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Avis Fortunae



Tre delar ... dags att njuuuta! ♥

Andromeda woke up in bed at the earliest sign of sunlight outside. Something which was a bit out of character since Andromeda wasn’t and had never been an early riser.
Jaaa, oh ja, så klockrent - nu vet man att det är en alldeles speciell dag - och det anknyter till storyns början, där hennes morgonhumör skildrades.

Andromeda stretched her body and arched her back then tied a robe around herself before venturing downstairs to try and make some breakfast with her trembling fingers.
De darrande fingrarna som helt perfekt skildrar hur det känns att försöka laga mat eller ens få ner den på sin bröllopsdag.

Andromeda knew better than to refuse Molly Weasley when it came to eating.
Hihi, redan då försökte Molly få i alla mat

Even when Ted told her she looked gorgeous she always thought it was because he was blinded by love.
Aaaaaaw nej då ... att hon tror så ... och så fint att hon just denna dag ser sig i spegeln och för en gångs skull är nöjd! ♥

“Oh, Ted will faint when he sees you, actually I think he will anyways. Ted’s completely hyper at the moment.”
Men aaaaaw Ted är också nervös! Hur gulligt är inte detta!

Her eyes searched for Ted’s and when she found his kind, lovely hazel eyes, she smiled out from ear to ear. Andromeda forgot about everyone else, her eyes never left Ted’s and all nerves was gone, to her it was only them in the room.
Ja, dessa ord talar ju för sig själva ...

Jag gillar prästen! Måste vara densamme som de mötte i julkapitlet. Och han hanterar situationen bra när Sirius börjar busa ... typiskt Sirius men han är ju för söt och så har han med sig alla marodörerna också

Ted’s fine, he’s not her cousin which was a pleasant surprise to most of us. Um, do your thing and I’ll keep my peace for eternity.”

Och allt sedan är så fint och han är in trouble redan efter en minut ♥ haha! Ser fram emot nästa del. Vackert att det är tre delar, som ett magiskt tretal.

Blev lite hastigt nu för det är sent men jag får make up for it i de följande delarna ... ♥♥♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

3 feb, 2019 22:37

Oliwer J



4 feb, 2019 06:22

Pride Potter



Tre delar ... Jag dör, YES ♥

Ted’s fine, he’s not her cousin which was a pleasant surprise to most of us. Um, do your thing and I’ll keep my peace for eternity.”

Ja, lilla Sirius vet ju såklart inte hur man håller tyst och ska hålla på att viska cx Roligt att James, Remus och Peter kom. Och så Alphard förstås, han är nice. Gillar prästen, han är också nice, som tog det så bra när Sirius försökte busa.

Längtar till näsa kapitel ♥


4 feb, 2019 10:23




Avis Fortunae Å vad glad jag blir varje gång jag läser dina kommentarer! Jag uppskattar dem väldigt mycket och ah, det är bara så roligt att du tycker om min story. För att svara på din undran ang. prästen så är det samma, det är också samma kyrka för övrigt haha. =)
Vad gällande Sirius så är ju faktiskt hela marodörgänget där... så vi får se vad som händer under dagens gång...

Pride Potter Vad roligt att du tyckte om Sirius lilla bus, som nämnt är ju hela gänget där och som alla vet har de alltid något fuffens för sig, så vi får se hur det fortskrider under bröllopsfesten...

Hoppas ni ska tycka om nästa del också!
Efter dessa delarna har jag funderat på att bara skriva typ "one-shots" om vissa moments i deras liv osv. för att inte storyn ska bli 450 kapitel lång, haha. Om ni har förslag på vad jag ska skriva om får ni gärna skriva det... Kan också bli så att jag fortsätter som jag gjort nu ett tag till... vi får se

Chapter 67
The wedding venue was held in the congregation hall, and it was fully decorated for the occasion. Though Andromeda and Ted had tried to help with magic, Mary had magically done most of the job herself. It was in all quite wonderful, and all the guests thought so too.
Andromeda and Ted had been held back from entering because everyone wanted to congratulate them, and chat to them outside of church.

