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All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

Forum > Fanfiction > All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

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17 apr, 2012 11:21



Har sträckläst hela nu och den är såååååå braa!! älskar den! längtar så mkt till nästa kapitel


17 apr, 2012 15:40



AAAAAHH!ett till kapitel! för bra för att vara sant! keep up the good work

20 apr, 2012 12:24



Har sträckläst och bevakar självklart!!!!

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

20 apr, 2012 14:12



Har också sträckläst och den är verkligen jätte bra! Älskar hur du skriver

21 apr, 2012 15:10



And I think I know vad som kommer hända.. ;D

21 apr, 2012 16:43

Victoire Weasly


Skrivet av Borttagen:
And I think I know vad som kommer hända.. ;D

Berätta för mig!!! Ugglepost??


21 apr, 2012 16:45

t i l d a


Hur bra som helst!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2Fa1cb808c4181f502357ade18c8175ae3%2Ftumblr_nc2etcPGDp1rbfrlpo1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F33.media.tumblr.com%2F5ec62a6af057b3b9996646b34d34dad7%2Ftumblr_n3wz22HeEq1ty9crco1_500.gif

26 apr, 2012 21:06




17. Her moment

There was something in his eyes telling Lily that he knew about her. Petunia must have told him. Great, just what she needed right now - another muggle thinking she was a freak. He didn't have to say it out-loud, she knew he was thinking it. Judging her. Did she look like a freak to him?

Out of sheer politeness, she took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you", she said halfheartedly and her eyes went back to her sister, whom was staring at her with everything but sisterly love.

Lily sighed. "Please, Tun. I haven't seen you in two years", she said pleadingly. "Can't we just be friends? It is Christmas, after all."

Petunia's stare loosened a bit, seeming taken off guard. "Well, I guess ... There is something I've been dying to tell you about ..." she said, a genuine smile spreading across her face as she intertwined her fingers with Vernon's. "We're getting married!"

Lily stared at her in shock, feeling genuinely happy for her. "Wow, congratu--" she started to say, but all of a sudden their mother came storming into the room. "I'm sorry, but I can't do this!" she cried, addressing Lily whom was shaking her head pleadingly.

'Not now, please, don't say it --'

"How can you just expect me to be calm and ... and understanding when my seventeen-year-old daughter is p-p-pregnant!" She started crying hysterically and left the room while shaking her head and clutching her chest in dismay.

The room went dead silent as Petunia and Vernon's eyes turned to Lily. You'd think she'd be used to having everyone's attention by now.

Vernon awkwardly excused himself and left the room too. The second he was out of sight, Petunia got to her feet, her face adopting a dangerously red color. "I can't believe you, you ... slut!"

The word was like a slap in the face. Slut. It seemed to echo within Lily's head, bouncing back and forth. Angry tears came to her eyes, threatening to spill. Lily frantically blinked them away. She wasn't going to cry, not this time. She just sat there, her hands folded in her lap, looking up at her big sister raging above her.

"It's always going to be about you, isn't it? You're always going to be first priority! Every Christmas break you would come home and it would be like I didn't even exist! It's always Lily this and Lily that!" Petunia collapsed on the sofa, spinning the ring on her finger around. "This was going to be my moment. Just for once, everything was going to be about me."

"I'm so sorry, Tun--"

"Don't call me that! I hate you! I don't ever want to see you again, and don't you dare come to our wedding!" Petunia screamed, and then stormed out into the kitchen where Vernon had left.

Lily buried her face in her hands, breaking into silent tears. That's when her father came inside, carrying her luggage, humming merrily. He stopped abruptly when he saw his youngest daughter.

"Have I missed something?" he asked, putting down the trunks. "Is something wrong?"

Lily wiped her cheeks, glancing up at her father. "Everything is wrong! Petunia hates me, mum hates me and ... and ... I'm fucking pregnant!"

Lily hid her face behind her hands again, not wanting to see her father's reaction. It was actually quiet for so long she was beginning to wonder if he'd fainted or something. But then she heard footsteps, and felt weight next to her as someone sat down and patted her back. This shocked her, to say the least. She took her hands off her face and threw herself around her fathers neck. He sat still for some time, but then slowly wrapped his arms around her and stroke her back - a little awkwardly, but it felt good. Last time she remembered him comforting her was when she was five and Petunia had shaved the head of her favorite barbie-doll.

She could actually get used to this.


Så, en ny del! Hoppas ni tycker om den! Alla tankar om vad som kommer hända uppskattas, det är alltid kul att höra Och som vanligt ett mega stort tack, hörni! ♥

When Playtime Becomes Reality [SV]

5 maj, 2012 23:34

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-05- 6 kl. 10:47
Antal ändringar: 2

J-star Black


Vad jag tycker?
Jag tycker att det är HELT OTROLIGT! Vill bara ha mer, älskar den här ff:en


5 maj, 2012 23:38

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