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All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

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Typ bästa fanfiction jag någonsin läst! fruktansvärt bra! Åh

draco dormiens nunquam titillandus~~ Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home <3

12 feb, 2012 01:50



Den här är bara så bäst. Din engelska är typ perfektion, och du använder perfekta ord vid rätt tillfällen :>


12 feb, 2012 05:38



Skrivet av kya:
Den här är bara så bäst. Din engelska är typ perfektion, och du använder perfekta ord vid rätt tillfällen :>
Håller verkligen med. Jag tror aldrig att jag har längtat efter kapitel så mycket på någon FF som på denna ♥

12 feb, 2012 09:37




draco dormiens nunquam titillandus~~ Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home <3

13 feb, 2012 18:35



Ett inägg per medlem efter varje inägg, annars är det spam^

Everything is Dramione and nothing hurts.

18 feb, 2012 22:34



Är detta samma fanfic som på pottersajten?

18 feb, 2012 23:33



Jag känner mig hemsk! Jag har verkligen inte ägnat denna story en ända tanke på fler veckor. Såg nu att det nästan gått en månad sedan jag uppdaterade senast! Fy skäms på mig, säger jag bara, och förlåt.

Men jag är rädd för att det lär ta tid för mig att uppdatera, fast ska inte ge upp! Så, här kommer nästa del. Tack alla, ni är verkligen guld värda! PUSS

MadEye Moody: Jo det är det Där heter jag Ni-vet-vem, men den fick inte särskilt mycket respons där så blev att den dog ut istället

Ber om ursäkt i förväg för språket i denna delen!

14. A serious issue

The morning sun was shining through the window above Lily, making a perfect square of light on the floor of the dormitory bathroom. Lily was sitting by the tiled wall, staring ahead of her as time passed slowly. She had no idea for how long she'd been sitting there. Her eyes were red and bloodshot from crying, and there were dark shadows underneath them, as if she hadn't slept in weeks, and she felt empty, like nothing mattered anymore.

Suddenly, the bathroom door was opened and light filled the room, making the square disappear. Lily squinted her eyes at the sudden brightness, but didn't turn to look who it was.

“I figured you'd be in here” - Mary.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see Mary walk across the room and sit down next to her on the floor. “Lily”, Mary said carefully, watching her with concern in her eyes. “What happened last night?”

“Nothing”, Lily said. She was too ashamed of herself to tell Mary the truth.

“Something must have happened, I've never seen you so upset”, she replied. She was quiet for a moment, and then added, “Did you talk to James?”

Suddenly, it was as if something inside of Lily snapped and she started to cry hysterically. At this point, she wondered how it could be possible that there were any tears left to cry.

“Oh, honey”, Mary said sympathetically, bringing her closer so she could hug her. “It'll be alright. Whatever it is, it'll be alright. I'm here for you”, she said reassuringly as she stroked her hair soothingly.

They sat like that for another ten minutes, until Alice's alarm went off and they had to go get ready for the departure home.

Lily sighed. She might as well kill herself now, and save her parents the trouble.


Warm snow was falling from the enchanted ceiling and there were several towering Christmas trees around the Great Hall. Students were talking merrily to each other, and suits of Armour were singing carols in every corridor. Everyone seemed to be excited to go home and see their families. Everyone with the exception of Lily.

She was sitting with the girls at the Gryffindor table as usual, but it seemed she wasn't the only one to be in a bad mood. Dorcas and Alice was giving each other the cold treatment, and would only speak directly to either Mary or Lily. Apparently, there'd been an after party in the Room of requirement and Alice had made out with Dorcas's date, Frank Longbottom.

“Can you tell her to pass me the salt”, Dorcas said, addressing Mary, as she shot Alice a dark look.

Mary sighed for the umpteenth time and turned to Alice, whom were sitting on the other side of her. Poor Mary was trapped right in the middle of it.

“Alice, would you be so kind to pass Dorcas the salt?” she said with restrained calm.

“I thought I wasn't capable of anything but stealing my friends dates?” Alice shot back, glaring daggers into Dorcas.

“Whore”, Dorcas retorted.



“Enough!” Mary snapped and reached over Alice, taking the salt cellar herself and slamming it onto the table in front of Dorcas. “There, happy now?”