Suddenly someone caught Andromeda’s eye and she closed her mouth which caused an abrupt ending to the conversation she had with one of Ted’s cousins, Kate. Kate looked a little bit affronted, but Andromeda held up her hands,
“I’m so sorry, but please excuse me for a moment.”
Ted gave her a worried look, but she smiled at him,
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
Andromeda hurried away over the gravel, and then the green grass before reaching the cloaked person under the willow tree. She touched the arm of the hooded figure,
“So you came anyways?” Andromeda asked gently, the hood was dropped only slightly to reveal the face of her sister.
“I couldn’t stay away.” Bellatrix murmured, giving Andromeda a small smile,
“I’m happy you dropped by.” Andromeda said then, and Bellatrix gave in and threw her arms around Andromeda’s neck. Her sister clung to her, and Andromeda felt tears drop onto her back. Andromeda held her sister tightly, never realising how much she had missed her.
“Merlin’s pants, I promised I wouldn’t cry.” Bellatrix stepped out of Andromeda’s embrace, “Stop it, Bella, you’re making me cry!” Andromeda said her voice shaking with emotion,
“No, don’t cry on your wedding day! You look absolutely stunning and it would ruin your make-up. But foremost you are radiant of joy and love. Ted’s everything, I ever wished for you.” Bellatrix placed a loving hand on Andromeda’s shoulder. Andromeda’s eyes teared up even though Bellatrix had told her not to cry.
“Thank you. I could have never done it without you, Bella. I love you!”
“I love you too, sis. But I shouldn’t really be here. It’s far too risky, I need to leave before he finds out I’m here.” Bellatrix shuddered a little at the last.
Andromeda grabbed hold of Bellatrix hand before she had time to disappear,
“If ever there’s a time when I can save you from your misery, Bella, tell me! I’ll be there for you.”
Bellatrix smiled at her younger sister, and kissed her forehead,
“We both now it isn’t possible unless he dies, and it’s not a possibility.”
“What do you mean?” Andromeda asked, but Bellatrix shook her head,
“I’ve already told you far too much. Farewell Andy, till we meet again, best of luck with your marriage. You deserve each other.”
Andromeda could say naught as Bellatrix disappeared into thin air, she almost felt emotionally drained, but then she remembered she needed to get back to the party.
Ted met her with a glowing smile, and Andromeda couldn’t help but think of how lucky she was to have such a husband, she smiled at the thought, he was her husband now.
“Is that who I thought it was?” Ted asked gently,
“Who?” Andromeda asked innocently,
“You know who!” Ted rolled his eyes at his new wife who then smiled crookedly at him,
“I hate to break it to you but, Voldemort did not make an appearance no.”
“Argh, you know I meant your sister!” Ted huffed and Andromeda kissed the pout of his face.
“Yeah, but I’d rather not dwell on that right now. It would hardly be uplifting if the bride broke into tears not even an hour after service.”
“I hear you. But I’m here when you want to talk, Dromeda.” Ted smiled, and Andromeda nodded before greeting her old school professor and old headmaster.
“Professor Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall, I’m so happy you complied with my uncle’s scheme and managed to sneak Sirius to the wedding.”
“It was the least I could do for the two of you. Besides we have been longing for your wedding since we found out about this unorthodox romance.” Professor Dumbledore’s blue eyes twinkled towards the pair, and they couldn’t help but chuckling at the old man.
“It was a lovely ceremony, Mr Tonks, and Mi…Mrs Tonks.” Professor McGonagall beamed, and Andromeda smiled back,
“Thank you, Professor McGonagall.”
“I’m not your professor anymore, Mrs Tonks. Minerva is fine.” McGonagall said kindly,
“Oh, as long as you call me Andromeda. Mrs Tonks is still Ted’s mother in my mind.” Andromeda retorted, and her professor chuckled but suddenly became sombre,
“I wanted to take the opportunity not only to congratulate you on your nuptials. But to sincerely extend my apologies for my attitude towards you sometimes at Hogwarts. You were right. I kept my head in the sand, you aren’t all the same. You’ve proved that in more ways than one. I’m very proud to be called your ex-professor.”
Andromeda felt very moved by McGonagall’s speech, and despite her usual manner she went in for a hug and embraced her former professor heartfelt.
“Thank you! Apology accepted, you were only looking out for me.”
Before they had time to get any deeper in conversation the energy bundles that were her cousin and his friends emerged from the building with glasses of… Andromeda paused, was it called coke?
Sirius flashed her a wide white grin,
“You finally did it! You are now officially the biggest disgrace to the house of Black and I have never, NEVER, been prouder of you, Andy!”
Andromeda laughed at him, and McGonagall laughed a little more restraint,
“That’s one way to see it.” Andromeda nodded.
“What Sirius means to say is that we are all very happy for you and that it was a lovely ceremony.” The boy who she remembered as Remus said politely. Andromeda smiled towards the boy to ease his discomfort,
“Thank you, Remus. That’s very kind of you.”
“Always the sucker up,” James teased, and Remus threw him a dirty look,
“Yeah, Andy doesn’t mind my vulgar manners. ‘Cause she’s like my sister from another mister.”
“And you’re my brother from another mother.” Andromeda smirked playing along with her younger cousin, who nodded
“But we probably shouldn’t say that amongst people… considering our family history they might just think it’s true.”
Everyone fell laughing at that last comment, and Andromeda thought of how happy she truly was with all her… well all her remaining friends and family.
“Now Ted,” Sirius stood himself in front of said man. Trying his best to look tall but next to Ted’s 6 ft 4 Sirius looked rather small still. Ted however glanced down at Sirius kindly,
“Since I’m the closest, … and pretty much the only family member that doesn’t pretend not to be related to Andy. I need to tell you that if I ever hear that you’ve been unkind to her, or hurt her in any way, I know of many, believe me, many painful ways to torture your sad arse.” Sirius concluded his speech with a cold, hard stare worthy a Black. Andromeda, however, despite being moved by his gesture, had a hard time keeping in her laughter. Ted took a breath not to laugh at the young boy, but remained very serious,
“I understand that.”
“Now take the boys threat seriously, Tonks. He will be granted permission to leave school grounds to hunt you down.” McGonagall gave him a stern look, and Ted actually gulped. Which had the rest of the party roaring in laughter at his shocked mien.
“Come now, Ted. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Andromeda smirked,
“Thanks darling.” Ted snickered. “See my wife will kick all of your arses.”
“Yeah, but you do realise she’s going to kick yours first.” Molly said as she made her presence acknowledged. Ted grimaced at Molly who just smiled, Ted then turned to look at Andromeda who smirked,
“She’s not wrong, you know!”
“Argh Damn it.” Ted groaned and they shared a good laugh with him.
Andromeda’s uncle Alphard came forwards and embraced her tightly,
“I’m so proud of you, Andy!” He whispered, his voice rumbling through her ear, Andromeda immediately felt tears burn behind her eyes,
“It means so much too me that you feel that way.”
“You are a strong, compassionate and talented witch, Andy. You’ve showed so much courage and heart. I knew you would pull through anything they’d throw at you. Know that I have always loved you as if you were my own daughter.” Uncle Alphard kissed her forehead and pulled her out of his embrace. Andromeda’s eyes gleamed with unshed tears, and she beamed at her uncle,
“When I was younger, I always dreamt of being your daughter instead of my father’s daughter. Uncle, you’ve always been there for me, and know that I’m eternally grateful to be your niece.”
“If I had a drink I would toast to the newlyweds, but I suppose that’ll have to wait until dinner.” Uncle Alphard smiled, and patted Ted’s shoulder, “You take care of her, boy. Otherwise you will face the wrath of two very angry Black’s.”
“Of course, Sir.” Ted replied respectfully.
“Three threats in less than an hour, bravo, Mr Tonks.” Dumbledore winked, “Now, I wonder, do you have anything sweet?”
“I bet there is inside the congregation house.” Ted pointed towards the building and Dumbledore and McGonagall trotted away together towards the pre-drinks and snacks.
Andromeda were about to excuse herself from her party to indulge in conversation with some of Ted’s family since she had yet to talk to them all. But she hadn’t time because before she had time to turn, she heard a voice which made her skin crawl.
“I suppose congratulations are in order.” Elizabeth’s voice rang out, and Andromeda braced herself and plastered a smile on her features before turning towards Elizabeth.
“Thank you, Elizabeth.” Andromeda replied courtly, Elizabeth barely smiled as she eyed the people standing in the circle. Apparently, she wasn’t very impressed, because half of them were not wearing muggle clothing, and the other half were wearing some sort of wannabe muggle clothes.
“You’re extended family I suppose?” She asked dryly, Andromeda fought hard to keep the smile plastered,
“Most of them yes.”
They all politely introduced themselves, and Elizabeth still not feeling that she had gotten on Andromeda’s nerve enough raised her eyebrows,
“Didn’t your parents and sisters show up?” She asked knowing that it would be a sensitive subject. Andromeda shouldn’t have felt surprised by the question, but yet she was taken slightly aback. She swallowed trying to think of a plausible lie.
“My older sister isn’t currently at home and my younger sister wasn’t allowed to leave school as for my parents…”
“They’re almost dead.” Sirius tried to save Andromeda, but he was granted a somewhat baffled look from his cousin. Elizabeth looked disbelievingly at the child, hoping to raise some drama,
“You can’t be serious?”
Sirius smiled deviously,
“Oh, honey, that’s only my first name.”
“Don’t mind him. He is a bit overdramatic… my parents couldn’t come due to my mother being ill.” Andromeda quickly said to make a more truthful sounding lie. Elizabeth huffed a little and Ted feeling rather uncomfortable with his friend making such an impression quickly declared the need for drinks. Andromeda put her hand into the crook of Ted’s arm as he escorted her into the venue for drinks. Dinner was soon to be served and she had a feeling the speeches during and after it would be more than just a little eventful.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

12 feb, 2019 23:22

Avis Fortunae



Men ... menar du att det inte ska bli 450 kapitel? Hur ska man överleva om den tar slut?

