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Avis Fortunae Pride Potter alltså, jag blir så sjukt glad över era kommentarer! =)
Att ni tycker att detta är deras historia, är ju absolut den bästa tänkbara komplimangen, tack så mycket för att ni tar er tid att både läsa och kommentera denna storyn! =)

Chapter 50
There was a knock on the door and the two lovers flew apart, an old habit they had picked up. Andromeda blushed a deep scarlet, but Ted only laughed at her before he opened his bedroom door to reveal his mother.
“I thought you might want some late supper,” Mary said softly, and Ted shone up as he always did at the mentioning of food,
“Yes please, mum. We’d love some.”
“It’s ready down in the breakfast room.” Mary smiled at Andromeda before leaving them for the downstairs again. Ted turned to Andromeda,
“You don’t mind eating with them, do you?”
Andromeda furrowed her eyebrows in confusion,
“What? Because they’re muggles?”
Ted burst out laughing,
“No, because they’re my parents, and you might not be hungry. Honestly Dromeda I’m not going to hold your family against you at every turn.”
Andromeda blushed for the second time that evening and averted her eyes from him,
“Come now, Dromeda. We’ve hardly been in each other’s company for an hour.” Ted closed the gap between them and he pressed a kiss against her temple. Andromeda closed her eyes, taking the sensation of having his lips on her in, before opening them again and looking into his hazel ones that shone with love tonight.
“Let’s go down then.” She smiled,
“Yeah, let’s.” Ted agreed, and he took her hand in his and for the first time they walked out from a room together.
They entered the candle-lit breakfast room and was met with his parents. Ted’s father bore a resemblance of his son, but his hair was considerably darker and as soon as they had entered, his father smiled up at them,
“I’m surprised to see you two down. Told the Mrs, Ted might not let you out of his grip.”
Andromeda felt a little missus at his implication, but she was determined to be a good sport, so she just smiled and turned towards Mary.
“It’s very kind of you to offer me supper.”
Mary waved one hand whilst serving a thicker broth-like substance to all the bowls around the table.
“Not at all, it’s my pleasure!”
Ted’s father stood up from his chair and stretched his hand out, Andromeda shook it,
“I’m Frederick by the way, Ted’s father. Everyone calls me Fred though.”
“Pleasure to meet you, I’m Andromeda.” She said courtly fighting an old urge to curtsey,
“Do sit down dear,” Mary told her, but Andromeda looked a wee bit confused, they always had seating charts at their house,
“Where?” She asked, and Ted snickered at her dumbfounded face,
“Anywhere you’d like, preferably next to me, if I might give my opinion,”
Andromeda felt a little humiliated at her own folly and sat down quickly next to Ted.
“You don’t have to worry about being all proper, we’re just family here.” Fred told her with a kind smile before he brought the spoon to his lips,
“Thank you.” Andromeda replied, glancing a bit at Ted who looked very amused.
“Andromeda’s a bit prim and proper amongst new people. Her family is a bit like wizarding royalty. They’re very posh.”
Andromeda gave Ted a haughty stare, and his parents laughed,
“Careful there, Ted, or you might find your food poisoned,”
“But you have to admit, Dromeda, that your family is quite posh.” Ted pressed, and Andromeda rolled her eyes,
“I wouldn’t say we’re posh per say.”
“However, it may be, it must be very strange to come to our home.” Mary said with a light chuckle,
“It’s different. But it’s very nice.” Andromeda reassured her, “I’m not familiar with your inventions and things.”
“Ted’s told us you haven’t got electricity and such but surely you know of it.” Fred leaned over his plate of food, Andromeda looked bewildered,
“Electricity? – Do you mean lightning from the sky?”
“You don’t know? - That’s interesting.” Fred looked puzzled and Andromeda pulled her hair out of her eyes, taking the opportunity to eat a spoonful of… Andromeda frowned, whatever it was.
“I’ll show you later,” Ted whispered, and she nodded briefly,
“How long have you two been a couple then?” Fred asked when he realised he might have stumbled into a difficult subject. Ted glanced at Andromeda and Andromeda glanced at Ted. Both a little unsure about when they had begun to be a couple,
“Since spring two years ago but not proper till that autumn,” Ted replied, “I did tell you.”
“Now Ted’s been talking about you for ages though. Always used to describe you to us, and how you…” Mary was cut off by Ted who looked very disapproving,
“I think that’s enough mother.”
Andromeda however smirked at him and then turned back to his mother with interest,
“Oh yes, we grew quite tired of hearing him talk about it. We almost thought he had made you up. He obviously hadn’t.” Mary smiled and gave a light chuckle, and Ted groaned into his hand feeling utterly mortified.
“Mum, please stop.”
“Have you got any sisters or brothers then?” Fred asked ignoring his son and steering the conversation once more. Andromeda felt a small stab in the chest as she thought of her sisters, but she put on a smile,
“I have two sisters; Bellatrix and Narcissa.”
If they thought the names were weird they did their best at hiding it, instead Mary went with the socially acceptable,
“Oh, those are quite uncommon names, aren’t they?”
“Most of us are named after star constellations or myths. Family tradition…” Andromeda replied kindly feeling at once a little weird again,
“What do you parents think of this then?” Mary asked, meaning to be kind but missing her target completely. Andromeda’s eyes widened, and she didn’t know quite what to reply, Ted inwardly face-palmed,
“I think that’s a conversation for later.” He pressed, and it dawned upon his mother why she finally met this girlfriend after so long.
“Of course. We cannot get to know you in one night, Andromeda. You must be tired from your journey here. Ted, you two are excused from the table.” Mary looked a little embarrassed at her previous question, so Andromeda smiled kindly towards the woman.
“Thank you for supper. It was truly delicious! I’ve never had…” She trailed off, what had she been eating?
“It was no worries. Good night to the both of you!” Mary replied softly, and the two youths left the room for the upstairs.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

