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Some People Care Too Much, I Think It's Called Love..~A George Weasley Love Story

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Åh, vart åkte du på språkresa?

Tack! :3


Chapter 6: Cursed

''I'll go out for a walk now Hermione.'' I said to her after I had pulled on my winter coat. It's kind of weird that no one else is in our dormitory, it's usually at least four people who share one. But I shouldn't complain. At first she was kind of paranoid around me, but since we share a dormitory we've gotten closer to each other. I think I can call her my ''friend'' now.

I shivered as I leaned against a tree, near the three broomsticks. Where is Draco? He was supposed to be here half an hour ago! I don't have time to wait for him all day, people will get suspicious.

''Delia!'' I heard someone call my name so I turned around.

''Finally! What took you so long?'' We walked in to the three broomsticks and sat down at a table that was as far away as possible from everyone else. We couldn't risk to let anyone hear us.

''Pansy has been following me all day, so I had to be sure that she wasn't following me now.'' Draco sighed with annoyance. ''Do you have the package?

''Do you seriously think I came all the way here in this weather empty-handed?'' I asked him before I pulled out the package from my bag and handed it over to him.

''Are you sure that you know what you're doing?'' I asked him.

''Yes, yes and yes! If someone suspects me, which they won't, I'll just say that I got cursed too. They won't know that it was on purpose.'' he explained and I sighed.

We stood up and walked towards the exit, but when I was about to open the door, I noticed that Draco wasn't behind me. I turned around and saw him glaring at Potter, Weasley and Hermione. It seems like she decided to go out today too. I immediately walked over to Draco and dragged him out of the three broomsticks.

''Are you crazy?! I'm trying to get him to think that I'm not a death eater, but if you're going to glare at them like that when I'm with you, it's not going to work!''

''I'm sorry, I forgot.'' he said.

''Just go, I'll handle with it somehow.'' I said and hugged him. ''Just don't let anyone get suspicious of you Draco. Harry is always suspicious, so be very careful, especially around him.''

''I will, I'm not as irresponsible as you think I am.''

''Yeah yeah, whatever. Just go now, you don't have much time.'' I said and watched him leave before I went back in to the three broomsticks. My eyes flew over to where the trio were, and I caught Potter staring at me.

''Take a picture, it'll last longer Harry.'' I had to say his first name, if I said his surname it would take more time for me to get him to trust me. ''Mind if I join you guys?'' I asked them as I walked over to their table.

''We were actually going to leave now, but you can hang out with us if you want.'' Hermione answered.

''Is that okay for you two?'' I looked at Harry and Ron, they didn't seem so happy about it.

''Fine.'' Harry snapped and walked out of the three broomsticks. I looked at Hermione questioningly.

''He's just not in a very good mood today.'' she explained, but I know she was lying. Well, maybe she wasn't lying completely, maybe he actually is in a bad mood today, but I also know that he still doesn't like me.

We walked out and went after Harry, the three of them walked side by side now, while I walked a bit behind them. If anyone saw us now, they would think that I'm following them, not hanging out with them.

''Hey guys, I think I should-'' I started, but I got interrupted by a scream. We all looked at the one who screamed.

''I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!'' she yelled to us.

What was happening? I pushed myself through the trio to see what had happened, and then suddenly Katie Bell flew up in the air. I frowned. Why did Draco choose her? If he had chosen someone else, the package would have been delivered to Dumbledore by now and Draco would have been done with his task. I sighed and walked towards Katie.

''What do you think you're doing?'' Potter asked me, and I turned around to look at him.

''I'm going to try and help her, which I don't see any of you three doing.'' I said and walked over to the package before trying to help her. If I could get the package back somehow, and then give it to Draco, he could try again..

''Don't touch it, you'll get cursed! Leave it there and I'll take care of it later.'' Hagrid said while he picked up Katie who now was laying in the snow. ''Follow me.'' he said.


TITTA VAD JAG HITTADE I STRATFORD-UPON-AVON(när jag åkte på en utflykt dit på spåkresan)

Jag blev jättechockad. Jag ba whaaat? Am I dreaming?

6 aug, 2012 15:39



Man kanske borde börja läsa denna ff?? Den värkar åzum

11 aug, 2012 20:54



Omg. Förväntade mig verkligen inte att någon skulle läsa denna ff när jag skrev det där inlägget i intresseklubben antecknar. :'s



Chapter 7: A Serious Accusation

''She went to the bathroom, and when she came back she suddenly had the package. She said she had to deliver it to someone.'' Leanne explained.

''Did she mention who?'' McGonagall asked.

''.. Dumbledore.''

''Thank you Leanne, you may go now.'' she said and turned towards Snape. ''What do you think about this?''

''I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive.'' Snape said in his usual voice.

