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Avis Fortunae



Åh ÄNTLIGEN! Mys, feelgood och de oemotståndliga Andromeda och Ted som packar upp sina bröllopsgåvor! Alltså jag blir lycklig i hela själen när de sitter där och plötsligt packar upp den där ankan. Var det inte en sådan som hängde i julgranen hemma hos Arthur och Molly? Det är väldigt effektfullt när en detalj återkommer på det sättet.

“Well? Ted if you don’t tell me, I’ll hex you into oblivion!” Andromeda eyed him sternly, pointing the rubber duck at him dangerously.

Här dog jag flera gånger om! Skrattade högt där jag stod och läste på busshållplatsen bland alla tidiga morgonmänniskor. Detta citat talar ju verkligen för sig själv. Sötdöden gånger hundra!

“I’ll show you the proper function of a rubber duck if you take a steaming hot bath with me.”

WOHOOO! Now we're talking!

"the water hides a multitude of sins and suggests a multitude of others"

Jag tycker det är så gulligt att hon rodnar när han säger det och att han tagit på sig uppdraget att få henne att rodna varje dag.

Ted challenged and Andromeda rolled her eyes at him thinking her husband very childlike at the moment.

Sånt är livet, Andromeda ... Boys will be boys.

She wasn’t really angry with him, not so much that she’d turn down a hot bath with her handsome hubby.

Du kan så många ord och uttryck som jag inte hade en aning om existerade. Speciellt de här lite mer familjära förkortningarna. Det är för övrigt så lätt att bara ta ditt gyllene språk för givet eftersom det hela tiden flyter på och jag aldrig - NÅGONSIN - hakar upp mig på något.

Ted was sat in the bath tub, with foam covering his whole body and face, “Hey look at me, I’m Dumbledore!” He grinned showing of his bubble beard.

Myyys! Jag bara mår så bra och blir så glad av att läsa det här

Liksom scenen efteråt när de ligger på soffan och myser med pyjamas, tekoppar och allt som hör till. Hela det skeendet är mycket bra uppbyggt och det skapas en förväntan när han berättar nyheten om jobbet.

“No one will ever lay a hand of violence on you ever again, Dromeda. I promise to protect you.” Andromeda felt very flattered and warm when he told her this, and she didn’t argue that she’d probably be better protection to him when it came to magical abilities."

Även detta är väldigt bra berättat, först hur han skämtar om agan för att det verkligen är så långt ifrån vad han någonsin skulle göra, och sedan ångrar sig när han inser och minns att det faktiskt varit verklighet för henne. Genast lovar att han att alltid ställa upp till hennes beskydd - och hon uppskattar tanken även om det förmodligen ofta är hon som kommer att beskydda honom. Hela detta skeendet är mycket typiskt för dem båda.

Uppdaterar kommentaren med nästa kapitel!

EDIT: Kapitel 70

Andromeda har en tuff verklighet på jobbet. Här får man veta mer om hur det faktiskt var under kriget och när Voldemort växte sig starkare. All denna tortyr som utfördes. Så beundransvärt att hon arbetar tolv timmar i sträck utan lunch och gör livräddande insatser.

There weren’t many with her competence or skills, and the brutal reality was that she was left pretty much alone with the worst gores and bruises.

Du beskriver så bra hur hon är sliten efter det långa skiftet men ändå går in för att hjälpa.

Fastnade för titeln "healer Tonks". Det låter vuxet, proffsigt och markerar en milstolpe i livet.

Svårt ändå att förstå moderns agerande, som faktiskt förstör för Helena. Kanske är detta typiskt för krig - fiendskap som uppstår överallt där den inte behövt uppstå, med oskyldiga offer som följd.

“Of course, Mrs. Jones we won’t force you to be treated by anyone you’d feel uncomfortable with. But Healer Tonks is honestly the best you could get.”

Det här tycker jag var fantastiskt proffsigt och bra sagt av Joan. Hon är både lyhörd för patienten och ger samtidigt cred till Andromeda.

When Andromeda landed in the hallway, she felt herself suddenly affected by a dizzy spell and a wave of nausea came over her and she threw up what little she had all over the floor.

Självklart kan det vara en reaktion på allt som hänt, inte förvånande alls, och jag känner medlidande med Andromeda samtidigt med lättnad att hon äntligen är hemma hos Ted. Men just det där att hon kastar upp ... kan det vara en annan orsak ... också? (För mig var det alltid på kvällarna, efter en lång arbetsdag ...)

“I feel like I deserve.” Andromeda murmured,

NEEEJ, det här gör så ont i mig ... känner igen det här att ta på sig all skuld och ansvar ... och att vända det inåt. Har inte riktigt insett att detta drag finns hos henne. Allt Ted säger och gör för att trösta är perfekt.

“Andromeda you are crazy to think that I’ll allow you to stay on your feet. You will take care of that lip cut and stay in bed while I make you something to eat.”

Jag kan inte låta bli att dra paralleller mellan våra respektive berättelser här. Andromeda strider lite mer mot att bli omhändertagen dock:

Ted however would have none of it and lifted her up into his strong arms, Andromeda let out a squeak, “Let me go, Ted. I don’t need to be babied!”

Sedan får detta citat nedanför mig att om igen fundera på om det inte bara är fråga om utmattning här ... utan om något helt annat ... ett illamående med en positiv orsak ... eller är jag helt ute och cyklar?

He then fetched a bin from the bathroom and sat it on the floor beside the bed. “If you need to throw up again.”

Oavsett om det är så eller inte, så kommer Ted att vara den gulligaste och mest omhändertagande mannen i världen NÄR det blir så.

His smile spread from ear to ear, and his heart swelled with love for the woman in front of him. Ted thought of how it was always viewed at Hogwarts as a bad trait for Slytherin’s to be ambitious. But it was this ambition that drove his wife to work hours on end to save lives, keep up with her friends, and him – putting everyone else before herself. It hurt him that the woman had refused his wife to treat the child because of who her family was. Ted knew Andromeda was blaming herself- she always kept high expectations on herself and whenever those failed, she fell hard. She had a good heart and to Ted she was the most caring person he had ever met, and it grieved him that not everyone saw that.

Jag lärde mig en hel del mer om Andromeda i det här kapitlet. Det stämmer helt överens med hur hon är och allt vi sett tidigare och i detta avsnittet fördjupas det. Ser mycket fram emot att få följa deras resa framåt!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

26 mar, 2019 18:57




Äntligen har jag fattat orken att publicera nästa kapitel här... ett kapitel som varit klart sedan det förra men jag känner mig inte riktigt nöjd med det... hur som helst har jag skrivit klart slutet nu och vill gärna liksom dela med mig av det också... okej insåg nyss att jag glömt posta chapter 71... så det blir dubbelt upp... trodde jag var på 72. hehe

Avis Fortunae Blir sååå lycklig av dina kommentarer och det gör mig gott att du tyckte det där med badankan var roligt! - Det var en av mina favoritdelar.
Jag vill gärna svara på allt du skriver för du skriver så mycket bra, härligt och trevligt och du ligger mig rätt i spåren med vad som hända skall...
Hoppas att det är okej att jag inte svarar så mycket längre en så på din fina kommentar... hjärnan vill inte riktigt samarbeta för tillfället! Men tack, verkligen tack! ♥

Chapter 71
Andromeda woke up in Ted’s embrace, barely remembering having fallen asleep the night before. Her heart still ached with guilt for the child’s death, and she felt physically ill. With wide eyes Andromeda realised it wasn’t her mind tricking her body to feel sick, and she was quickly on her feet, running into the bathroom to throw up into the toilet. Ted who had woken up by her quick run to the bathroom, hurried after her and as she heaved into the toilet, Ted held her hair back for her. When she was finished, Ted helped her off the floor, and helped her clean off her face, and brush her teeth to rid her of that awful taste. Andromeda hadn’t said a word, but silent tears of mortification and pain ran down her cheeks. Her stomach was still upset, and the bare thought of food made it turn in protest. Ted led her back to bed, tucking her in again before owling St Mungo’s to report her sick despite her loud protests that she was fine. It took Andromeda about an hour to convince Ted to allow her downstairs, and when he finally allowed her, he insisted that she sit on the couch while he made her some tea and toast. Andromeda, despite feeling rotten, was not good at being still and do nothing. Especially not when she had been keeping such a high pace at work lately, the stillness gave her anxiety and room for her thoughts of doubts. She fingered the threads of the blanket wrapped around her with impatience, waiting for Ted to return into the living room. A short while later Ted entered the living room with a tray, carrying her tea, toast and his morning coffee. He was greeted at first with a broad smile from his wife which quickly turned into a frown. Andromeda had felt fine until the smell of the coffee reached her nose and her stomach churned again. Her face turned as white as a ghost’s and she was quickly on her feet and ran into the downstairs loo and threw up whatever she had left. Ted had dropped the tray on the spot to run after Andromeda. He brought her curls back from her face and rubbed her back while she dry-heaved for a few moments. Ted looked at her with worried eyes, feeling helpless as he could do nothing to relieve her from her sickness. When Andromeda had finally finished, Ted once again helped her with the cleaning up before leading her back to the couch. She was whimpering because her stomach still clenched and hurt from her session in the bathroom, and she didn’t even protest when Ted wrapped her in the blanket and put her head against a pillow he fetched. Ted kissed her sweaty brow affectionately, and stroke her chin gently, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.
“How are you feeling?”
Andromeda opened one eye and made a disgruntled sound at him.
“Alright, stupid question…” Ted smiled small at her, and she groaned against the pillow, Ted looked ready to sprint with her to the toilet again, but she calmed within a second. Ted’s shoulders relaxed a little where he sat beside her.
“I think you should rest, Dromeda. In bed.” Ted held her hand, absentmindedly stroking his thumb over her white knuckles. Andromeda rolled her eyes at him, recovering from the first pain of the vomiting.
“I’m perfectly cap…” Andromeda paused as her face turned slightly green again, and Ted stood up to help her, but she managed to keep it down. Ted gave her a meaningful look,
“This is your body telling you that it has had enough. I’m taking you upstairs again. I shouldn’t have allowed the exertion to go downstairs in the first place.”
Andromeda huffed,
“I’m not an invalid, Ted. I go wherever I please.”
“I’m sure you do.” Ted told her with an amused look right before he lifted her up in his arms and carried her upstairs. Andromeda was much too weak from her sessions to protest very physically at this and let herself be carried to bed again. She really was rather tired, and even though she would never admit it, rest was exactly what she needed. Ted pressed a loving kiss against her forehead before rising to leave her in the dark room. Andromeda’s eyes opened when she heard him creak open their bedroom door.
“Are you leaving?” She asked, her voice not carrying quite the strength and authority it usually did. Ted paused in the doorway, his heart tugging at his wife’s silent plead behind those words. He turned and saw her dark eyes eying him carefully, he knew she harboured a fear for throwing up and that the morning must have been trying for her. Therefore, he neglected the breakfast he was going to go down and eat and got into bed with his wife again. Andromeda immediately snuggled into his side, relaxing when she felt his scent, and his radiating warmth. Ted ran his fingers gently up and down her arms until her breathing got slower and deeper and soon enough, she was fast asleep. It was a joy for Ted to see her features relax when her worries disappeared with her sleep, and he felt he too could ease when he saw the secret smile, she bore whilst deep in sleep.