7 nov, 2018 23:36

Pride Potter



Superbra kapitel! Jag tycker om Fred och Mary jättemycket, vet inte varför men jag gör det i alla fall.


8 nov, 2018 10:55

Avis Fortunae



Åh, jag älskar skildringen av Ted ... Det är så enkelt och kärleksfullt mellan dem. Som att alla hinder och problem hela tiden funnits utanför, på grund av hennes familj och den här fientligheten mot mugglare, men mellan Ted och Andy blev det tidigt självklart och kärleksfullt.

Nu blir det en helt ny situation för Andy, även rent praktiskt med alla de ting som ingår i mugglarvärlden, som elektricitet till exempel. Teds föräldrar verkar det inte bli några problem med. Så fint att han pratat så mycket om Andy hemma ♥

Undrar hur det är att vara förälder till ett barn med magi, när man själv inte har det. Jag har alltid varit nyfiken på hur de löser det. Kanske får man veta mer om sådant i nästa kapitel? Skulle kunna följa de här två hela livet ♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

8 nov, 2018 19:33




Pride Potter Å, vad roligt att du gillade kapitlet och att du gillar Mary och Fred! Jag tycker själv väldigt mycket om de, inte bara för att de är raka motsatsen till Druella och Cygnus

Avis Fortunae Alltså, jag blir alltid lika glad när jag ser att du tagit din tid att både läsa och skriva en kommentar på detta storyn! =)
Vad glad jag blir att du gillar skildringen av Ted och deras förhållande! Ja, man kan undra hur Mary och Fred har haft det vad gäller magin, kanske kommer det mer om det i senare kapitlen

