Andromeda Black [ENG]
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Chapter 6
They arrived at the statue, and McGonagall whispered something that sounded very much like ‘Sherbet Lemon’, the statue moved to reveal a staircase and Andromeda hurried after McGonagall. Andromeda walked into the study behind Professor McGonagall. It was really the most peculiar study, very beautiful and odd at the same time. Andromeda noticed Phineas Nigellus Black’s portrait in the room, she felt a little ashamed over being related to the least popular headmaster the school had ever had. However, she had never known him herself for he had died in 1925. “Why don’t you have a seat Miss Black?” Professor Dumbledore said in a soft tone accompanied by a smile. Andromeda startled as she hadn’t seen the wizard but quickly sat down in the assigned chair. Professor McGonagall choose to stand up behind her. “Please don’t expel me Sir!” Andromeda pleaded desperately, “I didn’t mean to speak out of turn. I apologise profoundly. But please, I will be better, I promise. I will do detention for the rest of my time here, just don’t send me back to them without an education.” She felt herself panicking, speaking as fast as she could to plead her case, in this matter her stupid mask couldn’t save her. “You don’t know what they would do. Please, Professor!” Professor McGonagall looked quite taken aback. For even though Andromeda had lashed out in class she wasn’t one for showing much emotion towards the rest of the world. “Dear child.” Dumbledore said calmly, “We aren’t going to expel you.” Andromeda felt as if a big stone had lifted from her chest but felt rather silly for her panicked plead, “You aren’t?” “No, we do not expel students for a little outburst in class.” Dumbledore’s blue eyes twinkled. But he didn’t have time to finish… “What is that on your neck?” McGonagall asked after surveying Andromeda for a little while, Andromeda quickly pulled her hair over it, “It’s nothing much ma’am.” “Who did it to you?” McGonagall said softly, lifting away the dark curls to reveal an ugly dark-purple bruise. Both her professors seemed to be a little ill at ease, “Do you have other bruises like this one?” Professor McGonagall asked, “No,” Andromeda lied, Dumbledore looked at her from over his half-moon spectacles, “And the truth?” “On my back, but they do not hurt so much anymore.” Andromeda said unwillingly, “They haven’t faded yet is all.” “That’s a bruise that can only be produced at the hands of very dark magic.” McGonagall said sympathetically. “Who did this to you?” “I did deserve it. I hadn’t behaved myself as suited a Black. Mother does not allow bad behaviour” Andromeda said and met their eyes despite her ill-will to do so. She hated to admit what her mother was and did. It only made some of the assumptions about her family true. “Ah, Druella always had a hard time controlling her temper, and she never knew where to draw the line of punishment.” Dumbledore said with a look of empathy. “What curse leaves this mark?” McGonagall asked Dumbledore, “I believe it was the cruciatus curse, am I right, Miss Black?” Andromeda looked into the blue brilliant eyes, “It was, Sir, but please don’t tell anyone. She would kill me.” McGonagall gasped, “On her own child? Merlin’s beard. I have never heard of such a punishment for a child!” “It’s fine, I’m used to it. The cruciatus curse is over far quicker than the belt. It bleeds less too. It doesn’t bleed at all in fact, and it doesn’t get infected like the knife scratches.” Andromeda waved it off hating the attention she was getting, wishing to be anywhere but there. “We should’ve known Albus.” McGonagall said in a sad tone, “We should have known those girls were being abused. Forgive me, dear child and forgive me for already having owled your mother about today’s happenings.” McGonagall looked as though she was on the verge of tears when she embraced Andromeda with such warmth and a feel of almost motherly love that Andromeda herself almost choked up. “It’s alright, I’m used to it.” Andromeda said with a shrug of the shoulders. “Miss Black, being used to abuse does not justify it.” Professor Dumbledore said passionately. The seconds after this statement there were a knock on the door, Andromeda felt her heart race again. Dumbledore’s presence didn’t calm her. Any postponing of her mother’s punishment was only going to make it worse. She would blame Andromeda for being thus humiliated. It didn’t offer her any comfort at all. Druella Black opened the door and acknowledged both teachers before giving Andromeda a stern look with her mouth promptly pressed together to show her displeasure. She sat down in the chair beside Andromeda, “I had an owl sent home to us about my daughter’s behaviour, and I decided we best have a conversation.” Though she was stern she was still ever so dignified. Professor Dumbledore managed a smile even though he were a tad surprised by her presence, “Yes, there has been a few issues regarding Miss Black today.” “I would like to think my daughters are all well behaved as we have brought them up to be, but do go on, I will make sure it does not happen again.” Druella said with a serious look at Andromeda who were staring blanc into the air, with her mask of cold indifference. Andromeda had thought she heard Professor McGonagall scoff at her mother’s statement but then she thought nothing more thereof. She decided it was best to let her mother speak and remain as quiet as possible. “This morning Miss Black called another student, she was working with in Charms, for a mudblood. A word, I assure you, I do not accept within these walls. In Potions class, later this day, she pushed a girl up the wall, threatened her with her wand and then punched her in the nose. Now in the afternoon she lashed out on three boys during class and spoke out of turn to her Professor. You see we take very seriously upon such behaviour and thought that you should be informed.” Professor Dumbledore said calmly, Druella however felt her anger rise and burn in her chest, but ever so composed she smiled falsely, “I do not accept such barbaric behaviour either. I will see that she is punished for what she has done. How will this affect her grades and prefect status?” “Not at all, Miss Black will receive detention this Saturday and be excluded from the trip to Hogsmeade other than that she will not be punished. It will go off with a warning that should ever such behaviour be reciprocated we might take harsher actions.” Professor McGonagall said determined pushing back a strand of black hair that had fallen from her knot. “If that is all?” Druella said dryly, “Yes, I thank you for coming.” Professor Dumbledore said kindly, “The pleasure was mine.” Druella said with another false smile, “However I would like a word with my daughter. If she may be excused?” Professor McGonagall gave Dumbledore a worried glance, but he shook her head unnoticeably at her, he couldn’t possibly deny the girl’s mother a talk with her daughter, matters could get worse. “Of course, Good day Mrs Black, Miss Black.” Professor Dumbledore said. Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =) Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik ![]() ![]() 18 jul, 2018 11:20 |
Avis Fortunae
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Åh nej, vad kommer att hända nu? Det måste ha varit väldigt svårt för dem att lämna mor och dotter i detta läge. Undrar hur trollkarlssamhället tar itu med sådana här situationer?
