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China Caine


* "Kreacher was disappearing through the door to the hall, looking back at them malevolently as he hitched up his loincloth..."

* "Harry's heart began to pump very fast indeed. Defence against external penetration?"

* ...She pressed hard on the top of his head. "Doesnt it ever lie flat?" she said desperately. Harry shook his head.

* "Panting, Harry fell forwards over the hydrangea bush, straightened up and stared around. There were several faces peering trough various nearby windows. Harry stuffed his wand hastily back into his jeans and tried to look innocent."

* "He and all the other Weasleys froze on the threshold, gazing at the scene in front of them, which was also suspended in mid-action, both Sirius and Snape looking toward the door with their wands pointing into each other's faces and Harry immobile between them..."

* "We're not going to use magic," Ron ejaculated loudly.

* "I don't think private matters between myself and the Minister are any concern of yours, Potter," said Malfoy, smoothing the front of his robes. Harry distinctly heard the gentle clinking of what sounded like a full pocket of gold. "Really, just because you are Dumbledore's favourite boy, you must not expect the same indulgence from the rest of us...shall we go up to your office, then, Minister?"

* "Well-- it's just that you seem to be labouring under the delusion that I am going to-- what is the phrase?-- come quietly. I am afraid I am not going to come quietly at all, Cornelius."

* "Zacharias folded his arms and said nothing, though perhaps this was because he was too busy keeping an eye on the instrument in Fred's hand."

* "This'll liven you up, Padfoot," said James quietly.

* "Snape lay panting on the ground. James and Sirius advanced on him, wands raised..."

* "I DID IT!" said Neville gleefully. "I've never done it before -- I DID IT!"

* "Who?" said Harry quickly.

"Ginny Weasley, " said Katie.

Harry gaped at her.

"Yeah, I know," said Angelina, pulling out her wand and flexing her arm. "But she's pretty good, actually. Nothing on you, of course," she said, throwing him a very dirty look, "but as we can't have you..."

* "I was sure if he realized that our relationship was - or ever had been - closer then that of headmaster and pupil..."

* "A couple of weeks after his dream of Rookwood, Harry was to be found, yet again, kneeling on the floor of Snape's office..." (Australian edition)

* Snape's office door banged open and Draco Malfoy sped in.

"Professor Snape, sir - oh - sorry -"

Malfoy was looking at Snape and Harry in some surprise. ( Australian edition)

* "You are not in a position to bargain, Potter," said Lucius Malfoy, his pale face flushed with pleasure. ( Australian edition)

* "You think you're such a big man, Potter," said Malfoy, advancing now, Crabbe and Goyle flanking him. "You wait. I'll have you." ( Australian edition)

* "... his right, Malfoy's arm extended, too, reaching, groping... It was over in two, breathless, desperate, windswept seconds- Harry's fingers closed around the... ball..."

* Both Sirius and Snape lowered their wands... the unexpected entrance of so many witnesses seemed to have brought them to their senses...

"But what's going on?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"Nothing, Arthur," said Sirius, who was breathing heavily as though he had just run a long distance."

* "Mrs Weasley returned from Diagon Alley around six o' clock, laden with books and carrying a long package wrapped in brown paper that Ron took from her with a moan of longing."

* Fred and George exchanged looks.

"You don't mind if we don't kiss you, do you, Ron?"

all the above are just from Order of the Phoenix...

* Yeh've got to stroke 'em," said Hagrid, as though this was the most obvious thing in the world. "Look-"

* "You are easily satisfied. Lupin is hardly overtaxing you--"

* "What are you doing?" said Harry curiously. "How come you're not going to Hogsmeade?"

"We've come to give you a bit of festive cheer before we go," said Fred with a mysterious wink. "Come in here..."

He nodded toward an empty classroom to the left of the one-eyed statue. Harry followed Fred and George inside. George closed the door quietly and then turned, beaming, to look at Harry.

"Early Christmas present for you, Harry," he said.

Fred pulled something from his cloak with a flourish...

* "How come Fred and George never gave it to me!" said Ron, outraged. "I'm their brother!"

* "Can we have another go? Just one more go?"

"Not now," said Lupin firmly. "You've had enough for one night."

* "Something sliver-white, something enormous, erupted from the end of his wand"

The Gryffindor Quiddich team orgy:

* "That's my boy!" Wood kept yelling. Alicia, Angelina, and Katie had all kissed Harry; Fred had him in a grip so tight Harry felt as though his head would come off.

* "Tangled together in a many-armed hug, the Gryffindor team sank, yelling hoarsely, back to earth."

* "Harry had a confused impression of noise and bodies pressing in on him."

* "Professor Lupin hurled into the room, his face bloodless, his wand raised and ready."

* Lupin let go of Black and turned to her. She had raised herself off the floor and was pointing at Lupin, wild-eyed. "You-- you--"


"--you and him!"