Chapter 51
Andromeda felt quite nervous as Ted closed the door and she realised they were all alone with each other. She wrung her hands, letting her eyes flicker through the small dark room. Ted turned on the lights and she startled a little. He chuckled kindly,
“It’s just electrical lights. No worries!”
Andromeda felt her cheeks redden,
Ted sat down on his bed, feeling too a little unsure of what to say or do. He glanced up at the ceiling before he sheepishly looked at Andromeda,
“I never thought to ask you if you wanted to stay in here or in the guest room.” He began slowly, Andromeda’s eyes widened,
“Please don’t leave me alone!”
Ted’s face softened further, and he tugged her by the hand towards him, she bit her lip and he brought her face down to his and kissed her tenderly,
“I will never leave your side, Dromeda!”
Andromeda pulled away for a second,
Ted nodded,
He then stood up again, running a hand through his hair,
“So, which side do you want to sleep on?”
Andromeda snickered,
“What side?”
Ted mock-frowned,
“Well, everyone’s got a side,”
Andromeda shot him a funny look but composed herself enough,
“I guess the left side…”
Ted smiled,
“Perfect, mine’s the right anyway.”
Andromeda shook her head at him,
“You do know that if I would have liked the right, you’d have to give it up?”
“Fully aware, goddess divine.”
Andromeda swatted his arm playfully, then she stood up on her tip-toes and kissed him on the corner of the mouth teasingly,
“I love you, Stupid.”
Ted beamed cheekily,
“As I do you, my treasure.”
Andromeda stepped away,
“That’s it, where’s the guest room?”
Ted groaned, and sat down on the bed, Andromeda stood with crossed arms, barely containing a smile, when Ted did his best pout-face and she burst out laughing.
“I’m only joking with you.”
“Do you want to turn in?” Ted made a gesture towards the bed and Andromeda raised her eyebrows,
“Turn in?”
“Thought it might be a cool thing to say…” Ted said innocently,
“Your nutters.” Andromeda smiled,
“That’s why you love me!” Ted wiggled his eyebrows, and she stroke his cheek with her hand feeling a light stubble,
“Oh I do.” Andromeda purred affectionately,
“Have you got any nightwear?” Ted asked, and Andromeda gave him a stern look, and his ear-tips turned pink,
“I did not intend for it to imply what you thought…”
“As it happens I forgot it under my pillow, so no.” Andromeda folded her arms, feeling rather insecure about the whole thing, Ted smiled small,
“You can borrow a t-shirt if you’d like,”
It was a offer Andromeda wasn’t late in accepting, anything to spare her the mortification of having to be completely undressed. She was much too insecure about her body for that.
“I’d like that.” She murmured, and he nodded, stood up and went through his wardrobe and pulled out a t-shirt with the Hufflepuff emblem on it. Andromeda smirked as she was handed the over-sized t-shirt,
“Of all t-shirts you have…”
“Well, I never pass on an opportunity to see Slytherins in Hufflepuff garments.” Ted winked, and Andromeda just stood holding it whilst shaking her head snickering at him.
Ted then proceeded to take his shirt off, Andromeda’s eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn’t help but stare at his toned abdomen, and let her gaze run over his body, how it moved whilst he then pulled off his trousers. However, when she came down to the lower part of his body she turned her eyes away, feeling very warm in the face. She shouldn’t stare so.
When she dared look at him again, he was stood in front of her in a pair of blue flannel pyjama trousers, he offered her a smile which she returned a bit awkward, still feeling quite embarrassed for staring.
They were stood still for a few minutes, and Andromeda lowered her gaze to the floor, twisting her foot a bit,
“Would you mind turning around?” It was a mere whisper and Andromeda scolded herself inwardly for feeling so missus around Ted. But Ted, ever the gentleman, without question, nodded and turned his back to her. Andromeda could then proceed with taking her clothes off and changing into the slightly too big t-shirt. When she was finished, Ted turned around and smiled at her,
“How do you manage to look absolutely stunning in anything?”
Andromeda blushed and unconsciously touched her arm,
“Shut it,”
Ted closed the gap between them and kissed her passionately on the lips, letting his tongue trace her bottom lip, he pressed his mouth harder against hers, before he pulled away, pulling a few curls out of her face,
“I love you so much!”
Andromeda kissed him on the corner of his mouth,
“Not as much as I love you.”
Ted laughed kindly as he sang,
“In a sentimental mood,”
Andromeda rolled her eyes at him,
“Way to ruin such a moment,”
“Always glad to be of service,” Ted winked, and then took hold of her hand,
Andromeda looked at their locked hands and then up into his gorgeous hazel eyes that seemed to contain more warmth than ever,
“Bed?” Ted rasped in her ear, something which gave her chills up her spine, Andromeda nodded her dark eyes sparkling in the dim light from the lamp. Ted didn’t let go of her hand as he turned himself around to turn out the lights, he then led her to the bed in the dark.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

11 nov, 2018 22:31

Pride Potter




Men alltså Ted är typ min drömkille. Han är ju rolig och är bra på att lyssna och jaaa, han är bara jättebra.


12 nov, 2018 09:43

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2018-11-12 kl. 19:28
Antal ändringar: 1

Avis Fortunae



Ted är definitivt drömkillen. Jag är väldigt förtjust i deras dialog, hur de kärleksfullt småretas hela tiden. Det är så mysig stämning genom hela kapitlet och även roligt, som när hon har glömt nattlinnet och han plockar fram en stor t-shirt med Hufflepuff Det blir en stämning av mysig sleepover, trots det allvarliga hon gått igenom. Hon behöver verkligen tryggheten hos Ted och hans familj ♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

12 nov, 2018 18:39




Den här har jag totalmissat! Blir att läsa den här i nästa vecka! Verkar superintressant och de små trådarna jag nystat i så verkar det verkligen som du håller dig till böckerna!
Bevakar så länge!


