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All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

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åh, det är så hemskt, varje gång det blinkar till med en ny händelse liksom så tror jag att det har kommit ett nytt kapitel o blir så himla glad o sen så visar det sig att det inte har det (

Du ska veta att du är helt fantastisk o du borde satsa på ett yrke som författare!! Jag hade köat utanför affären för att vara den första som köpte. Den har historien är så j**** bra att jag kan dö! Går liksom runt och tänker på den o försöker komma på vad som ska hända.
Stressa dock inte, vi kommer vänta o jag ser fram emot nästa kapitel med stor förväntan och glädje
Du är helt fantastisk och vill ge dig en kram för det senaste kapitlet var det bästa som hänt mig den senaste veckan så Tack! ♥

draco dormiens nunquam titillandus~~ Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home <3

29 feb, 2012 18:47

t i l d a


Det är så jävla bra! Du är en fantastisk författare, och jag kan knappast vänta på mer!

Men som sagt, stressa inte. Ta den tid du behöver så blir det bättre än om du bar krafsar ner nåt (men även om du gjorde det skulle det nog bli fantastiskt!) Tack för att du finns!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2Fa1cb808c4181f502357ade18c8175ae3%2Ftumblr_nc2etcPGDp1rbfrlpo1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F33.media.tumblr.com%2F5ec62a6af057b3b9996646b34d34dad7%2Ftumblr_n3wz22HeEq1ty9crco1_500.gif

8 mar, 2012 07:28



Kommer det mer snart? Jag tänkte bara eftersom det gått så lång tid sedan förra kapitlet...

20 mar, 2012 17:46



Hej hej, vill bara säga att jag längtar till nästa kapitel o undrar om du har något på gång ingen press dock, längtar tålmodigt

draco dormiens nunquam titillandus~~ Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home <3

13 apr, 2012 00:26



15. The Departure

The corridors were almost completely deserted as Lily left the Head Master's office, seeing that the majority of the students were packing for the departure.

"Which is just what I should be doing right now", she told to herself and ran her hands through her red locks as she headed for the stairs, pondering what had just happened.

Ten minutes ago she'd been certain she would be taken away her position as Head Girl, or even worse, get expelled. But Dumbledore had just asked her a few questions about how she was feeling, if she'd talked to her parents or Madam Pomfrey - to anyone - about it. Then he asked her if she wanted to take next term off. You can always come back and do your exams later, he'd told her.

He was surprisingly ... understanding, for an old man. But to answer your question - no, she wasn't going to take the term off. That would've been liken giving up and Lily wasn't the one to do such a thing. It didn't exist in her vocabulary.

Lily came to a sudden stop. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She had said it herself - she never gave up, and she loved James. It wasn't over. No, not until she'd done everything in her power to get him back.


She raised her head and found herself staring into a pair of familiar dark eyes. "Snape? I thought I told you in fifth grade to stay away", she said without much anger in her voice, stepping passed him to the portrait.

She tried to ignore the Fat Lady's glare. It seemed not only every student at the school, the Head Master and probably the whole staff knew about her being pregnant, but also the portraits and the ghosts. It was creepy how words traveled inside these walls ...

"You did. Trice", Severus said, gently grabbing her arm and turning her so that she was facing him. "And I'm sorry for what I said--"

"Not this again." Lily sighed. "I've already told you, Snape, I don't forgive you, I will never forgive you." She tried to walk away but Severus stopped her once again. Usually she would have yelled at him, but there wasn't really much hate or anger left.

"You might never forgive me, Lily, but I will never stop apologizing. Anyhow, that's not why I'm here", Severus said and when Lily didn't say anything, he continued: "I just wanted to know from you personally, are the rumors true? Ar-are you really ... pregnant with his child?"

Something told Lily he already knew the answer, but she nodded anyway. And somehow she knew that, that was it. Even though he'd always regret what he'd called her, he wouldn't be apologizing to her again. Somehow she knew that this time, they were really over. There were no Severus & Lily anymore, and there would never be.

Lily turned away and gave the password to the Fat Lady, heading straight to the dorm while ignoring the judgmental stares she was receiving.

As she stepped inside, Kia gave her a nasty look, before leaving the room, intentionally bumping into Lily's shoulder doing so.

Lily shook her head and walked over to her bed, throwing herself onto it, not even bothering to take off her shoes.

"Ignore her", Alice said from where she sat cross-legged next to her trunk, neatly folding her clothes. "So, what happened?"

Lily sat up, pulling out her own trunk from underneath the bed. "Well, nothing, really, Dumbledore just wanted to talk to me", she explained emptying her wardrobe on her bed.

"Really? We were afraid he'd have you expelled or something", Mary said, jumping on her trunk so that she would be able to lock it. "Stupid trunk."

"Me too", Lily said, chuckling a little at Mary's efforts. "You know you could just make the trunk bigger, right? With your wand?"

Mary looked up, as if only now remembering she was a witch, with magical powers, living in a school for wizards and witches. "I knew that", she said, reaching for her wand that lay on her nightstand.

Lily shook her head with a small smile playing on her lips, putting her perfectly folded blouses in her trunk.

'Five blouses closer to home, I can't wait! Sense the irony, ladies and gentlemen.'


Three quarters later the four of them arrived at the Hogsmeade Station. Lily peered through the snow as they walked up to the train, trying to find a certain bespectacled boy through the snow that was coming down in sheets. Which was nearly impossible, seeing that all she could see was blurred figures.