För en gångs skull kom jag på lite konstruktiv kritik: Det känns som om sista meningen (som ju är en stark cliffhanger) skulle kunna förlängas. Kanske med vilken min Dumbledore hade eller någon rörelse han gjorde som förstärker hans ovilja att lämna dem. Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! 20 jul, 2018 21:48 |
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Skrivet av Avis Fortunae: För en gångs skull kom jag på lite konstruktiv kritik: Det känns som om sista meningen (som ju är en stark cliffhanger) skulle kunna förlängas. Kanske med vilken min Dumbledore hade eller någon rörelse han gjorde som förstärker hans ovilja att lämna dem. Å tack, ja, nu när jag såg det igen i efterhand håller jag definitivt med om att jag borde ha haft med något som beskrev den känslan eller så. =) Chapter 7 Druella and Andromeda left the study. Druella’s nails were digging into the palm of Andromedas hand and she could feel the stinging pain of skin breaking. Her mother forced her into an empty classroom, and closed the door firmly behind them, and then threw a silence charm on the door before she turned to Andromeda who had sat down, “How dare you, how dare you embarrass me thus!?” Druella were furious, “Mother, I didn’t mean to…” Andromeda began, half-meeting her mother’s sparking blue eyes. “We have said a million times that you girls cannot use the word mudblood, however befitting that is, your father might lose his reputation with the ministry. Do you ever think of anyone else but yourself, Andy? - Your father will be humiliated. You could have tainted the Black family name for good!” Druella were an inch away from Andromedas face, “I’m sorry, it was a slip of the tongue I…” Andromeda couldn’t finish because her mother had slapped her over the face. Andromeda brought her hand up to soothe the stinging pain and bit her lip to stop the yelp escaping her. “How does being sorry help the matter? Huh, And I want proper English from your mouth. Have I not told you a million times? Only uneducated people speak like that.” Her mother slapped her over the face again, and Andromeda whimpered. “What is with the attacking of other students? – Are you out of your mind Andromeda? – I will not have you tainting our family, dirty little skank. That is what you are, we have taught you to control yourself, not to show anything in public that can be harmful to us, and yet you go and defy everything we have taught you. Ungrateful child!” Druella roared, “But mother, she…” Andromeda tried explaining, but her mother grasped her chin digging her nails into her skin again. “Enough, I have heard enough of you today. Stand up!” Druella pulled at her sharply forcing her daughter to stand. “Bend over, you will receive your punishment, and if you go and tell your precious little teachers or humiliate us like this again, you will have another turn of the cruciatus curse. Lucky for you I brought the belt.” Druella looked at her darkly with a small sadistic smile, Andromeda inhaled and bent over clutching the bench, “Pull up your shirt first.” Druella commanded. Andromeda did as she was told, knew there was no reason to fight it and awaited the lashes. The first one was always the worst, because somehow, she always forgot how painful it was when the metal buckle hit her skin, the second lash was more endurable, and the third lash were almost as horrible as the first because the skin broke, the remaining 17 lashes were endurable, because by then Andromeda were so unconscious that she couldn’t really register the pain anymore. She didn’t scream after the first lash, she only whimpered and hissed in pain. Her mother put away the belt once she was finished, and then looked Andromeda in the eye. “You understand of course that you deserved the beating, darling? That bad girls receive beatings to be better. I hope you have learnt your lesson, otherwise you know what is waiting for you when you girls get home Easter.” Druella smiled sweetly and patted Andromedas cheek lazily, “Do cover up your back before you leave, darling.” And with that her mother left her alone to her pain. Andromeda took a few deep breaths; the pain afterwards was always terrible. Worse than the actual beating, being sore for days and then the trouble of hiding the marks to prevent questions. Bellatrix entered the room a little while later and hurried towards her sister’s form, letting Andromeda fall into her embrace to cry on her shoulder. “Hush, Andy, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. You didn’t deserve this. No matter what she said.” Andromeda cried harder and held onto her sister tightly, not daring to let go. Bellatrix softly stroke her upper-back as to not touch the stinging gashes on the lower-back. “I… she… I just… I don’t know what to do.” “She’s mental that one. We love her, she’s our mother, but she’s mental. We do not deserve the way she treats us.” Bellatrix said calmly. “Yeah,” Andromeda said weakly, drying away the tears with her sleeve. “I just, I cannot deny her to punish me. Because it gets worse. Besides I’d really like to not be married off.” Bellatrix smiled a little at the last, “Neither would I. So, let’s make it a deal to be better. I’ll try and not let my temper get the better of me as will you.” Andromeda smiled small, “We both know that won’t work.” “True. Besides I heard about Jenny Vanes. She proper deserved it.” “Still, I shouldn’t have done it. She will go free of trouble and I will do detention Saturday.” “I think it’s still worth it though.” Bellatrix said encouraging, “I love you, Bella. Thanks for always being there.” Andromeda said and put her head down on Bellatrix’s shoulder, Bellatrix stroke her over the hair, “I love you too, Andy. Don’t let anyone get you down!” Bellatrix whispered gently, “We should get ready to go down and have dinner,” Andromeda said then, “Let’s have your back cleaned up first, I don’t think people will ignore