Uuuuuhm! Har tagit mig vatten över öronen... Har svårt för att inte kommentera varenda kapitel, tyvärr. Men har läst de första tre hittills!
Tryck här för att visa!
Direkt när jag börjar läsa slås jag av hur charmig och munter Bellatrix verkar! Spännande! Du drar direkt med mig i alla spännande dialoger och detaljer! Som att hon var elak mot Ted för att han är mugglarfödd!
Eller samtalet om renblodsaveln!
Fortsatt elakhet mot Ted för att han är mugglarfödd men en avslutande twist jättespännande!
En sak jag tänkte på i början av kapitel 1, i den allra första meningen var. ”The green drapes letting in a small stream of light”
Byt ut letting mot let för korrekt tempus!
Sen får jag en känsla av att Andromeda är STOR gentemot Ted som känns liten. Kan ju ha med att hon ser sig själv som bättre men ja… Så kändes det som när de stod där, att hon tittade ner på honom. Görbra, som vi säger i Göteborg, haha!

2. Avery(!!!) älskar honom! Kan vara för att jag gjort honom till min egen under åren, men ja… Han är en favorit och blev glad att se honom. :’)
Älskar att hon har en grävling som patronus och att Avery hyllar henne sååå mycket över Andrews. #slytherinlove
Blir helt febrig när Minerva drar henne åt sidan och pratar allvar med henne! Sen blir hon arg och då ska såklart Ted komma, alltså timingen! Underbart!
LOL ”troll-booger doxy shit!” Det var en underbar svordom!

Kapitel 3
Till att börja med, beskriver du Slughorn så bra! Det är verkligen så han är! Vad fick Ted luft ifrån, förresten? När Andromeda ändå bara försöker bita tillbaka för alla skit den där Jenny pratat!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

16 nov, 2018 12:08

Avis Fortunae



Skrivet av Trezzan:
Den här har jag totalmissat! Blir att läsa den här i nästa vecka! Verkar superintressant och de små trådarna jag nystat i så verkar det verkligen som du håller dig till böckerna!
Bevakar så länge!


Uuuuuhm! Har tagit mig vatten över öronen... Har svårt för att inte kommentera varenda kapitel, tyvärr. Men har läst de första tre hittills!
Tryck här för att visa!
Direkt när jag börjar läsa slås jag av hur charmig och munter Bellatrix verkar! Spännande! Du drar direkt med mig i alla spännande dialoger och detaljer! Som att hon var elak mot Ted för att han är mugglarfödd!
Eller samtalet om renblodsaveln!
Fortsatt elakhet mot Ted för att han är mugglarfödd men en avslutande twist jättespännande!
En sak jag tänkte på i början av kapitel 1, i den allra första meningen var. ”The green drapes letting in a small stream of light”
Byt ut letting mot let för korrekt tempus!
Sen får jag en känsla av att Andromeda är STOR gentemot Ted som känns liten. Kan ju ha med att hon ser sig själv som bättre men ja… Så kändes det som när de stod där, att hon tittade ner på honom. Görbra, som vi säger i Göteborg, haha!

2. Avery(!!!) älskar honom! Kan vara för att jag gjort honom till min egen under åren, men ja… Han är en favorit och blev glad att se honom. :’)
Älskar att hon har en grävling som patronus och att Avery hyllar henne sååå mycket över Andrews. #slytherinlove
Blir helt febrig när Minerva drar henne åt sidan och pratar allvar med henne! Sen blir hon arg och då ska såklart Ted komma, alltså timingen! Underbart!
LOL ”troll-booger doxy shit!” Det var en underbar svordom!

Kapitel 3
Till att börja med, beskriver du Slughorn så bra! Det är verkligen så han är! Vad fick Ted luft ifrån, förresten? När Andromeda ändå bara försöker bita tillbaka för alla skit den där Jenny pratat!