Förstår dock idén med one-shots - och det är ju så mycket som händer under ett liv ... så det kan ju bli 450 kapitel ändå Ska fundera på om det är något speciellt jag vill veta mer om. Definitivt en viss Nymphadora, så mycket kan jag säga redan nu! Och, ehm ... lite mer mush?

Nu får vi se hur bröllopet fortsätter. Det lär ju inte bli lugnt med marodörerna på plats. Jag kan se små gulliga marodörer framför mig

Åååh, Bellatrix kommer till bröllopet! Äntligen ett livstecken från den sidan, äntligen någon som vågar trotsa deras vilja.

"But foremost you are radiant of joy and love. Ted’s everything, I ever wished for you.”

Den här sidan av Bellatrix, som sagt. Jag hade en känsla av att hon kunde ha ändrat sig mycket under den här tiden men när det gäller hennes syster är det ren kärlek, vilket även inbegriper Ted eftersom han gör Andy lycklig.

I need to leave before he finds out I’m here.” Bellatrix shuddered a little at the last.

Åh, Rodolphus måste vara vidrig. Hon ryser när hon nämner honom!

"Besides we have been longing for your wedding since we found out about this unorthodox romance.”

Det här är så fint av Dumbledore och McGonagall. Verkligen fint.

“Come now, Ted. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Andromeda smirked,
“Thanks darling.” Ted snickered. “See my wife will kick all of your arses.”
“Yeah, but you do realise she’s going to kick yours first.”

Det här är sååå de två! Även om de skämtar om det, så finns ett ganska stort korn av sanning i detta. Kan skymta framtiden ...

she heard a voice which made her skin crawl.
“I suppose congratulations are in order.”

NEEEJ! ELIZABETH! Och hennes formulering, kan det sägas tydligare att hon inte alls menar att gratulera dem? Och sen NEEEJ KAN INGEN BARA TA BORT ELIZABETH DÄRIFRÅN? Alternativt tejpa över munnen lite? Yes, Sirius räddar situationen med lite humor!

Tänk om Elizabeth stannar på bröllopsfesten. Huuuga.

Suveränt skrivet, som vanligt. Lätt att ta det för givet ♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

13 feb, 2019 00:41




Avis Fortunae Haha åå, det kanske blir 450 kapitel trots allt! ♥ Men det kan nog bli långdraget att gå år för år, vecka för vecka och dag för dag, haha!

"Jag hade en känsla av att hon kunde ha ändrat sig mycket under den här tiden men när det gäller hennes syster är det ren kärlek" - Ja, alltså det är ju under den här tiden hon förändras. Inte bara på grund utav dödsätarna utan också i sitt destruktiva förhållande med Rodolphus. Man kan bara föreställa vad som förgår i det hushållet bakom stängda dörrar...
Men än så länge har hon kvar sin 'sanity'!

Ja... hur länge Elizabeth stannar på bröllopsfesten får vi helt enkelt se...

Verkligen jättestort tack för kommentaren, det betyder jättemycket! Som jag nämnde förra kapitlet så får ni mer än gärna ge förslag på vad framtida kapitel kan innehålla! =)
Men här kommer sista delen av bröllopet...

Chapter 68
The wedding dinner had yet to be disrupted by any surprises, or accidents for which Andromeda was very thankful. What she didn’t like was that their table were facing all the other tables, giving everyone the opportunity to stare at her. No one, except Elizabeth, had acted out of boundaries when talking to her but she could tell that they all thought she was a little odd. Thankfully, Andromeda smiled to herself, Dumbledore managed to snatch some more attention for his long white hair and long beard. Which in all just added to the oddity of her… Andromeda shook her head at her thoughts before indulging in the conversations that were taking place at the table currently. Young Bill Weasley went diving head first into the food in front of him, seated on Ted’s knee. Refusing to return to his parents. Suddenly someone tapped their fork against the glass, Andromeda’s eyes left the child and she looked up to see Charles standing up ready to make his speech.
“Good afternoon wit…ladies and gentlemen. For those who do not know me; I’m Charles, Ted’s best man and an old school-fellow of his.
I first knew Ted when we accidently bumped into each other during our first train ride to school. It’s been a pleasure to get to know this man, and might I say, Andromeda, you will never find any better. We’ve stuck together since we were first placed into huff… eh, our house, and I have to say I was a little annoyed when I realised Ted started to focus his attention elsewhere. But I remember when Ted first told me about him fancying Andromeda. It was the third day during our first year. Needless to say, Andromeda had no idea who he was. Poor Ted was infatuated at first sight, and he always forced us to take detours only because we might catch a glimpse of the dark-eyed beauty that were Andromeda Black. I counted to having heard her name mentioned 1354 times during… our first year. But then she finally noticed him in our sixth year, and Ted was over-joyed, even though she insulted him in front of our whole char… class. Thankfully from there on, Andromeda showed some interest in my poor man Ted, right on time too, for I fear that you would have been reported for stalking otherwise or died trying to get her to notice you. It was, as I think you all can understand from what I’ve told you, a miracle Ted managed to keep this relationship a secret for almost three years. But, I’m really happy to be standing here on your wedding day. No one deserves this more than you, and even though you’ve left me hanging in our friendship because of a girl, I couldn’t have asked for you to get a more perfect bride. With that I ask you all to stand up and toast to the newlyweds, Mr, and Mrs Tonks!” Charles raised his glass and the wedding party followed lead,
“Hear, hear!”
Ted was blushing a little, and Andromeda looked at him teasingly,
“You were really that needy for me?”
“Shut it, Dromeda.”
“I wasn’t the one drooling in the distance.” Andromeda smirked, and Ted rolled his eyes,
“Very funny.”
“And very true!” Charles laughed as he approached Ted,
“I loved your speech, Charles.” Andromeda praised smiling, and Charles grinned,
“I thought you would. Congratulations.”
Ted and Charles hugged briskly before Andromeda embraced Charles thanking him for his speech. Andromeda then returned to her seat, and grasped hold of Ted’s hand,
“You aren’t upset for real?”
“No.” Ted smiled, “I’m not.”
“Do you think there will be any more speeches?” Andromeda asked, and Ted shrugged his shoulders,
“Dad’s already held a speech a bit impromptu, and Charles done his. Will Molly?”
“Not that I know of.” Andromeda replied, but then her young cousin came running, his hair a bit dishevelled from running outside. His friends were in a tow, and he flashed a white smile at his cousin. Andromeda recognised the spark in his eye and were therefore a little suspicious. Sirius grinned at her,
“I’m going to make a speech.”
“No, Sirius, don’t!” Andromeda held a finger up, “You could say something by accident.”
“Too late.” Sirius gave her a mischievous wink as he tapped his glass with a fork and was given everyone’s attention. Andromeda groaned at her young cousin and pulled a hand over her face feeling the embarrassment before it had happened.
“Wotcher! For those who don’t know me, I’m Andy’s cousin Sirius. To be honest I never thought I’d give a speech on her wedding. I always supposed my role would be to yell objection during the ceremony. But, hey, Ted, you’re nice I suppose, so here I am. I am so proud of you, Andy, for being the biggest disgrace this family has ever known, sorry Arthur, you’re not the blackest sheep any longer…”
Andromeda groaned into her hand, feeling weird stares upon her, how in Merlin’s old pantaloon’s were they supposed to understand her being a disgrace for marrying Ted?
“…I love you Andromeda, and I’m not just saying that because we’re family, I told Narcissa she was a bitch last week so… and also James thought it was a nice touch to my speech. Truth to be told, I am so happy that you’re marrying Ted because you deserve each other. Ted, you better take care of her, she’s my favourite cousin, not that there’s much to choose from, but if you mistreat her… the marauders will fuck you up. All cheer for the couple! Sirius out.” Sirius dropped his glass and it shattered into a million pieces. Andromeda didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but at the sight of the boys formation she couldn’t help herself but laughed out loud. Sirius nodded content,
“That’s right, master of speeches.”
“You were awful.” James relented,
“Truly the worst I’ve ever heard.” Remus shook his head at Sirius,
“It was…” Peter didn’t have time to say anything because he was about as loud as a mouse. Andromeda got up and hugged Sirius who were beginning to out-grow her. She kissed his cheek,
“Thank you, Sirius. It was an awful speech, and the muggles are probably still trying to figure out what you meant. But it was your speech, and for that reason alone, I loved it.”
Sirius who up until that moment had acted a little aloof and cocky, blushed and his ear tips turned pink.
“It was a nice speech, Sirius.” Ted said, “Made me really think of how I ever deserved to be with someone like Andromeda. I always thought she was way out of my league.”
“She’s way out of your league, Tonks. So, keep her happy or else…!” Sirius gave Ted a hard stare that had the others crumbling into laughter before they tidied up the shattered glass.