They quickly boarded the train and started down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment.

Suddenly, a compartment-door was opened and a guy stepped out blocking Lily's path. She took a step back and recognized the boy as Benjy Fenwick. He was in her year, and they had talked a few times, but they weren't really friends.

"Umm, hi", he said, cracking a small smile.

Lily furrowed her eyebrows at this. "Hi, would you mind moving out of the way?" she said. All the compartments would be taken soon and they would have to share with some second-graders, so she wasn't in a mood to chitchat.

"Wait, I just wanted to invite you to my New years eve party, on new years eve", he said, nervously, blushing.

"I don't know", Lily said uneasily, glancing at her friends over his shoulder.

"At least think about it, will you? Everyone will be there, it'll be fun", Benjy said.

Lily hesitated a little, but nodded anyway. "I'll think about it", she announced.

Benjy smiled. "I'll owl you", he said, but Lily wasn't paying attention to him anymore, because out of a compartment down the aisle James had just stepped. Lily's heart was beating faster.

"Uh-hu, you do that", she said, stepping passed Benjy with her eyes fixed on James.

Suddenly he looked in her direction and their eyes locked. She felt a quick, sharp throb in her chest, somewhere between sweetness and pain. She wanted to walk up to him and tell him how much she loved him, and that she would never give up on him, but her legs weren't moving.

And then the moment was gone.

James turned away his head and walked away, without a second glance at her. And Lily stood as glued to the floor, staring after him.


'Oh my Merlin, oh my Merlin, oh my Merlin!

Am I the only one getting a feeling of déjà vu?

Lily swallowed hard as the train came to a stop at King's Cross station, contemplating what would be the least painful way to kill herself. Jumping in front of a train probably would have caused an instant death. On the other hand, it would be much more simple to just hold her breath till she died. Or she could just let her parents do the job ...

"Breathe, Lily", Dorcas told her as they walked out of their compartment with their trunks.

Lily nodded slightly, taking a deep breath to try to calm herself. Alice gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You'll be fine, Lil."

"I think I'll hold your hand, just in case you'd get any ideas", Mary said with a blink, entwining their fingers. "I wouldn't want my best friend to end up in pieces in front of a train."

Lily snapped her head up, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. Mary shook her head, laughing.

"You're so predictable, my dear", she said, leading Lily towards the exit.

Once on the platform the girls exchanged hugs and wished each other a 'Merry Christmas', and Dorcas and Alice walked off to meet up with their families.

"Hey, Lily, I didn't get a chance to give you this before", Mary said and held out a red and green wrapped up box with a bow towards her - A Christmas present.

Lily raised her gaze to Mary's ocean blue eyes. "I thought we'd agreed that we wouldn't buy each other Christmas gifts? I mean, I didn't get you anything--" she rambled, immediately feeling guilty.

"That's okay, I know we said we wouldn't so I didn't expect anything", Mary said, closing Lily's fingers around the box with an eager smile. "Open it!"

Lily shook her head and quickly unwrapped it. Inside the box lay a braided strap consisting of two colors - red and blue. Lily's and Mary's favorite colors. A genuine smile broke across Lily's face. "It's beautiful, M", she said.

"I made it myself. Here let me help you", Mary said, taking the strap and fastening it around Lily's wrist. "The red color represents you and the blue, me."

There was something in the way she'd said it that bothered Lily and as she looked up into Mary's eyes she knew. "There's a reason to why you're giving me this, aren't there?" she said. It wasn't a question.

Mary nodded her head. "I'm joining the Order."

For a moment it seemed Lily's world had been turned upside down. "You're doing what? Are you crazy? You're just seventeen! I don't know what I would have done if ..." Lily couldn't finish that sentence.

"I know you would react like this, Lily, but just try to understand, just hear me out, okay?"

Lily nodded.

"I can't just sit here and do nothing. We read about new death's in the paper everyday. I can't just wait for something to happen to my family, or yours, or anyone I know."

Lily didn't know what to say. Her mouth felt dry.

"If anything would happen, I want you to have that strap to remember me by", Mary explained.

They stared into each others eyes for a moment and then met in a hard embrace.

"I love you, L", Mary mumbled.

"I love you too, M."

That's when Lily heard it - the sound of her mother's voice calling out her name. Lily and Mary broke apart and Mary gave her a sympathetic look.

"Good luck", she said.

"If you don't hear from me in two days, call the police", Lily said and with one last hug Lily went to face her doom.


Tack alla! Jag börjar få slut på sätt att tacka er, men ni ska veta att era kommentarer och ert tålamod betyder GRYMT mycket för mig. Tack!

Jag hoppas att denna delen var värd er väntan Puss på er! Hoppas ni hade en bra påsk!

When Playtime Becomes Reality [SV]

14 apr, 2012 13:14

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-06- 1 kl. 20:08
Antal ändringar: 1

J-star Black


Åh, den var jättebra! Ser verkligen fram emt att läsa nästa kapitel


14 apr, 2012 13:22



Det var verkligen värt att vänta! Det är ju så spännande nu! Undrar hur Lilys föräldrar kommer reagera

14 apr, 2012 13:26



Underbart! Du skriver fantastiskt! Längtar ihjäl mig till nästa kapitel, det ska bli så kul att läsa det!


14 apr, 2012 13:42



Jag vill att James ska sluta vara en idiot och allt ska bli fint och snällt igen >.<

Annars är det bra!

14 apr, 2012 14:25

Victoire Weasly




14 apr, 2012 22:39

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