Ted waited until the last minute, because he really didn’t want to disturb Andromeda’s sleep, but as the time neared 1pm he needed to get up and leave for his work as a news reporter. His wife didn’t stir until he was all dressed and ready for work. Andromeda eyed him under heavy eyelids, barely awake, and Ted leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She pulled him down by his tie again and gave him another peck on the lips before straightening his tie properly.
“You need to tie your tie better.” Andromeda murmured as she turned her face into the pillow again, and Ted laughed at her reprimand,
“That’s it? – No, ‘hope you have a good day at work’?”
“Not when you’re leaving your poorly wife all by herself.” Andromeda mumbled, and Ted snickered at her,
“I thought you weren’t ill?”
Andromeda frowned, seeming to realise her mistake, but she muttered annoyed,
“I’m not. Black’s don’t get ill.”
“But you’re not a Black anymore!” Ted teased, and Andromeda growled at him,
“Don’t make me hex your head bigger. It wouldn’t go down well with the muggles.”
“I love you too, Dromeda. I’ll be home by eight.” Ted blew her a kiss in mock-chivalry, and Andromeda huffed at him before burying her face into her pillow, falling asleep again shortly after he had left.

Andromeda awoke a while later feeling rested and, she was surprised, not sick. In fact, she felt rather starved, and decided to venture downstairs for a little snack. The floorboards creaked a little under her feet as she made her way from the living room into the kitchen. Ted had cleaned up his mess before he had left, and much to her pleasure the kitchen was clean. Nothing she usually ate appealed to her and she gave up and ate blend toast because it was easy on her stomach. Andromeda slouched down in the couch with a book to pass the time until Ted would arrive home. It really wasn’t like her to be ill, and she wasn’t well with being it. Because she was so easily bored when restricted. Andromeda did suppose she had had the illness coming. She had been feeling iffy for weeks, experienced dizzy spells and nausea but pushed it aside for the high tempo her work place provided at the moment. Her body were probably exhausted, and the illness had instead of leaving her become worse because of it. It hadn’t been much more than an hour before she got tired of the book she was reading. Andromeda felt a craving for something salty, having eaten rather little all day, and got up to get herself something from the kitchen. She didn’t feel like cooking anything, too tired to stand for long – so she helped herself to a plate of salty crackers, retaking her seat on the couch.

When Ted arrived home later that evening, Andromeda got up to greet him, feeling rather dizzy but she focused on him and managed to stay on her feet. Ted put his arms around and leant down and placed a lingering, sweet kiss on her red lips. Andromeda smiled against his lips, a moan escaping from the back of her throat.
“How have you been?” Ted asked her, swaying with her in his arms, Andromeda placed her head against his chest,
“I’m fine now. I think I’ll be able to go back to work tomorrow.”
Ted frowned at her, but soon replaced it with a small smirk,
“We’ll see about that… However, I got you something on the way home.”
Andromeda raised her eyes inquiring as to what exactly he had gotten for her. Ted gave her a cheeky smile as he pulled out a bar of Honeyduke’s finest milk chocolate. It earned a smile from his wife, and he opened the bar to give her a piece. Andromeda caught a whiff of the chocolate and her face turned a white, grey tone as her stomach churned and she threw up on the floor, missing Ted by a few inches. Andromeda who upon finishing retching lost her balance due to a dizzy spell - was swiftly caught around the waist by her husband.
“You feel fine you said?” Ted raised an eyebrow, looking at her seriously, and Andromeda’s cheeks turned red which was a huge contrast to her pale face.
“Stop looking at me like I’m some naughty school girl.” Andromeda snapped feeling embarrassed by her getting sick all over the hall. Ted’s features softened slightly, and he placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Sorry, darling. I’m just worried about you.” Ted let her go and turned around to clean up the mess on the floor. Andromeda however still ashamed quickly vanished it with her wand to stop Ted from doing the cleaning up.
“I would have done it, Dromeda. No problem.” Ted told her and she grimaced,
“But its disgusting. You’ve been away working all day and I throw up on you the first thing I do.”
“I think that was on me. It was the strong smell of the chocolate that made you retch.” Ted shrugged his shoulders.
“Mm.” Andromeda hummed in agreement before following Ted into the living room to catch up on his day.

Chapter 72
On the third day of throwing up, Andromeda managed to hide the fact that she had been throwing up all morning from Ted who had been sleeping like a log all night. She had prepared breakfast and avoided anything that would upset her because she needed to fool him into thinking she was well. Andromeda couldn’t stand another day at home away from work, because she was going insane with boredom. She fully believed that her throwing up was all stress-related or she would have never jeopardised going back to work. But she was needed there, and it was a matter of life or death. No one else was going to die on her shift.
Ted seemed surprised to see that she was up and down, and more so that she hadn’t, to his knowledge, thrown up once since the day before. Andromeda greeted him with a warm smile and pointed to his plate of breakfast.
“Aren’t you going to eat anything?” Ted asked her, and whilst her stomach churned at him mentioning food, she managed to offer him a white smile.
“No, I don’t have time. I’ll eat at work.”
Ted dropped his fork and looked at her disapprovingly,
“You’re leaving for work?”
Andromeda eyed him sternly,
“Yes. Of course, I am. I’m not ill and they need me.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to stress so soon. Your body is telling you to slow down.”
Andromeda rolled her eyes at Ted clearly annoyed with him,
“They need me, and I’ll be there. That’s the end of the discussion.”
Ted who knew his wife very well, knew the case was already lost, and so he sighed loudly,
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll not be holding back that ‘I told you so’ when you come back tonight.”
“That won’t be necessary, Edward.” Andromeda’s eyes darkened with her mood, and Ted, had he been anyone else, should have winced and retreated. Instead he just snickered behind his news paper unaware of the dirty looks his wife were throwing at him.
Andromeda stood for a few seconds with her arms crossed before she sighed and left the room to apparate to work.

The apparating almost had her getting sick when she landed a little off-balance outside of St Mungo’s. Andromeda went in and was met with the surprised face of Joan.
“I thought you were still poorly?” Her colleague eyed her from over a parchment. Andromeda smiled,
“Oh, it was just stress. I’m all better now.”
“You’ve been working non-stop for months. I think you should listen to your body and take the rest of the week off.” Joan told her but was met with cold indifference on Andromeda’s part, her smile all gone.
“I think I’m perfectly capable of deciding that myself.”
“Of course, but I’m only an ear-shot away if you need to go home.” Joan offered before returning to the work she was currently sat over. Andromeda knew Joan was only looking out for her, but it annoyed her that everyone seemed to think a little stress bug would make her an invalid.
Andromeda sat down by her desk, starting to file some paperwork that had been left on her desk, waiting for something more exciting to happen.
It didn’t take long these days to be called in for action. Andromeda had barely been at work for fifteen minutes when she had to run to an emergency call. There had been several emergencies of the same sort, all because they had been sold a charm necklace that were supposed to protect you. Obviously, it was a scam, but these days people were desperate for safety of any sort. Andromeda still felt uneasy since the death of the child a few days ago but did her best to work past that feeling. Joan sent her many encouraging looks whenever they passed, and Sarah kept an eye on her. Though it was kind, Andromeda hated pity, and took any case she could to avoid talking about that or about her being stressed and getting sick.
When the time neared 4pm Andromeda started to feel hungry, and her appetite returned. Thankfully, Joan came and asked if she wanted to have some afternoon tea in-between patients. Andromeda smiled at the other woman, feeling grateful for her timing.
Joan coaxed Andromeda to sit down by the table while she got tea and biscuits for them, Andromeda longed for a bite of food, and felt her stomach rumble in agreement. Joan returned with a tray, carrying two tea mugs and a plate with two chocolate biscuits. The nausea came suddenly as the chocolate biscuit was stood in front of Andromeda, and she couldn’t repress it. Andromeda stood up, attracting attention from her fellow co-workers as she quickly ran into the staff’s toilet and lost whatever she had. She mostly dry-heaved until the worst feeling of sickness disappeared. Andromeda splashed water in her face, and when she turned, she was faced with the worried expressions of Joan and Sarah.
“That’s it, Andromeda, you’re going home again.” Joan said calmly, and Andromeda resisted an urge to roll her eyes, she was fine.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine, you’re stubborn but so am I. You’ve just been sick again. Andromeda you need to rest and let your body recover.” Joan persisted, and Andromeda sighed,
“I am fine, Joan. The chocolate on that biscuit just smelt funky.”
Joan and Sarah who had looked ready to argue both stopped and closed their mouths again.
“The biscuit smelt funky?” Sarah asked, her worried look replaced with an amused grin. Andromeda looked at her colleague, confused,
“Yes, didn’t you smell it? It was revolting.”
Joan laughed nervously,
“Well, I’m prepared to agree with you, Andromeda. You’re not ill.”
“No, I know. I’ve been telling you it was just the smell.” Andromeda said eying them both with suspicious eyes. What were they up to?
“Is this some kind of reversed psychology?” Andromeda asked irritated.
“How long have you been feeling out of sorts?” Sarah asked Andromeda, ignoring her question, but still wearing a secret smile. Andromeda weighed on her feet, thinking,
“Um, for a few weeks… maybe six or so.”
“But you’ve only been throwing up in the last four days?” Joan asked and Andromeda responded with a small nod.
“When did you last have your courses?” Sarah asked excitedly, and Andromeda furrowed her eyebrows, feeling rather uncomfortable with being asked such a question.
“Why is that…” Andromeda stopped in her trail of thought, and it dawned upon her what they were insinuating. She felt a surge go through her entire body, feelings of a very confused nature.
“Well…?” Joan asked her with a meaningful look, and Andromeda twisted a little uncomfortable,
“I don’t… I hadn’t thought I… I don’t know.”
Joan who seemed to realise what Andromeda meant, nodded and gave her a pat on the shoulder,
“We all have our fears and doubts, you, I understand because of your genetics. But hey, the only way to know is to find out, right?”
Andromeda exhaled, not knowing how to feel, not daring to hope what they were saying was true. It would truly be a miracle if it were to be, and all though barely five months from her wedding she would be thrilled if it was to be.
“We’re free at the moment if you want to know…” Joan told her innocently, being as excited to find out as anyone else. Andromeda’s features broke into a shy smile,
“Yeah, sure.”
“Alright come with us.” Sarah clapped her hands together excitedly, and they brought Andromeda with them to an empty examination room.
Nervously she lay down on the table, and her two friends prepared to do the spell for her. She calmed herself with the fact that if it turned out negative at least Ted would be spared any crushed hope or sorrow. Andromeda’s heart was beating hard in her chest, and the palm of her hands were drenched with sweat. Joan handed her the glass with the green substance,
“Bottoms up! The spell won’t work otherwise.” Joan offered her a little smile.
Andromeda took a deep breath before she swallowed the green potion. She closed her eyes, kept them tightly shut, and clasped the sides of the examination table as she heard Joan mutter the spell next to her.
“Oh, I can’t look. You tell me!” She winced, and Joan gave a light chuckle,
“Open your eyes, Andromeda.”
Andromeda opened one eye slowly, and detected a blue light, and was so shocked that she opened the other eye to make sure she saw it correctly.
“Congratulations.” Sarah’s voice was full of excitement, and Joan put her arms around Andromeda who sat up, still completely astonished by the blue light.
“I’m with child?” Andromeda asked dumbfounded, and her colleagues laughed,
“Yes, and by the colour I’d say you were almost two months along, also judging by when you last had your period.” Joan added, and Andromeda’s eyes widened,
“Woah, I had no idea. I mean… huh, Merlin how do I tell Ted?”
“Just tell him, he’ll be thrilled!” Sarah smiled, “I’m so happy for you!”
“Thank you.” Andromeda beamed from where she sat, and Joan wrote down details on a parchment, Andromeda raised an eyebrow and Joan laughed,
“Well I need to add to your file, don’t I?”
“I suppose.” Andromeda laughed, “Damn, I…”
“Need to go home!” Joan finished her sentence, “Go, for the love of Merlin we told you this morning that you shouldn’t have come. Rest for a few days. It’s for the baby.”
Andromeda smiled at the last,
“Yes, the baby.”
And even though Andromeda hated to admit to resting, this was just the thing that would make Andromeda suffer through the boring activity of it despite her active soul.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

