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The years of light and magic (Eng)

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Jag är ett geni och glömde bort användarnamnet till mitt gamla konto... (vilket e fine för jag var inte så nöjd med det oavsett)

Hur som helst, för de här som är intresserade av marodörerna och/eller James/Lily och som inte har något emot att läsa på engelska, tänkte jag informera att jag nyss publicerade första kapitlet av min Marauders era fanfiction på fanfiction.net

Vet inte hur många det är i svenska communityet som är intresserade av detta (någon som är snälla skicka en uggla till mig för jag känner inte till någon) då många verkar gilla Snape, men om min fic kan göra någons dag en smula bättre så är det värt ett försök.

Hur som helst, den ligger på fanfiction.net och det är där jag kommer publicera de senare delarna också, men jag lägger in en del av första kapitlet i spoilern så att ni får ett smakprov.

Så, kort förklarat är det en fic som följer marodörerna, Lily och hennes vänner genom deras liv, med början 5te året.

Tryck här för att visa!
It was the first day of September, not autumn enough for the leaves to turn red on the trees, yet not summer enough for the sun to warm the pavement outside King's Cross station. A car, a small, blue Volvo, pulled up and stopped abruptly outside. A redheaded girl opened the back door, bag over her shoulder and a black cat in her arms. She grabbed the trolley her mother handed her and put the cat inside the cage that her father had placed on top of it. She went in front of her parents through the doors to the station. Inside the station, she pushed herself through the mass of people standing in line to buy tickets, or watching maps, their eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Lils!" Next thing Lily knew someone was hugging her tightly around her back. She turned around to discover her friend Marlene.

"Marls!" Lily hugged her friend back. "You're tanned! I take it Greece was good."

"It was great." Marlene's brown eyes sparkled. "Except that mum thought she needed to hold my hand every time we went out of the hotel. I was just like 'I'm not five years old'.""

"Where is your mother now?"

"I think she took Ellie to the platform. She had a meltdown this morning when she realised all her kids are 'all grown up'."" Marlene did an not too convincing imitation of her mother's voice. "I don't see how she can think eleven is grown up."

Her parents had caught up with them now and Lily's mother must've heard their conversation. "Maybe you should pay your mother some respect. It's hard to see your kids growing up, and now she will be home all alone too. I remember the first time Lily went away, I cried for days."

"Mum, go away," Lily murmured. She loved her parents, except for when they were interrupting her conversations with their "wise words"". Lily's mum ruffled Lily's long red hair before stepping back and talking to Lily's dad instead. Lily turned to Marlene again with a laugh.

"So your mum let you walk around the big scary train station all on your own huh? She must really be a wreck." If Lily had learnt something from her visits at the McKinnons it was that she was lucky to have parents who didn''t snoop on her. Mrs. McKinnon, on the other hand, wanted to know everything: where they had been, what they had done, who they had met.

"Kind of," Marlene laughed. "Have you heard anything from the others?"

"No. I guess Mary will come running in at the last minute as usual, and Alice is probably on the platform already."

"How much time left until we need to get there?" Marlene asked her and Lily checked her watch.

"I would say ten minutes, fifteen at most."

"Perfect, I need to buy salted almonds." Marlene smiled and dragged a few pound bills from her purse. Lily asked her parents to watch their trolleys as she and Marlene went over to the small store selling candy, magazines and fruit.

While Marlene payed for her almonds, Lily grabbed a few packages of her favourite muggle chewing gum.

"Fruit, huh? I would've taken you for a spearmint girl Evans." Lily turned around quickly at the sound of the familiar voice. Sirius Black stood leaned against the gum shelf, a bag of crisps in his hand.

"What're you doing here Black? Where's Potter?" Lily snapped. During the summer she had almost managed to forget how annoying James Potter and his best friend were.

"Your soulmate is currently paying for our candy."

"Never. Call. That. Arrogant. Git. My. Soulmate. Ever. Again." Lily hissed before throwing the gums on the counter together with the muggle money in her wallet.

"Come on Marls. We need to get to the train." She snapped when she got her change. Marlene followed her out of the store without a word. Her parents waited for them not far from the barrier between platform 9 and 10. Together she and Marlene ran towards the solid brick wall.

"Does that ever stop being scary?" Lily wondered when they were on the other side. "I always expect myself to crash into the wall.""

"Why?" Marlene wondered.

"I don't know…maybe because in the muggle world solid brick walls don't so often turn out to be unseen entrances to other worlds." Marlene laughed and Lily hit her arm. "I'm serious!""

They were almost at the end of the platform when Marlene pointed at Alice, who stood next to a woman looking much like her.

"That's her mother, right?" Lily asked Marlene in a whisper. Marlene nodded. Lily grabbed a steadier grip of her trolley before running up next to Alice.

"Hi Al!" She said before turning to Alice's mum. "Hello Mrs. Fortescue."

"Red hair, green eyes and a bright smile, you must be Lily," Alice's mother sais. Lily nodded. ""It's lovely to meet you, Lily," Mrs. Fortescue smiled at her before spotting Marlene.

"Oh Marlene, you've grown so much!" Marlene gave her an insecure smile. "I said that to Harold just this morning, 'the girls are growing up to ladies', I said. Didn't I, Alice dear?"" Alice hid her face in her hands and Marlene looked happy to get an excuse to get away when Lily's parents appeared in the crowd.

"I guess we should board," Lily whispered.

"Guess so", Marlene nodded in approval. The three girls started lifting their trunks on board the train.

"Lilypad! Can't an old dad get a goodbye before his daughter goes away for a year?" Lily nodded at him and finished lifting Marlene''s trunk up the stairs of the train before walking back to her parents.

"Have a nice term now, honey", he said while he dragged her into a hug. Lily hugged him back before turning to her mother.