''She was cursed, wasn't she?'' Harry asked. ''I know Katie, she wouldn't give something like that to Dumbledore.''

''Yes, I indeed believe that she was cursed.''

''It was Malfoy. He gave it to her, and Dolohov helped him.'' Harry said suddenly.

''What?!'' I yelled at him. ''Me? Why would I do that?!''

''That is a very serious accusation Potter.'' McGonagall said concerned.

''Indeed. Your evidence?'' Snape asked him.

''I just know.'' Harry answered.

''You just know?'' I snapped at him. ''How can you just know something like that? It's not even true!'' Harry was going to say something back, but McGonagall interrupted him.

''I suggest you go back to your dormitories now, all of you.''


I haven't spoken to Cordelia in a week, I really messed up, didn't I? I can't stop thinking about her, she's all I ever think about now.
I have to apologise to her, but I haven't even seen her so much lately. I saw her, the trio, Leanne and Hagrid walk towards Dumbledore's office earlier today though, I wonder if she's still there? Well, I don't have anything to lose for going to search for her there, so I guess I'll give it a go.

I'm starting to become a bit nervous now.. What should I say to her when I find her? Ugh, why does this have to be so hard? I was so deep in thought that I almost didn't notice that Cordelia had walked past me.

''Hey! Cordelia!'' I yelled after her and she slowly turned around. She looks pissed off.. I wonder if it's because of me? But I immediately calmed down when she smiled.

''Hi George, it's been a while.''

''Yeah.. Um, I just.. I just wanted to apologise for making you upset earlier, I really didn't mean for that to happen.''

''It's okay, I'm not mad anymore. I wasn't even mad at the end of that same day, I just.. I didn't really know what to say to you when I saw you after that.'' she said, but she still looked kind of pissed off. But I don't think it's about me anymore.

''Did something happen? You seem really angry.'' I asked her and she sighed.

''Is it that obvious?'' she asked. ''Well, Katie Bell got cursed today, but apparently it was meant that Dumbledore would have got cursed instead. And Harry is now blaming me and Draco for being the ones who tried to kill Dumbledore.''



''Is it that obvious?'' I asked. ''Well, Katie Bell got cursed today, but apparently it was meant that Dumbledore would have got cursed instead. And Harry is now blaming me and Draco for being the ones who tried to kill Dumbledore.''

''What?!'' he said a bit too loud. ''I can't believe that he still thinks that you're a death eater! That thought haven't even crossed my mind, someone like you could never be a death eater!'' he said angrily and suddenly decided to almost run to the common room. Ugh, now he's saying those nice stuff about me that I couldn't be a death eater. When will he realize that he's wrong?

''George! Hey, wait for me!'' I yelled after him but I had to stop and rest before I could continue running. I really need to get in better shape.

When I finally arrived at the common room, I heard some really loud noises, some gasps and some cheers. What is going on? I walked in and saw a big group of people standing in a circle around two people in the middle, who were fighting. Oh no. No, no no. Please don't tell me that George is one of them.
I pushed my way through the crowd and I noticed that it wasn't only people from gryffindor here. How did they get in here?! When I had pushed my way through the big crowd of students I froze. It really was George, and Potter was standing on the opposite side of him. It wasn't a fight with magic though, they punched each other.

''George! Stop it!'' I panicked and stood between the two of them.

George noticed that I stood in the way and pulled back his hand from hitting Potter, because he would have accidentally hit me if he wouldn't have stopped. But Harry obviously didn't notice me standing there as fast as George did, so I got punched right in the face. He punched me so hard that I flew backwards and landed on the floor.
Everyone immediately got quiet. I can't describe the pain.. I think I broke my nose. I've been in much more pain before, but this is different, it hurts in a different way. It's not the same feeling as being injured by magic.
I felt really warm and dizzy now, and after a few second everything became blurry and then it went all black.

11 aug, 2012 21:02



Åh, så super awesome! Ser så fram emot nästa kapitel! ;D

11 aug, 2012 22:37



Så. Jävla. Awesome.
Du skriver jätte bra!!♥

12 aug, 2012 00:01



Omg, tack så mycket! ♥


Chapter 8: Maybe I should have said no, for his own good?

I felt something cold being pressed against my forehead, so I opened my eyes and looked straight into the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen.

''Hi George.'' I whispered and he seemed relieved.

''Hi Cordelia.'' he said, mimicking me. He pressed the cold thing against my forehead again.

''You know, you can call me Delia if you want.'' I said. I prefer being called Delia. ''What happened?''

''Harry punched you in the face, and then you went unconscious.'' he said, and I noticed that he seemed upset about it.

''Oh.. How long was I unconscious?''

''Just a few hours, thank god.'' he said and hesitated before he continued. ''I don't know what I would do if you would have been unconscious more than a day, I wouldn't have been able to handle that.'' he said and then he blushed when he realized what he just said to me. Aw..