1 maj, 2019 00:16

Avis Fortunae



Men vänta nu ... skrivit klart SLUTET? På, ehm, kapitlet, hoppas jag? Ska den här ta SLUT? Åh, vill inte tänka på det ... Detta ÄR något av det mysigaste jag någonsin läst. Sååå härligt att åter få grotta in sig i den!

Kapitel 71

Redan från början är jag rätt övertygad om att min lilla teori om illamåendet stämmer!

Ted who had woken up by her quick run to the bathroom, hurried after her and as she heaved into the toilet, Ted held her hair back for her. When she was finished, Ted helped her off the floor, and helped her clean off her face, and brush her teeth

Ja, inte är jag förvånad att Ted är så gullig och omhändertagande ... att han gör allt, precis allt man kan göra för att ta hand om någon i den situationen. Och att han hela tiden nästan rusar efter henne, även när det händer igen ... Outtröttligt och som en självklarhet. Jag älskar verkligen den här omtanken som Ted hela tiden har.

Especially not when she had been keeping such a high pace at work lately, the stillness gave her anxiety and room for her thoughts of doubts.

När det förklaras så här går det lätt att förstå. Annars kan man ju tycka att det vore en lättnad att bli ompysslad och få vara stilla när man inte mår bra, speciellt när det är frågan om illamående.

She fingered the threads of the blanket wrapped around her with impatience,

Sådan här gestaltning är jättebra och ofta rekommenderat att man ska ska skriva istället för till exempel "hon var otålig." Jag försöker själv göra så, läser och lär av dig.

Andromeda had felt fine until the smell of the coffee reached her nose and her stomach churned again.

That's it, när jag läste detta blev jag 100 procent säker. Det var exakt samma sak för mig. Enda perioden i livet (förutom barndomen) som jag inte kunde dricka kaffe ...

Ted had dropped the tray on the spot to run after Andromeda.

Åh, han verkligen släpper allt vad han har för händer och springer efter ... alltså, detta är bara för gulligt. Detta är kärlek.

Ted kissed her sweaty brow affectionately, and stroke her chin gently, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

Apropå ömhetsbetygelser ... ♥

He turned and saw her dark eyes eying him carefully,

Vet inte riktigt varför men detta är bara så gulligt, de där mörka ögonen. Är så svag för mörka ögon ...

Andromeda immediately snuggled into his side, relaxing when she felt his scent, and his radiating warmth. Ted ran his fingers gently up and down her arms until her breathing got slower and deeper and soon enough, she was fast asleep.

Förutom att detta är sötdöden gånger hundra, måste det vara skönt för honom att se henne bli lugnare och äntligen vila, när hon behöver det. ♥

Och hon mår illa av chokladdoften ... ja, det är absolut ingen tvekan!

Uppdaterar med nästa kapitel!

SweeneyTodd, här kommer uppdatering, kapitel 72! Lika underbart skrivet som alltid och det är intressant hur man för varje kapitel lär känna Andromeda och Ted bättre, när man följer deras liv. Speciellt Andromeda har jag lärt mig en hel del mer om i de senaste avsnitten:

She fully believed that her throwing up was all stress-related or she would have never jeopardised going back to work. But she was needed there, and it was a matter of life or death. No one else was going to die on her shift.

När man ser detta utifrån är det lätt att tänka: NOOO, DON'T DO IT! Att det lite motsäger sig självt att hon går tillbaka till det ansvarsfulla, livsviktiga jobbet när hon fortfarande inte mår bra. Men antagligen är hon övertygad om att hon ska klara det och kanske tänker att hon ska klara att hålla ett lugnare tempo eller avstå från att jobba över. Hon är uppenbarligen en av de skickligaste botarna och känner därför att hon kan rädda liv genom att återvända till arbetet.

Andromeda’s eyes darkened with her mood, and Ted, had he been anyone else, should have winced and retreated. Instead he just snickered behind his news paper unaware of the dirty looks his wife were throwing at him.

Trots de mörka ögonen och "dirty looks" finns det på något sätt så mycket kärlek mellan raderna här som talar om hur väl de känner varandra. De vet var gränserna går och hur den andra fungerar, vad man kan övertala varandra till och inte.

The apparating almost had her getting sick when she landed a little off-balance outside of St Mungo’s.

Tydligen är man extra känslig för transferens i vissa tillstånd. Jag har läst om det i många andra fics (och använder det i min egen också). Intressant.

“Of course, but I’m only an ear-shot away if you need to go home.”

Joan verkar vara världens bästa arbetskamrat. Det märktes redan i tidigare kapitel. Med Andromedas aktiva personlighet är det nog svårt när andra ber en ta det lugnt, men jag tycker att Joan på ett bra sätt talar om att hon finns där om det behövs.

“The biscuit smelt funky?” Sarah asked, her worried look replaced with an amused grin.

Hela scenen i fikarummet med Joan och Sarah är väldigt bra; man förstår ju vad de tänker innan Andromeda inser det, precis som det ska vara. Verkligen bra dialog - och kul att få veta hur ett graviditetstest går till i den magiska världen! Det får jag ta med mig Green potion, a spell and a blue light.

Rest for a few days. It’s for the baby.”
Andromeda smiled at the last,
“Yes, the baby.”
And even though Andromeda hated to admit to resting, this was just the thing that would make Andromeda suffer through the boring activity of it despite her active soul.

Jag gråter! Hela tiden har det berättats om hur hon hatar att vila och hur det går emot hennes natur och personlighet, men när man väntar ett barn, och när man får barn, blir prioriteringarna helt annorlunda. Det är en alldeles speciell sorts kärlek. Det där lilla livet som redan från början håller ens hjärta i sina små händer. Fantastiskt avslut på ett amazing kapitel.

Amor vincit omnia ♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

2 maj, 2019 22:59




Avis Fortunae Tack för dina superfina kommentarer! Det betyder så mycket att du tar din tid att läsa och kommentera den här storyn.

Uppdateringen har varit lite skral... erm, väldigt skral. Själva storyn har varit klar flera månader men jag har dragit mig för att publicera det - inte varit helt nöjd.
Men det är dags att låta denna story vila. Publicerar de sista kapitlen alla på en gång för att även min dator som storyn finns på snart är död och dessutom inte används längre och risken finns att allt försvinner istället...

