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Andromeda Black [ENG]

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Avis Fortunae



Så väl du fångar stämningen, som är både sorglig och spännande. Allt närmar sig ett avgörande. Nu kan Andy och Rosier inte längre undvika varandra. Jag tycker faktiskt synd om dem båda, för han verkar inte heller vilja det här.

När tågresan beskrivs, med regnet på rutorna, går det verkligen inte att släppa texten. Allt kommer närmare, i takt med tåget - och Rosiers familj väntar på stationen ...

Tack och lov att Andy har Bellatrix, som ju är helt okej i den här storyn! Vad roligt det var när de pratade om "you know who" och hans tattoos

"it sounds like something a bunch of teenage girls would do"

Måste skratta, trots allvaret! Har svårt att tänka mig denna Bellatrix gå över på Voldie's sida och få en tattoo!

Längtar som alltid till nästa!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

11 okt, 2018 19:50

Pride Potter



Bra kapitel som vanligt! Men jag saknar Ted lite... Men bra ändå.


11 okt, 2018 20:27




Avis Fortunae Som vanligt är det alltid roligt att läsa din kommentar och vad du tycker. Visst börjar spänningen trappas upp...
Vi får bara vänta och se vad som händer...

Pride Potter Vad kul att du tyckte om det! Jag håller med, saknar också Ted. Men han kommer tillbaka så småningom...

Chapter 45
If dinner had been awkward at Christmas it was nothing against the dinner they experienced now. Andromeda was forced to sit beside Evan, and this time neither Sirius nor uncle Alphard could save her from the plague that was Evan Rosier. Bellatrix sat opposite of them next to Rodolphus who seemed to accompany the family wherever they went, and Narcissa sat next to their mother and their aunt. It had been a night full of awkward silences and stiff talks, Andromeda almost longed for those bloody exams again, most of all she longed for Ted. It was never uncomfortable with him, and it was never stiff, it was just pleasant.
Tea was to be had in the drawing room after dinner, and the adults left the teenagers to themselves in the room save Narcissa whom they kept with them.
Bellatrix and Andromeda sat crammed beside their escorts and wanted nothing more than the end of the evening. Discreetly Andromeda tried to watch her wrist clock; approximately three more hours, she released a breath of annoyance before returning her attention upon the conversation.
“Is yours still sore?” Evan asked Rodolphus who unconsciously put a hand on his left arm,
Andromeda felt a little sick at this, it seemed her cousin too had joined Voldemort. It was the latest ‘trend’ amongst their lot of unhappy teenagers. Though half of them didn’t understand to what extremes this Voldemort might go.
“Have you told her?” Rodolphus asked Bellatrix with a slimy smile, her sister gave him a cold look,
“I haven’t,”
Rodolphus suddenly took a lot more interest in Andromeda, something which made her a lot more uncomfortable, he leaned in towards her, making sure the adults on the other end of the room couldn’t hear,
“He wants you.”
He gave her a wicked smile, and retreated a little further from her person again, Andromeda managed to get out a plain,
“Who?” even though she knew very well of whom they were speaking – Voldemort had requested her for his army.
“The dark lord of course. He heard of your achievements at school and wants you for his army. We’re going to meet again soon, if you want to come.” Rodolphus sneered, he for one couldn’t understand how someone could want a woman for the task.
Andromeda’s heart was beating wildly in her chest, she was almost afraid, it took her a second to regain her composure,
“I certainly shall not.” It was decisive, and it irritated the two men, who both rolled their eyes,
“You know you haven’t a choice?” Evan dryly said, “He doesn’t ask, he commands-“
Andromeda felt her courage raise at their opposition,
“The dark lord as you call him, doesn’t own me. I am free to do as I like. I am not his house-elf”
Rodolphus gave a raw laugh,
“Oh fine, Miss Black does what she wants. But when he kills you there’s no going back.”
Bellatrix were about to interfere, but Andromeda’s tongue was quicker,
“Well, at least I didn’t submit to a half-blood.”
Rodolphus had to control every ounce of his muscles lest he hit her,
“You dare defy him… you dare defy your own heritage.”
Andromeda raised her eyebrows,
“Might I remind you, Lestrange, that our family’s motto is ‘Tojour pur’ – which means always pure. It doesn’t exactly encourage you to follow a half-blood.”
Evan gave her a nasty grin,
“He won’t be happy with you, Mark my words Andromeda, you’ve made yourself a great enemy tonight!”

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

14 okt, 2018 23:09

Pride Potter



Superbra kapitel! Vet inte vad jag ska säga, men det var superbra i alla fall.


15 okt, 2018 07:57

Avis Fortunae



Superbra som vanligt! Hon dras bara längre och längre in i mörkret och nu vill Voldemort ha henne också ... Hur ska hon hitta tillbaka till Ted?

Måste säga att hon hanterade situationen väldigt fyndigt på slutet, med att hon inte ville följa ett halvblod!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

15 okt, 2018 19:13




Bra som vanligt!
Gillade hennes svar till rodolphus och Evas i slutet!
Vad ska hända nu med henne å Ted!?

I'm dead Sirius!

15 okt, 2018 20:54




Åh, blir som vanligt jätteglad för alla era kommentarer! =) Kunde till och med inte låta bli att posta nästa kapitel fast jag inte tänkt göra det förrän i övermorgon, men...

