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Some People Care Too Much, I Think It's Called Love..~A George Weasley Love Story

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Du skriver fantastiskt. Du kan inte föreställa dig hur glad jag blev när jag såg att du lagt upp en ny fanfiction.
Fortsätt, det här är guld!

"And how did the mysterious Ariana die? Is it possible that Ariana Dumbledore was the first person to die for 'the greater good'?" - Rita Skeeter

19 jun, 2012 15:58



Omg. Och du kan inte föreställa dig hur glad jag blir när du säger sådär. ♥


19 jun, 2012 16:17



åh herre jösses O.O
mina ögon typ klistras fast vid datorn X3 DU SKRIVER SUPER


22 jun, 2012 01:48



Tack så mycket! ♥

Chapter 4: Ashamed

Yes. The Dark Lord is certainly going to kill me. Why wouldn't he?
No one had cheered when I got sorted to Gryffindor, the hall was silent as death actually. When the feast was over and we were about to go to our dormitories, I glanced over to the Slytherin table. Blaise' eyes met with mine and he gave me a almost unnoticeable smile, and I immediately understood what he meant.
I walked out of the Great Hall and waited for him and Draco there.

''Oh my god! Delia, why did you get sorted into Gryffindor?! Your father is not going to be happy about this.'' Draco said.

''Yeah I know, I can only hope for the best right now..''

''Well, I don't care, you're still the same Cordelia that I met on the train, right?'' Blaise said and pulled me into a hug.

''Yes of course.'' I smiled and hugged him back.

I had said goodbye to Blaise and Draco and right now I was trying to find the Gryffindor's common room. I rushed up the stairs and accidentally bumped into someone, making us both fall to the ground. I groaned as I hurt my coccyx because of the fall.

''I'm really sorry, I should have looked where I was going.'' I said and stood up. I looked at the person who's in front of me. He's one of the twins!

''No, it's alright, it was my fault.'' He says. ''Hey, you're the new girl, Cordelia, right?''

''Yes, and you are?'' I asked, even though I knew perfectly who he is. Well, at least that he is Fred or George, but not which one of them..

''George Weasley, the one and only.'' He says in a charming way.

''Really?'' I giggle a little. ''Then may I ask you a question?'' He nods.

''Why are you still going to Hogwarts?''

''What? What do you mean?'' he asks, pretending to be confused.

''You know what I mean, stupid. You're too old to still go here!''

''Well, I had to repeat a year because my grades weren't good enough.'' He said. ''But wait a second.. How did you know that I'm too old?''

''I.. Uh.. I've heard about you, from.. People.'' I said embarrassed.

I've actually had a little crush on him since I first heard about him, but there's no way I'm telling him that! There's no way I'm telling anyone.
If the Dark lord or my father would find out that I have a crush on a blood traitor, especially a Weasley, I don't even know what they would do to me. Maybe that's even worse than being sorted into Gryffindor.
What is wrong with me?

30 jun, 2012 15:59




"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."

5 jul, 2012 12:18



Super special awsm bra!

5 jul, 2012 12:29



Tack! :'D

Chapter 5: I should be proud of who I am


''I.. Uh.. I've heard about you, from.. People.'' she said and blushed.

''Oh, really? From who?'' I said and smiled kindly.

''Just some people, no one special.'' she said quickly and blushed even more.

I offered to show her the way to the common room, since it didn't really look like she knew where it was. On the way there we walked in silence.

''Why are you talking to me? Why are you so nice to me?'' she asked suddenly. I stopped and looked questioningly at her, I didn't know what she meant. She noticed and sighed.

''I know that you know who and what my father is, George. Everyone knows. So why do you treat me so nicely?'' she said. Oh, right, I almost forgot about that..

''I just.. It doesn't really matter for me if your father is a death eater, what really matters is who you are. And from my view you're nothing like him or any other death eater. You're too nice, you couldn't be one of them.''


''I know that you know who and what my father is, George. Everyone knows. So why do you treat me so nicely?'' I asked him nervously.

''I just.. It doesn't really matter for me if your father is a death eater, what really matters is who you are. And from my view you're nothing like him or any other death eater. You're too nice, you couldn't be one of them.'' he said and I immediately felt guilty. He's wrong. I'm one of them, and I'm exactly like them. If he only knew..

''Oh, thank you, I guess..'' I said and looked down at the floor. ''But you do know that they want me to join them, don't you?'' I lifted up my head and looked him in the eyes. He looked concerned.

''Yes, I just don't want to think about it. You're not going to join them, are you?'' he said sadly and placed his hands on my shoulders.

''I.. I'm not sure.. I mean, I don't have a choice, do I?'' when I said that he pulled me into a hug.

''Yes you have. No one besides you can decide something like that. And I really hope that you choose the right thing.'' he whispered in my ear and I shivered a little. It felt so good having his warm arms around me, I didn't want this moment to end, but it had to. I put my hands on his chest and pulled him away from me.

''No, you know that I don't have a choice! You know what they would do if I refused to join them! They'll kill me and everyone I care about!'' I yelled and tears started to run down my cheeks. What am I doing? I should be proud of being a death eater.. I mean, I am. Or was? I don't know anymore..

I wiped away the tears and walked past him, leaving him there. I'll find the common room on my own, I don't need him. He'll ruin everything. He'll just turn me into one of those disgusting nice and bubbly people. I can't let that happen, right?


Damn.. I screwed up, didn't I? I punched the wall as hard as I could and sighed in frustration and pain. I looked down at my knuckles. They're bleeding, great. I decided to go to the common room, that's where Cordelia's heading. She'll find it eventually.

I sat down on one of the couches and cleaned my hand, then Harry, Ron and Hermione walked in and looked at me confused.

''What happened?!'' Hermione screeched at me.

''I hit the wall.'' I said simply.

''Why?'' she looked even more concerned now. I sighed.

''Cordelia got mad at me.''

''WHAT? You talked to her?! You know who she is!'' Harry said angrily. I stood up and walked over to him. I grabbed his shirt threatening.

''I know perfectly who she is Harry, but you don't.'' I snapped at him. I let go of his shirt and walked to my dormitory before I did something I might regret.


''Bloody hell! That's not like him!'' Ron said with his mouth hanging wide open.

''I know.. But I don't get why he cares about her that much. She's a death eater after all, she should be sent to Azkaban.''

''Harry, I think we should think about this carefully.. Maybe she's not who we think she is.. If she was, why would George act like that?'' Hermione said carefully.

''No! I know that she's one of them, I know that! Either you're on my side, or his.'' I snapped at her. Oh no. I didn't mean to sound like that. But I know that she's one of them, I can feel it. I just have to get everyone to believe me, that shouldn't be so hard.

5 jul, 2012 12:44



åh, awsm! Go Harry, go George

5 jul, 2012 12:49



Tack så mycket!

Vill bara berätta att jag ska åka på språkresa den 13/7 - 2/8, så jag kommer inte kunna skriva nästa kapitel förens i augusti. :'/

12 jul, 2012 13:37



okej :c det gör inte så mycket för mig, jag kommer ändå inte kunna vara inne mer än en gång i veckan (e också på språkresa) så då behöver jag inte oroa mig att jag missar något :3

btw du skriver superbra 8D


14 jul, 2012 20:48

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