Chapter 73
Andromeda were thoroughly excited as she went to take her things and apparate home. Because the thing she thought might never come to be had just become a reality. She was quite ecstatic as she hurried out and whirled about and vanished into thin air.
Andromeda barged through the door, having missed her apparition point by a few feet, something which had never happened to her, but she guessed it had to do with her mind being in a whirlwind. Though much to her disappointment Ted weren’t home as he’d gone away for work. His job Andromeda didn’t understand, well the part about him explaining weather to people she understood but the part about him being in that box the muggles call television she didn’t. Andromeda sighed as she hung her robe on its hanger and straightened her ruffled skirts before heading into the kitchen with the wonderful idea that she was going to cook him a nice hot meal for when he came home before she’d tell him of the wonderful news she had.
It turned out it wasn’t the best idea she had had. While the food was ready on the dinner table by the time he got home, she had been throwing up more than a couple of times whilst cooking. But nevertheless, she was gleaming with pride at her work in the end, feeling as joyous as one could with the fine news she had and would share with her husband. Andromeda were at his side the minute he walked in the door, helped him with his coat, giving him an affectionate kiss on the corner of his mouth, smiling widely at him. Ted’s face broke into a smile as he eyed his wife with a gleam in his eyes, laughing a little at her.
“Why are you so happy?”
Andromeda quirked an eyebrow at her smiling husband,
“Would you rather wish I was not?”
Ted laughed,
“No, of course not. I love that your smiling again – that you’re feeling better!”
He closed the gap in-between them kissing her hotly on the mouth, and she moaned a little, but backed away rather getting to dinner to share her news than to bed.
“I’ve prepared dinner!” Andromeda said sweetly, and Ted smirked at her,
“Oh, what a proper little wife I’ve got myself.”
“Yes. Your wife was born and bred for that sole purpose.” Andromeda retorted with a wicked grin, and Ted snickered at her again.
“You know I married you for more than that…”
“Yes, I do believe it was my fine arse as you put it.” Andromeda smirked and Ted groaned at her,
“Seriously, Dromeda. I love you.”
“I know. I would love to marry me to.” Andromeda winked before leading her husband to the dining table. She brought her wand up and lit the candles on the table before seating herself opposite Ted.
“So how was your day, Dromeda?” Ted asked her as he began tucking into his food.
“It was fantastic.” Andromeda smiled and Ted looked surprised but happily so.
“Oh, so no puking?”
“Well… there was a lot of that actually.” Andromeda admitted and Ted looked at her sternly,
“I told you not to go back to work! Stress isn’t something you should discard.”
Andromeda rolled her eyes at her over-protective husband but wore that secret smile still.
“It isn’t stress.”
“Oh, really? What is it then?” Ted asked her, clearly not convinced.
Andromeda exhaled slowly, trying to calm her nerves, fidgeting all the while with the tablecloth, shaking as she drank a sip of water before fixing her dark sparkling eyes on her husband’s warm hazel ones.
“I don’t know how to tell you this. I guess neither my upbringing nor our Hogwarts education taught us this…”
“You mean, the great Andromeda doesn’t know?” Ted teased and Andromeda laughed nervously,
“Well, it isn’t something you learn by the books, I guess it’s an experience sort of thing and believe you me, I have no experience in this field.”
“Tell me, darling.” Ted put a warm, loving hand over her cold one and smiled encouragingly at her.
Andromeda let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding, and with a nervous smile she told him;
“I’m with child, Ted.”
Ted didn’t seem to quite comprehend what she said, his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped and then he made a quick movement and fell off his chair. Andromeda rushed up and knelt at his side,
“Are you alright, Ted?” She asked and he looked up at her from under his fringe, were he lay, and he grabbed hold of her collar and pulled her in for a warm loving sort of kiss.
“I couldn’t be happier.”
“Even though its so soon?” Andromeda asked him worriedly, and he rubbed his nose against hers,
“No time is too soon with you. I love you Dromeda.”
“I love you too, Ted.” Andromeda nuzzled close to him there on the floor and brushed her lips lightly against his stubbly cheek.
“How are you feeling then?” Ted asked her as he stroke her arm absentmindedly, still on the floor.
“Except for the nausea, I’m feeling wonderful. To be honest I never thought this day would come and to be completely honest with you I’m still scared that things will go wrong.”
Ted squeezed her to him tightly, placing a feather light kiss on her temple,
“It’s perfectly alright that you feel that way. But let’s take it day by day. Don’t fret, I’m here for you, Dromeda.”
“Mm, but maybe we wait to tell your parents?”
“Sure, we will wait.” Ted said calmly, and rose from the floor, giving her a hand in doing so.
“Joan and Sara made me promise not to work for another few days…” Andromeda began, and Ted raised an eyebrow,
“I hope that this ends with you fulfilling that promise.”
Andromeda smiled at him,
“Yes, I was going to say, that since I must be away from work, I was planning on meeting Molly. I must have cancelled our plans for weeks now.”
“Good. At least with Molly I know you will be forced to rest.” Ted grinned and Andromeda shook her head at him snickering.
“You would think I was fragile the way you’re treating me.”
“Oh, darling to me you are.” Ted winked and brought her in for a quick kiss.
“Besides, I will help Molly out, not the other way around. I mean she’s heavily pregnant, and she has Bill to look after.” Andromeda protested, and Ted nodded,
“I was only joking. I know you can take care of yourself.”
“Well, I’d be a poor healer if I couldn’t.”
“Yes, your problem only lies in the fact that you see to others rather than yourself.” Ted said, and Andromeda rolled her eyes,
Ted smiled smugly at her, before standing his chair up again, so they could continue their dinner.
“Do you think we will have a girl or a boy?” Ted asked her once they were seated at the table again. Andromeda looked up from her plate, having focused on eating a little bit.
“Uh, well, I think it’s a girl, but I’d be happy with either.”
“Funny, me too. I have always pictured myself as a dad of girls.” Ted contemplated and Andromeda giggled,
“Have you often thought of that?”
“In between being captain of the quidditch team and schoolwork you mean?” Ted smirked, and Andromeda snickered,
“Mm precisely.”
“Sometimes, when I pictured a possible future with you.” Ted replied seriously this time and Andromeda felt, inevitably, touched.
“I still can’t believe this is true. Us. That it’s happening, against all odds.”
“Me neither. I wake up every morning, feeling blessed that you are by my side and that this isn’t some kind of wonderful dream.” Ted expressed; his voice almost brittle.
“It just goes to truly show that love really does conquer all.” Andromeda said, her vision misted with unshed tears. Ted stood up and walked around the table and lowered his head and kissed her passionately pouring all his love into that one kiss.
“Amor vincit omnia.”

Chapter 74
Andromeda were waiting outside of Madame Malkins as Ted was picking up his order inside. She had wanted to stay behind, not quite comfortable with the idea of bumping into some old acquaintance or relative in her current state. The February wind was unmerciful, and chilled her skin despite wearing a thick robe, Andromeda kept her arms tightly wrapped around herself, and bit her lip impatiently. A few lonely snowflakes fell down the grey sky and landed on her eyelashes as she offered the heaven her eyes for a moment. A hand gently touched her arm, and she twirled around smiling, expecting to see her husband. But her smile quickly faded as she saw who she was met with – Rodolphus Lestrange. He looked equally disappointed at whom he was met with, but his hand left her arm slower than she would’ve liked. Andromeda’s dark chocolate eyes seemed to take in his rugged sight, they briefly saw his bruised knuckles, and she felt a stab in her chest thinking of her poor sister attached to such a man. Rodolphus shrugged away as if she had hexed him when he noticed her enlarged abdomen. His eyes grew wide and he looked like a stunned pixy. It all happened so slowly to both but so fast to the rest of the world.
“I thought you were your sister.” Rodolphus hissed, and Andromeda smiled a small but patronising smile,
“One would have thought you could keep track of your own wife.”
Rodolphus didn’t let the insult pass by easily, he raised his hand over her face, and Andromeda, being used in the past to get slapped over the face, raised her cheek bravely, looking at him with a daring look.
“You wouldn’t dare, Lestrange.”
“That’s what she thought too.” He gave Andromeda a sadist smile, and she clutched her hands tightly into fists, opening her eyes to look at him slowly with as much hatred as her body could harbour.
“If you have hurt my sister… I swear to Merlin, Lestrange I will…” Andromeda didn’t finish the sentence because Rodolphus laughed dryly at her,
“Gee so much spirit in you Andy, but you can be broken to, after all I didn’t have to work more than a week on Bella…” Rodolphus didn’t finish, because Andromeda had punched him in the nose with her right fist. The sound of his broken bone echoed against the wall, and people started to take notice of the pair. Rodolphus brought his hands to his broken, bloodied nose, and as he noticed the redness on his fingers he growled and looked down at her dangerously.
“You filthy mudblood-lover - How dare you touch me!”
“Don’t you call my husband a mudblood, Lestrange!” Andromeda cried, and raised her wand in front of her. “One more time and I will make you suffer.”
The threat was said in a low, hissing sort of voice, meant not to be heard by anyone but him, and though he had seemed so confident a second ago, his wand quivered slightly at her threat.
“Rodolphus.” A low voice whispered from under a hood. Andromeda turned stiff, she would’ve recognised that voice anywhere. Rodolphus gave Andromeda a last look of scorn before he turned his back to her. The hooded figure dropped the hood only a bit, and she could make out her sister’s features. Bellatrix looked worn, and as Rodolphus had said – broken. Andromeda felt a fresh wave of guilt wash over her, and tears began stinging behind her eyes.
Andromeda could barely make out what Rodolphus told his wife, but a second later, Bellatrix was standing close to her face with her wand pressed against her neck. If it had been any other, Andromeda would have wringed herself free, but she stood perfectly calm.
“I just wanted to wish you a late happy birthday, and…” Bellatrix paused and glanced down at Andromeda’s stomach, “Congratulations. Now, pretend like I threatened your life.”
“Don’t forget your loved, Bella.” Andromeda whispered, and she could see the faintest trace of sadness run over her sister’s features.
“Likewise, Andy.” She murmured, before pushing her away lightly, but Andromeda pretended as if though she had been pushed away with great force for the few that had stopped to watch. But then, just as quickly as it had happened, it was over, and everyone returned to their own tasks. Ted exited the shop completely oblivious to any of the events that had transpired. He looked questioningly at the people who had yet to avert their eyes, and Andromeda grabbed hold of his warm hand with her cold bruised one.
“Let’s go home.”
“Will you tell me what happened?” Ted asked her, trying to get her to meet his eyes, and she nodded.
“At home, come on now Ted before I make a fool of myself in public.”
Ted noticed her change of mood, and the underlying sadness in her voice, and he put his arm around her shoulder, and walked her to the Leaky cauldron where they used the floo network to get back home safely.
Ted was less than pleased when Andromeda told him about her encounter, mostly because she had bruised her hand in the process, which he made sure she wouldn’t forget the weight behind as he put ice onto her bruised knuckles. Andromeda had to listen to five minutes of Ted telling her she could’ve hurt both herself and/or their unborn child, and she felt the shame burn in her cheeks.
“I was just trying to defend you. They can disown me all they want, but they do not get to call you that word. Ted, I couldn’t let him talk about…” Andromeda felt hot tears trickle down her cheeks, and Ted’s face softened immediately, and he sat down next to her on the couch, wrapping his arms around her form. Letting her head rest against his shoulder, as she cried and Ted pressed kisses to her temple softly, whispering words of endearment.
“Hey, Dromeda, I didn’t mean for it to sound so stern. I just worry about you, especially now.”
Andromeda freed herself from his embrace, drying her tears with the back of her hand, giving him an angry glare,
“As if I’m uncapable to take care of myself!”
“That’s not what I…” Ted began with his hands raised, but Andromeda huffed at him,
“I’m perfectly able, Ted! – I’m not an invalid so stop treating me like one!”
“Dromeda, I don’t think you’re an… I just…” Ted tried to get something sensible out that would calm her temper down, but he seemed to be only making things worse.
“Couch, Ted.” Andromeda growled as she left the living room for the upstairs, with the same grace that always carried the Black women. Ted heard the bedroom door close and lock, and sighed into his hands, pulling his fingers through his hair exasperated at his pregnant unreasonable wife.