Later when it was time for dancing, Andromeda and Ted had to open with the compulsory wedding waltz. It felt freeing and relieving to finally be ensconced within Ted’s embrace, when all they had managed during the dinner was holding hands. All cock-ups, embarrassments and all other things were quickly forgotten as they danced together over the floor to the slow triple time. Ted’s hand was securely placed on her waist, and he moved her over the floor with ease. Dancing with him was one of the best feelings Andromeda concluded. She remembered the yule ball when she had been forced to endure the awful partner that was Rabastan Lestrange, and the wonderful dancing she and Ted had done in the aftermaths inside the room of requirement. Ted glanced down at her with a small smile, and her smile widened.
“A penny for your thought?” Ted asked as they twirled around on the dance floor,
“I thought about our first dance together. The night I finally admitted I loved you.” Andromeda replied, and Ted lit up,
“Ah, one of the best nights in my life.”
“I love you, Ted.” Andromeda said passionately, and Ted met her lips in a sweet kiss, ending the first dance,
“There’s nothing I love as much as you in the world.”
Andromeda felt incredible lucky as she was protectively wrapped in the arms of her new husband, it felt unreal and she couldn’t believe that love had happened to her. To think that the way her life was to be headed was so far away from what it had turned out to be. It was truly something to be cherished.
Other couples made their way out on the dance floor, and as Ted took his mother for a spin, Andromeda danced first with her uncle and then with Sirius. It was during that dance that Andromeda noticed one of his friends sitting out the dance. Andromeda glanced at the friend before whispering to Sirius,
“Why’s he not dancing?”
Sirius looked baffled for a moment before he realised who his cousin was alluding too,
“Oh, Remus? Well, he is kind of shy, and doesn’t think anyone would ever ask him. He doesn’t like to impose on people, sometimes even we have a hard time getting close to him. We had to persuade him to make him realise he really was our friend.”
Andromeda felt saddened by this boy’s obvious lack of self-confidence and wondered as to why such a sweet young boy would feel that he was a burden to people, and someone no one wanted anything to do with.
“You could dance with him, Andy.” Sirius suggested, “He wouldn’t dare refuse the lady of the evening.”
“No one dares to refuse a Black.” Andromeda joked and Sirius smirked at her,
“You’re not a Black any longer, Mrs Tonks.”
“Oh, I’ll always be a Black. Watch your back.” She winked at her cousin who laughed before leading her off the dance floor. Andromeda left Sirius by the refreshments, where he boldly asked a much older girl to dance, whilst she made her way over to Remus. Remus hadn’t noticed her as she approached him and was staring longingly on the happy couples dancing. Andromeda’s light tap on his shoulder had him jump up three feet in the air, and Andromeda smiled kindly,
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, Remus.”
“Oh, no, that’s alright, Andromeda.” Remus mumbled a little flustered by her presence. Andromeda felt a little sorry for making him so nervous but didn’t stray from her mission to get him dancing as well.
“Would you like to dance?” Andromeda asked softly, and Remus looked at her wide-eyed, not sure if he had heard her right.
“With you?” He stuttered scratching the back of his head,
“Yes, it’s my wedding day, and I declare everyone must dance.” Andromeda joked, and Remus smiled small, but it soon faded, and he hung his head in shame,
“You wouldn’t want to dance with me.”
Andromeda tilted her head, frowning,
“Why ever not?”
Remus seemed to be conflicted with this question, and he cast his eyes down,
“No one in their right mind would.”
Andromeda suspected there were things about him that made him feel unworthy of others kindness and affection, she had already noticed a few scars on his young face. The healer in her recognised them, and she felt sorry for the boy. Andromeda held her hand out,
“If people are such ignorant fools, I would never wish to be in my right mind.”
Remus hesitated before taking her out-stretched hand. Sirius and James made a high-five as they saw Remus getting out on the dance floor. Andromeda could feel his hands getting sweaty from being nervous, and she did everything in her power to calm the boy down. But other than him being very careful, and nervous, he danced very well.
“Who taught you how to waltz?” Andromeda asked to make some conversation, Remus blushed,
“My mother.”
“She’s taught you well then. Lots of girls at Hogwarts will be happy to be your dance partner. We girls love it when our toes don’t get bruised.” Andromeda smirked kindly, and Remus remained a little red in the face.
“I don’t think they would want to dance with me.”
“Nonsense. I bet you’re going to dance away the whole evening when its finally time for the yule ball.” Andromeda encouraged and Remus only mumbled embarrassed in response.
When the music faded out, Andromeda lead Remus of the dance floor and to his friends.
“Some first-class dancing, mate!” James slapped Remus back, and Sirius nodded but drew an arm dramatically over his eyes,
“But alas, with a married lady!”
Andromeda rolled her eyes at Sirius, and went in and hugged Remus,
“Thank you for the dance. It was lovely. Remember - any girl would be lucky to have you.”
Andromeda then left the boys to themselves to go find Ted. She found Molly swaying to the music with Bill in her arms, Arthur and Charles were conversing but there was no sign of Ted.
“Have you seen Ted?” Andromeda asked, and they all turned their eyes towards her,
“He danced with that horrid woman just now.” Molly said and pointed at Ted leaving the dance-floor with Elizabeth. Andromeda felt shudders down her spine, but before she had time to get Ted, Sirius and his… the rest of the marauders came up to her with devilish smirks.
“What did you do?” Andromeda asked with a sigh, and they all cackled quietly.
“That bitch will have to eat up everything she said about you…” Sirius rubbed his hands together.
“What…” Andromeda hadn’t time to finish before she heard a loud noise followed by Elizabeth’s scream. It was so hard not to laugh when Andromeda saw her, covered in cake and with the odour of a dungbomb that had gone off.
“Was that a…?”
“A dungbomb hid within the cake she just tried to get a piece of? Yes.” James nodded proudly,
“How did you know that she was going to be the first to touch that cake…?” Andromeda asked bewildered and Sirius rolled his eyes and waved his hand at her,
“Puh-lease Andy, we know our stuff. Pranks are a whole science.”
“I should be angry with you for putting a dungbomb in one of my cakes, and for you using a magical object amongst all these muggles but hell, high five!” Andromeda discreetly high-fived the boys.
“Best wedding ever.” She muttered as Elizabeth left in rage covered with cake and that terrible stench. Ted approached them,
“I tried to help her but…” He shrugged his shoulders, before leaning in pecking Andromeda’s lips, “Maybe it was better she left.”
“It was truly the best wedding gift she could give me.” Andromeda smiled venomously, and Ted shook his head as he laughed at her,
“Mind your cheek! She used to be one of my closest friends you know.”
Andromeda raised an eyebrow and Ted hurried with saying,
“But then you surpassed her with all your glory and I never thought of her as my friend again.”
“Nice save man.” James high-fived him. But Andromeda just snorted at him,
“You are such a silly man, Ted.”

