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Hungerspelstest hur länge man överlever

Forum > Off Topic > Hungerspelstest hur länge man överlever

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A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 54%

Kintsugi of House Zabini, the First of Her Name

11 jan, 2014 03:35



A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 67% [dragonfantasy hehehe c: ]

Tog dock ålder 14 eftersom jag faktiskt fyller år snart! Kanske är det därför, haha, men jaa.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fc2057e979b36700bc9d0ddee435c4ee9%2Ftumblr_mh0iwf8J2F1qj00lio1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fb93c15e19f8356bae735c195bbe4a3f3%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D8137678

11 jan, 2014 08:25



A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!


11 jan, 2014 10:37



A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Med 72 % chans att överleva... OJ, hur gick det till? O.O


11 jan, 2014 11:41



Skrivet av Chaemy:
Måste faktiskt testa någon gång. När någon som kan engelska är i närheten.

Google translate finns där för en anledning y'know. c:

Meh, alla får ju typ samma text bara olika procent chans att vinna...

"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."

11 jan, 2014 12:32



A very good score: the above average. You have made it through several weeks of starvation, thirst, and the feeling that someone is always watching. Maybe you couldn't take it anymore, and finally starved to death. Or maybe somebody got to you before you had a chance to show your true colors on the battlefield. Congratulations for making it so far in, if there are not a few mistakes along the way, you could actually win!

Percent Chance Of Survival: 73%
bättre än vad jag förväntade mig! : D


11 jan, 2014 12:58

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