Chapter 75
Andromeda had never beheld anything more beautiful than the baby that lay peacefully on her sweaty chest. Only moments before the baby had been brought into the world, proper bellowing her lungs out - the outer world a complete shock to the poor thing. Joan and Sara who had delivered the baby had after the first few moments taken the baby away from Andromeda, despite her complaints, to clean the babe up before placing her on Andromeda’s sweaty chest again. Though Andromeda was thoroughly exhausted from the birth, she barely dared close her eyes from the beauty that was before her. She felt the love swell in her chest, and she briefly took her eyes away from the baby to look at her teary husband.
“She’s the most beautiful thing I ever saw.” Andromeda commented, and Ted nodded – completely mesmerised by the small babe lying on his wife’s breast quietly.
Joan and Sara had cleaned up the last from the birth, and Joan turned to Ted,
“If you want to hold her for a little bit, open your shirt up. Skin to skin contact is important for new babies.”
Ted looked nervous suddenly, and Andromeda smiled tiredly at him, just managing to keep her heavy eyes open. Andromeda helped Ted with how to hold the babe against him, and he sat down, holding his daughter for the first time. He cried. Andromeda would have normally teased him, but the moment was far to precious to laugh at. Ted cooed at the babe softly and stroke the baby over the back slowly. Andromeda’s eyes closed for a few seconds from pure exhaustion. Ted put all his attention at his new baby. He thought the baby looked the spitting image of her mother, she even had a little bit of brown hair, that curled slightly. Ted felt his heart might burst with the love he felt for his new-born daughter and he couldn’t avert his eyes, because he was afraid it might all be a dream. He beamed at the baby’s small noises, and he talked softly to her of how much he loved her. Suddenly as he held her, her hair changed colour, it was no longer the brown it had been when she had been born. Ted rubbed his eyes with his one free hand, thinking he must just be tired. But no, the baby’s hair had become a dark pink, Ted looked around himself, waiting for someone to tell him what he was doing wrong. His heart was racing, and he started to panic.
“Andromeda.” His voice came out as a strained whisper, but her eyes immediately opened, and she sat up from her lying position,
“What? Is something wrong? Did something happen to her?”
Ted looked confused at Andromeda, and panic swept over his face,
“The hair… its… uh, it turned pink! – God, Dromeda I don’t know what I did!”
Andromeda’s eyes widened, and she swung her legs over the hospital bed, feeling a stinging pain as she did so, but nevertheless hurried over to Ted’s side.
“What are you talking…” Andromeda stopped as she saw the baby’s bright pink hair and the words stuck in her throat.
“Dromeda, say something! I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did! I, is this normal?” Ted looked at Andromeda with panicked eyes, but she didn’t say anything. Andromeda just stared at the baby, frowning slightly, stroking her baby over the hair absentmindedly.
“Don’t tell me I ruined our baby!” Ted plead still with a panicked tone, Andromeda finally zooned back, and smiled at Ted and bowed down and kissed his cheek,
“You didn’t ruin the baby, Ted.”
“What is this then?” Ted asked as the baby’s hair turned yellow on them. Andromeda snickered a little nervously,
“Well, it seems we have gotten ourselves a metamorphmagus.”
“Oh, I remember, um, McGonagall had a lesson about that once, didn’t she?” Ted asked, and Andromeda raised her eyebrows,
“She did with us at least. There hasn’t been anyone born for centuries, well, not to our knowledge.”
Ted finally looked a little less panicked,
“Oh, so this is normal then?”
“Yes, they have the ability to change their appearance. Babies can’t change much though…” Andromeda sat down on the arm of the chair, leaning on Ted for support so she wouldn’t fall off.
“What should we name her?” Ted asked suddenly, “She’s kind of in a need of one.”
Andromeda smiled at Ted,
“I have a suggestion. It’s an old-fashioned name, and not a very common one, but I love it.”
“Anything that you love, I will too. Besides you had to do the hard-work, so It’s your decision.” Ted said kindly, and Andromeda pecked him affectionately on the cheek.
“It’s Nymphadora.”
Ted looked mildly shocked at the unusual name and became unusually quiet, Andromeda didn’t really seem to notice his expression or lack of words, she had all her attention on the little un. However, Ted came around after a few minutes,
“I suppose that suits her. An extraordinary name for an absolutely extraordinary baby.”
Andromeda smiled at him,
“You really like it?”
Ted, whatever his concerns may have been for the name, couldn’t help but smiled back at his radiant wife,
“I love it!”
“This is really happening, Ted.” Andromeda looked at the baby, “Us. Having a family of our own.”
“I couldn’t be happier.” Ted replied and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. It was as if all ended there, happily. No one could do them apart as of that moment, no, they were bound for life.

25 years later…
Chapter 76
It was rather chilly in the cottage during the night hence Andromeda sat in the chair with a blanket wrapped around herself as did her daughter and Remus. They were talking in hushed voices, and Andromeda sensed they were only staying to be polite. All though she wished to be alone to her thoughts. Remus and Nymphadora stood up and Andromeda raised her eyes from the cup of tea she was clutching between her hands.
“I’m afraid we have to take our leave…” Remus began, holding his pregnant wife’s hand, Andromeda managed a smile,
“Of course. You take care of her now!”
Nymphadora rolled her eyes,
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself! I’m a trained auror and member of the order.”
“You’re pregnant.” Andromeda said sternly,
“Fine, if it makes you feel better, mum.” She muttered, before heading towards the hallway, Andromeda got up and followed them out, embracing her daughter,
“I love you.”
“Hey, I love you too mum. Don’t worry I’ll still be here tomorrow.” Nymphadora smiled as she put her robe on. Andromeda smiled half-heartened, the worry still very much there.
“Be careful. Don’t attract any attention towards yourselves.”
“We won’t. Goodnight Andromeda. Thank you for dinner, it was lovely.” Remus briefly hugged his mother-in-law knowing she was still kind of pissed with him for leaving his pregnant wife for a while. They closed the door behind them and once again Andromeda was left to herself. She leant against the door trying to breathe deeply to calm herself. She then went into the living room again, looking about herself, feeling alone and her heart clenched. She dragged a finger over the un-touched television, she hated when Ted watched tv, but, she sighed, she would do anything to find him sitting in front of it now. Andromeda spotted their wedding photo on the mantelpiece and went over and picked it up, gently stroking her hand over the photograph. There he was smiling back at her, and her heart clenched in hurt.
“Why did you leave me Ted?”
Tears trickled down her cheeks, and landed on the glass, she brought the photograph with her to the kitchen table. Setting herself down to tune into the radio in a few moments to listen to ‘Potterwatch’. Andromeda’s heart was racing in her chest, and her fingers were shaking as she tapped the radio with her wand saying the password,
The radio immediately sounded, and when they mentioned Romulus, Andromeda sighed, of course he was going to leave her daughter alone for the night. If she had known she would have asked Nymphadora to stay with her. But Andromeda hadn’t time to focus on that because she heard them say they were going to mention deaths that weren’t announced in The daily prophet. Andromeda listened intently,
“It is with great regret that we inform our listeners of the presumed death of Ted Tonks…”
Andromeda didn’t hear anything beyond that. Her whole body was shaking, and her eyes went blurry with tears. Her breaths were rapid and short,
“No…” She murmured, she stood up not knowing where to turn. She felt her legs beckoning and she sank to the floor,
“NO!” Andromeda screamed clenching her fists, hardly able to breathe, feeling as though the walls were closing in on her as if she could feel her heart breaking inside of her.
“You can’t be…” She sobbed, “YOU PROMISED ME!”
The scream echoed through the house, ringing in her ears. Her sobs shook her body violently and her stomach lurched, and she threw up on the floor. Andromeda sobbed harder, and felt a longing for death, for an end desperately. But she wasn’t moving. She couldn’t move, she lay on the kitchen floor, wailing her heart out. It wasn’t until much later she managed to pick herself up off the floor. Her eyes were red, her face pale, and her whole body and soul hurt more than it had ever before. Andromeda cleaned up her sick, feeling completely drained. Not really knowing what she was doing or how she even remembered how to use her wand. The wedding photograph caught her eye again, and it seemed to be mocking her. It was a promise of a lifetime together now cut short due to the war. It felt as though someone was repeatedly stabbing her heart, and she turned her back towards the photograph not bearing to look at it. Andromeda dragged her hands over her face, and left for the upstairs, hoping that death would take her whilst she slept. She walked into their bedroom, and she stopped herself -her bedroom. Another blow to the chest as she noticed some of his clothes still hanging in the wardrobe, his side of the bed, untouched for months because she couldn’t bear to face the fact that he had left her. Andromeda curled up into a ball on the bed burying her face into his pillow that still had the faintest smell of Ted. The pillow muffled her sobs that had started anew. She hadn’t even been given a chance to say goodbye, to kiss him one last time. He had left in the night to make it easier on them, but did he know that it would be the last time?
Andromeda sat up again, hugging her knees, her whole frame still shaking with heart-breaking cries. She looked at his bedside table and was once again met with his warm smile, it was a family photograph taken on Nymphadora’s fourth birthday. Everyone was in the picture, and Andromeda was suddenly met with the eyes of his parents and she felt another blow to the chest. She had to inform Mary and Fred of Ted’s passing. Nymphadora listened to the radio too so she must already know, and Andromeda wasn’t ready to talk about it. She dried her tears that were running over her cheeks and tried breathing deeply for a few moments to collect herself for her task.

Andromeda eyed the muggle object with some suspicion, she had only ever used the telephone once, and only because Nymphadora had dared her to try it. But it was the only way she could tell Ted’s parents of his death without needing to meet anyone. Andromeda lifted the telephone up, dialling the number that were written on a note beside it, with shaking, sweaty hands. She tried to calm herself down slightly, as she waited for them to pick up on the other line. Suddenly she heard a voice,
“Mary Tonks speaking?” It was a tired voice, and she understood that she had woken her up, after all it was in the middle of the night. Andromeda was silent for a second, bracing herself,
“It’s Andromeda.”
“Oh, has something happened, dear?” Mary asked worriedly, and Andromeda felt tears burn behind her eyes again, a lump forming and burning in her throat,
“It’s Ted.” She trembled and the other line went quiet for a second,
“What’s the matter, darling?” Mary asked her voice nervous,
“They… they… he was… he… he… is… d…dead.” Andromeda broke into tears again trying to muffle her sobs with her hand to be able to hear anything. Mary went quiet,
“Are they quite sure?”
“…” Andromeda couldn’t speak she was crying so hard,
“Andromeda… listen to me… breathe.” Mary’s voice was brittle, she was probably shedding her own tears.
“I…” Andromeda couldn’t get any words out, all that was heard was the sobs erupting through her whole body.
“It’s Ted, Fred.” She heard Mary say to her husband, “They say he’s dead.”
Andromeda’s tears begun afresh, it seemed every time the words were spoken it became more real and it hurt her even more.
“Andromeda, are you still there?” Mary asked keeping her calm through her tears,
“Mm…” Was all Andromeda could answer, as she held the phone in a tight grip,
“I’ll be there in a little while.” Mary said, “Don’t do anything stupid, do you hear me?”
“Y…” Andromeda exhaled a shaky breath, “Yes.”
Mary hung up and Andromeda stood limp with the phone dangling from her hand. She eventually put the phone down but remained standing, not knowing what to do. Andromeda had no idea how much time had passed but suddenly the front door creaked open. It made her jump, but she didn’t move from her spot, she only turned her eyes towards Mary who closed the door firmly behind her. Andromeda locked eyes with her and Mary came rushing towards her, putting her arm around her leading her to sit down on the sofa. Andromeda stared blanc into the air, Mary was stroking her over the back in calm movements, pulling a few loose curls away from her face. Andromeda’s breathing was uneven, and her anxiety was high.
“You poor, poor, dear.” Mary murmured softly, and Andromeda felt so selfish. Because Mary had lost her son, and yet she was holding back to comfort her.
“It’s my fault…” Andromeda said hoarsely, and Mary frowned at her, and shook her head,
“This isn’t your fault, Andromeda.”
“I should’ve stopped him from leaving.” Andromeda whimpered, and Mary brought Andromeda into a proper embrace,
“You couldn’t stop him. Ted wanted you and Dora to be safe. Andromeda, Ted loved you with every breath of his life. He would be very upset to know that you blamed yourself.” Mary whispered her voice more brittle than before. Andromeda trembled as she repeated,
“It isn’t fair! It isn’t fair.”
Mary rocked her back and forth,
“I know.” She murmured, “I know.”
They were sat there together on the sofa until the break of dawn, Andromeda finally fell asleep due to exhaustion. Mary carefully laid Andromeda’s head down on a rolled-up blanket whilst gently pulling a blanket over her frame. She then went into the kitchens to prepare food for when Andromeda woke up later. When she had finished, she scribbled down a note before she left to grieve with Fred at their place.