Grattis Trezzan till att ha upptäckt denna story. Här kan man verkligen tala om detaljerade beskrivningar och dialoger som bygger upp saker och ting. Vill liksom bara säga att jag rekommenderar den av hela mitt ♥ och längtar så mycket efter uppdatering!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

24 nov, 2018 19:30



Pride Potter Å, tack så mycket! Ja, Ted är verkligen en drömkille.. =)

Avis Fortunae Vad roligt att du tycker om deras dialog med varandra, tycker att dialog är bland det roligaste att skriva, särskilt i detta fanfictionet!

Vad glad jag blir när du säger att du rekommenderar den av hela ditt hjärta, betyder verkligen jättemycket! Tack ♥

Trezzan Vad roligt att du har börjat läsa min story, och vad glad jag blev för dina kommentarer över de första kapitlen, ändrade mitt misstag i första kapitlet, haha ibland så glömmer man sin grammatik
Vad roligt att du kände till Avery! Aldrig sett någon annan använda sig av honom, har du kanske skrivit något om honom som man kan läsa? Hade ju varit jätteroligt att läsa!

Hoppas ni tycker om de två nya kapitlen, jag längtar till att få posta nästa gång, för Chapter 54 innehåller lite drama och humor kan jag spoila

Chapter 52
Andromeda rested her head on Ted’s left arm whilst his other arm was resting on her hip, he was breathing heavily in her ear, sound asleep. But she was wide awake, she couldn’t hinder her thoughts to wander to her family, to everything she would miss. Andromeda knew there wasn’t much that was well and normal with her childhood but there were good times, and there were people she did miss with all her heart already. Tears that hadn’t fallen yet burned behind her heavy eyelids, she bit her lip to stop a sob escaping her – she didn’t want Ted to wake up, didn’t want him to think she wasn’t happy to be there.
Light from some tall, grey pole was creeping through the curtains into the room, Andromeda focused her eyes on the clock that hung on the wall, 3am. The first tear fell down her cheek, and when the first one had trailed down all the way to her lip, the others kept coming rapidly. Andromeda could hardly breathe as she kept her mouth firmly shut not to let any sound out, her chest grew tight and she felt the need of fresh air. She turned her head to look up at Ted who peacefully was sleeping, and she tried to squirm her way out of his grasp without waking him up. She was almost out of bed when he moved and mumbled, wide-eyed she watched him intently, but he remained asleep. Andromeda then proceeded to stumble towards the window, when she finally got the window open she stood leaning out of it, her breathing uneven from the sobs erupting, shaking her whole frame. Wet, salty tears ran down her cheeks, and she brought a hand to her face to try and dry them away, but the old tears were soon followed by the new ones. She stared out into the chilly, dark night, seeing only faces before her inner-eye.
“Dromeda?” Ted’s voice was heard from the bed, Andromeda startled, and tried to stop her tears flowing,
“Yes?” It came out in a shaky whisper, her response was immediately followed by the sounds of footsteps,
“Why are you crying, Andy?” Ted stroke her chin, but Andromeda turned away again, the tears running with new vigour.
“Don’t say that.” She said her voice brittle, Ted wrinkled his forehead,
“What? Tell me, please,” He gently touched her by her elbow,
“Don’t call me Andy.” Andromeda mumbled, “It reminds me of…”
Ted’s face softened again, and he put his arms around her, kissing her forehead,
“Then I won’t.”
“I’m always such a bother,” Andromeda muttered, and Ted shook his head fiercely,
“Not at all. You are entitled to your feelings. I admire your strength so much!”
Andromeda leant her forehead against his chest, and Ted held her tighter, kissing her over the hair, muttering words of comfort.
“Do you want to go back to bed, Dromeda?” Ted asked, and he felt her nod against him, so Ted did the reasonable thing to do, he picked her up, something which made her squeal, he offered her a white smile before carrying her the very short distance to his bed, where he put her down and tucked her in under the covers,
“I’m not a baby, Ted.” Andromeda offered him the first genuine smile since he had woken up, and he flopped onto the bed smiling like a fool,
“You want me to sing you off to sleep?” He teased, and she wacked him gently on the head,
“Shut up.”
“Ah, the sound of true love.” Ted sighed content, and Andromeda just shook her head laughing at him,
“You always make me laugh,”
“Feeling a little better then?” Ted asked kindly,
“I do,” Andromeda replied as she snuggled into him, yawning before she drifted off into a restful sleep. Ted smiled down at her, keeping his arms wrapped around her before he too fell into the lands of dreams once more.