"Bye, mum."

"Promise you'll write", her mother grabbed her shoulders, "every week. I want to know everything that's going on in my baby's life. I'll miss you so much.""

"Mum, you'll see me again by Christmas."

"I know but you're my baby girl, I don't want you to go away at all." Her mum looked at her and stroke a hand over her cheek.

"Look at this, our little girl, all grown up," Lily's dad put his arm around her mum and stroked his hand against her back, but Lily could see his eyes sparkling at her.

The train spat out smoke and Lily hastily said goodbye to both her parents, promising once again she would write, before boarding the train together with Alice and Marlene, who had just finished saying goodbye to their own families. Marlene had her younger sister Ellie with herhe tiny girl held Marlene's hand hard as they walked through the corridors of the train. They found Mary in a compartment in the back of the train together with Dorcas Meadows, a Hufflepuff in their year who hung out with them from time to time.

"Hi Dora. Mary." Marlene nodded at the two girls.

They put their trunks on the luggage shelf before sitting down. Lily fiddled with her prefect badge. A feeling she had forgotten about something gnawing in her chest.

What Alice said ten minutes later abruptly reminded her. "Lils, shouldn't you be in the prefect compartment?

"Oh Merlin. Thanks Al!" Lily quickly got out of the compartment and made her way through the corridor of the train.

Hoppas ni gillade det, om ni vill läsa resten av det (och de senare delarna) så finns de här: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12282869/1/The-Years-Of-Light-And-Magic

21 dec, 2016 19:52



Wow du skriver sjukt bra!!!!!
Marlene vad menar du med att Grekland var bara bra den ÄR BÄST!!!!

21 dec, 2016 20:49



Omg tack så mycket!!! ♥
Om folk är intresserade kommer jag förmodligen meddela här när jag lägger upp ett nytt kapitel

21 dec, 2016 20:58



Skrivet av foreverjily:
Omg tack så mycket!!! ♥
Om folk är intresserade kommer jag förmodligen meddela här när jag lägger upp ett nytt kapitel

Hoppas att många är det för annars missar de en superbra möjlighet!

21 dec, 2016 21:19



foreverjily Åhhh super bra jag tyckte att den var så bra skriven, jag älskar fanfictions specielt dem på engelska eftersom att jag läste harry potter på engelska första gången. Tack foreverjily du räddar mitt jullov.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F05ec3638a8e903ddbe5956862ee9639d%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D5092204 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fe.studio92.com%2Fnormal%2F2016%2F08%2F01%2F208391welcome-to-the-black-gif.gif

21 dec, 2016 22:20



Skrivet av tuvaF:
foreverjily Åhhh super bra jag tyckte att den var så bra skriven, jag älskar fanfictions specielt dem på engelska eftersom att jag läste harry potter på engelska första gången. Tack foreverjily du räddar mitt jullov.

Tack så jättemycket!!!!!!!! Glad att jag kunde hjälpa till.

21 dec, 2016 22:27



Skrivet av foreverjily:
Skrivet av tuvaF:
foreverjily Åhhh super bra jag tyckte att den var så bra skriven, jag älskar fanfictions specielt dem på engelska eftersom att jag läste harry potter på engelska första gången. Tack foreverjily du räddar mitt jullov.

Tack så jättemycket!!!!!!!! Glad att jag kunde hjälpa till.

Du hjälpte mig med, nu kommer jag läsa många fanfiction så det blev rena guldlovet xD

21 dec, 2016 22:28



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av foreverjily:
Skrivet av tuvaF:
foreverjily Åhhh super bra jag tyckte att den var så bra skriven, jag älskar fanfictions specielt dem på engelska eftersom att jag läste harry potter på engelska första gången. Tack foreverjily du räddar mitt jullov.

Tack så jättemycket!!!!!!!! Glad att jag kunde hjälpa till.

Du hjälpte mig med, nu kommer jag läsa många fanfiction så det blev rena guldlovet xD

Det är alltid kul tills man kommer till slutet...
Det är nakdelen med att varenda en av ens favoritkaraktärer dör.

21 dec, 2016 22:30



Skrivet av foreverjily:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av foreverjily:
Skrivet av tuvaF:
foreverjily Åhhh super bra jag tyckte att den var så bra skriven, jag älskar fanfictions specielt dem på engelska eftersom att jag läste harry potter på engelska första gången. Tack foreverjily du räddar mitt jullov.

Tack så jättemycket!!!!!!!! Glad att jag kunde hjälpa till.

Du hjälpte mig med, nu kommer jag läsa många fanfiction så det blev rena guldlovet xD

Det är alltid kul tills man kommer till slutet...
Det är nakdelen med att varenda en av ens favoritkaraktärer dör.

21 dec, 2016 22:31



Skrivet av foreverjily:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av foreverjily:
Skrivet av tuvaF:
foreverjily Åhhh super bra jag tyckte att den var så bra skriven, jag älskar fanfictions specielt dem på engelska eftersom att jag läste harry potter på engelska första gången. Tack foreverjily du räddar mitt jullov.

Tack så jättemycket!!!!!!!! Glad att jag kunde hjälpa till.

Du hjälpte mig med, nu kommer jag läsa många fanfiction så det blev rena guldlovet xD

Det är alltid kul tills man kommer till slutet...
Det är nakdelen med att varenda en av ens favoritkaraktärer dör.

ja jag önskade att Harry Potter slutade med lite färre karaktärer döda, men då hade det ju inte varit samma sak

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F05ec3638a8e903ddbe5956862ee9639d%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D5092204 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fe.studio92.com%2Fnormal%2F2016%2F08%2F01%2F208391welcome-to-the-black-gif.gif

21 dec, 2016 22:32

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