Chapter 77
Andromeda hadn’t been herself since that grief-stricken night, and though she had tried to keep up appearances around her daughter, the bags under her eyes revealed what was going on behind closed doors. In fact, there hadn’t been a night when she hadn’t cried herself to sleep. Sometimes she felt pathetic, and she loathed herself for not being stronger for her daughter like Ted had wanted her to be, like she had always said she was. It was harder to keep up the façade as Nymphadora and Remus had moved in for safety reasons. But there was one ray of sunlight streaming through her gloomy mist – the birth of her grandson. When Nymphadora had told Andromeda that they were naming him Edward after Ted she had cried despite herself. Helping by taking care of Teddy was the one thing that kept her from falling apart completely. Nymphadora and Remus made sure to guilt her into eating when she only poked through her food, and so she had made it through to the month of May. Andromeda was rocking the month-old babe, in her arms, cooing gently at him. Nymphadora had just fed him and watched the clock intently. Andromeda noticed and placed her hand over her daughters cold one,
“Watching the seconds pass by slowly isn’t going to help you.”
“I’m just worried. It feels so wrong to be sitting here when he is out there fighting for a better world for Teddy.” Nymphadora chewed on her lips, her left leg jumping up and down due to impatience. Andromeda frowned sadly,
“I know it must feel hard, you have such a good heart. Always helping others no matter who they are. Always trying your best to make the world a little brighter.”
“Well, I’m an auror after all!” Nymphadora mumbled, tapping her fingers against the table unable to be completely still.
“Do you wish you were there?” Andromeda asked her daughter seriously, and Nymphadora looked into her eyes, conflicted for a moment but then she nodded,
“Yes, I can’t stand not being able to know what’s going on, not being able to fight the good fight. Not being able to help with making the world a better place for Teddy.” She glanced at her son who had fallen asleep in his grandmother’s calm arms. “Is that selfish of me?”
“No on the contrary. You’d do anything to secure the happiness and well-being of your son.” Andromeda replied softly, “I’d do the same.”
“Mum,” Nymphadora began and Andromeda held up a hand,
“I’m not going to protest. You go. I’ll stay with Teddy. All I’m asking is for you to not do anything stupid. Never leave your back open. And Nymphadora…” Andromeda paused looking into the warm eyes of her only daughter,
“Yes, mum?”
“Make sure you end Rodolphus for me, I need to fulfil a promise to an old friend.” Andromeda’s mouth twitched upwards and her daughter raised a quizzical brow,
“No time for explaining.” Andromeda smiled as she handed over Teddy to his mother. Nymphadora kissed the boy affectionately, mumbling words of love before putting him down in his cot. She then turned towards her mother and Andromeda threw her arms around her daughter. Embracing her tightly,
“I love you, Nymphadora. I always have, and always will. Now please come back for me and Teddy. Bring Remus too!”
“I love you too mum! Take care of Teddy for me, and if we don’t… come back, don’t let him forget his parents loved him.” Nymphadora kissed her mother’s cheek, and as they pulled a part both eyes were shiny with unshed tears.
“Give them hell!” Andromeda winked, and her daughter grinned,
“Oh, no one’s heard the Hufflepuff war cry and survived!”
Andromeda laughed,
“That’s the spirit!”
Nymphadora put on her cloak and made sure to be wand-ready before she spun on the spot and disappeared into thin air. Andromeda was about to cry when she lectured herself,
“For merlin’s sake, Andromeda, keep yourself put together.”
She went over to the cot they had placed next to the kitchen table, and she levitated it with her to the living room. Andromeda sat down and watched her grandson trying to keep her mind of the battle that was going on at Hogwarts. She smiled as his natural sandy brown hair became light pink. Teddy sucked on air and his face made a smile in his sleep. Andromeda knew babies couldn’t smile because of emotion at that age but it still made her chest flutter with small strands of joy. Andromeda began speaking to the sleeping babe to calm herself down. She told him stories of his mother as child and though hard on her, she managed to talk about Ted with him. Tears trickled down as she told the babe of their first real conversation and kiss down in the boat house that time now almost thirty years ago
Sometime close to midnight Teddy woke up again, crying to be fed. Andromeda lifted him up into her arms, rocking him gently whilst preparing a bottle of stored breast-milk that were in the fridge with her wand. The wailing subsided as soon as the bottle was brought to his mouth. Andromeda sat herself down with him trying to only focus on the gentle sucking noises Teddy made.

Andromeda had tried keeping a brave face all through the night, but as the sun began to rise, her heart began to fall. What if they hadn’t made it out alive? For the moment Teddy had gone back to sleep after being fed once again. Andromeda hadn’t slept a blunder, she was still sat in the sofa waiting for some sort of news, to be in the unknown was far worse than to know.
Then around eight á clock the door suddenly swung open, Andromeda jumped to her feet, her wand ready in her hands,
“Declare yourself!” She shouted into the hallway,
“I’m Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks… your daughter.” Nymphadora came into the living room, dust and dirt covering her cloak and face, but she was very much alive with only a few bruises on her body. Andromeda embraced her daughter with as much love as she could muster,
“I thought the worst when you hadn’t come home yet.”
“I’m fine. Remus is worse but he’ll make a full recovery, well he might have a limp throughout his life. But he’s alive…” Nymphadora relented and smiled bravely.
“And Voldemort?” Andromeda asked, and Nymphadora beamed,
“Thank Merlin… any other casualties?” Andromeda asked with a worried frown, Nymphadora’s smile faded,
“Lots on both sides. Fred Weasley,”
Andromeda gasped,
“Molly must be devasted, his brother, George must be…”
“They’re certainly grieving him. I wouldn’t be surprised if it took them a lifetime to fully come to terms with his death.” Nymphadora said sadly, Andromeda nodded,
“I would’ve never gotten over your death.”
“There were other students who lost their lives, there were probably fifty or so casualties. I didn’t know them all too well. Oh, yeah and Bellatrix died.” Nymphadora said the last with consideration of the fact that her mother had once been very close to her sister. Andromeda’s eyes widened slightly, but then she smiled despite the tears forming in her eyes.
“I… I’m glad she is finally freed from her misery. I’ll probably need to speak to Cissy about what to do with her body.”
Nymphadora frowned,
“You’re going to speak with your sister for the first time in years?”
“No matter what choices bad or good that were made, Bella is still my sister. She deserves to be laid to her final rest so she can find peace. As for Narcissa, she can pretend all she wants, but shunning someone doesn’t cut the blood ties.” Andromeda sighed, rubbing her temples.
“That’s very noble of you.” Nymphadora said kindly, and her mother smiled,
“My mother would say that I have a weak heart unbefitting a Black.”
“Sirius were right, your family is freaky.”
“It’s your family too.” Andromeda smirked, and Nymphadora groaned,
“Don’t remind me.”
Teddy made his presence known by a loud wail that immediately had his mother rushing over to him. Nymphadora picked the baby up and smothered him with kisses,
“I missed you little man.”
“I’ll go pop the kettle on.” Andromeda excused herself to the kitchens. Leaning towards the counter she felt incredibly relieved that her daughter had come back in one piece. Truth to be told she hadn’t known what to do if she lost her too but, she glanced into the living room, there her daughter was, fully alive soothing her baby. Andromeda smiled despite feeling a deep sorrow for her lost sister rooted in her breast.

Chapter 78
Andromeda was once again living alone, since Nymphadora, Remus and Teddy had moved back to their own place. Truth to be told she didn’t mind it during the days, because she had been busy helping Madame Pomfrey with taking care of the wounded. But the nights were still as difficult for her as they had been that night when she received the news of Ted’s death. The hurting didn’t cease, and it didn’t pass a day without her thinking of him, missing him and crying over him. Her dreams were filled of him, and she would always wake up only to find his side untouched and empty. Andromeda supposed she could fill the quidditch arena with her tears, but she pretended she was fine when her daughter came over. She didn’t want them to pity her, her pride wouldn’t allow them too. Most of all she didn’t want them to worry about her, but to think she was coping nicely. The worst part of the process was that there had been no body to bury, no way to pay her last respects to her beloved husband. Andromeda often felt it was unfair, she was angry with forces for taking him away from her. You shouldn’t be widowed at the age of 46. Andromeda looked at the future with little hope, how could she possible manage a life without Ted by her side? – She suddenly understood the Queen Ted had told her about once. The Queen Victoria who mourned her husband Albert for the remaining 40 years of her life. Never ceasing to wear black in his honour. At the time she had laughed and thought her slightly pathetic. But now she was the one crying after Ted at night, longing and mourning him with every breath she took.