Chapter 53
A few days later Andromeda were sat down by the kitchen bench watching as Mary prepared lunch. They had gotten a long very well with each other, and Mary had taken it upon herself to teach Andromeda how to cook. Andromeda had never once cooked in her life, and she was even more confused by the invention’s muggles were using, such as the oven. As far as Andromeda knew wizards only used open flame. In return to Mary’s kind tutoring, Andromeda showed off her own skills in household spells, which thoroughly impressed the woman.
“Ted’s never shown me that! Argh men can be so unhelpful in the house, aye?” She had said.
At the moment though, Mary was showing how to prepare an onion soup, and whilst Andromeda appreciated it, she was rather depressed still, and she felt pretty excluded from the whole world she had known. She hadn’t seen another wizard or witch, except Ted of course, in days now since she had been free from studying at St Mungos. It was something altogether unknown to her not being able to join conversations or make them, because his parents knew not half of the world she was born and raised into. If Andromeda was being fair, she knew not even a quarter of their world, but to fully dive into the unknown when she didn’t even know where she had her own world was terrifying to her. Andromeda was awoken from her thought when Ted placed a hand on her shoulder, rubbing it gently,
“Hey, having fun?”
She leaned into his hand that had moved up to her cheek, and nodded tiredly,
“It’s very interesting,”
Ted smiled, and pecked her on the cheek, before looking up at his own mother,
“Mum I’m taking Andromeda out for a few hours,”
Andromeda frowned confused at him, but Ted just took her by the hand, Mary didn’t seem surprised at all, she just smiled at the two,
“I think that’s a wonderful idea. Off you go then!”
Ted squeezed her hand, and brought her to the hallway where he assisted her with her cloak, he was already wearing his, Andromeda raised both eyebrows, and he kissed the corner of her mouth,
“You’ll see,”
Andromeda hated surprises, and he knew full well that she did, so she pouted at him, but he just laughed at her,
“Come on, take my arm.”
Now Andromeda knew how to apparate, she just didn’t know how well mastered Ted was in it, Ted sighed loudly,
“I did pass my test, Dromeda.”
“Well, you’re a…” She was interrupted,
“I beg you not to finish that sentence if the end is a muggleborn.” Ted gave her a sharp look and Andromeda bit her lip, trying to not smile at him,
“I was going to say Hufflepuff…”
Ted shook his head at her,
“Urgh, minx.”
“Now, where are we going?” Andromeda tried,
Ted smiled again,
“Take my arm, and I’ll show you.”
This time she did take his arm, and as they were being sucked in and away, she hardly had time to figure out where they were headed before they landed on their feet outside the door of the Leaky Cauldron.
“Why are we at this place?” Andromeda asked feeling some distaste for the pub. Ted smirked,
“It’s the entrance to Diagon Alley from Muggle London...”
Andromeda looked around herself, noticing he was right, and sighed relieved,
“Oh, why are we here though?”
“I thought you might miss it, and besides Florean Fortescue has got the best ice cream,” Ted smiled, and Andromeda looked fondly at him,
“He really does, thank you for bringing me here Ted.”
“No matter,” Ted waved it off, before taking her hand and tucking it carefully under his arm,
“Brace yourself, they might just want to burn me at stake,” Andromeda sucked in a breath, and Ted chuckled,
“I thought that’s what muggles did.”
“Well, they do take some influence from muggles,” Andromeda smirked, “Like in-door plumbing – thank Merlin!”
They then proceeded to enter the pub, Andromeda had only ever been in it once, and by total accident. Her parents loathed the place, thought it was dodgy and full of all sorts of people. At that time Andromeda had of course believed them. But now as she entered again, it wasn’t full as dodgy as she remembered, even though she couldn’t say she liked the place. It was still full to the brim of all sorts of odd people, people you shouldn’t associate with, no matter who you were. The eyes turned at the couple who had just walked in, and some started whispering immediately, Andromeda hadn’t thought people would recognise her that soon, but realised her looks screamed ‘Black’. It was something she couldn’t escape, and she didn’t mind her looks, all Black’s weren’t pure evil, she felt a stab in her chest as she thought of her sister, cousin and uncle.
“Andromeda!?” A man’s voice called out from the crowd, as he made his way to her, Andromeda wore her mask, refusing to let anyone who had nothing to do with her know her true feelings, although she was quite confused why a hooded man wanted to speak to her.