Chapter 46
After that conversation about Voldemort the rest of that night had only gone downhill from there and the ties between her and Evan had only further severed, not that it was much to begin with. However, as Andromeda and Bellatrix lay in the sun on the grass for the first time in weeks since Andromeda’s healer apprentice had started, Andromeda couldn’t help but feel how lucky she was to have a sister such as Bellatrix. Furthermore, she was still alive despite having ‘defied’ the dark lord a couple of weeks ago. But on the downside, more disappearances had been reported as well as mysterious deaths – which meant the war really had started. She thought about Ted a lot, they had owled each other, under code names and cryptic text. Everything to avoid her mother finding anything out.
“Andy?” Bellatrix softly said as she was chewing on a piece of green grass, Andromeda opened her eyes and was met with the blue sky,
It took a moment before Bellatrix continued, which had Andromeda believe it was something she was very hesitant about asking,
“Are you in love?” it was a mere whisper, and Andromeda almost thought she hadn’t heard it. What would she answer that? – Of course, she was in love. Very much so. It hurt her physically the way she loved Ted, but she couldn’t say that. Not out loud to another human being that wasn’t him. They wouldn’t understand. Though if Bellatrix didn’t, she didn’t really love her. Or what had Arthur said Cedrella had said?
‘It was never her choice. It was theirs.”
“Um, I suppose.” Andromeda replied uncertainly after a few seconds thought, Bellatrix rolled over on her stomach, so she could look at her sister.
“Then why are you still here?”
Andromeda sat up and looked at Bellatrix and saw something desperate within her dark eyes, her query really shook her,
“Why are you still here?” Bellatrix emphasised and put a hand on her sister’s shoulder, “Why haven’t you left?”
“Do you want me to leave?” Andromeda was confused, and Bellatrix closed her eyes for a second,
“I don’t want you to throw your life away.”
“What are you talking about?” Andromeda asked quietly almost afraid,
“Don’t stay because of me, Andy! “Bellatrix voice was brittle, and tears started to form in her eyes,
“Bella, you’re not making sense!” Andromeda plead,
“Andy, listen to me. If you really love him, and if he really loves you, go with him!” Bellatrix took hold of Andromeda’s hands.
“Who?” Andromeda’s voice didn’t quite carry her,
“Ted. Oh Merlin, Andy, I read your diary that time and I figured the rest out myself. I’m sorry!” Bellatrix rambled in an emotional way, and Andromeda just looked at her perplexed,
“You’ve known for months?”
“I, yes. I don’t want you to stay out of obligation. I have only ever loved you, in a sisterly way, and I will never know love. It’s too late for me, I must marry Rodolphus. But you can Andy, you can choose love. The times… are getting darker, Andy. I don’t want you to be on this side, I don’t want them to twist your wonderful mind.” Bellatrix put a hand to Andromeda’s cheek, and she leaned in,
“You don’t h-hate me because of it then?” Andromeda asked afraid of her answer,
Bellatrix shook her head,
“I could never hate you. He’s a good guy. You deserve one of them. You deserve happiness and love. I’ll be glad just knowing that you got a great life in the end. I love you, you are dearest to me, sister.”
Andromeda cheeks were wet with tears, and the day who she had thought so bright and warm, suddenly felt dark and cold.
“Why do you make this sound like a suicide note? -You’re not going to…”
“In a way, it sort of is. In a way a part of me dies. But never you mind that.” Bellatrix stood up and gave her sister a hand up.
“But I won’t leave you. You can still see me if I choose him. Would you really shun me?” Andromeda wept, Bellatrix put her arms around her,
“You would never be less dear to me. Never. But we can’t see each other. It was never really our choice. It just has to be this way.”
“But I can’t be with Ted. I’ll only put him in more danger.” Andromeda whispered, “You see, Voldemort wants me dead, and if my family name changes, he will strike at me and everyone I love.”
Bellatrix bit her lip,
“He won’t”
Andromeda looked at her sister, and saw the light go out,
“Why would he not?”
Bellatrix braced herself, and cleared her throat,
“Because I traded him.”
Andromeda gasped,
“What did you do!?”
It hadn’t meant to be a cry, but it was nonetheless, and Bellatrix let it ring in her ears,
“I gave him my life for yours.”
“He’s going to kill you?” Andromeda sobbed, Bellatrix held her,
“N-no, I promised to devote my life to him, to serve him as the most l-loyal servant.”
“No!” Andromeda bellowed, and she tried to shake her sister about, but Bellatrix held her in a firm grip,
“Let it be, Andy. There was no other way! Please understand, I did it for you. You have to leave before things get way out of hand. I don’t want you to ever see that side of me!” Bellatrix said, and the tears rolled down her cheeks,
“Tell me its not true!” Andromeda begged, but Bellatrix shook her head and then she pulled up her sleeve; there it was. The tattoo, the mark, she was his.

Skriv gärna vad ni tyckte! =)
Är ju mest på skoj, men tar gärna emot kritik

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

15 okt, 2018 21:11




Okej, jag gillar verkligen den här, även om jag sällan läser på engelska annars. Tycker om sättet du målar upp karaktärer, de känns som djupa unika individer.

ps. but Bellatrix shook her head and then she pulled up her sleeve; there it was. The tattoo, the mark, she was his. 10/10

15 okt, 2018 22:54

Pride Potter



Det känns verkligen som att det var såhär nu. Att Bellatrix offrade sig, alltså. Så nu gillar jag henne mer, men jag gillar henne ändå inte, för hon försökte
Tryck här för att visa!döda Ginny.

Och precis som den över mig skrev:
Tryck här för att visa!but Bellatrix shook her head and then she pulled up her sleeve; there it was. The tattoo, the mark, she was his.

1000 000 000/10


16 okt, 2018 10:51

Avis Fortunae



Bästa kapitlet ever!

Som allt annat du skriver känns det hundra procent trovärdigt, djupt och genomtänkt. Nu kan jag plötsligt se, hur det skulle kunna fortsätta för Bellatrix ungefär som i boken.

Det här känns som ett avgörande. Vad kommer Andromeda att göra?

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

16 okt, 2018 19:04

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