “Have you ever felt crucio?” “You wouldn’t dare!” A flash of horror could be seen in Snape’s face for a moment, but disappeared just as quickly. “I would dare. And I warn you, it’s not a very pleasant experience to receive the Cruciatuscurse.” Sirius said simply. “But it could work as a stronger measure.”, he said with a shrewd smile. “It’s illegal. You will get expelled before you even reach the hospital wing with the counter curse”, said Snape. Sirius snorted. “I don’t give a thestrals’ crap about if it’s illegal. You know what we want, and you know we won’t leave until we have it. From this moment on, the choice is completely up to you. And besides, I think that the Headmaster and the Minister of magic will be very interested in learning that you invent horrible curses, without official permission or approval. For your information, that’s illegal too. So if I’m expelled, I can still be pleased with the fact that you won’t ever set your foot here again. However, I don’t have time for this anymore. Which way should we go? I’ll count to three”, Sirius said. “One.” “Two.” “Three.” “You have one last chance to give us the counter curse.” “Crucio!”, Sirius called. Snape looked down on the floor so he didn’t see that Sirius’ wand was pointing in another direction. Snape cried out for a moment, before he realized that he actually didn’t feel any pain. Snape stare up at Sirius, looking utterly confused. “I am not like you Snivellus. I just realized you are not worth it. I won’t sink down to your level. Just give me the god damned counter curse already, so I can get out of here. Next time I won’t be so generous.” “Okay okay” Snape cried. “Just don’t hurt me. It’s Vulnera Sanentur.”, Snape said. “But if Potter’s ever mean to me again, I will make up a curse without a cure”, he continued. “You are not really in a position to make threats, Snivellus.” Sirius growled. “I hope, for your sake that you have given us the right counter curse. If it doesn’t work, and James would...” Sirius couldn’t make himself say the word. “I will hunt you down like a dog, and I won’t stop until you’re dead.” Sirius threatened. “Release him.” Sirius said to Remus. “I’m off to the hospital wing.” He said and hurried away. “I’ll be right behind you.” Remus called, before flicking his wand and removing the ropes that bound Snape. “We won’t tell anyone of your made up curses, if you keep this a secret.” Remus told Snape while he tried to get up from the floor. Snape just gave him a murderous glare, picked up his bag and ran off. Remus ran the other way, towards the hospital wing . 11 okt, 2011 09:37
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2011-10-11 kl. 14:19
woow ! du skriver SKIT BRA! och långt!
11 okt, 2011 10:06 |
Elev |
shit vad diktig du e på engekska!
Ovanför den här texten står det något väldigt intelligent och kreativt som du kommer ha använding för i resten av ditt liv. 11 okt, 2011 12:14 |
Du får inte svara på den här tråden.