The wedding guests still hadn’t left, save Andromeda’s own party, when Andromeda and Ted finally retired for the night. Andromeda had never dared leave before the last guest if Mary hadn’t insisted upon them go enjoying their wedding night. Something which had Andromeda become a deep shade of red. They had only walked far enough for no one to notice that they vanished into thin air as they apparated to their own house.
All though Andromeda was drowsy her senses were still on speed not knowing quite what to expect of her wedding night. Ted was calmer than her, a Hufflepuff trait Andromeda suspected, and he helped her get her robe off. Before leading her into their living-room.
“Do you want some champagne?” Ted asked, and Andromeda only accepted because she was to nervous to say anything else, and the prospect of having something to hold in her hands was soothing to her. That way she needn’t think about were to put her trembling hands.
Ted handed her a flute of champagne which she accepted gracefully and took a sip off.
The bubbles tingled on her tongue and she waited for Ted to say something, do something, put her out of the agonising feeling of not knowing. But he didn’t say anything, he just brought the glass to his lips before putting it down on the table, before cupping her cheek, pressing a hot kiss to her red lips. Andromeda didn’t know if it were the alcohol she had consumed or the adrenalin running through her body, but the featherlight touch of his lips against hers had her whole body alerted and she felt a tingling feeling rooted deep inside her stomach. Ted put down her glass as well for fear of her dropping it, before pulling her closer to him. She could hear his heart beat steadily and she felt her own heart racing as he gazed hungrily into her eyes. Ted let his fingers run over her bare arms which sent shivers up and down her body, and then he caught her lips in a teasing, slow kiss which had her moan out in pleasure. As the kiss became more heated, she became less aware and also less nervous. Her hands ran through his hair, and down his back, grasping him closer to her. Andromeda trailed kisses down his neck, and as he made a deep moan, she smirked feeling an even stronger need to be closer to him. Ted whisked her up into his arms, surprising her, but she had no time to protest before his mouth was on hers again. He carried her up the stairs and into their bedroom where he sat her down on the floor again, not releasing her lips from his. Their hands became more acquainted with their bodies, and Ted quickly shed his jacket, and Andromeda helped him with his shirt whilst still kissing him. Ted was now only stood in his trousers and Andromeda admired the fine physique of her husband. Letting her hands run over his chest, feeling every inch of his upper-body trailing kisses after her hands. Ted turned her around to lace up the back of her dress. With quick fingers, he managed only about half before he got stuck,
“Damn it.” He growled, and Andromeda mumbled,
“Just rip it.”
Ted used all his muscle force and ripped up the rest of the lace, making the white dress-robes fall of Andromeda’s body gracefully. Ted pulled her towards him, and as he ran his hands over her curves he gazed lovingly into her eyes. Andromeda however felt a little insecure about her body and squirmed a little, but Ted held her in a firm grip.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.”
“I hate my scars.” Andromeda murmured, and Ted looked at her with tender eyes,
“Do you mean these?” Ted turned her around and kissed the scars on her back, and she shivered and arched her back in pleasure.
“They’re just old stories written on your back. Your dead gorgeous, Dromeda. No scar will ever change that. They are a part of you, and I love them.” Ted told her and pressed a kiss to her neck. Andromeda nodded, and pushed herself against him, turning her head up to kiss him more fervently than before. Ted managed to shed his trousers before they both fell on the bed. Passionately and hungrily exploring each other’s body with their lips, and hands. Ted pushed away a few curls from her face lovingly,
“Do you feel ready? We don’t have to do it tonight.”
“I want to be yours completely, body and soul.” Andromeda replied, and Ted grinned.
“You have no idea how much I’ve longed to make love to you.”
“Well, then, shut up and do it, Ted.” Andromeda teased, and that’s exactly what he did.

Later that night as the sun was almost on the rise again, Andromeda and Ted lay curled up next to each other exhausted but exhilarated. Ted was playing gently with her curls, and she was drawing circles on his chest. They were both content and felt so in love that words might not suffice to express it. Andromeda had mostly enjoyed the experience of love making with Ted. It had been slightly uncomfortable at first, but Ted had been so gentle and loving that it was soon forgotten. Andromeda knew he had been with other women before her and had been thankful that at least one of them knew what they were doing. Gazing up at Ted, she felt there weren’t anyone luckier than she. How could anyone else be as perfect and as loving as her Ted? – Andromeda could simply not imagine there being any other out there that even slightly compared to him.
“What are you thinking?” Ted asked, his voice hoarse. Andromeda kissed his chin fondly,
“Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you.”
“Oh,” Ted smiled at her, “We are very lucky indeed. I hardly dare sleep in case I wake up to find out it was all a dream.”
“Mm,” Andromeda purred against him, laying her head down on his chest again,
“But maybe we should sleep, we have to be alert tomorrow.” Ted told her and she frowned, lifting her head from his chest again,
“What? Why?”
“To be able to make love all day.” Ted winked, and Andromeda snickered at him,
“You’re such a dog sometimes, Ted.”
“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Oh, shut it you!” Andromeda smiled as she hid her face in his side.
“Good night, wife.” Ted said affectionately with a kiss to her hair, Andromeda beamed.
“Good night, husband.” She replied before nestling into him properly, letting sleep whisk her away to the land of dreams.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

17 feb, 2019 20:40

Avis Fortunae



Det är som att vara på bröllop på riktigt, hos några av sina närmaste vänner. En sådan känsla har du lyckats skapa i denna härliga fanfiction. Börjar väl direkt med några godbitar:

Young Bill Weasley went diving head first into the food in front of him, seated on Ted’s knee. Refusing to return to his parents.