"Hermione, calm down--"

"I didn't tell anyone!" Hermione shrieked. "I've been covering up for you--"

"Hermione, listen to me, please!" Lupin shouted. "I can explain--"

* "I'm going to tie him up," said Lupin. "That's all, I swear"

* "I bound and gagged Black, naturally"

* "Hermione, what--?" "In here!" Hermione seized Harry's arm and dragged him across the hall to the door of a broom closet; she opened it, pushed him inside among the buckets and mops, then slammed the door behind them.

* "Hermione's mouth was slightly open by the time Harry had finished."

* "But Harry could hardly swallow."

* "Why so miserable, Harry?" he said quietly. "You should be very proud of yourself after last night."

* "I knew your father very well, both at Hogwarts and later, Harry," he said gently.

some gems from Prisoner of Azkaban.., and now some mixed treasures...

* 'Thirteen and a half inches. Yes. Powerful wand, very powerful, but in the wrong hands

* Hagrid- "well done Harry. Now I think he will let you ride him."


hagrid lifts harry* (from PoA film)

* McGonagall: "Place your right hand on my waist..."

Ron: "Where?!"

McG. "My waist."

GoF movie

*********Group Member submissions*********

* "Dobby groaned, more tears dripping on the ragged pillowcase"

* "Yeh sure Yeh're all righ'? Yeh look all hot an' bothered"

* "lesson one: Holding Your Wand (some useful tips)"

* "Place your right hand on your broom and say UP"

* "A sharp intake of breath told him they were Hermione's"

* "Lord Voldemort had appeared in the middle of the hall, his wand pointing at harry who stood frozen, quite unable to move"

* "the harder she tried to pull it over his head, the smaller it seemed to become" - Sorcerer's Stone

* "Quite astonishing, the way you contrive to wriggle out of very tight holes."

* "But Ron was staring at Pettigrew with the utmose revulsion.

'I let you sleep in my bed!' he said."

* "Pettigrew knelt, trembling uncontrollably, and turned his head slowly towards Harry..."

* "As the snake shook its head, a deafening shout behind Harry made both of them jump: 'DUDLEY! MR DURSLEY! COME AND LOOK AT THIS SNAKE! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT IT'S DOING!'"

* "Whoops- My wand is a little over excited"

* "Snape!" ejaculated Slughorn, who looked the most shaken, pale and sweating.

* "professor--professor, don't you want to taste my p--?" Called Harry desperately

* "Harder!" shouted Harry

* "Harry rubbed his wand feverishly until white sparks shot out of the end... which earned him a disapproving look from Fleur"

* 'Ron had dropped his glass; he half-rose from his chair and then crumpled, his extremities jerking uncontrollably'

* 'Harry felt strangely diminished, as though he had shrunk a little since he had entered the room'

* 'There was no need to stick the wand in that hard,' he said gruffly, clambering to his feet. 'It hurt.'

* 'I dunno,' said Harry. 'Maybe it's better when you do it yourself, I didn't enjoy it much when Dumbledore took me along for the ride.'

* Hestia has just relieved me"

* ...she said playfully, 'Wair is it you are taking me, 'Agrid?'

'Yeh'll enjoy this,' said Hagrid gruffly. 'Worth seein', trust me. On'y - don' go tellin' anyone i showed yeh, right? Yeh're not s'posed ter know.'

'Of course not,' said Madame Maxime...

* i've got the whips waiting...oh please let me do it now...

* "Now, now, boys," squeaked Professor Flitwick reproachfully. "A little less talk, a little more action...Let me see you try...."

* Harry tried every variation of "I need to see what Draco Malfoy is doing inside you" that he could think of for a whole hour...

* Harry, however, had never been less interested in Quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.

* As each swelling was popped, a large amount of thick yellowish-green liquid burst forth, which smelled strongly of petrol."

* "He knows man,"

"Knows what?"

"Knows what it's like to be out there DOING it,"

* 'Well, er, if you must know, Ginny, er, walked in on me the other day when I was - well, never mind - the point is, she spotted me doing something and I, um, I asked her not to mention it to anybody.'

* 'Voldemort put a bit of himself inside me?' Harry said, thunderstruck

* "Yeah, size is no guarantee of power" said George.

*"dumbledore lit the tip of his wand, and smiled down at harry"

*'we've been at it for ages, i need to rest for a bit'

* "Where do you suppose this goes?"

Harry: "I have a hunch!"

* Harry and Ron were delighted when she told Malfoy he'd been doing it wrong for years"

* Harry didn't sleep all night. He could hear Neville sobbing into his pillow for what seemed like hours. Harry couldn't think of anything to say to comfort him. He knew Neville, like himself, was dreading the dawn. What would happen when the rest of Gryffindor found out what they'd done?

* "..the lump in Ron's pocket trembled.."

* "Harry wondered nervously what Dumbledore was planning to do with him that evening."

* "Harry turned eagerly to see Dumbledore bending over his cabinet."