Lily doubted it, but it shut them up. Thank Merlin. The entire morning it'd felt as if there was a dementor constantly hovering above the four of them. Five, if you counted Kia. Word was, James and her had broken up at the ball last night. They didn't know for sure though, seeing she wouldn't talk to any of them and none of them talked to James.

Lily glanced at where James were sitting at the end of the table. He was absently poking his food, which was very unlike him, seeing how he was always hungry. Remus was sitting next to him, but neither Peter nor Sirius were anywhere to be found.

As if James suddenly felt her eyes on him, he looked up and met her gaze. For a few seconds he just stared back at her and then he stood up so quickly he almost knocked over his coffee cup.

Lily blinked as he stormed out of there. Once again it seemed everyone in the hall was looking at either her or James.

Slowly, she turned away her head and took a big gulp out of her pumpkin juice, trying to swallow the lump in her throat and holding back the tears that threatened to fall. Mary put a comforting hand over Lily's, giving her a sympathetic look and Lily shot her a small, grateful smile.

“Hey, look”, a girl next to them suddenly said, pointing at an article in the Daily Prophet.

Lily took the paper out of her hand and started to read it out loud, glad to have her mind focusing on something else. “Middle-aged couple found dead in their home” the main heading read.

She looked up at the girls and they gave her urging looks, telling her to keep reading. Clearing her throat, she continued, “At six-thirty this morning Donald Bones and his wife, Barbara was found dead in their cottage in London, England...”

Alice gasped in horror and clasped a hand over her mouth. “Oh my Merlin, that's Edgar's and Amelia's parents!” she exclaimed in a hushed voice. “They must be devastated!”

“Give me that”, Dorcas said and snapped the paper out of Lily's hands. “The middle-aged couple was most likely tortured for information, before they were murdered. Mrs Bones was discovered with a large gash across her--”

Just then, professor McGonagall walked up to them, cutting Dorcas mid-sentence. “Miss Evans, could you come with me please?” she said sternly, her eyes flickering to Lily's stomach for a second.

Lily and Mary exchanged quick glances.

“Er, of course, Professor”, Lily said finally and got up from her seat.

They walked in silence, until they stopped in front of the entrance to the Head master's office. “Drooble's Best Blowing Gum”, McGonagall said, and the ugly Gargoyle lept aside revealing the circular staircase.

Lily furrowed her eyebrows, but had a slight idea what this was all about.

McGonagall stepped onto the stairs, gesturing for Lily to follow suit. The staircase began moving slowly upwards and the gargoyle moved back into place behind them.

They stopped in front of a highly polished oak door and McGonagall knocked once before letting herself in, Lily close behind. She looked around and was extremely impressed by the room.

The Headmaster's office was a large and beautiful circular room. The walls of the office were covered with portraits of previous Headmaster's and Headmistress's, all of whom appeared to be asleep. Or maybe they were acting. Lily wasn't sure.

One wall of the office held a large fireplace that was not at the moment lit. The wall behind the headmaster's desk had a shelf with the Sorting Hat set on top and a portrait.

“Minerva, Miss Evans, thank you both for coming”, a calm voice said and Lily's eyes darted to Dumbledore. He was sitting in the high-backed chair, his blue eyes focused on her and his long fingers intertwined. “Please, do take a seat, Miss Evans.”

Lily nodded and sat down on the chair in front of the Headmaster's desk.

“So, I presume you've already figured out why you're here”, the Greatest Wizard of all time said sternly. “It's indeed, a very serious issue.”


Personligen tyckte jag nog att denna delen var lite 'rushed-through' men jag behövde få med allt det där, så jag hoppas att det funkar ändå tell me whatcha think!

When Playtime Becomes Reality [SV]

25 feb, 2012 14:51

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-06- 1 kl. 20:06
Antal ändringar: 2

J-star Black


Ha inte dåligt samvete över att du inte skrivit på länge, ta den tid du behöver^^
Kapitlet var jättebra, även om det var lite "rushed-through"
Längtar till nästa kapitel


25 feb, 2012 15:03



Skrivet av J-star Black:
Ha inte dåligt samvete över att du inte skrivit på länge, ta den tid du behöver^^
Kapitlet var jättebra, även om det var lite "rushed-through"
Längtar till nästa kapitel

Tack så mycket! Ja jag vet. Jag får fixa till det när jag har lite mer tid! Tack igen!

When Playtime Becomes Reality [SV]

25 feb, 2012 15:05




25 feb, 2012 15:05

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