Detta är en sådan sak som gör att jag faller pladask för Ted. Kan det bli tydligare hur bra han kommer att bli som pappa? Finns det något mer attraktivt än en omtänksam, omhändertagande man? Dessutom är det hans bröllop och han har på sig tjusiga kläder, men låter ändå ett litet barn sitta i knät på honom och äta ... Ted, hur gulligt får det bli egentligen?♥♥♥

Åh, Ted har tyckt om Andromeda sedan starten på det första året! Med andra ord sedan han först såg henne! Kärlek vid första ögonkastet ...

her young cousin came running, his hair a bit dishevelled from running outside. His friends were in a tow, and he flashed a white smile at his cousin. Andromeda recognised the spark in his eye and were therefore a little suspicious.

Sirius är ju bara för sööööööööööööööt. Han är så ung och oskyldig i den här storyn även när han är "skyldig", den lille busen.

Peter didn’t have time to say anything because he was about as loud as a mouse.

Det här tyckte jag var en rolig mening med tanke på vad jag vet om Peters framtida öde.

Hela beskrivningen av hur de dansar bröllopsdansen tillsammans är så självklar. Extra effektfullt eftersom det jämförs med Rabastan Lestranges dans.

The healer in her recognised them, and she felt sorry for the boy. Andromeda held her hand out, “If people are such ignorant fools, I would never wish to be in my right mind.”

Det är så fint gjort av både Sirius och Andromeda att hon ska få in Remus i dansen.

Antar att Elizabeth fick vad hon förtjänade, för hon kom faktiskt dit och var otrevlig ...

Och hela bröllopsnatten, kan den bli annat än perfekt när det är dessa två? All nervositet som bara försvinner för att de är som gjorda för varandra.

He carried her up the stairs and into their bedroom where he sat her down on the floor again, not releasing her lips from his.

“I hate my scars.” Andromeda murmured, and Ted looked at her with tender eyes,
“Do you mean these?” Ted turned her around and kissed the scars on her back, and she shivered and arched her back in pleasure.

Ted pushed away a few curls from her face lovingly,
“Do you feel ready? We don’t have to do it tonight.”
“I want to be yours completely, body and soul.” Andromeda replied, and Ted grinned.
“You have no idea how much I’ve longed to make love to you.”
“Well, then, shut up and do it, Ted.”

Jag älskar hur de även i den här scenen är precis sig själva och hur bra du fångar det.

How could anyone else be as perfect and as loving as her Ted? – Andromeda could simply not imagine there being any other out there that even slightly compared to him.

Just det. ♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

17 feb, 2019 21:36

Pride Potter



Jättebra kapitel som alltid ♥ Hinner inte skriva mer och förresten vet jag inte vad jag ska skriva för det var så himla fantastiskt! Kan dock säga att jag älskade Sirius tal. Och att jag hoppades att Sirius skulle dansa med Remus, för WOLFSTAR ♥


18 feb, 2019 07:37

Avis Fortunae




Jag saknar den här så mycket och undrar hur Andromeda och Ted har det som gifta. Hoppas att du får teknisk hjälp så att du kan posta här i forumet igen! ♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

25 mar, 2019 05:25




Avis Fortunae Älskar som vanligt dina kommentarer och vad härligt att du tyckte om bröllopet! Visst är Ted hemskt gullig med Bill, och som du säger - inget är mer attraktivt än en omtänksam, omhändertagande man!

Förhoppningsvis vill mugglis ladda upp min uppdatering här för det vägrar fortfarande att publicera mina kommentarer på din fanfiction

Pride Potter Tack så mycket för din kommentar! Vad kul att du gillade Sirius tal, för det var ganska roligt att skriva! ♥

Här kommer två kapitel för att jag varit så kass på att uppdatera de senaste veckorna!

Chapter 69
Andromeda was sat next to Ted in their own couch in their own home. He had just made her laugh at the most obscure thing and distracted her from their mission which was; to open their wedding gifts. They had gone through a lot of it, and most of it contained plates and other porcelain. Not that Andromeda was not grateful, because they did indeed need more kitchen supplies. But when she reached the gift that they had been given from Arthur alone, he and Molly had given them two gifts, she couldn’t help but wonder what it contained. Ted rattled the package before handing it to Andromeda.
“I am without a guess. Doesn’t sound like a plate.”
“Mm.” Andromeda concentrated on getting the wrapping paper off the box and was bewildered when she opened the box to reveal a yellow rubber duck. Ted spat out the water he had just taken in as he laughed out loud. Andromeda gave him a funny look, laughing only a little herself. For what on earth was a rubber duck? – Andromeda was clueless. Was it only meant as an ornament? Not knowing was less funny to her and more frustrating, and Ted kissed the corner of her mouth, laughing at her clearly unamused look.
“What in Merlin’s begotten name is the function of a rubber duck?” Andromeda cried as she twisted and turned the duck in her hands looking for answers. Ted however enjoyed the feeling of, for once, knowing more than his wife.
“Well? Ted if you don’t tell me, I’ll hex you into oblivion!” Andromeda eyed him sternly, pointing the rubber duck at him dangerously. Ted bit his lip to stop his laughter escaping. Because she looked hilarious, and it was extremely amusing to him that she was so upset over the function of a rubber duck.
“I’ll show you the proper function of a rubber duck if you take a steaming hot bath with me.” Ted proposed mirthfully. Andromeda frowned, and looked even more confused and frustrated than before.
“Why would that help, and why would we take a bath together?”
“First, because the function of a rubber duck can only be showed in the bath. Secondly, because my wife is well hot, and the water hides a multitude of sins and suggests a multitude of others.” Ted winked at her, and she became red in the face from embarrassment. Andromeda became quiet pondering his suggestion, and Ted nudged her, she looked up at him quizzingly,
“Do you remember when I told you it would be my mission to make you blush every day? – You told me I would never succeed and for once you weren’t right.” Ted smirked and Andromeda sighed at him slapping him over the chest.
“You are so annoying sometimes, Ted!”
“I try my best.” Ted challenged and Andromeda rolled her eyes at him thinking her husband very childlike at the moment. Ted pinched her thigh, and she growled at him, giving him a hard stare. It didn’t dissuade Ted, and he leaned forward and kissed her red mouth softly,
“How about that bath then?”
Andromeda clearly thought a moment about whether to hold her grudge for his teasing or complying with his wish. Ted waited patiently for her answer.
“I need to clean up down here first and do the dishes. But if you fill up the bath, I’ll join you.” Andromeda told him her face bearing a small smile. She wasn’t really angry with him, not so much that she’d turn down a hot bath with her handsome hubby. Ted rose from his seat and stretched before leaving for the upstairs to fill the bath tub. Andromeda immediately started to take out the dishes to the sink and as she put the items down, she hit her over the forehead.
“For merlin’s sake, Andromeda, you’re a witch.” She scolded herself as she fished up her wand from her wand pocket. Andromeda finished up the dishes before ascending the stairs to the bathroom. Ted was sat in the bath tub, with foam covering his whole body and face,
“Hey look at me, I’m Dumbledore!” He grinned showing of his bubble beard. Andromeda laughed at him whilst shaking her head,
“I’m not getting in a bath tub with Dumbledore.”
“Come, come, dear Miss Black.” Ted mimicked, and Andromeda’s eyes widened as she howled in laughter,
“Seriously I’m not.”
“Alright, just get in.” Ted motioned for her to get in and Andromeda rolled her eyes before stripping of her garments,
“Ten points to Slytherin!” Ted winked and Andromeda threw a handful of foam at him before getting in, seating herself opposite of him.