Andromeda put away her washed teacup into the cupboard when she heard the front-door opening,
“Mum!” Her daughter cried,
“Yes?” Andromeda called back, drying of the bench with a cloth,
“We have a surprise for you!”
“You know I hate surprises, Nymphadora!” Andromeda scolded as she made her way to the hall. Andromeda dropped her wand and her whole body became ridged.
“I told her you would hate it.”
Andromeda’s eyes grew wide and her mouth was slightly agape, her mind couldn’t process what was happening. Tears sprung to her eyes, and the party became a little worried for her,
A large sob escaped her body as she jumped into the embrace of her husband, securing her legs around his waist. Ted tumbled a little but regained his balance as he held his wife tightly,
“Hush, hush, I’m here Dromeda.”
“We’ll give you two some alone time.” Nymphadora quickly said before pushing Remus out of the house to get home with Teddy again.
Andromeda didn’t hear them leave, didn’t see them, she kept her face buried into the nape of Ted’s neck, crying her heart out. Ted was crying too as he gently held her back, kissing her over the hair muttering words of affection and love. He brought her over to the couch and sat down with her still very much wrapped around him.
“I’ve missed you, Dromeda.” He murmured in her ear, and she snivelled,
“I’ve missed you more Ted.”
Ted smiled slightly,
“Don’t you start with me, Dromeda.”
“I thought you were dead!” Andromeda’s voice was hoarse and quiet, and Ted frowned sadly,
“There was no way to alert you. I am so sorry for everything I put you through. For all the grief you had to endure. I was being held hostage. They faked my death so no one would find out.”
Andromeda removed her tear strained face from his neck, looking into his hazel eyes that were filled with sorrow for her. She dried away the tears on his cheeks and lowered her head slowly and gently kissed his chapped lips. Ted responded to her kiss fervently and her hands went up to his hair, and his hands ran over her curves. They didn’t pull away until neither of them could breathe. With heaving chests Andromeda cupped his cheek and noticed for the first his rugged state. A worried frown replaced the hint of a smile that had come on,
“Are you hurt?”
“Nothing I can’t endure, Dromeda.” Ted replied, but she gave him a sterner look,
“Tell me, Ted. Or I will look for myself.”
Ted smiled at her, complying with her wish,
“I will be fine, the bruises hasn’t faded yet is all. They still hurt a little.”
Andromeda knew what kind of bruises he was alluding to and she felt sorry for him,
“And I just threw myself on you… I should’ve been more careful.”
“No, it’s worth a little pain to have you close to me again. Nothing could be more painful than to be without you.” Ted smiled and kissed her gently.
“Just so you know, Ted, you’re never allowed to leave my side ever again.” Andromeda told him and he managed a laugh,
“Only if I need to use the loo.”
Andromeda rolled her eyes at him, but then brushed her lips against his again,
“I love you so, so much, Ted. Words aren’t enough to explain just how much.”
“I love you too, Dromeda. You’re the only thing that kept me sane during the darkest hours in that dungeon.” Ted pulled a loose curl behind her ear, caressing the side of her face with tenderness.
“Who did it?” Andromeda asked, with emotion, Ted grimaced,
“If he wasn’t already dead, I would make him endure a long painful death for touching my husband.” Andromeda clenched her fists, and Ted touched her hands,
“I’m fine, now that I’m back with you.”
“They didn’t feed you very well.” Andromeda pointed out as she felt his ribs under her hands,
“No, on the bright side, my abs are actually visible again.” Ted joked and Andromeda looked displeased with him,
“They starved you!”
“Actually, I was sneaked some food now and then.” Ted replied, Andromeda wasn’t convinced,
“Hardly enough, your ribs are poking through.”
“She gave me enough to keep me alive, and without Rodolphus knowing.” Ted shrugged his shoulders, Andromeda eyed him carefully,
“Bellatrix.” Ted offered her a sad smile,
“She did that for you?”
“Not for me, for you I think it was.” Ted smiled,
“Oh.” Andromeda became quiet, and Ted squeezed her arm gently,
“Hey, come on, let’s get you into bed. You look like you haven’t slept in months.”
“I haven’t” She murmured, “But you should eat.”
“I already have at mum’s…” Ted replied softly, and Andromeda looked slightly hurt,
“You went there first?”
“Dora and mum wanted to talk to me and hug me and all that you know. No one tried to keep you in the dark, Dromeda. It was only for an hour. So, we could take our time for a few days.” Ted kissed her brow lovingly,
“I guess that makes sense.”
“Now that we have settled that, I’m taking you to bed.”
“Ted!” Andromeda protested, but he carried her up the stairs and into the bedroom where he put her on their bed.
“You shouldn’t exert yourself.” Andromeda lectured and Ted threw of his shoes and joined her in bed,
“If you think I’m just going to rest when I haven’t seen my wife in months, I hate to tell you that for the first time you’re wrong.”
“Ted.” Andromeda began, Ted who had begun trailing kisses down her neck, lifted his head only a little, “Nothing.” She smiled, and Ted continued his ministrations. They kissed tenderly and softly, but their passion grew more heated by the second and soon enough they were ripping each other’s clothes off each other. Ted kissed her pulse point, and she moaned, and Ted grinned,
“God I missed this.”

A while later they were snuggled up together in bed. Ted was drawing circles on Andromeda’s arm, and she was resting her head against his chest, feeling that close still wasn’t close enough.
“That was great, Dromeda.” Ted said and Andromeda snickered at him, turning her head up kissing him tenderly,
“Every time with you is great.”
“You know Dromeda, when I married you, I thought I couldn’t possibly love you any more than I already did. But sharing a life with you, seeing you raise our daughter, sharing every moment together with you it just makes me fall more in love with you for every day that passes.” Ted told her kissing her sweetly,
“You’re making me cry again, Ted!” Andromeda smiled,
“Happy tears I hope!?”
“Of course! Just for the record, I feel the same way about you. I love you more for every day that passes. When I thought you were… were…” Andromeda trailed off feeling the lump burn in her throat once more, Ted wrapped himself around her tighter, kissing her fresh tears away.
“I’m here now. I’m not leaving again.”
“I know, I’m just so afraid I’ll wake up only to realise that you’re not really here.” Andromeda whimpered, and Ted nodded as he kissed her nose,
“I promise I won’t be gone in the morning. I’m really here in flesh and blood, Dromeda. I’ll hold you tight all through the night. You need to sleep, Dromeda.”
“Mm…” Andromeda murmured, as she snuggled into his side, Ted drew his arm over her side, keeping her body pressed to him to calm her. She felt his breath against her neck, and felt small kisses being placed there,
“Good night, love.” He whispered, and she smiled, as she closed her eyes. Sleep didn’t take her immediately, but Ted gently lulled her off to sleep with his person, and she slept in complete peace for the first time in her life. Everything that had always worried her was finally settled and she had been given back what she had thought was lost on her forever. All was well.


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14 sep, 2019 16:40

Avis Fortunae



Spontan kommentar: JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄNTLIGEN, så efterlängtat! ♥ Dessutom klokt beslut att publicera alla kapitel om de lever farligt på en döende dator. Andromeda och Ted har funnits i mina tankar, från och till, hela tiden. Slytherin och Hufflepuff, en bra kombination i fler fall än ett! Nu får vi se hur det går när de har ett barn på väg. Ted lär ju vara den mest stöttande partnern ever och Andromeda kan nog ta det lite lugnare när hon tänker att det är för babyns skull. De kommer att bli helt underbara föräldrar ... ♥ Nåväl, dags att dyka in i din värld av gyllene kärlek.

Chapter 73

His job Andromeda didn’t understand, well the part about him explaining weather to people she understood but the part about him being in that box the muggles call television she didn’t.

Nej haha vad underbart, är det detta Ted arbetar med alltså. Jag älskar de här återkommande inslagen när man får se mugglarvärlden ur Andromedas perspektiv. Så mysigt och komiskt!

Sedan när Ted kommer hem och de startar sitt lilla "banter," som jag har lärt mig att det heter, vill jag helst citera varenda liten rad. Ljuvlig dialog, alldeles ljuvlig, njuter av vartenda ord av den!♥

Hihi, Ted förstår ingenting fastän hon hintar som bara den och sen faller han av stolen när hon väl berättar ... KAN DET BLI MER GULLIGT ÄN SÅ HÄR? Haha, och sedan ligger de kvar på golvet ett tag. Cuteness overload.

“Good. At least with Molly I know you will be forced to rest.”

Ja, det tvivlar inte jag heller på! Den yngre versionen av Molly är nog ganska lik den äldre, men precis som Andomeda säger kan även hon nog behöva hjälp nu när hon är gravid och ska se efter Bill samtidigt.

“Funny, me too. I have always pictured myself as a dad of girls.”

Åh, Ted. Han kommer att bli den perfekta föräldern och av någon anledning passar han extra bra som pappa till en tjej. Gulligt att han själv tänkt i de banorna.

“Amor vincit omnia.”

Så fint att denna underbara sanning får avsluta kapitlet.

Chapter 74

Vad lustigt, för precis nu kom jag på att nästan alla kapitel börjar med "Andromeda." Det ger ett speciellt mönster.

A few lonely snowflakes fell down the grey sky and landed on her eyelashes as she offered the heaven her eyes for a moment.

Vill lyfta fram den här meningen för att den är så vacker. En nåd för himlen att bli sedd av hennes ögon, och bilden av snöflingor på ögonfransarna, vilka jag förställer mig som långa och mörka.

“You wouldn’t dare, Lestrange.”
“That’s what she thought too.”

Åh Merlin, så vidrigt. Tänk hur det måste kännas att hennes syster är med en man som bär hand på henne.

Bellatrix looked worn, and as Rodolphus had said – broken.

Det här måste vara ett steg på vägen mot hur Bellatrix blir sedan, om det nu blir lika illa i din story som i boken. Men det kan vara en del av förklaringen - att hon först bröts ner helt.

“I just wanted to wish you a late happy birthday, and…” Bellatrix paused and glanced down at Andromeda’s stomach, “Congratulations. Now, pretend like I threatened your life.”

Så sorglig situation, men fint att kärleken är intakt mellan systrarna.

“Hey, Dromeda, I didn’t mean for it to sound so stern. I just worry about you, especially now.”
Andromeda freed herself from his embrace, drying her tears with the back of her hand, giving him an angry glare,
“As if I’m uncapable to take care of myself!”

Här ändras stämningen snabbt - så snabbt att jag inte kan tänka annat än att det handlar om mood swings. Vilket man kan förstå med tanke på graviditeten, incidenten hon precis var med om och det faktum att hon har en väldigt stark känsla att vilja ta vara på sig själv. Men självklart kommer de att ta sig igenom sådant utan större problem. Amor vincit omnia.

Jag uppdaterar efterhand! Vågar inte lägga ut en alltför lång kommentar med tanke på teknik och annat. Fantastisk läsning och jag är så glad att du är tillbaka med uppdatering på forumet. ♥ Du vet att jag tycker att du skriver fantastiskt.

SweeneyTodd, nu kommer uppdatering!

Chapter 75

Though Andromeda was thoroughly exhausted from the birth, she barely dared close her eyes from the beauty that was before her.