the large blood stain on your shirt…” Bellatrix teased, Andromeda snickered, “I suppose not.” Bellatrix helped her seal the wounds, and then cleaned her shirt as much as she could with her wand. Andromeda still felt the stinging, but the blood wasn’t flowing at least. “Are you okay, Andy?” Bellatrix asked again, and Andromeda nodded, “I’m used to it aren’t I? – I have spilled the tears needed, I feel fine now, well, as fine as I possibly could feel right now.” She gave her sister a brave smile. “If you say so.” Bellatrix gave her sister another squeeze before they left. The sisters walked into the great hall together, and an abnormal amount of people turned to look at them. Some tried pointing discreetly at the bruise on Andromeda’s face, people talking, whispering, laughing at her. Bellatrix would have none of it though, she protectively stood in front of Andy, leading her to the Slytherin table, barking at anyone who stared. Andromeda bit her lip as she sat down, the stretching of her skin hurting, she made it her quest however, to show as little emotion as possible, succeeding quite well as usual. Hailey, Roxanne and Abigail didn’t dare mention it, because Bellatrix had seated herself next to her sister and was glaring at anyone who dared stare, and everyone knew of Bellatrix hexes. They talked about the Hogsmeade trip, and Andromeda quietly ate her dinner, “Andy, were you coming with us?” Roxy asked, Andromeda looked up from her plate, “I cannot possibly go, Professor Dumbledore forbid me to.” “That’s outrageous. They brought you to the headmaster for what happened?” Abigail gaped, “Did he do that?” Hailey asked, but Andromeda quickly shook her head. “No, and besides it doesn’t matter. He made his decision based on the events of today, I really rather not talk about it.” Andromeda were short in tone, and Bellatrix immediately came to her rescue and started off another topic which were discussed along the table. “What’s that on your face?” A seventh year Slytherin known as Rita Skeeter asked, her annoying green quill following her. “It’s nothing you should worry your little head about.” Andromeda bit, hoping she would leave her alone, “Oh, so that’s someone who gave it to you?” Skeeter continued with a wicked smile, Bellatrix rose, and got dangerously close to Skeeter’s face, “I warn you Skeeter, if you do not stop pestering my sister, or if you do write anything in that stupid pamphlet of yours, I will strangle you with my bare hands.” Bellatrix hissed, and Skeeter did indeed look every bit terrified but composed herself in a second. “No need to get fired up, Bellatrix.” Skeeter said still with a tone of unbothered rudeness, “I cannot help it if your sisters playing skank to someone.” There was a simultaneous gasp at the Slytherin table, no one hardly ever dared defy the Blacks and Bellatrix produced her wand so quickly Skeeter didn’t have a chance, “Furnunculus,” Bellatrix cried and pointed her wand at Skeeter skilfully. Skeeter’s face immediately gained blisters all over her face and arms. She gave a cry of mortification and Bellatrix laughed along with the other students of the Slytherin table, “What’s that on your face, Skeeter?” Bellatrix asked in a baby voice, “That ought to teach you not to play around with the Blacks.” Skeeter gave another cry and dashed out of the room, but the joy didn’t last for too long, “Detention, Miss Black, this Saturday and 15 points will be taken from Slytherin.” Professor McGonagall had arrived at their table, “You cannot jinx other students, surely you understand that?” “Yes, Professor.” Bellatrix smiled innocently, “It was a mistake to be sure, but I only did it in defence.” Professor McGonagall almost rolled her eyes, “What has happened to you two today?” She left the table again and Narcissa came up to them, displeased, but it looked rather comical considering she was a thirteen-year-old child. “Stop ruining our chances for the house cup, Bella!” She sneered, “Oh, come of it, Cissy, she deserved it. Now go back to your little friends.” Bellatrix waved her off nonchalantly. “What did happen to you Andy?” Narcissa asked ignoring her other sister’s pointed glare, “That’s none of your business, Cissy.” Bellatrix said firmly, “Now go back to your friends.” “I want to know!” Narcissa whined and stomped her foot, “Well, you’re a child, and you aren’t entitled to know everything.” Bellatrix looked quite irritated by now. “Seriously Cissy,” Andromeda spoke softly, “It’s nothing, just an accident. Now go back to your friends. I’m sure they miss you.” Narcissa looked as if she was about to protest again, but then thought better of it and hurried off towards the other end of the table. “She’s spoiled rotten that child!” Bellatrix sighed as she sat down again. Andromeda nodded, “She cannot really help it though, that everyone loves her.” “I wish sometimes that they would see us for what we were. Divide that spoiled and excessive love for her over all three of us. She’s not even that good of a witch,” Bellatrix spoke quietly to Andromeda ensuring no one heard their conversation. “Me too, Bella, I have wished for nothing more sometimes.” Andromeda frowned, “Urgh, cannot we make a pact to stay here over Easter? – I don’t want to go home. It does not feel much like it anyways. I like it better here with you alone, at least we don’t get abused for opening our mouths here” Bellatrix sighed, Andromeda took hold of her hand under the table, “You know I’m in, I always am.” “This is why you’re my favourite sister.” Bellatrix smiled, “Likewise.” Andromeda giggled, then continued eating her dinner, and having, after all, a quite pleasant time. Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =) Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik ![]() ![]() 20 jul, 2018 23:12 |
Avis Fortunae
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Fantastiskt bra skrivet som vanligt, jag läser och lär.