A little while later they were snuggled up together on the couch in their pyjamas cupping their teacups in their hands drinking steaming hot tea to the sound of calm breathing. Andromeda felt her eyes droop a little, and felt rather sleepy, she rested her head against Ted’s shoulder, his mere presence soothing her. Ted pressed a feather light kiss to her exposed neck before removing the tea cup from her hands lest she fell asleep with it. Andromeda smiled a tired but grateful smile at her husband before burying her head into his chest breathing in the comforting smell of him. Ted ran his fingers up and down her arms, and she shivered under his touch, before she could drift off to sleep Ted cleared his throat a little nervously, and Andromeda opened a curious eye to look at him,
“I have something to tell you…” Ted told her scratching his chin clearly not sure what her reaction would be to what he had to say. Andromeda raised an eyebrow at him,
“Oh? Whatever it is, please know that I’m here for you.”
Ted smiled despite being a little nervous,
“I’ve been offered a job.” He began, and Andromeda looked a wee bit confused,
“But that’s great news, Ted!”
“It’s a job here in the muggle world.” Ted said fearing what her reaction would be, but his wife just sat up and eyed him softly,
“You think I would have anything against that?”
“Well, I thought maybe you would prefer me to get a profession within the wizarding world.” Ted told her honestly, and Andromeda smiled sweetly,
“Ted, I want you to do whatever it is you want to do. I would never impose on your dreams and ambitions.”
“Thank you, Dromeda. It means a lot to me that you say that.” Ted smiled and kissed her lovingly on the lips. Andromeda however pulled away for a brief second, still hands in his hair, looking into his hazel eyes before asking,
“Eh, this muggle profession of yours is not witch prosecuting, right?”
Ted mouth fell slightly, as he tried to depict whether she was serious with her question or not,
“What? – No! Dromeda, I’m a wizard, you’re a witch, I’d be pretty stupid to… witch hunters don’t even exist any longer!”
Andromeda held her mask for a second before bursting into laughter, she kissed him quickly but kept on laughing,
“You are so cute when you’re agitated!”
“Minx. I should punish you, wife.” Ted muttered with a teasing look gleaming in his eyes, Andromeda caught it and smiled innocently,
“You know it was common practice of husbands to cane their wives, and perfectly legal so long as the cane was only as thick as their thumb.” Ted told her, and Andromeda shuddered at the mention of caning. She herself had had her fair share of beatings in her life. Ted seemed to detect her shudder, and his eyes widened in realisation,
“Oh no, I’m not going to… Dromeda that’s not… I didn’t mean… I would never hurt you! Never!”
“I know you wouldn’t, Ted. It was just memories that crossed my mind.” Andromeda smiled, but Ted didn’t. He gave her a sympathetic look, kissing her forehead gently before pulling her to him holding her in his embrace.
“No one will ever lay a hand of violence on you ever again, Dromeda. I promise to protect you.”
Andromeda felt very flattered and warm when he told her this, and she didn’t argue that she’d probably be better protection to him when it came to magical abilities. For she knew that Ted would do anything to keep his dear ones safe.
Chapter 70
There was a true hustle and bustle at St Mungo’s currently. Andromeda had been running between patients all day because they had a shortage of healers lately because of the war.
It was not an option to eat her lunch when the patients were crying out in the halls for her help, and even though she was entitled to, she threw caution to the wind and skipped her lunch. Andromeda had a lot of gory examinations and she grimaced at the thought of what they’d been through to get whatever it was they had. Whether it was bruises from dark magic, cuts or rashes from bad potions. The deatheathers were getting more aggressive by the day which only meant that Voldemort was getting more powerful, which also meant an over exertion at St Mungo’s. Andromeda were about to go off her shift when more patients arrived and made it impossible. There weren’t many with her competence or skills, and the brutal reality was that she was left pretty much alone with the worst gores and bruises. Sara hurried to catch Andromeda before she left, putting a hand on her shoulder, looking clearly distressed.
“There’s a girl that arrived just now. She’s been tortured and is pretty bruised up. We don’t know how to treat her. Can you come have a look?”
Andromeda nodded and smiled despite being worn out from the long day,
“Of course I will. Where have they put her?”
“Room 664. Her mother is with her.” Sara smiled back, “Thank you.”
“No matter. I’ll be off to her then. Her file?”
Sara handed her a few documents, and Andromeda gathered them before starting her walk quickly to the room despite her feet hurting from the many hours she’d been up and about. A quick glance down in the papers told her that the girl was 11 and her blood status half-blood. No wonder she was a target, Andromeda thought sadly before hurrying inside the room.
“Good afternoon! I’m healer Tonks and I will take care of everything.” Andromeda said to the girl’s mother since the girl was almost unconscious. The mother pursed her lips tightly as she examined Andromeda, and Andromeda felt quite uncomfortable under the scrutinising stare.
“I’ll take a look at…” Andromeda looked down her papers, “Helena then. If you have any questions, just ask.” Andromeda offered a kind smile despite the woman’s cold stare at her.
It was soon very clear to Andromeda that the girl was worse off than they had thought, the breathing was already slowing rapidly, and so Andromeda gave her something to ease the breathing for a while. The mother watched her every movement like a hawk, but she ignored it to focus her attention on her patient, trying her best to conclude how to save the poor girl’s life. Helena gave a cry as Andromeda gently ran her fingers over one of the purple bruises, trying to distinguish exactly which curse had made the mark.
“Get your filthy hands off my daughter!” The mother screamed when Helena had cried out, Andromeda looked up, shocked at being thus shouted at.
“I’m sorry? – This examination will determine how to best help, Helena.” Andromeda replied courtly, but the mother didn’t look the least calmed down.
“You’re trying to kill her!”
“What? No. I’m a healer, my job is to heal people not to kill them. Helena will get help, now calm down!” Andromeda was hurt by the accusation but tried to keep her head cool. Her firing up wouldn’t help the cause.
“A healer? I know who you are, you’re a Black, and everyone knows you want all ‘mudbloods’ and ‘filthy half-bloods’ dead.” The mother roared becoming increasingly more threatening, Andromeda’s eyes widened,
“I’m prepared to agree that I was born a Black. But to accuse me of wanting muggleborns and half-bloods dead is outrageous. My husband…” Andromeda weren’t allowed to finish, because the mother had slapped her over the face, managing to get some swung that made Andromeda’s lip cut open. The slap stung and the blood was starting to drip down her lips and into her mouth and down her chin, but Andromeda refused to be anything but professional,
“Please, calm down. I’m trying to save your daughter!”