Precis så. Hur utmattad man än är, kan man omöjligt slita sig från det största underverket i livet. Man ser ständigt på det sovande lilla ansiktet, man sover på ett speciellt sätt, vaknar ofta och bara ser på sitt barn. Och många år senare, när barnet är stort, ser man fortfarande i det älskade ansiktet spår av babyn man vakade över.

“If you want to hold her for a little bit, open your shirt up. Skin to skin contact is important for new babies.”

Det här är viktigt och om jag har rätt har man inte alltid förstått det utan lagt barnen långt ifrån föräldrarna i någon sal. Det här är ju 70-talet och alltså ett tag sedan, på den tiden när detta förekom, men som tur är har människorna omkring Andromeda och Ted den här kunskapen om närhet och hudkontakt. Åh, blir det något gulligt med Ted nu när han lägger babyn på sitt bröst ...? Oooh ja:

He beamed at the baby’s small noises, and he talked softly to her of how much he loved her.


“Don’t tell me I ruined our baby!”

Stackars Ted, han måste ju tro att han hallucinerar av trötthet, och tro att han kanske gjort något galet. Som nybliven förälder kan man oroa sig för allt. Och ändå blir det här lite komiskt ... tur att Andromeda har kunskapen om varför hårfärgen ändras.

“I suppose that suits her. An extraordinary name for an absolutely extraordinary baby.”

Det är en bra tanke. Sedan vet vi ju att Nymphadora inte var så förtjust i sitt namn, men det är omöjligt för föräldrarna att förutse. Det kunde ha hänt med vilket namn som helst, även ett mer vanligt.

It was as if all ended there, happily.

Lyckan beskrivs verkligen perfekt och jag tycker om att det finns en känsla av ett slut. För att få barn sätter punkt för en period i livet och startar en ny. Det är livets största och mest grundläggande förändring, i alla fall enligt min erfarenhet. Det är före och efter.


Åh vad spännande med ett tidshopp på 25 år! Måste ju vara någon gång under "sjunde året" eftersom det är då Tonks är gravid.

Chapter 76

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself! I’m a trained auror and member of the order.”

Mor och dotter har en del likheter

Remus briefly hugged his mother-in-law knowing she was still kind of pissed with him for leaving his pregnant wife for a while.

Jag minns inte riktigt omständigheterna här men har för mig att Tonks tillbringade en tid ensam hos sina svärföräldrar - eller så var det med sina egna föräldrar. Fick aldrig riktigt grepp om varför Remus var så avvaktande. Förmodligen på grund av sitt tillstånd och kanske också åldersskillnaden.

She dragged a finger over the un-touched television, she hated when Ted watched tv, but, she sighed, she would do anything to find him sitting in front of it now. Andromeda spotted their wedding photo on the mantelpiece and went over and picked it up, gently stroking her hand over the photograph. There he was smiling back at her, and her heart clenched in hurt. "Why did you leave me Ted?”

Åh ... det här gick rakt in i hjärtat, jag är bokstavligt kall och ryser! Visste inte att Ted gick bort! När jag läste böckerna hade jag inte börjat läsa din story. Han kan ju inte ha varit speciellt till åldern kommen heller. Jag läste precis nu om hans tragiska slut ... Han var tvungen att fly för att ministeriet togs över av det hemska mörkret och registreringen började. Umbridge var visst aktiv i den också ... Nu när jag känner Andromeda och Ted så väl känns hans död fruktansvärd, inte minst med tanke på att Andromeda blev lämnad ensam kvar. Förhoppningsvis får de mötas igen i en annan dimension...

Och det här är ännu värre, när hon får reda på det via radion. Jag trodde det faktiskt redan när hon sa "Why did you leave me" ... tänk att få beskedet så här, ensam ...

It was a promise of a lifetime together now cut short due to the war.

En så dyster omständighet som tyvärr är en verklighet för många ...

“I’ll be there in a little while.” Mary said, “Don’t do anything stupid, do you hear me?”
“Y…” Andromeda exhaled a shaky breath, “Yes.”

“You poor, poor, dear.” Mary murmured softly, and Andromeda felt so selfish. Because Mary had lost her son, and yet she was holding back to comfort her.
“It’s my fault…” Andromeda said hoarsely, and Mary frowned at her, and shook her head,
“This isn’t your fault, Andromeda.”
“I should’ve stopped him from leaving.” Andromeda whimpered, and Mary brought Andromeda into a proper embrace,
“You couldn’t stop him. Ted wanted you and Dora to be safe. Andromeda, Ted loved you with every breath of his life. He would be very upset to know that you blamed yourself.”

Måste ändå säga att det är fantastiskt hur Mary tröstar henne i sorgen och hon sätter precis ord på hur Ted var och vad som var hans innersta önskan och vilja. Det är otroligt bra skrivet med så mycket ... livsvisdom. Vilket behövs i denna sorgliga stund. Fortsätter läsningen!

-------------uppdatering 16 september------------

Nu har jag läst kapitel 77 och 78 och Merlin, vilken lättnad det var! Jag känner mig så tacksam att det fick sluta så och inte som i boken. Det passar in i den här storyn med ett lyckligt slut. Jag tänker på att ungefär så som i kapitlen innan de sista, så måste det ju ha varit för Andromeda i boken. Jag tänker att hennes barnbarn måste ha varit en avgörande ljuspunkt i det hela, ett sätt för livet att fortsätta. Med detta sagt dyker jag ner i den gyllene världen med hjälp av några citat:

But there was one ray of sunlight streaming through her gloomy mist – the birth of her grandson. When Nymphadora had told Andromeda that they were naming him Edward after Ted she had cried despite herself. Helping by taking care of Teddy was the one thing that kept her from falling apart completely.

Jag tror att det ofta kan vara så här i livet. Barnen hjälper oss vidare, genom sin villkorslösa kärlek och den omvårdnad de behöver.

När Nymphadora sedan vill ge sig av, för att göra världen till en bättre plats för Teddy, känner jag mig kluven. Kanske handlar det om personlighet. Jag hade haft mycket svårt att lämna mitt barn när det var så litet, trots striden som pågick. Och så vet jag ju hur det slutar i boken ... men man kan se det på olika sätt, och Nymphadora gör det hon tror är bäst för sitt barn. Liksom Andromeda känner sin dotter bäst och stöttar henne i beslutet att gå ut i striden. Oerhört starkt och ytterligare ett bevis på hur lika mor och dotter är!

Blev så glad att du lät båda Teddys föräldrar överleva. I boken dör verkligen väldigt många karaktärer och jag har undrat en del över varför - är det just för att visa att strider har många offer? Här blir Fred Weasley en av dem, och ...

Oh, yeah and Bellatrix died.” Nymphadora said the last with consideration of the fact that her mother had once been very close to her sister. Andromeda’s eyes widened slightly, but then she smiled despite the tears forming in her eyes.
“I… I’m glad she is finally freed from her misery.

Kärleken har funnits mellan båda systrarna genom hela storyn, trots att Bellatrix befinner sig på den andra sidan. Det är dock en avsevärt mer sympatisk Bellatrix i din story och det visar sig ända till slutet.

Leaning towards the counter she felt incredibly relieved that her daughter had come back in one piece. Truth to be told she hadn’t known what to do if she lost her too but, she glanced into the living room, there her daughter was, fully alive soothing her baby. Andromeda smiled despite feeling a deep sorrow for her lost sister rooted in her breast.

Glad, som sagt, att hon fick behålla sin dotter. Lycka blandas med sorg, för systrarna stod varandra nära och gick igenom svåra prövningar tillsammans.

Får avsluta här för idag, men uppdaterar igen! ♥

-------------------17 september-------------------

Kapitel 78

Her dreams were filled of him, and she would always wake up only to find his side untouched and empty.

Hela det första stycket beskriver sorgen så hjärtskärande precist. Det är verkligen inget man önskar någon och ändå är det så många som upplever det ... Jämförelsen med Queen Victoria är verkligen talande. Bara för att man lär sig att leva med sorgen, försvinner den inte.

Därför blir jag så glad när det visar sig vad överraskningen är! Så skickligt skrivet också med replikerna innan, som bygger upp spänningen.

He brought her over to the couch and sat down with her still very much wrapped around him.

Lättnaden jag kände när de två var tillsammans igen var enorm! Jag vet att det är en påhittad berättelse men de har blivit så levande för mig. Älskar uttrycket ovanför: "still very much wrapped around him."

“She gave me enough to keep me alive, and without Rodolphus knowing.” Ted shrugged his shoulders, Andromeda eyed him carefully,
“Bellatrix.” Ted offered her a sad smile,
"She did that for you?”
“Not for me, for you I think it was.” Ted smiled,

Vilken fantastiskt fin gest av Bellatrix. Som sagt, hon är avsevärt mer sympatisk i din story än i boken. Undrar om bokens Bellatrix brydde sig om någon annan än Voldy?

and she was resting her head against his chest, feeling that close still wasn’t close enough.

Är bara tvungen att lyfta den här meningen för den säger så mycket om att vilja vara nära, verkligen uppgå totalt i någon annan, i kärleken.

“I promise I won’t be gone in the morning. I’m really here in flesh and blood, Dromeda. I’ll hold you tight all through the night. You need to sleep, Dromeda.”
“Mm…” Andromeda murmured, as she snuggled into his side, Ted drew his arm over her side, keeping her body pressed to him to calm her. She felt his breath against her neck, and felt small kisses being placed there

“Good night, love.” He whispered, and she smiled, as she closed her eyes. Sleep didn’t take her immediately, but Ted gently lulled her off to sleep with his person, and she slept in complete peace for the first time in her life. Everything that had always worried her was finally settled and she had been given back what she had thought was lost on her forever. All was well.*

Ja ... hela slutet. Det talar ju för sig själv. Hur han försäkrar henne om att han verkligen är där. Jag är så glad att det fick sluta så här för dem. De har fått kämpa så mycket.

Du har sannerligen väckt dem till liv i din story, som känns som en del av den verkliga boken men med ett bättre slut. Tack för att du skriver och för att vi fick följa deras resa.

*Rolig detalj - samma slutmening som i ... ?

Hoppas få läsa mer av dig. Du har sådan talang för att berätta. Har du skrivit andra fanfictions innan den här, till exempel? Eller skriver du något nytt nu? Om du publicerar något, har du en förväntansfull läsare här.

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

14 sep, 2019 18:43

Clara UW



Hur bra kan man skriva?
Jag har sutit och sträckläst i två dagar

It doesn't matter how you feel Get up, dress up, show up and never give up

25 sep, 2019 20:43




Skrivet av Clara UW:
Hur bra kan man skriva?
Jag har sutit och sträckläst i två dagar

Tack så mycket! =)
Kul att du tycker om det!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

27 sep, 2019 21:16

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