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25 maj, 2016 17:20

Missy The Timelady


Skrivet av Borttagen:

Haha man tackar :3


25 maj, 2016 17:49




Under de tre timmarna igår blev det 15 sidor (nästan två kapitel) och jag har insett att inspirationen flödar mycket bättre om jag skriver på engelska, även om det kanske bli lite fel här och var. Men det får vara. Write drunk, edit sober, som man säger. (Inte för att jag satt och skrev på fyllan igår, men ni fattar hur jag menar.)

Tryck här för att visa! "So why did you stop?" Levithan asked.
"You know I'm not very sophisticated, neither in appearance nor behaviour, but I do enjoy the savor of fine art and sublime architecture every now and then."
Wolf shrugged without looking away from the painting. A deep breath left his lungs before he continued.
"Whenever I browse through art, I browse with my very being. Most of you see with your eyes, but I see the world in energies. Energies as in ethereal resonances. Inconspicuous scents like quivering particles in the air and the quiet footprints of life."
"Footprints of life?" Levithan echoed.
"Feelings. Emotions. One's state of mind. You know, all that gibberish."
"It's just, all the other paintings awaken something in me; be it joy, be it sorrow. Be it horror, lust or utter despair, it doesn't matter. The very soul of an artwork is bursting of energies, I can feel them eroding from the very core of the subtle brush strokes. But this painting... It is so very..."
"So very..?"
Levithan raised his eyebrow in confusion.
"What do you mean, silent?" he asked.
Wolf put his hand on Levithan's shoulder and leaned forward, still with his eyes completely focused on the artwork.
"Can you hear it?" he asked.
"I can't hear anything," Levithan proclaimed.
"Exactly. Nothing," said Wolf with a bewildered grin. "It's almost as if the artist, while painting it, were already..."

25 maj, 2016 19:50



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Under de tre timmarna igår blev det 15 sidor (nästan två kapitel) och jag har insett att inspirationen flödar mycket bättre om jag skriver på engelska, även om det kanske bli lite fel här och var. Men det får vara. Write drunk, edit sober, som man säger. (Inte för att jag satt och skrev på fyllan igår, men ni fattar hur jag menar.)

Tryck här för att visa! "So why did you stop?" Levithan asked.
"You know I'm not very sophisticated, neither in appearance nor behaviour, but I do enjoy the savor of fine art and sublime architecture every now and then."
Wolf shrugged without looking away from the painting. A deep breath left his lungs before he continued.
"Whenever I browse through art, I browse with my very being. Most of you see with your eyes, but I see the world in energies. Energies as in ethereal resonances. Inconspicuous scents like quivering particles in the air and the quiet footprints of life."
"Footprints of life?" Levithan echoed.
"Feelings. Emotions. One's state of mind. You know, all that gibberish."
"It's just, all the other paintings awaken something in me; be it joy, be it sorrow. Be it horror, lust or utter despair, it doesn't matter. The very soul of an artwork is bursting of energies, I can feel them eroding from the very core of the subtle brush strokes. But this painting... It is so very..."
"So very..?"
Levithan raised his eyebrow in confusion.
"What do you mean, silent?" he asked.
Wolf put his hand on Levithan's shoulder and leaned forward, still with his eyes completely focused on the artwork.
"Can you hear it?" he asked.
"I can't hear anything," Levithan proclaimed.
"Exactly. Nothing," said Wolf with a bewildered grin. "It's almost as if the artist, while painting it, were already..."

Så fiiiiint ♥

25 maj, 2016 20:51



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
Under de tre timmarna igår blev det 15 sidor (nästan två kapitel) och jag har insett att inspirationen flödar mycket bättre om jag skriver på engelska, även om det kanske bli lite fel här och var. Men det får vara. Write drunk, edit sober, som man säger. (Inte för att jag satt och skrev på fyllan igår, men ni fattar hur jag menar.)

Tryck här för att visa! "So why did you stop?" Levithan asked.
"You know I'm not very sophisticated, neither in appearance nor behaviour, but I do enjoy the savor of fine art and sublime architecture every now and then."
Wolf shrugged without looking away from the painting. A deep breath left his lungs before he continued.
"Whenever I browse through art, I browse with my very being. Most of you see with your eyes, but I see the world in energies. Energies as in ethereal resonances. Inconspicuous scents like quivering particles in the air and the quiet footprints of life."
"Footprints of life?" Levithan echoed.
"Feelings. Emotions. One's state of mind. You know, all that gibberish."
"It's just, all the other paintings awaken something in me; be it joy, be it sorrow. Be it horror, lust or utter despair, it doesn't matter. The very soul of an artwork is bursting of energies, I can feel them eroding from the very core of the subtle brush strokes. But this painting... It is so very..."
"So very..?"
Levithan raised his eyebrow in confusion.
"What do you mean, silent?" he asked.
Wolf put his hand on Levithan's shoulder and leaned forward, still with his eyes completely focused on the artwork.
"Can you hear it?" he asked.
"I can't hear anything," Levithan proclaimed.
"Exactly. Nothing," said Wolf with a bewildered grin. "It's almost as if the artist, while painting it, were already..."

