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All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

Forum > Fanfiction > All that was needed was a pregnancy [ENG]

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Awh, vet hur det känns! Men ta den tid du behöver och stressa inte, vi kan vänta!

31 dec, 2011 00:01



Vi håller tummarna! ♥

31 dec, 2011 00:30



Skrivet av DyingToShoutOut:
GAAAAAH! Jag har verkligen fastnat, hörni! MEN, jag kämpar på! Tar dock lite längre tid för mig att uppdatera än vad jag lovat... Imorgon lär det inte bli något i alla fall och jag vet inte om jag kommer vara i så bra skick till att skriva på söndag, men jag lovar att jag ska försöka göra det så fort jag bara kan! Tappa inte lusten att läsa mer bara! Jag hatar verkligen när det bara säger stopp... Vill ju verkligen få till det här Ni vet att jag älskar er och utan er skulle jag aldrig klara av att fortsätta skriva! Ni är verkligen en inspiration! Håll tummarna på att jag får till det här kapitlet snart så vi kan gå vidare med storyn PUSS

Skrivstopp är hemskt.. Jag hatar att få det själv, jag vet hur tråkigt det är. Håller tummarna iaf

31 dec, 2011 11:36



Håller med. Har haft det i en månad nu typ, men det känns hur skönt som helst att få ihop kapitlet sen

31 dec, 2011 11:42



Haha var uttråkad, visste du att Gudgeon heter sandkrypare enligt Google Translate?

31 dec, 2011 21:46



Jättebra bevakar.

1 jan, 2012 16:59



Wow, det här är verkligen, verkligen bra!
Du är grym! Längtar så efter nästa del!

Läs gärna mina fanfictions; Som du (Lily och Petunia) och Andromedas val. ^^

1 jan, 2012 17:57




Jag är inte stolt över detta kapitlet... Jag har försökt att vrida och vända på det, skriva om och ändra om, men jag kan inte få till det, så det får duga såhär. Jag har nämligen så himla många idéer för den här fanfictionen som jag vill komma vidare till. Hoppas att ni tycker att det är någorlunda bra ändå och vill fortsätta läsa! Tack igen alla! ♥

10. The ignorance of not knowing

It was amusing to see Kia angry, and kind of scary; the way she would snap at everyone and everything whenever things didn't go as she'd planned. She was currently sitting in front of the full body mirror in the bathroom trying to put on makeup, but every time something went wrong she would let out a frustrated shriek and do it all over again. Lily had never once in her six and a half years at Hogwarts seen her like this. She was like a bomb about to explode, but at least now there were two persons who would not enjoy the Christmas ball.

Lily snickered spitefully from where she sat on her bed wearing her pajamas and trying to be invisible. The oval room was a mess, seeing that everyone else was getting ready for tonight. Mary had gotten second thoughts on her dress and was now going through her entire closet, Alice couldn't get her eye shadow to look good and Dorcas was panicking, seeing how she'd just started to get ready. It was so typical of her to postpone everything till the last moment.

Lily shook her head slightly and lowered her gaze to the Defense against the dark arts book in front of her. She was trying to do some homework but it didn't go well. There was always something else on her mind nowadays, something to prevent her from doing her homework. If it wasn't the baby growing inside of her, it was angst about not telling James, or guilt and disgust from sleeping with Sirius, or, as in this case, the ignorance of not knowing what would happen from here on out.

Were James and Kia breaking up? Would James ever forgive her for sleeping with his best friend? Would her child have to grow up without a father and grandparents?

By lunch time the whole school had heard about James's howler and her escape. That was the worst part about living in a boarding school with hundreds of other teenagers; words traveled really fast. And most of the time not even half of the rumors were true.

All day people had whispered things like “Heard she's pregnant... poor thing... should be expelled... slut... what a role model... tramp... shouldn't be head girl... whore” wherever she went. Some girls even asked if it was true James put a love potion in her pumpkin juice. Like, come on. James would never ever do that to her, not in a million years.

With a sigh Lily snapped her book closed and put it on her nightstand. She might as well try to get some sleep; it wasn't like she would get anywhere with her studying anyway and the sooner she fell asleep, the sooner it would be tomorrow.

“I'm going crazy, L”, Mary cried from where she stood in front of the mirror, pulling at the fabric of the dress she was currently wearing. It was a long, red, strapless polyester dress with silver details and she looked absolutely stunning. “I need your advice. What do you think? Is it a little too much?”

“It's perfect. You look perfect, M”, Lily said truthfully.

“You really think so? I mean red has never really been my color and--” Mary rambled, but was interrupted by Lily.

“Mary!” she said, chuckling at her anxiousness. “Listen to me, honey, you look beautiful, I promise.”

Mary took a deep breath to calm down her nerves and sat down at the end of the bed, next to Lily's legs. “Thank you, Lily. I really wish you'd come; it won't be as much fun without you. I mean we've talked about this day for ages.”

“I know Mary. This wasn't my plan; to get knocked up”, Lily said gesturing to her stomach, trying to lighten the mood a little. “Besides, you know I wouldn't fit in a dress right now, and I don't have a date. It would be nothing like we imagined. You'll have fun without me, trust me.”

Mary smiled sadly. “I love you, Lily”, she said and stood with a grimace. “Oh man, these shoes are going to kill me”, she groaned as she walked out of there and Lily laughed, crawling under the sheets.

A few minutes later she was all alone in the dormitory, but it wasn't long until someone knocked on the door. Lily furrowed her brows and walked over to it, opening it. Outside stood a short girl with raven hair. She didn't look to be more than twelve.

“Lily Evans, Sirius Black is downstairs, h-he wants to talk to you, please come down”, the girl said nervously.

Lily sighed, she didn't want anything to do with him and she couldn't care less about what he had to say to her. “Tell him that I'd rather forgive Snape, than talk to him”, she told the girl and closed the dormitory door.

Lily had just crawled back into bed when there was another knock on the door. With a sigh she threw the cover off of her and threw open the door, just to find the same poor girl standing there.

“He says he wont take no for an answer and that he'll be sending up girls to your dorm all night till you agree to talk to him”, the girl said in one intake of breath.

Lily felt the anger and irritation grow inside of her. “He can't send girls up here if I'm not here”, Lily said and pushed past the girl.

When Playtime Becomes Reality [SV]

2 jan, 2012 17:42

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-01- 2 kl. 22:25
Antal ändringar: 2



Åh så bra! Är lite nyfiken på om det blir något snack mellan Lily och någon lärare i framtiden Det är verkligen jättebra och spännande läsning!


2 jan, 2012 17:50




O yeaaaaaaah Nu blev jag glad Det var visst bra, du kan skriva ett helt inlägg om att hon bara går runt i en labyrint och det kommer fortfarande bli fantastiskt, kom ihåg det ♥

2 jan, 2012 17:52

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