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I've never written an english poem, just because I'm scared is gonna be so fail... but maybe I should give it a chance...


22 okt, 2011 00:03

Ida S


Speaking of poems, I wrote one recently My english teacher loved it - I found it very brutal and cliché x)
I was inspired by Dramione, so it was a really angsty poem. With a sad ending :3

"we live together, and harry does all the cooking."

22 okt, 2011 00:16



Skrivet av Ginnyy:
I just have to post an aweful poem that I wrote to a boy many years ago. It's really aweful...

I would like to read that one. Love reading old poems, makes me laugh big time

3 nov, 2011 01:47



Skrivet av grodan-boll:
Wow, your English classes sounds amazing!
Mine are like trevors..they sucks. And our teacher takes like 2 months to correct our essays -.-

Once, we had a test one day before "höstlovet" (I don't know how to say it, if they even have got it in England? "autumn-holiday maybe, haha), and we got it back four days after the Christmas Holiday (!!!!) , and that's not unusual. We wrote an essay in the first week in school after the summer, and we have'nt got it back........

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi1196.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa411%2Ftudorrose4456%2Fcelebrateharrypotternm.gif http://acciophoenixwand.tumblr.com http://weheartit.com/evutosv WildHawthorn67 @ Pottermore evamatildaa @ instagram http://insta.devote.se

3 nov, 2011 10:18




Skrivet av Maharajah:
Skrivet av Ginnyy:
I just have to post an aweful poem that I wrote to a boy many years ago. It's really aweful...

I would like to read that one. Love reading old poems, makes me laugh big time

Here it goes, laugh as much as you want!

I love a boy
But he deosn't love me, I think
I know we're different
I am tall and he is small
He is quit and I am not
But I always dreaming
At he most thinking on me sometimes
When I look in his eyes
I can't stop to fly
How it's going to be
He came always be loved
Because I came always love him
Even if I meet another gay
I came always love the the first one
I came never love someone else
I came always be unhappily in love
I can't sleep on the night
Because I thinking at you
I can never be myself again...

OMG I can't stop lauging! To point out my biggest mistakes, gay and guy is not the same thing! (Omg! I called the boy I loved, gay...) And then I wrote quit, when it should have been cute... And why oh why did I wrote came instead of will?


3 nov, 2011 10:58



I was just looking for this thread, hihi. What's up now, people? I'm watching Criminal Minds, a very old episode! From season 1, I think. Awesome.

3 nov, 2011 11:00



Yay, English! Ya know, I often think in English, it's like second nature to me.

On the down side: "That awkward moment when you want to say something but don't know how to say it IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE, only in English..."

But anyway, English is interesting, it has so many different accents from so many different places. I think that's kind of cool (Y)

ϟ Ego sum Lady MagicFlight159 ϟ

3 nov, 2011 11:06



Skrivet av Humlesnurr:
Yay, English! Ya know, I often think in English, it's like second nature to me.

On the down side: "That awkward moment when you want to say something but don't know how to say it IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE, only in English..."

But anyway, English is interesting, it has so many different accents from so many different places. I think that's kind of cool (Y)

I have that awkward moment very often. Although guys, we CANT ignore our swedish. If we won't remember it, who will?
It's a beautiful language with so many crazy accents. We have to keep it, even though we love english aswell.


3 nov, 2011 11:12



Skrivet av Ginnyy:
Skrivet av Maharajah:
Skrivet av Ginnyy:
I just have to post an aweful poem that I wrote to a boy many years ago. It's really aweful...

I would like to read that one. Love reading old poems, makes me laugh big time

Here it goes, laugh as much as you want!

I love a boy
But he deosn't love me, I think
I know we're different
I am tall and he is small
He is quit and I am not
But I always dreaming
At he most thinking on me sometimes
When I look in his eyes
I can't stop to fly
How it's going to be
He came always be loved
Because I came always love him
Even if I meet another gay
I came always love the the first one
I came never love someone else
I came always be unhappily in love
I can't sleep on the night
Because I thinking at you
I can never be myself again...

OMG I can't stop lauging! To point out my biggest mistakes, gay and guy is not the same thing! (Omg! I called the boy I loved, gay...) And then I wrote quit, when it should have been cute... And why oh why did I wrote came instead of will?

I think that I get why you wrote came. You maybe meant "kommer" in swedish? xd

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi1196.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa411%2Ftudorrose4456%2Fcelebrateharrypotternm.gif http://acciophoenixwand.tumblr.com http://weheartit.com/evutosv WildHawthorn67 @ Pottermore evamatildaa @ instagram http://insta.devote.se

3 nov, 2011 11:16



Ginnyy: I'm seriously laughing at you now. That poem is so quit! How old were you when you wrote it?

I don't think I have any old English assignments left. That's a bit sad, it would be fun to se my improvements (I hope there are some...).


3 nov, 2011 11:17

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