* "Harry was indeed apprehensive, but Dumbledore was smiling."

* Mr weasley's hand had switched to traveling. 'He's coming!

* "Same time tomorrow?" said Dudley.

"Round my place, my parents will be out," said Gordon.

* "Ginny, your hands are filthy, what have you been doing?"

* "As he (Harry) closed the study door behind him, he distinctly heard Phineas Nigellus say, 'I can't see why the boy should be able to do it better than you, Dumbledore.'

* "...Harry, who was still trying not to think about Ginny any more than he could help, despite the fact that she kept cropping up in his dreams in ways that made him devoutly thankful that Ron could not perform Legilimency."

* 'Are you alright?' asked Dumbledore, looking down at him solicitously. 'The sensation takes some getting used to.' 'I'm fine,' said Harry, rubbing his ears'

* "It seemed to go on for hours. Mrs Weasley had shouted herself hoarse before she turned on Harry, who backed away"

* .....said Lockhart, reaching out and grasping his shoulder. 'I understand. Natural to want a bit more once you've had that first taste- and I blame myself for giving you that.."

* "well, aren't you going to put it in, that's what the other boy did"

**********Deathly Hallows Innuendo***********

* He thought of Ginny and her blazing look and the feel of her lips on his…

* "Good" said Voldemort. He drew out his own wand and compared lengths

* Now that harry's done me, it's time for me to do you ron!" said hermione as she brought him into the house

* "i've got an unbeatable wand, come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."

* wands are only as powerful as the wizards who use them. some wizards just like to boast that theirs are bigger and better than other people's

* At the sight of Krum's wand, the memories came flooding back to Harry

* Hermione suggested to Ron somewhere he could shove his wand..."

* Something hot and wet was trickling down his chin"

* "Uncle Vernon was still staring, appalled, at the bulge in Dedalus's waistcoat pocket."

* 'I'm doing it, I'm doing -! Oh, it's you,' said Ron in relief, as Harry entered the room.

* 'No,' said Bill at once, 'I'll do it, I'll come.'

* Ooh, you look much tastier than Crabbe and Goyle, Harry,' said Hermione, before catching sight of Ron's raised eyebrows, blushing slightly

* Ron struggled for a moment before managing to extract his wand from his trousers. 'It's no wonder I can't get it out, Hermione, you packed my old jeans, they're tight

* "Harry woke up and was strangely lonely he wasn't included with Ron and Hermione "

* "You're underage!" Mrs Weasley shouted at her daughter a Harry approached. "I won't permit it!"

* "I followed it behind the shed and then it... well it went inside me"

* ''Snape turned on the spot, wand gripped tightly in his hand''

* 'My wand acted of its own accord'

* "I hate the fact that he can get inside me, that i have to watch him..."

* "And twice he came accidentally upon them"

* "For a second they stood quite still, wands directed at each other's chests"

* "Yaxley drew his wand again,pointing it over his companions head"

* "Was he ever inside the Lestranges...."

* "Your wand performed something unique that night..."

* "Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly it hurt"

* "You'd be surprised, it's not all about wandwork, either"

* ''I'm coming, Harry, I'm coming!"

26 jan, 2012 19:19



Förstår inte nån


26 jan, 2012 19:20




26 jan, 2012 19:30



Skrivet av isaangel:
Förstår inte nån

inget dirty mind på dig då kanske

PRONGS RODE AGAIN LAST NIGHT | ♥ jeffrey, king of my heart ♥

26 jan, 2012 20:02



Hahah, orkar inte läsa igenom alla nu.. men dem jag läste var fett roliga! x)


26 jan, 2012 20:09

Narcissa Lestrange


Hahaha xD


26 jan, 2012 20:24

Celest Gaunt


Haha xD super

26 jan, 2012 20:31



Skrivet av hyperion:
Aberforth gör ju någonting med sina getter också, som kanske inte är så lämpligt.. Kommer inte ihåg vart det stod, men det nämns iaf..

Ja, det har jag alltid undrat över! Tycker det låter lite småäckligt...


31 jan, 2012 21:35



Hahaha, jag och mina misstolkningar....

Couldent live whit out it.. Läs min ff: Hemlig Ugglepost! http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=10604&page=1 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi39.tinypic.com%2F30x8os7.jpg Läs min HP-pysselblogg http://harrypotterpyssla.blogg.se/

31 jan, 2012 21:41



Amortentia och China Caine, tack för att ni nyss förstörde min barndom...
Har inte skrattat så högt åt något på internet på LÄNGE!

Skrivet av Borttagen:
Jag misstolkar Snapes "Always" på sätt och vis, på grund av den här bilden:


Jag tycker Always ska överväga att använda Alan Rickman som affischnamn. Faktiskt. Det vore awesome.

Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have - Hermione Granger https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi40.tinypic.com%2F4v0ks0.gif

13 feb, 2012 22:57

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