Before the mother had anything to say another healer came into the room and was shocked at the display. Mostly because the mother was still standing rather threatening with her hand still close to Andromeda’s bloody face.
“I refuse to have my daughter treated by a disgusting pureblooded freak.” The mother told the healer also known as Joan. Joan also trying to keep a professional tone nodded,
“Of course, Mrs. Jones we won’t force you to be treated by anyone you’d feel uncomfortable with. But Healer Tonks is honestly the best you could get.”
“If I wanted my daughter to end up in a coffin.” Mrs. Jones huffed and Andromeda handed over her quickly scribbled notes to Joan before leaving the room because she had too.
Andromeda leant against the wall in their lounge for support. Her heart was racing and pounding hard in her chest, sweat was dripping down her back and the blood was still running freely from her lip. Never had she been accused of deliberately trying to kill anyone because of their blood status. It hurt her, more than she would ever admit, but what hurt her more was the fact that a poor girl was dying on a hospital bed because the world made her mother distrust Andromeda. As Andromeda were catching her breath against the wall, Joan came in, clearly agitated. She noticed Andromeda and touched her arm carefully,
“I tried. But I couldn’t save her.”
“Helena passed away?” Andromeda asked, trembling only the slightest, Joan nodded.
“She wasn’t responding to the potions. It happened shortly after you left.”
“The world is horribly unfair.” Andromeda muttered, “I know I could’ve saved her. Fuck, she was only elven. She was supposed to start Hogwarts this year not…”
“Hey, I know it’s hard. But don’t blame yourself. We all do our best. It was my fault if anyone’s not yours.” Joan said sombrely. Andromeda nodded though she wasn’t convinced.
“No one is to blame.” Andromeda replied despite blaming herself very much indeed.
“I think you should go home. You’ve worked from 7am, she’s almost 7pm. Besides, you should stop that lip bleeding.” Joan smiled weakly before leaving to take care of the death of Helena. Andromeda exhaled a shaky breath before touching her lip, looking at her fingers that became red with blood. She grabbed a cloth to keep pressed against her lips before apparating home. When Andromeda landed in the hallway, she felt herself suddenly affected by a dizzy spell and a wave of nausea came over her and she threw up what little she had all over the floor. Ted heard her dry-heave in the hall and came out only to see her standing amidst all her sick looking very poorly indeed. He felt his heart go out to her, and he quickly waved his wand to make the sick disappear before wrapping her in his arms. Andromeda breathed in the scent of him as she felt protectively ensconced within Ted’s embrace. All the emotions of the day and the death of that one poor girl had taken its toll on her and she burst into tears, despite trying to be strong. Ted kissed her hair, and held her against him, and when her sobs ceased somewhat, he lifted her chin up, and were about to kiss her lips when he noticed the blood and cut. He immediately frowned, and Andromeda dried away her tears with the back of her hand,
“How are you?” Ted asked, and Andromeda sighed, leaning her head against his chest refusing to let go.
“I feel like I deserve.” Andromeda murmured, and Ted looked worried,
“Why is your lip cut?”
“I got slapped by the mother of a patient.” Andromeda bit her lips to keep the tears from falling again but felt a sharp pain as she bit into her raw, bloody lip.
“Oh… why is that?”
“I… she didn’t like me treating her daughter because I was a pureblood and her daughter a half-blood.” Andromeda’s voice was brittle, and Ted felt a stab at his chest seeing his wife thus distressed.
“That’s outrageous. You’re one of the most caring, and might I say best healers in Britain.”
Andromeda smiled small, feeling very blue.
“I wasn’t allowed to treat her, and so Joan had to take over and…” Andromeda broke of feeling tears begin afresh, Ted stroke her over the back gently. Resting his forehead against hers, calming her down.
“So, the child passed away?” Ted asked, and Andromeda let out a sob,
Ted embraced her tighter, kissing her hair, her cheeks and her brow, trying to make her feel his love and understanding.
“It’s not your fault, Dromeda. It’s not.”
“But, Ted. I could’ve saved her if the mother had just let me treat her!” Andromeda cried, and Ted ran his hands over her arms.
“You tried your best, but she wouldn’t let you. Joan could have saved her too but failed. Sometimes tragic things happen without us understanding why. But Dromeda I don’t want you to blame yourself or worry yourself to the extent that you get sick all over the floor when you get home.”
“I’m fine Ted, it was just a long day. I haven’t eaten…”
“You haven’t eaten?” Ted eyed her seriously, and Andromeda shook her head,
“There wasn’t time. But I’ll make some…”
Ted interrupted her,
“Andromeda you are crazy to think that I’ll allow you to stay on your feet. You will take care of that lip cut and stay in bed while I make you something to eat.”
Andromeda thought about starting an argument, hating whenever she was incapable of taking care of things herself, but gave into him feeling to tired to start anything. She lifted her wand and sealed the cut in her lip and let Ted wipe away the dried blood on her face. Before she steered her steps towards the stairs, Ted however would have none of it and lifted her up into his strong arms, Andromeda let out a squeak,
“Let me go, Ted. I don’t need to be babied!”
“I meant what I said, when I told you I didn’t want you to stay on your feet for any longer.”
Andromeda sighed loudly and let Ted carry her to their bed. She began to remove her clothing, when he leant her a hand,
“You know, it’s not as exciting when I know you’re just going to force me to rest.” Andromeda told him as he helped her out of her robes. Ted let out a stifled laugh at her and kissed her brow. He then fetched a bin from the bathroom and sat it on the floor beside the bed.
“If you need to throw up again.” He told her, “I’ll pop downstairs and make you some tea and toast.”
“Thank you, Ted.” Andromeda mumbled.

When Ted came back with a tray, he found his wife sound asleep, looking very peaceful. His smile spread from ear to ear, and his heart swelled with love for the woman in front of him. Ted thought of how it was always viewed at Hogwarts as a bad trait for Slytherin’s to be ambitious. But it was this ambition that drove his wife to work hours on end to save lives, keep up with her friends, and him – putting everyone else before herself. It hurt him that the woman had refused his wife to treat the child because of who her family was. Ted knew Andromeda was blaming herself- she always kept high expectations on herself and whenever those failed, she fell hard. She had a good heart and to Ted she was the most caring person he had ever met, and it grieved him that not everyone saw that.
“Stop staring and come to bed.” Andromeda muttered, eyes still shut. Ted snickered,
“You’ve really got eyes at the back of your head.”
“Mm.” She mumbled.
Ted removed his clothes to his underwear before getting in under the covers. Andromeda snuggled into his embrace, and within seconds she drifted off to sleep again, thoroughly exhausted.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
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26 mar, 2019 01:36

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