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MelodyJoseph: The Age of Enlightenment, The French Revolution, The American Revolution and The Industrial Revolution. :c Whyyy, oh, whyyyy

21 okt, 2011 20:15



So many revolutions! We had The French Revolution and The Industrial Revolution last year. My history is good not the best but I did well even If I was mindfucked the most of the time .___.

21 okt, 2011 20:18



MelodyJoseph Oh, my. I just realised that I wrote them in the wrong order, sorry about that. What I really meant to write is; The Age of Enlightenment, The American Revolution, The French Revolution and The Industrial Revolution.

Not that anybody cares...

21 okt, 2011 20:23



Skrivet av Borttagen:

MelodyJoseph: The Age of Enlightenment, The French Revolution, The American Revolution and The Industrial Revolution. :c Whyyy, oh, whyyyy

Skrivet av Borttagen:
So many revolutions! We had The French Revolution and The Industrial Revolution last year. My history is good not the best but I did well even If I was mindfucked the most of the time .___.

We had all the revolutions last year too. And boy, it was so hard :c


21 okt, 2011 20:25



Skrivet av superman:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
I hated it in school that we were forced to learn english in brittish. I always thoght american was ''cooler'' and easier. Well thats completly bullshit now 8D. BRITTISH FOREVER!
I talked in an American accent a few years ago, but now I've completely lost it and joined the Brittish (and much cooler) side. Nowadays it's impossible to speak anything but Brittish, American pronunciation sound so very wrong in my mouth and the words just won't come out!

I would like to learn some canada slang though... I want to be a Canuck!

21 okt, 2011 20:28



The french revolution was alot easier imo. The industrial revolution was...ugh..

21 okt, 2011 20:28



Me too. But I've forgotten tons of things, so now it's like learning everything from scratch. The Age of Enlightenment, The American Revolution and The Industrial Revolution are okay. It's the French Revolution that I'm having trouble with. So much to memorize...

21 okt, 2011 20:32



My friend tricked me, again, that The Marriage Stone had been updated. I got so mad at her. You just don't do that rhafjwfkefwe.

But also, I have gotten two new friends. It is quite nice.

However, I really need to do some hw for now. ghhhhheu

"We should love people and use things, but unfortunately we love things and use people."

21 okt, 2011 20:37



^I hate that! When you forget and later have to memorize it all again. But our teacher decided we should have a Revolution - Week I had a hard time choosing between the Iranian Revolution and Russian Revolution.

21 okt, 2011 20:38

Dracos Tvillingsyster


Today when we had a english test i wrote hummingbirt. Seriously, HUMMINGBIRT.
I laughed so much.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2Fb6985ca415f52e0bb90d95bc0b8bdb4f%2Ftumblr_mnwskqWtcW1rugdk1o1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2F2a1094019f067062eba0121b73077e53%2Ftumblr_inline_mnooy604vS1qz4rgp.gif

21 okt, 2011 20:41

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