The hooded man stood now in front of them, and he pulled them out of sight of the other pub guests, they were brought into a room at the back, and when the door had sealed itself shut, the man turned to them again. Ted kept a firm grasp of Andromeda, whilst holding his wand tightly gripped in his other hand, Andromeda did much the same. But they hadn’t time to question why or who the hooded creature was, when he dropped his hood, Andromeda’s eyes widened, and she flung herself around the man’s neck, embracing him tightly, feeling tears run down her cheeks, the man stroke her back gently, whilst muttering things in her ear Ted couldn’t hear. Ted was very confused, and felt very much as if he was missing something vital because had Andromeda just flung herself on an unknown man?
Andromeda seemed to realise how odd it must look to him, so she let go of the man, dried her tears with the back of her hand before turning to Ted, with a small smile,
“Ted, this is my uncle, Alphard Black, Uncle, this is Ted Tonks.”
Alphard smiled, and reached his hand out to shake Ted’s,
“Nice to meet you, Ted. I assume you’re the boy who stole our dear Andy’s heart.”
Ted still looked very suspicious, as he nodded,
“That would be me, yes.”
Andromeda laughed at Ted’s facial expression,
“Don’t look so suspicious, Ted. Uncle Alphard has nothing against muggleborns. He’s one of the few normal people in my…” Andromeda trailed of suddenly remembering that she didn’t really have a place in the family no more. Uncle Alphard put a hand on her shoulder,
“Don’t let them get to you. You will always be a part of the family, Andy. Words can’t break blood bands. Besides it’s more our loss than yours, for we have never had such a brilliant, kind, warm-hearted witch in the Black family.”
“I miss you, I do miss almost all of you, even though I know I made the right choice.” Andromeda said her voice a little shakier than usual, her uncle smiled sadly,
“You are missed as well, not only by me, I have never seen Bellatrix so down, or Sirius for that matter, I went to tell him since he’s at school, he did say you rock though as well. Never believe you weren’t loved by someone in your family, no matter what your stupid dementor of a mother said.”
Andromeda laughed at the last,
“Yes, I don’t really miss her,”
“Quite understandable,” Her uncle smiled, “Now, I have to ask… when are you two tying the knot?”
Ted seemed quite flushed with the question, and Andromeda looked down at her feet,
“You haven’t asked yet? She gives up her whole family, and you haven’t asked?” Uncle Alphard said pretending to be upset, only Ted didn’t quite get that part. He just looked a little ashamed and started stuttering,
“Well, Sir, I, um, was going to, but, eh, I wanted it to be special…”
Andromeda looked at Ted hiding her mirth, and at the same time feeling quite happy at what he was saying, Uncle Alphard kept his mask for another second, having Ted sweat nervously,
“I’m just joking with you, Lad.” Uncle Alphard chuckled, “Oh, dear.”
Ted’s ear tips turned pink,
“Now, I’ll keep my eyes and ears out, I might be able to sneak off to your wedding, if I’m welcomed,” Uncle Alphard said, and Andromeda took hold of his hands,
“Of course you are uncle,”
Uncle Alphard placed a kiss on her cheek,
“I’m so proud of you Andy, so proud you made the right choice. Until next time,”
“Thank you, Uncle, yes, until next time,”
As soon as she had uttered the ending words, her uncle brought his hood up again and they left the room, this time Andromeda and Ted hurried together out of the pub, out to Diagon Alley.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

24 nov, 2018 20:31

Avis Fortunae



Först vill jag bara säga att jag blir väldigt berörd av kapitel 52! Hur Andy först inte vill visa sina känslor, men hur ömsint Ted naturligtvis tröstar henne, säger att hon har rätt till sina känslor och att hon är modig.

Det är klart att hon nu har väldigt blandade känslor, vilket du uttrycker så bra: If Andromeda was being fair, she knew not even a quarter of their world, but to fully dive into the unknown when she didn’t even know where she had her own world was terrifying to her.

Vilken tur att Uncle Alphard dyker upp som en försäkring om att alla i hennes familj inte tar avstånd, och att han även kan säga några ord om de i familjen som hon saknar mest, som Bella och Sirius.

Jag skulle gärna följa Andy och Ted i hela deras liv! ♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

24 nov, 2018 21:55

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