Mer och mer förstår man hur svårt systrarna har det. I detta sammanhang hamnar även Bellatrix i ett annat ljus än i originalböckerna. Här går det att känna en viss sympati för henne och hur hon försvarar sin syster. Man kan också tydligare se Narcissas roll i det hela. Intressant att Rita Skeeter finns med. Hon är sig lik ![]() Nu undrar jag bara vad som händer om Ted får reda på hur hårt Andromeda blev bestraffad ... Ser fram emot fortsättningen! Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! 21 jul, 2018 12:24 |
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Chapter 8 The following week Andromeda and Ted hadn’t really been able to meet but for stolen glances in the corridors and classrooms. Bellatrix had seen it as her task to check her younger sister every break of theirs, and Hailey and Roxy and been adamant that she should help them with their usual “spring pile” of homework. Then on the Saturday Ted had left with his friends to go to Hogsmeade, Andromeda had been all alone until detention with Bellatrix where they were kept polishing statues until midnight under the strict supervision of Filch and his filthy cat Mrs Norris. It was now Tuesday again, and Andromeda had just had her three first classes, the latest lesson being Defence against the dark arts. They were headed for lunch when Ted lightly brushed against her in the corridor walking with his friends, “Ropes, now, aye?” Ted laughed at his friends, who all looked bewildered, Andromeda almost laughed out loud, but composed herself quickly, “Yes! Hailey, I do actually have somewhere to be,” Andromeda subtly looked at Ted before turning her full attention to Hailey and the others. “Where? It’s lunch!” Hailey looked as if she had never heard something so outrageous, Andromeda never missed a meal. “Well, not anywhere in particular, I just really need some fresh air before potions class.” Andromeda replied coldly, and the others shrugged their shoulders, “Suit yourself, Andy!” Andromeda nodded and took her leave. She headed out of the castle and walked briskly towards the boathouse. Ted had already arrived, and were grinning when she entered, “Does anyone know you’re here?” Andromeda asked sharply, and he laughed at her stern expression, “Of course not. Would sort of ruin the whole ‘secret’ meeting.” Andromeda let out a laugh, “I missed you.” Ted said smiling sheepishly, She was a little uncertain of how to proceed not sure she wanted to say that she missed him too. Ted’s face seemed to fall a little when she didn’t return the sentiment immediately, “I believe I missed you too.” Andromeda said thoughtfully, careful about her wording. Ted didn’t mind though, he seemed to light up even if her sentiment were spoken a little uncertain. Andromeda looked out over the lake, and frowned, unsure of what to do now, should she kiss him? - Should she wait? Or should she not do anything at all? – She didn’t have to worry though; Ted closed the gap between them and kissed her softly but boldly, “God I missed this.” She quirked an eyebrow at him, “It’s only been a week.” “Yes, a long, dull week, I thought I’d starve.” He winked at her, and this time she laughed at him. “I love that sound,” He commented, “Your laugh is so genuine.” “My laugh? Your laugh is at least contagious. I laugh too hard and I cackle.” Andromedas brows furrowed before they laughed together again. He rubbed his nose against hers and placed another kiss on her red lips. It was a truly blissful moment down there in the boathouse. “To think I thought you beneath my notice,” Andromeda sighed happily, “Your kisses are divine, you must be… some kind of god.” Andromeda didn’t know why she was spouting out sentimental mush, but she convinced herself she only meant his kisses, and friendship, other than that he was still beneath her in rank. “You make me blush,” Ted said as his ears were reddening, “I’ll let you know that I do not kiss everyone as I do you despite the rumours… In fact, I don’t kiss anyone except you, or of course my mother. But only on the cheek and definitely not in a romantic way!” Andromeda buried her face in his chest laughing at his ramble, “You are so wonderfully weird, Ted.” He smiled at her, “You know, I’ve stolen glances at you for the past five years hoping that you would one day notice me.” He kissed the top of her hair then he gently played with her dark curls, as she breathed in the fresh scent of him; sandalwood, books and chocolate. She sighed happily for the second time during that meeting, for a moment she thought she really did like him before her reasoning stopped her from thinking such thoughts. “I’m sorry for being such a stuck-up prat.” Andromeda said despite herself, and she felt his laughter resonate through his chest. “Considering what upbringing you have had, I’m quite surprised you ever came around.” Ted said kindly, Andromeda let go of her façade completely and smiled, “Yes, I seem to recall calling you unforgivable things the same day we first kissed.” “All forgiven, Dromeda.” Ted said calmly, and she looked up into his hazel eyes. “I like that about you.” She hadn’t meant to say that out loud, she cursed inwardly. “You didn’t last week,” He joked, and she laughed, “No, I didn’t, it’s not a trait that Slytherins usually appreciate or have.” “Ah, I see,” Ted seated them on the ropes, but still had his arm around her, “About last week…” Ted began, “Yes?” Andromeda asked a little confused as to what he alluded. “What happened?” Ted asked with a worried frown, “What do you mean?” Andromeda didn’t catch on. “Your face, you looked quite beaten up.” Ted gave her a gentle smile, “Oh,” Andromeda acted unbothered, “I had an accident,” Ted looked at her, waiting for the rest of the story, “It was a little awkward, I ran face first into a door,” It was a small lie, but Andromeda felt she couldn’t reveal anything of her mother’s little visit. Ted didn’t look thoroughly convinced but for her sake let it pass. “What sweets do you prefer?” Ted changed the subject quickly. She looked at him with an odd look, and then composed herself a little, “Eh, I prefer honey dukes finest milk chocolate over any sweets I suppose.” “You’re a chocoholic.” Ted smirked, and she bit her lip to keep from laughing merlin’s hippogriffs she thought, this guy made her laugh, “You smell like chocolate, did you know?” Andromeda spoke softly, and he looked surprised then shook his head, “I didn’t. That’s good then I suppose, so you’ll eventually like me.” “I do like you, Ted.” She thought, but she only gave him a smile, “What are you favourite sweets?” “I love this muggle sweets called peanut butter cups.” Ted said, and Andromeda raised an eyebrow, “What’s that?” “It’s chocolate cups filled with peanut butter.” Ted replied, he felt his mouth water a little, “Sounds weird. But I have never tried it, so I can’t really say anything about it.” She smirked, “They are the best kind of sweets.” He licked his lips at the thought of them. “Is it much different, the muggle world?” Andromeda asked absentmindedly tracing patterns with her thumb on his hand, he looked at her with such adoration that he almost forgot to reply, “Eh, yes, I suppose, but you’ve seen muggle London, it’s a lot like that…” “I have never been to that part of London,” Andromeda said and it was Ted’s turn to look astonished, “We have never been allowed outside of diagon ally, or outside of any wizard community.” She finished with a shrug. “Oh, I see, I’m sorry.” He pulled away a curl that had fallen into her eyes and smiled, “Well, then, it’s noisy in some parts, like London. Lots of cars, buses and taxis, which are all vehicles which we travel by. Then there are millions of stores which have pretty much everything, or so I thought,” Ted tried explaining, Andromeda tried understanding, “I’ll show you it someday.” He said reassuring when he finally gave up on trying to explain, “I’d like that, it sounds like a whole new world.” Andromeda said laying her head down on his shoulder, her reply was filled with false hope and she sighed, “We have to get back, or else there won’t be any lunch left, and I’ll probably end up killing Jenny during potions.” Ted laughed hard, “I’d like to see that. Well not the killing part, but… ah you know what I mean.” “I do,” Andromeda smiled, “She does cling to you a lot though.” “Well, she’s annoying but I find it better to just leave her be. No need to be jealous Dromeda, I don’t snog other people in the broomstick closets.” He winked at her and she glared at him, “I’m not jealous! We are just friends that kisses sometimes, be with her all you like for all I care!” Andromeda snapped, “Yeah right,” He teased, “I find it endearing.” “Shut it, Tonks!” Andromeda glared at Ted but then he kissed her deeply and she couldn’t stay mad at him any longer even if she wanted to. “Let’s get you some food then.” Ted said jumping up from the pile of ropes before helping her up. “I’ll go first?” Andromeda asked, and Ted nodded, “Yeah, see you later!” Ted kissed her quickly again, and she smiled mischievous for she felt quite rebellious. Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =) Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik ![]() ![]() 21 jul, 2018 23:27 |
Avis Fortunae
Elev ![]() |
Jättefint beskrivet, de känns så rätt för varandra, just på grund av sina olikheter. Fascinerande att hon aldrig varit i mugglarvärlden och att det kan vara så vattentäta skott mellan de två samhällena.
Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! 22 jul, 2018 10:28 |
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Chapter 9
Andromeda hurried up to the castle again. Hoping her friends hadn’t been wondering where she had gone off to for so long. “Where have you been off to?” Hailey asked suspiciously, Andromeda looked at her with an almost bored expression even though her cheeks were red from the exercise, “I have been clearing my mind.” She answered shortly, reaching for some chicken, rice and then salad.” “You’ve been a little distant since last week.” Roxy said worriedly, but Andromeda waved her off, “Just a lot on my mind with the examinations is all,” “Whatever you say.” Hailey sighed, Andromeda feigned interest in their discussion about next year’s yule ball for the seventh years student’s. They talked about gowns, and she hummed in agreement every now and then, trying not to be obvious in her attempt to steal glances at Ted from the Hufflepuff table. “Earth to Andromeda, are you listening?” Abigail waved a hand in front of Andromedas eyes and she snapped out of her trance, “What?” “We just asked you if you have decided who you’re going with to the Yule ball,” “That’s months away.” Andromeda said confused, “Why would I settle something like that now?” “Because you want a nice guy and not the left-overs.” Roxy said seriously, and Andromeda would have laughed at her, but she didn’t want to draw any attention, “I am not worried, I’ll go with someone who asks, I am not desperate.” Andromeda replied dryly, “You are so prude sometimes, Andy!” Hailey snickered, “Whatever you say, Hay.” Andromeda waved her off. “Potions starts in five, eat faster!” Andromeda rolled her eyes but ate the last on her plate before hurrying of to the dungeons with her friends. “Good afternoon, Class!” Slughorn greeted them, and they responded in kind. “Today we are going to do something quite interesting. I have brewed one potion beforehand to show its purpose, Miss Black, join me in the front.” Slughorn looked at Andromeda who a little unwillingly went forward. “Now,” He lifted the cauldron top to reveal a pink potion, “What do you smell?” Andromeda felt a little stupid but bowed over the cauldron and took in the smell of the potion, the smell made her eyes go wide, Slughorn smiled smugly. “What do you smell, Miss Black?” “Sandalwood, books, and a strong scent of chocolate.” Andromeda almost blushed, “Why do you smell those things? – I assure you there is not one ingredient in it of those you described.” Slughorn said smartly, “It’s amortentia,” Andromeda said matter-of-factly, “the strongest love potion there is. It smells of the things you are most attracted to.” Slughorn clapped his hands together, “Bravo, 5 points to Slytherin.” Andromeda looked at him awkwardly, and he ushered her back to her seat. “Now, another one of you, how about you dear boy?” Ted walked up to the front and smelled the potion, “I smell British rose, mixed with honey and milk chocolate. And a tinge of almond.” Andromeda felt her stomach flip at this, her perfume smelled of British rose, and her shampoo smelt of almond and honey… but then she pushed away the thoughts that more often seemed to pester her, the forbidden thoughts of theirs being more than just a friendship. Slughorn patted Ted’s back, “Very good, Mr Tonks. Now I think all of you understand what the potion’s purpose is and what it is we’re going to do today. However, I forbid you to drink it or store it though. It can be very dangerous.” Andromeda read through the instructions on the board, and in the book and wrote down adjustments to the recipe which as usual were a little wrong. Jenny were clinging to Ted again, Andromeda tried not to be bothered by it, he was her friend and nothing more, she tried to convince her protesting heart. “I for one have never understood the need of love potion.” Jenny said, “Only pathetic, lonely and desperate people would use it.” She gave a pointed look at Andromeda who almost cut Hailey’s finger off stabbing the knife into the table with irritation. “Shit, Andy, you missed me by an inch!” Hailey looked wide-eyed at her finger and the nearby knife. “Sorry, Hailey, I just heard the most outrageous statement.” Andromeda hadn’t taken her murder look of Jenny yet. “With those detailed notes are you planning on stacking up?” Jenny said viciously, “The detailed notes is for making an exemplary potion to get the highest grade yet again,” Andromeda smiled pitiful, “I don’t need to stack up on love potion, I have everything I need to bag a man, if I wanted to.” “Someone’s a bit full of herself.” Jenny raised her eyebrow shooting dirty looks at Andromeda, “At least I don’t sleep around to get some sort of affirmation.” Andromeda tilted her head patronising, “You know, you’re not as popular or as good-looking as you think,” Jenny spat, and Andromeda raised her eyebrows, “Tell her Ted!” Jenny elbowed Ted who had stood watching awkwardly, he startled and looked between both women, “I hate to disappoint you, Jenny, but it’s a well-known fact that the two eldest Black sisters are the most beautiful women at Hogwarts. I myself have never heard a word against Andromeda.” Ted looked uncomfortable as could be, and Andromeda felt sorry for him. “Urgh, she called you a mudblood last week, have you forgot?” Jenny fumed, “A slip of the tongue, I’m sure.” Ted said almost stuttering looking everywhere but at her, “Don’t you know what people like her want to do to people like you!?” Jenny asked angrier by the second, Andromeda met Ted’s eyes in a sort of plead; she didn’t want him dead. “Not everyone is the same, Jenny, that’s a very prejudiced thought.” Ted said with as much sternness he could muster, “Why do you defend her? – She’s a twat. Do you know what she did, with those boys? She’s a disgusting whore!” Jenny cried, and Andromeda were all astonishment, how did she know about that? Ted on the other hand stood himself in-between them, “That’s enough Jenny. That’s too far.” Jenny stormed out of the classroom, quite startling Slughorn, Ted looked softly at Andromeda before returning to his potion, he hummed on a song and sang suddenly, but quiet, “Pear… at break… ahuh… ahuh…” He dared