Så fiiiiint ♥

Domo arigato!

25 maj, 2016 21:11



Idag har jag gjort förlagsutskick!! Jag har typ gett upp tanken på att manuset jag började skicka ut för två år sen ska bli utgivet (iaf i nuvarande form), men det har inte hindrat mig från att skriva ett helt nytt manus och hoppas på det!

Har bloggat lite om det för den som vill läsa. Dags för den eviga väntan nurå. Men tills vidare är jag bara stolt över att jag faktiskt köttat vidare och inte låtit refuseringarna get me down. ^^


25 maj, 2016 22:17




Har insett att jag skrev som mest när jag var 13-15 år. Så därför försöker jag hitta känslan av de åren igen genom musiken. Funkade fantastiskt bra igår

25 maj, 2016 22:30



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Under de tre timmarna igår blev det 15 sidor (nästan två kapitel) och jag har insett att inspirationen flödar mycket bättre om jag skriver på engelska, även om det kanske bli lite fel här och var. Men det får vara. Write drunk, edit sober, som man säger. (Inte för att jag satt och skrev på fyllan igår, men ni fattar hur jag menar.)

Tryck här för att visa! "So why did you stop?" Levithan asked.
"You know I'm not very sophisticated, neither in appearance nor behaviour, but I do enjoy the savor of fine art and sublime architecture every now and then."
Wolf shrugged without looking away from the painting. A deep breath left his lungs before he continued.
"Whenever I browse through art, I browse with my very being. Most of you see with your eyes, but I see the world in energies. Energies as in ethereal resonances. Inconspicuous scents like quivering particles in the air and the quiet footprints of life."
"Footprints of life?" Levithan echoed.
"Feelings. Emotions. One's state of mind. You know, all that gibberish."
"It's just, all the other paintings awaken something in me; be it joy, be it sorrow. Be it horror, lust or utter despair, it doesn't matter. The very soul of an artwork is bursting of energies, I can feel them eroding from the very core of the subtle brush strokes. But this painting... It is so very..."
"So very..?"
Levithan raised his eyebrow in confusion.
"What do you mean, silent?" he asked.
Wolf put his hand on Levithan's shoulder and leaned forward, still with his eyes completely focused on the artwork.
"Can you hear it?" he asked.
"I can't hear anything," Levithan proclaimed.
"Exactly. Nothing," said Wolf with a bewildered grin. "It's almost as if the artist, while painting it, were already..."

jag kan knappt vänta tills jag får slå upp första sidan av din bok och börja läsa.. ♥

25 maj, 2016 23:22



Alltså... Min roman är i standby-läge just nu eftersom jag väntar på respons från en vän som ska läsa den.
Och jag har skrivabstinens och mår inte så bra. Jag har inte skrivit något på 1½ vecka! (Pain...)
Jag borde börja på något nytt men jag vet inte vad det skulle vara...

26 maj, 2016 08:55



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
Under de tre timmarna igår blev det 15 sidor (nästan två kapitel) och jag har insett att inspirationen flödar mycket bättre om jag skriver på engelska, även om det kanske bli lite fel här och var. Men det får vara. Write drunk, edit sober, som man säger. (Inte för att jag satt och skrev på fyllan igår, men ni fattar hur jag menar.)

Tryck här för att visa! "So why did you stop?" Levithan asked.
"You know I'm not very sophisticated, neither in appearance nor behaviour, but I do enjoy the savor of fine art and sublime architecture every now and then."
Wolf shrugged without looking away from the painting. A deep breath left his lungs before he continued.
"Whenever I browse through art, I browse with my very being. Most of you see with your eyes, but I see the world in energies. Energies as in ethereal resonances. Inconspicuous scents like quivering particles in the air and the quiet footprints of life."
"Footprints of life?" Levithan echoed.
"Feelings. Emotions. One's state of mind. You know, all that gibberish."
"It's just, all the other paintings awaken something in me; be it joy, be it sorrow. Be it horror, lust or utter despair, it doesn't matter. The very soul of an artwork is bursting of energies, I can feel them eroding from the very core of the subtle brush strokes. But this painting... It is so very..."
"So very..?"
Levithan raised his eyebrow in confusion.
"What do you mean, silent?" he asked.
Wolf put his hand on Levithan's shoulder and leaned forward, still with his eyes completely focused on the artwork.
"Can you hear it?" he asked.
"I can't hear anything," Levithan proclaimed.
"Exactly. Nothing," said Wolf with a bewildered grin. "It's almost as if the artist, while painting it, were already..."

jag kan knappt vänta tills jag får slå upp första sidan av din bok och börja läsa.. ♥

Tack.. ♥ jag är så förbannat glad för att jag har fått tillbaka motivationen igen.

26 maj, 2016 13:11

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