''Do you really mean that?'' I looked straight in his eyes. ''That's really sweet of you to say George, but-''

''No more but's! You're not going to become a death eater Delia, at least not willingly.'' he said to me a little too loud, and he noticed that. He made a pause. ''Yes. Yes I mean it. You're all I ever think about now Delia, I wouldn't be able to survive without you.''

''George I-'' I said but he interrupted me again, but this time by pressing his lips to mine. It took a few second for me to realize what was happening, but then I kissed him back. He slowly broke the kiss and looked into my eyes.

''Delia, I've never met anyone like you before, and I never will, because you're one of a kind.'' he said. ''Do you want to be my girlfriend?'' he asked and my mouth dropped. I mean, he kissed me, but I didn't expect him to ask me to become his girlfriend. But I'm not complaining.

''Yes!'' I said and threw my arms around his neck. I didn't notice that we were in the hospital wing until now, oh well. But was this the right thing for me to do? Now he definitely will get involved with the death eaters somehow.. Maybe I should have said no, for his own good?


Ganska kort och dåligt, jag vet. Men jag har redan skrivit kapitel nio så den kommer kanskee senare idag.

12 aug, 2012 11:39



Gud vad bra!!! ♥

12 aug, 2012 11:52



Du skriver helt underbart ♥

"And how did the mysterious Ariana die? Is it possible that Ariana Dumbledore was the first person to die for 'the greater good'?" - Rita Skeeter

12 aug, 2012 14:50



Alltså omg. Tack! ♥


Chapter 9: Unhappy Memories

I had to make a great effort to be able to stand still as everyone cheered, clapped their hands and called Ron's name in choir. George and Fred was holding him up in the air above their heads and I giggled at the sight of how enthusiastic both of them were. Although I actually wanted Slytherin to win, I can't help but to feel at least a bit happy for them.
They lowered him down and let go of him. As soon as Ron's feet touched the ground he was attacked by Lavender. Well, maybe not literally attack.. She started snogging him, but whatever. I immediately looked at Hermione who stood beside me, I know that she has feelings for Ron. She hasn't told me, but as her friend I notice things like that. Tears started to form in her eyes and just a second after that she turned around and ran away from there. George was on his way towards me but I gave him a glance, and he understood.
I made my way to the stairs and slowly walked down to Hermione. She was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, sobbing. I sat down beside her and put my arm around her.

''Hermione..'' I whispered. ''If he just brushes off his feeling that he has for you and goes and kiss Lavender instead, then he's not worth your tears.''

''He doesn't have any feelings like that for me. I thought so at first, but now I know that he clearly doesn't. How do you even know how it feels? You haven't gotten your heart broken like that, have you?'' she said and I sighed.

''I know exactly how it feels.''

''How? George haven't broken your heart, have he?''

''No, not George.. But a boy named Liam have. I went through a really hard time back then. He did such terrible things.. Things that a boy never should make their girlfriend go through. But I had a friend who helped me through it. Anastasia. She really helped me a lot, and I realized that I probably wouldn't have been able to handle all of the things that he did if she wouldn't have helped me. That's why I want to try and help you through this, because everyone needs a little help sometimes, even if they don't want it.''

''That doesn't sound fun at all.. I had no idea, I'm so sorry Delia.''

''It's fine, really. I don't care about him anymore.'' I said and she hugged me, then both of us were silent for a while, but of course Lavender and Ron just had to come and ruin everything.

''Oops.. I think this room is taken'' Lavender said in her squeaky voice as she clung on Ron. I noticed that Hermione started to get tears in her eyes again. I stood up and walked towards them in a threatening way with my wand in my hand. I didn't even have time to walk a few meters before they had ran away, apparently they were afraid of me. Is that a good or a bad thing? I walked back to Hermione and smiled a little.

''Are you ready to go back to the common room yet?''

''Yeah. Thank you Delia, I really appreciate this.'' she gave me a smile and we walked back to everyone else.

[George's POV]

I suddenly felt a pair of hands over my eyes as I sat in the couch.

''Guess who it is?'' the person said and I already knew who it was.

''Don't you think I know who my girlfriend is?'' I asked and pulled her down so that she sat on my knees. She giggled at my response.

''How did it go?'' I asked her.

''Um, she's fine now, at least I think so.'' she said and she seemed sad.

''Is something wrong?''

''What? No, of course not!''

''Delia, I know you better than that. What's wrong?''

''.. I just thought of some old memories that I'm not so happy about, that's all.'' she sighed, and I knew that she wasn't going to tell me exactly what those memories were about. I wonder what could make her look so sad and upset, I haven't seen her like this before.

12 aug, 2012 17:35



Åh, super bra!

12 aug, 2012 21:29

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