look at her from under his fringe and saw her smile discreetly. “Mental that one.” Hailey whispered to Andromeda who nodded smiling. “Indeed,” Andromeda spent the rest of the lesson working intently, producing a very fine love potion that Slughorn vanished the second after he had tested it with his measurements. Andromeda hardly had time to make an excuse for disappearing off before Hailey were pulled away by Smith another boy in their year solving her problem of an excuse, allowing her to hurry, as much as she could to the kitchens. But once again Ted had beat her there. Not very weird of course, he never needed a very big excuse nor caution to disappear every once-in-a-while. “There you are!” He smiled and brought her in for a kiss, but she backed away, and he frowned, “Have I done something?” “No, no, I just, I feel I need to explain what she meant before.” Andromeda said biting her lip and wringing her hands, Ted looked at her with concern, “I didn’t think she was speaking any truth, Dromeda.” He said softly, “Well, no, and yes, it’s more what they tried to do to me, than what I did with them.” Andromeda avoided his glance, “What did they try to do?” Ted hardly breathed, he touched her arm gently feeling the warmth and spark as he did so. “They cornered me, a whole group of boys, otherwise I would have duelled them, Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs they were. Andrews tried to…” Andromeda made a meaningful pause before continuing; “with me in front of the audience. Lucky for me Bellatrix arrived just in time. Saved by the bell as it was.” Andromeda didn’t look at him, but Ted felt his heart shatter, “Oh, that’s dreadful, Dromeda.” He engulfed her in an embrace, and kissed her forehead, “No one should ever have to endure that.” “I’m fine now, nothing did happen, but that’s probably the incident that Jenny had heard of.” Andromeda mumbled into his chest, “I’m glad you feel fine, but if ever you need to talk about that, or you feel I’m taking too much liberty you tell me, and if they do something like that again, you only need tell me too. I’ll beat them blue and green.” Ted comforted, Andromeda nodded and inhaled another breath of him before she pulled away slightly in his arms, “You are truly, one of a kind, Ted.” She smiled and stood on her tip-toes and kissed him gently but passionately on the lips. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright, she did call you an awful thing.” Ted smiled, “Thank you for being so considerate,” Andromeda replied genuinely. “You’re a great friend.” “Always, for you, Dromeda!” He winked charmingly, and she almost giggled like a little school girl. He was so dashing and handsome. Tall, broad shoulders, blonde hair, hazel eyes, terribly fine hazel eyes. He was perfect to her only he wasn’t she added in her mind for he could never be hers. Ted leant down and kissed her again, but she burst out laughing against his lips and he lifted his head mock-offended, “What’s so funny?” “I thought about my mother’s expression seeing us snog.” Andromeda giggled, “and then all I could think was mmm muggleborn.” Ted joined her in her laughter, and kissed her again chaste, “Minx.” She still giggled, “I will never not think of that ever again.” “Dromeda,” Ted whined, “Stop laughing and kiss me already.” Andromeda kissed his lips still giggling, “Mmm, muggleborn,” Ted put his face in his hand, “Seriously Dromeda,” He laughed though, and she smiled wickedly. “Sorry, Ted, I promise that was the last time, I did it.” Andromeda smiled innocently, and he shook his head disbelievingly. “Why don’t I believe that?” Andromeda grinned and kissed him quickly, “I have to get going, Transfiguration starts soon.” “Meh, you’re leaving just like that,” Ted pouted, and ruffled his hair about, “Yes, I am, see you later Ted.” Andromeda said with a mocking look as she left the kitchens. She was smiling the whole way to class, and forgot about her whole façade-thing, it wasn’t until she sat down beside Roxy that she realised she was smiling still, “Why are you grinning from ear-to-ear?” Roxy asked and wiggled her eyebrows at Andromeda. Andromeda stopped smiling in a second, “It’s nothing,” “It’s something alright, don’t think I ever saw you grinning so wide in public before.” Roxy pressed, Andromeda was a little annoyed at this, why couldn’t people just leave her and her facial expressions alone. “I forgot myself, that’s all.” Andromeda mumbled getting her quill and school supplies up on her desk, “Hey, Andy, you don’t have to defend yourself, I was just really surprised.” Roxy said concerned, “Guess what me and Smith did during break?” Hailey interrupted their dying conversation. Both girls looked at Hailey who seated herself beside Abigail in the row in front of them. “Snogging in the broom closet as per usual?” Andromeda said with a bored tone. Hailey grinned wider, and Andromeda, Roxy and Abbey groaned, “You did not do the unspeakable thing with him in the brooms closet right?” Andromeda asked, the other two listened intently to what Hailey’s answer would be. “Stop being so posh, Andy.” Hailey replied dryly, “I gave him access to my chamber of secrets.” “Euw,” Abbey looked a little disgusted, “Don’t ever use that euphemism again,” “What? – Oh, you’re all such prudes. It’s not like it’s my first time.” “No, I bet our whole quidditch team could get you references if ever you needed them,” Andromeda said seriously, before they all laughed. “Well, why settle for one player when you can get the team.” Hailey winked, “You’re such a dog.” Andromeda smiled at her friend, “I wish I could be a little bit more like you, Hay,” Abigail sighed, “Maybe then Flint would notice me.” “I have it on good authority that he’s into you,” Roxy said secretive, “Really? From whom?” But Abigail didn’t get her answer for McGonagall walked in and started class. “Girls night, in our dorm tonight?” Hailey whispered, the others nodded before turning their attention towards McGonagall. Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =) Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik ![]() ![]() 22 jul, 2018 17:50 |
Avis Fortunae
Elev ![]() |
Hoppas fler hittar hit och läser, för den är ju precis hur bra som helst!
