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Började igår kväll på Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe av Benjamin Alire Sáenz och har redan läst typ halva.

Såå mysig och på många sätt relatable. Gillar hur den är skriven och den perfekta blandningen mellan att vara rolig och allvarlig. Av det jag läst än så länge känns den absolut läsvärd.

Tryck här för att visa!
"I don't think my mom got the whole guy thing. I didn't get the guy thing either. And I was a guy. I had a feeling there was something wrong with me. I guess I was a mystery even to myself. That sucked. I had serious problems."

"One thing was for sure: there was no way I was going to ask one of those idiots to help me out with my swimming. It was better to be alone and miserable. It was better to drown."

"We laughed again. We couldn't stop. I wondered what it was we were thinking about. Was it just our names? Were we laughing because we were relieved? Were we happy? Laughter was another one of life's mysteries."

"[...] but I always kept my distance from the other boys. I never ever felt like I was part of their world. Boys. I watched them. Studied them. In the end, i didn't find most of the guys that surrounded me very interesting. In fact, I was pretty disgusted. [...] I just didn't understand how to talk to them, how to be myself around them. [...] It was like they were all part of this club and I wasn't a member."



8 maj, 2021 00:23




Skrivet av robsan:
Började igår kväll på Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe av Benjamin Alire Sáenz och har redan läst typ halva.

Såå mysig och på många sätt relatable. Gillar hur den är skriven och den perfekta blandningen mellan att vara rolig och allvarlig. Av det jag läst än så länge känns den absolut läsvärd.

Tryck här för att visa!
"I don't think my mom got the whole guy thing. I didn't get the guy thing either. And I was a guy. I had a feeling there was something wrong with me. I guess I was a mystery even to myself. That sucked. I had serious problems."

"One thing was for sure: there was no way I was going to ask one of those idiots to help me out with my swimming. It was better to be alone and miserable. It was better to drown."

"We laughed again. We couldn't stop. I wondered what it was we were thinking about. Was it just our names? Were we laughing because we were relieved? Were we happy? Laughter was another one of life's mysteries."

"[...] but I always kept my distance from the other boys. I never ever felt like I was part of their world. Boys. I watched them. Studied them. In the end, i didn't find most of the guys that surrounded me very interesting. In fact, I was pretty disgusted. [...] I just didn't understand how to talk to them, how to be myself around them. [...] It was like they were all part of this club and I wasn't a member."


åh jag lyssnade på den boken för typ två år sedan. sååå mysig och relatable jag hoppas att du njuter av andra halvan också!!


8 maj, 2021 01:52



Skrivet av theLilyPotter:
Skrivet av robsan:
Började igår kväll på Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe av Benjamin Alire Sáenz och har redan läst typ halva.

Såå mysig och på många sätt relatable. Gillar hur den är skriven och den perfekta blandningen mellan att vara rolig och allvarlig. Av det jag läst än så länge känns den absolut läsvärd.

Tryck här för att visa!
"I don't think my mom got the whole guy thing. I didn't get the guy thing either. And I was a guy. I had a feeling there was something wrong with me. I guess I was a mystery even to myself. That sucked. I had serious problems."

"One thing was for sure: there was no way I was going to ask one of those idiots to help me out with my swimming. It was better to be alone and miserable. It was better to drown."

"We laughed again. We couldn't stop. I wondered what it was we were thinking about. Was it just our names? Were we laughing because we were relieved? Were we happy? Laughter was another one of life's mysteries."

"[...] but I always kept my distance from the other boys. I never ever felt like I was part of their world. Boys. I watched them. Studied them. In the end, i didn't find most of the guys that surrounded me very interesting. In fact, I was pretty disgusted. [...] I just didn't understand how to talk to them, how to be myself around them. [...] It was like they were all part of this club and I wasn't a member."


åh jag lyssnade på den boken för typ två år sedan. sååå mysig och relatable jag hoppas att du njuter av andra halvan också!!

update: hela boken var väldigt bra och helt klart läsvärd ♥

12/10 would recommend


11 maj, 2021 20:35



Religion för ateister


11 maj, 2021 21:48



har fastnat lite i gay YA och tidigare idag läste jag ut "They both die at the end". Den är också en helt klart läsvärd bok. En tankeväckande bok om döden och hur man måste ta risker för att vinna.

9/10 would recommend

Tryck här för att visa!"Twelve hours ago I received the phone call telling me I'm going to die today, and I'm more alive now than I was then."

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exists, that's all."

"I've spent years living safely to secure a longer life, and look where that's gotten me. I'm at the finish line but I never ran the race."

"No matter how we choose to live, we both die at the end."

Ser nu att det finns planer på att göra en HBO-serie baserat på boken. Kan absolut tänka mig at den här boken skulle passa som serie, hoppas bara den bli välgjord.



20 maj, 2021 23:39



vindens namn av patrick rothfuss

21 maj, 2021 17:45




kultursociologiska texter av pierre bourdieu i urval av donald broady och mikael palme

inte direkt njutningsfull läsning MEN det är den SISTA kursboken på terminen!!!! kämpa katla


21 maj, 2021 18:29

Daphne *


har spenderat den senaste veckan med att plöja igenom min sommar-TBR som jag inte hunnit med eftersom jag jobbat typ hela sommaren. har läst steppenwolf av herman hesse, faktotum av charles bukowski och just nu läser jag my year of rest and relaxation av ottessa moshfegh.

22 aug, 2021 09:38



institutet av stephen king! och så läser jag om eragon av christopher paolini hihi

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fc2057e979b36700bc9d0ddee435c4ee9%2Ftumblr_mh0iwf8J2F1qj00lio1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fb93c15e19f8356bae735c195bbe4a3f3%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D8137678

22 aug, 2021 16:59



Flickvänskontraktet av Anna Keiler

Huset BloodthornBoken - Från min värld till din

23 aug, 2021 16:07

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