Undrar när de två ska inse att det här är väääldigt mycket mer än friendship with benefits? Fast det gör de nog redan, innerst inne, men vågar inte tänka tanken fullt ut på grund av alla yttre hinder. Vad jobbigt för henne att behöva hålla det hemligt, när alla tjejkompisarna kan prata fritt om sina förälskelser. Det hemliga och förbjudna kan också vara en tjusning, och jag tror att Andromeda upplever det delvis så i detta skede - men det finns en fortsättning, ser fram emot den ... ![]() Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! 22 jul, 2018 21:48 |
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Chapter 10
In the evening the girls all gathered in their dormitory for a much-appreciated girls night. Andromeda had been in charge of supplying them with sweets since she knew where the kitchens was situated and refused to tell anyone else. Hailey had bought a lot of butterbeer the last visit to Hogsmeade and had thus been in-charge of beverage. The girls had all switched to their night gowns and brought all pillows and blankets down on the floor, so they could be sat in a circle. The fire in the room warming them in the cold April weather. “Now something, I know Abigail have been wanting to know all day,” Roxy started and Abigail squealed, “O merlin’s pants, I’m so terrified,” “I heard himself talk about it with Smith,” Roxy said excitedly, “He was talking about you and how he wished he’d dare ask you to Hogsmeade with him,” “Bloody hell, is it too desperate if I ask him myself?” Abigail asked almost jumping up and down with joyful glee. The others laughed at her, “Yes, I do believe it might come across as a tad desperate.” Andromeda snickered, “All though,” Hailey intervened, “I myself would definitely do it if the moment was right. It’s only stupid social rules that forces women to wait for men - It’s 1969 for merlin’s sake!” “They may be stupid,” Andromeda replied, “But they are oh so existing and if rejected it could hurt your reputation badly,” “Yes, but Abbey isn’t from an old pureblooded family hoping to marry her off to some other great pureblood family, so the rules doesn’t apply as strictly to her,” argued Roxanne. Andromeda nodded, “Yeah, I suppose. But Abbey don’t feel pressured. If you want to wait for him, do so. Drop hints instead, flirt a little, flounce around him. Make him want your presence so badly that he drops his guard and asks you.” “New career in match-making, aye, Dromeda?” Hailey laughed, and Andromeda threw a pillow in her face beaming, “Shut it!” “You two!” Roxy chuckled, “I’m all astonishment to how we all have survived living with each other for six years.” “Whatever could you mean?” Hailey asked innocently, Andromeda bit her lip trying not to laugh, “Oh, first of Hay, waking Andy up before breakfast, it’s stupid enough to do once but eleven times? – I thought that time when she hexed your head to grow bigger would have taught you to not wake it up.” Roxanne said, “It?” Andromeda protested, “I’m a her, thank you very much!” “Not before breakfast you’re not,” Abigail teased, so Andromeda did the adult thing to do – stuck her tongue out at her and Abigail threw a cushion in her face. “And Hailey’s temper and constant sexual exploration!” Roxanne continued, “Excuse me for liking diversity.” Hailey defended, “Diversity is one or two other men, you have been with what, 16 including Smith.” Andromeda commented, Hailey laughed, “That is only too true, but no one compares to Smith his wand is the size of…” “HAILEY!” The three other girls screamed petrified, “We don’t want to know!” “But it’s really quite impressive!” “Yeah, well I don’t want to think about his… ergh, wand every time I see him.” Roxanne looked proper disgusted and Abigail put the chocolate frog down with a look of mild disgust. “I’m just saying compared to the other Quidditch players, and you know I’ve been with just about everyone. Not Ted Tonks, but pretty much everyone else.” Hailey shrugged her shoulders, but Andromeda felt herself tense at the mentioning of Ted Tonks. “Didn’t Jenny Vanes do the shenanigans with him?” Roxanne asked, Andromeda listened intently feeling her heart beat quite hard, had Ted been keeping something from her, “No, but she’s pretty darn hot for him. Clings to him like a monkey does a tree!” Hailey responded, and Andromeda let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. “Yeah, she’s an annoying bat.” Abigail agreed, “Especially towards you, Andy, what’s her problem?” “I don’t know,” Andromeda flopped onto her stomach, reaching for a piece of chocolate, “I suppose I intimidate her.” She added, trying to steer away from the danger that was the subject of a certain boy. “That’s stupid though. Because she’s average whereas you are exceptional, she could never get close to your level” Roxanne said matter-of-factly. Andromeda shook her head, “I’m nothing special. Stop, you always try and make me out as such.” “But you are, Andy. Everyone knows it. The teachers too.” Hailey tilted her head, “Face it, Black. You are a witch of the highest calibre.” “People are just jealous of you,” Abigail nodded, Andromeda blushed, “Thanks you guys. But really… I don’t want the compliments, I’m just doing my work.” Andromeda bit into her chocolate deciding to switch the conversation from her again, “But really, Abbey, this Flint guy… let’s talk about that.” “Oh, he’s perfect. All though I’m afraid I’ll fall for him only for him not to like me back in the end.” Abigail said worriedly, “You’ll find someone else if that happens,” Roxanne said encouragingly, Abigail was by far the most anxious friend in their group. “But what if there is no one else?” Abigail looked distraught, “Then…” Andromeda grinned, “you’ll get more cats!” “Andy!” Abigail whined, “How is that reassuring?” “Well, you like cats, don’t you?” Andromeda chuckled, Abigail looked seriously at her and the other two girls watched them in suspense before Abigail too burst into a fit of laughter. “I love you all!” Abigail dried away a tear of mirth, “I honestly don’t think I would’ve survived Hogwarts without you all!” “Cheers to that!” Hailey raised her bottle of butterbeer, and the others followed her lead, “Cheers!” echoed and they all drank to it. “How about you Roxy? Any guy caught your interest?” Hailey asked twirling her bottle in her hand, Roxy lifted herself up on her elbows and rested her head in her hands, “Eh, no, I don’t think so. Not since Lestrange, and that turned out to be a big mistake!” Roxanne smiled, and the others gave her looks of sympathy. “Yeah, Rabastan has a certain way of being.” Andromeda rolled her eyes, “They are French, and to be honest not that nice either of them.” “Mm, he was too possessive for my liking.” Roxanne shuddered for extra effect. “And you, Dromeda?” Hailey grinned, “How’s your love life coming along?” “I have no ambition to speak of that with you, but I am planning on standing my ground in virgin squad for the rest of my time here.” Andromeda snorted, and the others ridiculed it in humorous ways. “You’re so conservative, Andy.” Hailey snickered, “It’s more you know wanting to live to see the rest of my life,” Andromeda said with a funny look, “Don’t think my mother would let me live, and if she did I’d be thrown in the dungeons, if I came home pregnant.” “Oh, pish posh there are potions to prevent that, mind you!” Hailey argued, “All which are about 99% safe, there is still too high a risk for my liking.” Andromeda shook her head at Hailey, “Besides you are doing my fair share of rolling around in the hay,” “True, cannot take away my pleasure!” Hailey said mock-serious, “Would never!” mumbled Andromeda burrowing her face into the pillows, “You cannot sleep yet!” Roxy kicked Andromeda in the shins, “Ouch! Why not?” “Because it’s only like one in the morning!” “We have class tomorrow, you do realise that?” “Yeah, but we never have a nice girly chat.” “We always do.” Andromeda groaned, “Come, come sleepy head or I’ll wake you up at six tomorrow,” Hailey threatened, “You wouldn’t dare!” Andromeda growled. “I would, and I will!” They settled after a few seconds again, Andromeda sat up and took a swig of butterbeer to wake up a little, “Have you heard of this guy called Voldemort?” Roxanne asked quietly as if she was afraid someone outside would hear, Andromeda froze in her movement and felt her mouth go dry, “Yeah, I heard Smith mention something about him!” Hailey nodded eagerly, “Who’s he?” Abigail asked intrigued, “He’s a powerful dark wizard, apparently he’s the greatest there is, and he wants to eliminate the mudbloods from Hogwarts and the wizarding world.” Roxanne said, and the others listened intently, “He’s supposed to be a great leader and magician.” “He’s probably also hungry for power and won’t care at what price he’ll achieve that,” Andromeda said sourly wishing they’d leave that subject be. “What’s with you? – I thought you didn’t like the mudbloods?” Roxanne said crossing her arms challenging Andromeda with a look. “Just because I find it beneath me to socialize with them, doesn’t mean I want them excluded and killed.” Andromeda said determined, trying not to sound too angry lest they suspect anything. “Do you think he’ll kill them?” Abigail questioned, “Obviously,” Andromeda said dourly, “I do not agree with such extremist thoughts, and neither does anyone in my family,” ‘yet or as I know of’ she added in her mind. “My older brother is going to join him he said,” Roxanne protested, “Then he’s stupid, he’ll be killed as soon as he’s useless to him. Read a little history, it has a tendency of repeating itself. Grindewald is a good example of someone who shouldn’t have been granted power and I believe the same of this Voldemort guy.” Andromeda bit, “Can’t we just drop the subject and talk about nicer things.” Abigail stuttered, “Continue all you like, I’ll sleep somewhere else with people who doesn’t want innocent people dead.” Andromeda said and eyed them coldly, before walking out of the dorm. Andromeda took a few deep breaths out in the corridor before sneaking into the seventh years dorm. Everyone was asleep, Andromeda quietly made her way to her sister’s bed and opened the drapes and climbed into the bed. “Andy?” Bellatrix asked hoarsely blinking fiercely a few times to try and make out her form, “I couldn’t sleep in there,” Andromeda explained quietly, and Bellatrix held her gently, “What happened?” “They started talking about this guy Voldemort.” Andromeda whispered annoyed Bellatrix tensed, “And how they thought it was alright for him to kill to achieve his goal of blood purity etc. I didn’t agree and left.” “Oh,” Bellatrix stroke her sister’s arm softly, “I see, whereas I agree with you Andy I think it’s best not to speak your mind so freely about that, people might think you’re acting beneath your name. And merlin knows what mother would do if that came out.” Bellatrix eyed her with a scared look, Andromeda opened her mouth to argue but Bellatrix hushed her, “No more of that, off to sleep you go.” “Goodnight,” “Goodnight darling.” Andromeda fell asleep promptly exhausted from the day, but Bellatrix lay awake staring at the ceiling of her bed. She too had heard of this wizard, and at first, she’d been intrigued but then thought better of it. She hated blood and death. It was something she didn’t wish upon anyone, even if they were of less pure blood. Perhaps there were other ways to do it and finally sleep took her too. Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte =) Är ju mest på skoj, men tär gärna emot kritik ![]() ![]() 22 jul, 2018 23:16 |
Avis Fortunae
Elev ![]() |
Att Andromeda inte sympatiserar med Voldemort är väntat. Gång på gång i berättelsen visar hon att hon har sunda värderingar, trots sin uppfostran och bakgrund, och att hon vågar stå för dessa värderingar. Helt klart är dock att det är en annorlunda Bellatrix vi möter här, klart mer sympatisk än i originalböckerna.
Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! 23 jul, 2018 08:26 |
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